City of Sin: Ninety-nine spotlights

However, Richard did not expect that the number of VIPs present at this time was exceptionally large, and soon filled up all the seats in temple, even the temporary extra seats were not enough. “” Novel Network

More than one person came from many giants, not only the elders and heirs, but even the patriarchs of the branch families were present. The royal family is even more exaggerated, with four princes and two Imperial Princesss, and more than ten royal families of all sizes holding the rights of a certain field.

Your Majesty the Emperor did not appear in person, but the attendants around him showed that His Majesty ’s both eyes was watching here. Temple of the Eternal Dragon also came with two High Priest and a deputy head of the Knights. Anyone who really knows the inside story of Dragon Temple knows that this deputy head is actually the chosen by Heaven guard of High Priestess Ferlyn. In other words, High Priest‘s both eyes is also watching here.

Because there are too many people coming, all the guards, servants, and even people with lesser identity have to give up their seats and retreat to the temple door to wait for news. Vonster also almost lost his seat. Fortunately, his Runemaster status has given him some preferential treatment and can stand beside Luno. This made him even more resentful of Richard.

10:10, Richard appeared on stage on time. He omitted the lengthy polite sets and speeches, but straightforwardly announced the start of the press conference.

Gentlemen, ladies! This is a temporary Rune conference, and the release is only a non-standard Rune of Rank 3. Here, I need to reiterate that this Rune already has an owner, so it will not be sold. Then next, let me show you this Rune. “

Richard opened the magic image device, enlarged an image of Rune and presented it on the stage.

This is an extremely delicate and complicated Rune, and many real powerhouses will feel a fierce breath when they see it for the first time, and they may even make them breathless. Come! They immediately realized that this is a Rune with a soul!

This Rune has no description and no name. The magic image only faithfully presents the original form of Rune.

The vast majority of people, without Magic Array skills, even in the face of the most familiar Rune, it is impossible to distinguish those complicated Magic Array. Only a handful of powerful people who are really knowledgeable will vaguely guess some functions of Rune through keen perception.

However, this Rune is different from the others, and it conveys a burst of tyrannical and fierce breath from the magic image alone.

Rune with soul! That’s the trait that Level 4 only has with some special Rune, and people start to get excited. If a pair of Level 3 Rune has such characteristics, it means a powerful special ability beyond imagination, but also means lower carrying capacity and grade requirements. Such a picture of Rune can already be regarded as Rank 4 Rune, which is indeed more than enough to support a press conference.

Just as people held their breath and waited for the Richard to announce the name and use of Rune, Imperial Runemaster Luno‘s face was suddenly disappointed, gloomy was like a dead man, and his hands were shaking uncontrollably. Vonster noticed this scene and was naturally shocked, because the most important thing for Runemaster is control, which is a pair of stable hands. Vonster heart suddenly felt a very uneasy feeling and was rapidly growing.

“This Rune is called‘ Absolute Execution ’.” The sound of Richard is as bland as water.

A moment later, the silent audience suddenly exploded, and the exclamation, discussion, and roar gathered into a huge sound wave, not much worse than the roar of Two-headed Ogre.

Several strong men stood up regardless of their image, and cried out: “Really Absolute Execution? That Absolute Execution that can be superimposed?”

For almost every strong enough carrying capacity, Absolute Execution is Divine Artifact of may come by with luck, but not by searching for it. And because it is more difficult to manufacture than most Rank 4 Rune, and has the characteristics of superposition, no matter how many Absolute Execution appear, it will be swept away. In history, Absolute Execution has been a target pursued by powerful people since it was designed by a lunatic. Almost no auctions have appeared. Before any Absolute Execution came out, it has been divided by the powerful people in private.

Although it is only a Rank 3 Rune, the value of Absolute Execution is among many Rank 4 Rune. And those strong men, as long as they get one Absolute Execution, they will be more eager to get the second and even more Absolute Execution. Rune like Absolute Execution, the value can no longer be measured with gold coins.

Now, a Absolute Execution of a finished product appears in front of them, so why are they not excited?

If it were not for the first line of reason, some people were already tempted to grab it.

At this moment, the Richard standing on the stage is so special.

The light of Absolute Execution is so dazzling that even the Demon Mount that Richard will show later is not very interesting. Richard marked the price of Demon Mount at one hundred thousand gold coins, and then gave it to the royal family on the spot, and the remaining four horses randomly ordered four people from the VIPs present, saying they were given to them for trial.

I do n’t know if Richard was intentional or unintentional, Joseph Family even got a Demon Mount.

Richard then announced that Demon Mount accepted the reservation, which ended the Rune conference.

As soon as the press conference ended, the flow of people immediately rushed to Richard, which meant he was going to swallow it alive.

Richard was also taken aback. He thought that the release of Absolute Execution would cause a sensation, but he did not expect that it would be such a sensation. If he knows in advance that this is a Rune that only Saint Runemaster can guarantee the success rate, even Sacred Tree Empire and Imperial Grand Runemaster of the Millennium Empire can only be harvested by a lot of trial and luck, and they may consider other ways to deal with it. .

Looking at the hot both eyes of one by one strongman, Richard couldn’t help but be afraid, regretting that this press conference was a little too rash.

Fortunately, there are still many people familiar with the conference, such as the three big names of Temple of the Eternal Dragon, Niris and Agamennon are also present, which makes Richard feel relieved. On this occasion, the original Facia cannot be absent. After all, she is a good bodyguard. Unfortunately, because of the seven sets of Runeset, Facia hid himself like an ostrich, and apparently stayed in the floating island, but said nothing to dare to see Richard.

At this moment, the unique shrill voice of the emperor ’s servants said: “Master Richard, Your Majesty would like to invite you to see him now.”

In the noisy sound, the voice of the waiter made everyone hear clearly, so the blood-sucked people immediately calmed down a lot.

Don’t wait for Richard to answer, High Priestess Nowlan‘s soft voice sounded again: “Richard, after seeing your majesty, find a time to come to Temple of the Eternal Dragon, High Priestess Ferlyn have something to explain.”

The royal family and Temple of the Eternal Dragon come forward, and those who want to secretly play Richard‘s idea will naturally be temporarily suspended.

Bloodthirsty Phillip is certainly intimidating, and the Temple of the Eternal Dragon that holds the Divine Favor that has been deeply rooted in the Sacred Alliance power system is an insurmountable behemoth.

Especially High Priest Ferlyn, who controls Power of Time, has a Divine Power that dates back to the past, and any conspiracy will be in front of her. It’s just that Temple of the Eternal Dragon has rarely participated in secular political struggles, so Ferlyn‘s influence does not seem to be particularly large. But this time, since Nowlan has clearly stated that Ferlyn has something to do with Richard, before Richard successfully sees Ferlyn, if something goes wrong in the middle, it must face the anger of Ferlyn. Losing the ability of Sacrificial Offering is the loss of the future for most nobles.

And when the strong men calm down, they naturally realize that robbing is only a strategy, and trading is the best way. Moreover, Rune can also be damaged. This kind of special Rune, except for the producer himself, can hardly find a second person to repair. So everyone began to think about what method to use to get a Absolute Execution from Richard.

It was already noon. The place where Phillip met Richard naturally chose the restaurant. For the first time, Richard had the honor of having lunch with His Majesty the Emperor.

After sitting at the dining table, Richard realized that it was not only glory, but also a very affordable thing. There are a lot of things in the Phillip dining table, which are simply not available for money. The various Giant Dragon body parts are the ingredients of the main course, and even if the Richard is obtained from the deep blue knowledge, there are many things unheard of.

Whether it is barbecue, fruit, dessert, or red wine, a strong force will burn in the body of Richard like a fire, and then send the surging energy to all parts of the body. This feeling of fullness of power, Richard has not experienced it for a long time, only after eating the recipe specially prepared for him by Sharon in dark blue.

This time, Phillip did not show his amazing eating speed, but ordered the waiter to distribute as much food as possible to the Richard plate, forcing Richard to speed up.

Looking at the amazing amount of food that Richard is gradually showing, Phillip nodded in satisfaction, saying: “The kid at Gordon is very good, it is very promising to see the amount of food. Is your teacher Sharon? Alas, when I saw her once, It happened more than ten years ago. “

Richard does n’t have the Niris stunt of eating and talking, swallowing the full mouthful of food, put down the knife and fork, and just wanted to say something. Phillip waved his hand and said: “It’s okay, you continue to eat, I’m just older, I like to talk to myself.”

Next, it is true that Phillip is talking about the past when he was young. The story has Ferlyn, Gordon, and some names familiar to Richard, such as Duke Mensa.

Richard is eating hard while listening. He didn’t want to work hard. The waiter’s white face was covered with smiles and he was paying attention to him diligently. The speed of delivering food to his plate was just right, just at the limit that Richard can only endure.

: I have been unable to go through several chapters. In Muran, I only know there is a seventh. The seventh is even more exciting and annoying? “Welcome to you

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