City of Sin: one by one The people behind the six scenes

For a while, this corner of the Grand Duke house appeared exceptionally quiet. After Richard determined that there were no enemies in the near side, he began to scan around with Truth Vision, and immediately saw a faint light spot flashing one by one in the sky, which was connected in a line and pointed northwest. ,

These light spots are the rule disturbance marks left by the Richard mental brand, and they clearly mark the direction of the Legendary Powerhouse clone ’s conscious escape,

Richard did not hesitate, immediately chased to the northwest. Divided Mind, who had been called before, caught up with Richard halfway, Richard short-distance sprint speed was above Divided Mind, but the long-distance flight was not as good as Divided Mind, and found that The hiding place of the famous Legendary Powerhouse will probably have a big battle afterwards. It would be better to save some physical energy Mana to deal with nature,

Shortly after the departure of Richard, the light spots in the sky gradually dimmed, that is, the disturbed rules finally recovered, and the light of this rule, except for the senior strongmen in this field, was only Richard himself Can see,

Divided Mind flew all the way, flying nearly half a hundred kilometers, and began to penetrate into the northern mountainous area of ​​the Principality of the Pearl Chain. A peak hidden in the clouds suddenly appeared in front of Richard. The marks left by the spiritual brand stop here.

Richard jumped off Divided Mind, let Divided Mind fly away, he was suspended in the air, slowly flying near the mountain peak, when he looked over from a distance, the mountain peak was not in view, even if the top of the northern country was covered The ice and snow are almost buried in the low-lying lead clouds from the middle of the mountain, but the Truth Vision of Richard can only be seen at a distance of a few hundred meters. Obviously, it is very strange. If it is not Truth Vision, I am afraid that I will only hit it. Will find the mountain,

This is a mountainous area full of wildness. Not only is there no trace, there are almost no birds and animals, the mountains are windy, the Richard is at the height of the snow line, one breath and one breath, the mouth and nose are as if they will immediately congeal The white gas,

As Richard approached, he was still continuously pulling high. When he finally hovered, he was already above the mountain peak. His index finger and thumb of his right hand gently rubbed, and a ray of flame jumped on the fingertip, showing It appeared a warm bright yellow, but then it seemed to be affected by the low temperature of the peak, the color faded, and finally turned to a swaying blue,

However, this disappearing heat source seems to be integrated into the peak at the foot of Richard, facing his direction, there is a large thick cloud thinning. When the flame at the fingertip of Richard is completely extinguished, the cloud has become half Transparent, vaguely revealing the blue-black mountain behind,

in the Void suddenly sounded a surprised and angry voice: “How can you find here.”

“It’s very difficult.” Richard sneered,

The voice said angrily: “No one can find here, not even Rios. It must have been told by Sabaru, right, I know he ca n’t be trusted.”

Richard looked down at the mountain below and said lightly: “Come out, there is no point in hiding anymore.”

There was a cloud of mist on the top of the mountain, and the scene changed after a while. An original courtyard appeared on the top of an empty mountain, with green trees, green grass, and a clear lake, obviously the mountain The peak is decorated with a huge illusion Magic Array, which completely hides the courtyard, and at the top of the snow-capped snow mountain all year round, this kind of southern country scene can naturally have the role of Magic Array,

A half-bare old man walked out of the courtyard, flew up, and stopped in front of Richard. The old man was not tall, but he was quite imposing. The two hooked beards on the upper lip were impressive, he With a pair of inverted triangle eyes, looking up and down at Richard, apparently wondering about the age of Richard and Mana,

“You are not a legend yet.” The old man’s voice is very sharp,

“Just now Level 20.” Richard was honest,

The old man was stunned and said, “How could it be that it was not a legend that could find it here, even Goddess of the Hunt could not trace me. Who is behind to help you, your teacher, let him come out.”

“My teacher is not in Faro.”

Old man hoarsely said: “Not in Faro not in Faro, you really are an intruder from Foreign Plane.”

“It ’s not surprising, do n’t the Giant Dragon believers come from another Plane.”

The old man was taken aback again: “How could you know that.”

Richard smiled sarcastically and said: “This kind of secret can also deceive the Faroese who have been fooled by Gods for many years.”

Finally, the Richard double pupils gradually light up, spraying a faint light, staring at the old man and saying, “Do you want to fight or surrender directly.”

Being touched by Richard ’s eyes, the old man suddenly shivered and screamed, “What are you doing.” He also suddenly showed a pale gray shimmer all over his body. The power of this bodyguard should belong to Battle Aura. Species, but combined with the various clues traced along the way, although the old man is Combatant, it is a very special kind of Combatant,

“Fight or surrender.” Richard repeated it, holding the knife handle of Moonlight,

After being questioned by Richard several times without giving face, the old man was obviously ignited, and said angrily: “Fight, you are not Legendary Mage, wait until you become a legend, and then talk about this big talk, you Who is your teacher, and what is your relationship with Rios, to be honest, maybe I will let you leave alive. “

Richard gently wiped the blade of the moonlight with his finger, and said lightly: “It ’s not a legend. When I was n’t Saint Realm, it was not the same as killing many Saint Realm strongmen, oh. That ’s right. Saint Realm is called Kingdom Guardian on the Faro side. “


Richard frowned and said, “Is this what you want to say, if there is nothing else, let’s go to war.”

The old man ’s face became more gloomy until then. After all, he is Legendary Powerhouse and has his own dignity. He ca n’t stand the contempt of Richard, especially Richard is not Legendary Powerhouse,

“I have been a legend for hundreds of years, and I have never seen an arrogant young man like you.” Half-way through the old man’s words, his figure suddenly disappeared and disappeared, as if he had not stepped on it. Into the void,

It turns out that the old man is not an indifferent person. After deciding to take over the battle, the words that are long and verbose are just used to confuse the enemy,

The sky is empty for a while, and the old man ’s shadow can no longer be seen,

The Richard standing in the air seemed to be startled, then turned around and looked around, raised his right hand, and several instantaneous ranges Detection Spell still went out, but nothing was obtained,

The time flows away one second at a time. Only the wind is roaring on the top of the mountain, and there is no trace of the old man at all,

The Richard left in on the spot was still staring blankly, suddenly firing seven or eight fireballs all around. The turbulent fire waves covered a large area, and even the clouds below were scattered a lot. Fortunately, the courtyard area should be With defense Magic Array, after a series of colorful lights flashed over, there was no substantial damage,

If Richard wants to use this method to force out the old people, then this method is too primitive. How could it be possible to get a Legendary Powerhouse with the advantages of hiding traces and making illusions,

Richard did n’t stop with his hands and was still making a seemingly futile attack, but his eyes flashed in his eyes, and he had locked a series of light gray footprints in Truth Vision,

This old man can hide his breath perfectly. At the beginning, he really got rid of the Richard ’s consciousness lock, but the traces left when borrowing the rule power are not so easy to erase,

Richard first tossed Detection Spell, and then upgraded to an aggressive spell, which is to make the hidden old man move. Sure enough, when the fireball of Richard burst, it also caught the mark of regular disturbance in Truth Vision, and a series of trajectory shows He quickly backed away, and then approached Richard from the front,

But one of them is particularly noticeable by Richard. The trail left by the old man traverses the burning flames, but the flame coverage in the field of vision does not show any anomalies, just like he has no entity at all,

This is absolutely anomalous. Although the fireballs of Richard are used to lure the enemy, they still inject a weak True Name power. Unlike ordinary magic flames, even Legendary Powerhouse, they ca n’t be used directly in such a quiet way. Entities come in contact, but Richard is also very clear. The strength level shown by this old man is only on the threshold of Legendary Powerhouse. It is impossible to have the ability to travel through the gap of Plane, that is, the flame is not affected, it is completely unreal Scene,

Richard has carefully prepared a trap, still looking to the left and right as if he could not find the exact target on the face, but the physical action is completely contrary to it. The moonlight in the hand suddenly slams and stabs at a point in front of him like lightning,

The rule imprint left by the old man of in the Void also retreated with the sudden, and the knife of Richard fell empty,

However, Richard sneered, a blue full moon appeared on the top of his head, and then he held the knife in his hands, and then a forward stab was formed. The blue light appeared on the moonlight, and then a blue knife shadow emerged, like Flying like a ball to the front left,

The old man ’s horrified and painful cry came from in the Void, and then the staggered figure emerged from a hundred meters away. He looked incredulous in his face, looked at the gray short sword in his hand, looked at the wound in his abdomen, and looked again. To Richard‘s eyes was full of fear,

There is an obvious gap in the gray short sword in the old man ’s hand, there is a faint blue fire burning on the broken surface, and the wound in his abdomen penetrates back and forth, you can see a faint blue line in the air, Passing through his wound and extending all the way to the distance, this blue line is the trail left by the shadow of the knife in the air, which will not be scattered for a long time,

In the old man ’s horrified pupils, these blue trajectories clearly bear the imprint of strong regular power. In his long memory, he has never seen several Legendary Powerhouse attacks use such strong regular power, which represents The power to control the rules is above the ordinary legend, but Richard is clearly not a legend,

He finally stared at the Richard‘s long knife and asked with a tremble: “Where did this knife come from.”

Richard said: “Relics of the Elven King’s Court.”

PS: During the recovery period, it is tentatively guaranteed to change a chapter every day, depending on the situation, two changes, in order to make up for the previous day ’s break, two changes today,

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