City of Sin: Nineteen demolished to irresistible

Richard said with a nod: “Yes. Let ’s make a * Book * ( but to enhance its power, I will try to add one or two Rank 3 Runeset to it. But even so, it is still not comparable Go to Mystical Guide. It ’s a soulful design, and I still lack experience in designing Rune for races other than humans. ”

“So … so …” Nerson didn’t know what to say. She just put the small pocket of shark skin into the arms of Richard, and wanted to express herself unexpected surprise.

Richard refused politely but firmly. He said that the money for this set of Runeset had been paid, and it was enough.

As a result, Nerson seems to be a little bit confused about how to express it in words.

Richard let Nerson live in the floating island. In the evening, a set of design drawings were sent to Nerson.

This is a set of six pieces of RuneBroken Star Lance’. Runeset will comprehensively enhance the attributes of youngsters, while Runeset ability is composed of “Water Blue Shield” and “Broken Star Lance”. One defense and one attack is quite satisfactory. It can adapt to most combat situations, but there is no special highlight.

Of course, there is no special highlight, but the wording added by Richard in the description, Nerson does not think so, she maintained her previous joy, and immediately recognized the design of Runeset.

So Richard told her that she could pick up this set of Runeset after 7 days.

The production of Runeset will of course take place in Faro.

For Richard himself, he is not very satisfied with Broken Star Lance, but in the current situation, facing a brand new race, and in such a short time, Richard can only do so.

If you want to discuss further, you need to fully analyze and study this race. That is not something that can be easily done by one person. Perhaps it takes more than a dozen Archmage to study together for several years. Massive data and data are also required during this period. Obviously Richard has no such time.

However, Richard did not anticipate that this set of Broken Star Lance has caused greater waves in the world.

After seven days, Nerson got Broken Star Lance and then quietly left.

Richard took the offering to Temple of the Eternal Dragon and conducted a Sacrificial Offering.

When the routine word sounded, “Mortal, do you want to allocate Divine Favor between yourself and the family territory?”

Richard is suddenly distracted.

For him, the number of Sacrificial Offering may exceed the sum of the life of many nobles. This sentence is already familiar to even the most subtle tone. But this time Richard suddenly recalled his first Sacrificial Offering, when he was waiting for him outside the light curtain, there were Mordred and Gordon.

What now? ……

The loud voice in consciousness sounded again.

Richard slightly raised his head and responded: “Assign!”

So Faust vibrated again, and the sky became a deep black void. People were shocked to see that the floating island of Archeron was constantly absorbing various elemental energy from in the Void to construct new land. At the same time, the floating island slowly deviated from its original orbit and began a further jump. It did not move to the track where the floating island 7-1 was originally located, but floated directly upwards and jumped into Sixth Layer! Eventually, the Archeron floating island stabilized at No. 6-6.

The floating island 6-6 of the original Joseph Family vibrated and shivered, and began to fall downwards, falling into the track of 7-1.

The floating island No. 7-1 originally belonged to Mensa Family. At the moment, there was even more wailing. The castle quickly cracked under severe tremors, and the foundation supporting the castle fell off piece by piece, falling into the void, I do n’t know Where to go. Many strong men have already flown into the sky, but they are unable to stop the disaster. They can only watch one-third of the castle crack open, break away from the floating island, and fall into the unknown void together with the underlying stones.

Three figures emerged from the fallen remains of the castle. With the help of two Saint Realm Protectors, Duke Mensa escaped from the castle and escaped the fate of destruction. But seeing a messy floating island, Mensa just felt dark in front of his eyes and almost fainted.

Although the ranking of Mensa Family has only dropped by one, the reduction of the floating island area is limited. According to common sense, the only thing that will be destroyed is the edge building. This is also the fact that all families with floating islands are absolutely not Common sense that will be forgotten.

But Mensa Family is too proud, and they are indeed strong, so the most limit degree utilizes the floating island area to build the castle on the very edge of the floating island. This way the castle can be more magnificent and the scenery of the castle will be the most beautiful. Duke Mensa‘s favorite is under the deep star dome, looking at the brightly lit Faust, thinking about the political situation of the entire continent. The heart of the Duke has never been limited to Faust.

In the past, Mensa has always been regarded as a family of no less powerful than Sixth Layer, and its strength is far more than other families of Seventh Layer. So in recent generations Duke Mensa has never thought that the ranking will decline, they only consider when to rise to Sixth Layer.

After seeing a messy floating island, Duke Mensa understood what Richard said to be careful of the castle. It turned out that Richard was to demolish his castle, and in this way.

It was so irresistible!

The Archeron Family floating island ranking promotion method full of upstart atmosphere has once again become a hot topic of Sacred Alliance. And this time the outbreak evidence and background painting became Mensa Family. This reputational blow may take decades to repair. But people now doubt whether Mensa has a chance to repair.

A few days later, in an unknown world, mountains call, seas roar-like shouts came one after another.

This is a dark purple world. The earth and the sky are deep and light purple. The majestic mountain on the earth is also covered with various purple crystals.

In the sky, there are tens of thousands of large and small figures floating in different shapes. The large ones are thousands of meters long, while the small ones are less than one meter long, and hundreds of them are gathered together .

All the creatures are staring at the mountain below. There is a deadly battle everywhere on the mountain, purple blood splashes around, leaving a pool of fluorescent blood stains.

This mountain is a life and death arena.

Time is slowly passing, fewer and fewer creatures have survived, and they are getting closer to the peak. In the end, a juvenile with a human figure and a huge, Demon-like opponent fought their final battle on the top of the mountain. As he screamed through the sky, a bright spear condensed in the hands of the teenager, and then drew a fantastic trajectory through the opponent’s chest!

The boy still has deep blue color hair and still wears his upper body. But at this moment, numerous beautiful lines appeared on the surface of his body, which was suffocating and gorgeous.

He raised his arms and embraced the sky! As the only young strong man who survived the Battle of the Holy Mountain, he is the most dazzling star of the entire ethnic group!

Countless aliens know that there is a human race Grand Mage named Richard that can design a powerful Rune for nonhuman aliens. In the entire history of Norland, the number of such Runemaster will not be too much, and now still alive, it has not reached double digits.

So if the news has invisible wings, it will spread farther and farther away.

Richard returned to Faro after a month before appearing on Faust at the scheduled time.

Now Richard is already a very important big man, there are many people waiting in line to see him. So his schedule must now be arranged in advance. This time the time for Richard to return to Norland is only one day, and every minute from day to night has been filled.

The first to visit is Second Prince Nero.

At this moment, the floating island of Archeron seems to be a huge construction site. Now, in addition to the parts that Richard indicated to be repaired and reinstalled, there are additional floating islands area that need to plan some auxiliary facilities. In addition, the floating island of the Sixth Layer track will have an additional Divine Spell for strengthening defense, which also needs to be taken into consideration and rationally applied.

So Richard is Second Prince who was received in his rather small and crowded laboratory. The Nero kept all the guards waiting downstairs and brought only one attendant into the magic laboratory of Richard.

As soon as we met, Nero gave Richard a warm hug: “Richard! I really want to die!”

“I miss my Rune!” Richard said with a smile.

“You are so clever, Haha, Haha!” Nero laughed and made no secret that Richard was in the middle of it. Nero is very much like this. No matter what he says or does, he will always make people feel his sincerity, and this sincerity is true and true.

“Well, who do you want to bring this set of Rune? Did anyone bring it?”

“She!” Nero pointed to the entourage behind him.

Richard eyes slightly narrowed instantly saw the disguise of the follower.

This is a young woman in her twenties, between immature and mature, with a vigorous youthful vitality. However, if a woman’s first impression is youthful vitality, it means that her appearance is not particularly outstanding.

Although Richard‘s standard for judging beautiful women is very high, this woman’s appearance is indeed worse than Lucy, quicksand, and splash.

What surprised Richard slightly was that Nero looked at the woman quite differently. How do you describe that kind of look? Richard suddenly found that his eyes when looking at quicksand are the same as Nero now.

Nero does not look good, but his status, what kind of woman ca n’t find it?

Richard heart is slightly wavy, but the surface is quiet, asking: “Any special requirements?”

Nero pondered for a while and said: “To enhance the ability to operate in various terrains, the Runeset ability is best to save life, just like your wild barriers, but it must be more effective than the wild barriers There are many, and it is better to be stronger than the barriers of the barriers. “

The young woman interjected with dissatisfaction: “No, I want more offensive power.”

PS: Unconsciously, it was 7 million VIPs, 150,000+ PK, and 40,000+ chapters. Can you be a little gentler, you will die!

Okay, let ’s talk about adding more plans, and I ’m fighting. By the end of October, three daily changes. Challenge the limit again.

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