City of Sin: one by one is nine in the extinction

The earth is full of huge rift valleys with no bottom. Some can see the magma flowing dark-red at the bottom, while some rift valleys can’t see the bottom at all, only the thick mist lingers in the rift valley. These huge canyons in the novel are like wounds on the earth, one after another crisscrossed to the point of killing the mainland completely.

The dashing Richard suddenly stopped and quickly fell into a shallow ditch on the ground. Not far away, an Tomille Devilman came out from behind rocky mountain. This is a female with blonde hair and a face that is also pretty by human standards. Her both eyes transmitted the flame-like light and kept patrolling around. The huge chain flail in her hand dragged on the ground, beating with every ups and downs, making a throbbing sensation.

Richard immediately recalled all the information about Tomille Devilman, including their body structure, and where the fatal parts were. The height of Tomille Devilman is about two meters, which is a small figure among Daxodas people, but they have a huge power that is not commensurate with their body shape. They still like heavy weapons, but Agility and speed are average.

This is a young Tomille woman. The material of chain flail is average, and the weight is obviously much lighter than the strong Tomille Warrior weapon. The strength of the Tomille Devilman can be distinguished from the weight of the weapon.

Richard has condensed all his breath, and does not move while lying on the ground. But he knows that every Daxodas person is a good hunter. This female Tomille Devilman is obviously focused on searching the surrounding environment, and he will not be hidden for long.

At this moment, the sound of the ground chain flail dragging suddenly stopped! Without thinking, Richard immediately flew up, and the load in his hand was already opened. An Fireball Burst shot fiercely at Tomille Devilman.

The young Tomille woman grinned, revealing a gruesome grin. Her mouth usually looks similar to the mouth of a human woman, but once fully opened, the corner of the mouth can be cracked behind the ear root, revealing a large mouth of blood basin with hundreds of fine and sharp teeth!

She looked at Richard, accident/surprise at Richard‘s weak and young, but the delicious taste of young people made her excited, salivating from the teeth.

For the Fireball Burst shot by Richard, she didn’t even bother to ignore it, and slightly let the fireball hit the route directly, then strode towards Richard.

chain flail is still dragged to the ground, the other empty wrist spins strangely, but she is afraid that if a chain flail goes down, she will smash Richard into a meat sauce. .

But when passing by with Fireball Burst, Tomille female Devilman suddenly felt a strange breath from the fireball, it was a wild breath of destruction!

The Tomille female Devilman was too late to make reaction, so she screamed and was overwhelmed by the fire waves. The flame was not particularly hot, but it burned so much pain that she couldn’t tell! Under Destruction True Name, the attributes of Fireball Burst have already been transformed, with a breath of Abyss Hellfire, and the lethality is greatly enhanced.

The viscous flame is attached to the female Devilman, burning fiercely, as if the fierce beast swallowed flesh and blood.

Richard was quickly flipping and carrying it, and two Fireball Bursts were shot one after another. The screams of female Devilman were so shocking that they stumbled and clashed in the fire, even chain flail was thrown to the ground. But Richard knows that her vitality is extremely tenacious. Even if her whole body is burned to a layer, it is equivalent to a serious injury, she can still fight. Just look at her screaming, but still running towards Richard crookedly, you know.

The fire wave has passed, the female Devilman is still burning Hellfire, and she is constantly spraying red and black mist. Every time a spray of mist is sprayed, it will extinguish a piece of Hellfire. However, at this moment, the flash of electricity flashed in her eyes, and a feeling of danger coming stronger than before just filled her heart!

Barbarian Slaughterer is already out of the sheath, Richard holds the knife with both hands, and the front finger is flat. Such a simple action pulls out an afterimage! Then Richard figure flashed, on the spot disappeared, and suddenly appeared in front of Tomille female Devilman! And Barbarian Slaughterer has become a group of phantom, so fast that it can’t be seen at all!

There was a gust of wind, gently brushing over Devilman.

The action of Tomille female Devilman stopped suddenly. stunned looked at Richard, who had retreated to ten meters away, and made a rattling noise in his mouth, not knowing what to mumble.

Suddenly a large wound appeared on her neck, and small bloodstains continued to be combined into a larger wound, and in a blink of an eye, it became a vague flesh.

The head of the female Devilman suddenly flew out of the body and flew away, and the expression of stunned solidified on the face. And her breastplate was also covered with cracks, and numerous cracks spread like spider webs in all directions. Finally, a scary hole suddenly appeared in her chest, and her arms fell off the body.

The headless body of female Devilman stood for a long time before falling slowly.

Richard exhaled gently, suddenly sweating a lot. Just now he started Magic Powered Armament and driven Absolute Execution. Although the combat time is short, he has consumed more than half of his physical strength Mana. The Absolute Execution feature is like this, you will see life and death as soon as you shoot, if you can’t kill the other party, then you die by yourself.

Richard walked to the body of female Devilman quickly while adjusting her breathing and began to harvest the material.

Although the female Devilman is young and the strength is not very strong, the core quality of Joneng is excellent. This organ, which can be used as a sacrifice, determines the Devilman‘s combat talent. It seems that placed in Daxodas, this young female Devilman may also be a genius or something, but now fell early in Extinction Area Battlefield and became a sacrifice and Black Crystal in the Richard package.

Richard took a few minutes to process everything and then left quickly. He is in poor shape now. If there is another enemy, he doesn’t need to be as strong. As long as he is as strong as the female Devilman, he will most likely run away.

After a few hours, Richard (e3) found [e3 Novel] a hidden cave, after disposing the disguise, he rested inside and slowly recovered Mana.

His heart was beating fast, and it took a long time to calm down. The danger of Extinction Area Battlefield is really extraordinary, he just encountered the enemy one after another just after entering. This journey to Eternal Day City is more difficult than expected. But Richard touched the fate slab in his pocket, and the hard touch accident/surprise gave him a sense of security, and his heart gradually became stable, and he was able to rest.

Four hours later, Richard walked out of the cave and continued to be in the earth swiftly travel by the light of the blood-colored beam and the streamer of time in the sky.

This time Richard‘s luck is not very good, accidentally fell into the opponent’s ambush. Looking at the young Angke Thunder Centaur on the left and right quickly arrived, Richard looked very ugly.

Two Angkor Thunder Centaurs are of average strength, not as fierce as the Centaur Chief killed by White Night that day. But they also have the power of Norland Primary Level Saint Realm, two ends. And the speed of the horse is extremely fast. It is a natural hunter. At the current speed of Richard, it is impossible to escape, and it can only fight to the end!

Richard began to take a deep breath, put three long swords one by one in the ground, holding only Destiny Gemini in his hand, and then the madness of fighting intent began to ignite in the depths of both pupils!

A **** battle!

Richard first started Immolate (sacrifice), starting with an enhanced Chain Lightning of Level 8! After the double addition of Destruction True Name and Destiny Gemini, the blood-colored electro-optics are as thick as buckets! The electric light fell silently on the body of Centaur Warrior on the left, and a scary hole was cut through his horse. Human horses have powerful magic resistance, and they simply disdain the magic of the Level 16 human mage in front of them. As a result, they are hit by the magic of Richard that has gathered countless destructive power bonuses.

The Centaur Warrior on the right issued a shocking roar, and rushed towards Richard. Richard launched Absolute Execution, resolutely welcome!

Fresh flesh and blood!

Richard groaned and was swept by heavy hammer of Centaur Warrior, and his left arm could no longer be lifted. Just when Centaur Warrior shouted and raised his front hooves, preparing to give Richard a fatal blow, Richard opened his mouth, blowing out a stream of colorless and transparent fire! This is his final hole card, purely driven by Destruction True Name.

Centaur Warrior sneered, Warrior from Daxodas, no matter which race is not afraid of fire. But with the lesson in front of him, he raised his hand and waved a strong wind, trying to disperse the fire.

However, the fire flow is still condensed, and it sticks to the edge of the gang wind as if it is visible, and it reaches the arm in the blink of an eye, so the arm falls silently! When Centaur Warrior stayed, the pain had not reached the central nervous system, and the flames of fire had penetrated his chest.

Centaur Warrior looked down, looking at the wound that was growing silently and rapidly on his chest. I couldn’t figure out how a weak flame could be so powerful.

With the last question, Centaur Warrior collapsed. Richard stood up strongly, his face full of strange flushing, his body was uncomfortable like a fire, and even a breath of burnt smell could be revealed in his breath.

He was unable to dismember the Centaur Warrior body, barely dug out their heart, and quickly left the battlefield to find a hiding place.

Richard‘s heart is heavy at the moment, because his left arm is broken. At least one week away from Eternal Day City, in his current state, he can’t get there.

(e3) After finding the hiding place of [e3novel], Richard can no longer restrain fatigue and go to sleep. This sleep turned out to be three days and three nights.

When I woke up again, the first feeling of Richard was hunger, and he was extremely hungry. He felt that he could eat everything now, even the moss in the underground passage can become tasteless.

Richard propped up the body subconsciously, but there was a sharp pain in his left arm. He remembered that his left arm was broken, and his bones were broken into pieces. But the movement just now, obviously propped up the body with his left hand! Richard was surprised and happy, and hurriedly checked the state of his left arm. Only then did he find that the bones of his left arm had basically recovered, but there were still many cracks on his face, which could not bear too much force. ,

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