City of Sin: In the battle of fifty-eight fate

This Snow Rabbit is obviously mutated, not only grows sharp fangs and sharp claws, but many parts of the body are even covered with hard scales. Where there is no scale protection, it is wrapped in carefully crafted light beast armor.

Blackgold jumped up immediately and yelled, “What is this? And can I still use equipment?”

“This is Snow Rabbit! Well, don’t be noisy, let’s get started!” Sharon yawned while covering his mouth.

Stevenson immediately cast an eager look at Legendary Mage. Dragon Warlock once again felt that the teacher preferred him. Solam Family also worried that the mutated armor Snow Rabbit would be challenged for the qualifications. Some asked. Sure enough, Blackgold jumped out, but Sharon smoothed out the obstacle for him in one sentence. It’s a pity that Legendary Mage seemed to be thinking about something, but he didn’t glance at him.

Among them, Sharon is obviously not interested in watching the game. As soon as this Snow Rabbit is released, she immediately sees through all the additional Magic Rune on Snow Rabbit and knows the result of the game.

A low roar in Winter Wolf in test site slowly crouched to the ground. Faced with an enemy never seen before, it automatically chose caution and temptation. This is an adult male Winter Wolf, not only fierce, but also cunning. Before the breath of natural enemies emanating from Winter Wolf, the alien Snow Rabbit was obviously a bit afraid. It wandered anxiously around the field, trying to leave the testing ground. At this moment, Winter Wolf finally seized the opportunity, and suddenly jumped up, slamming behind Snow Rabbit, biting on its hip. But Snow Rabbit also hung armor on the rear hip, just to protect the fragile anus. Winter Wolf‘s bite force is extremely powerful, and the armor made of Lafite Refined Iron is directly deformed completely, but in the end it did not cause a fatal blow to Snow Rabbit.

Under the severe pain, this Snow Rabbit also inspired the fierceness, and the hind leg was forced on the Winter Wolf head, even kicking the huge Winter Wolf to the heel. Snow Rabbit made a beast-like roar, turned around and rushed to Winter Wolf, biting it on Winter Wolf‘s shoulder, actually tearing off a piece of meat.

Winter Wolf was also inspired by animalism, roaring and fighting with Snow Rabbit.

Any eyesight on the sidelines has seen that Snow Rabbit is loaded with two Magic Rune, namely Primary Level Agility and Primary Level power. The defense depends on natural scales and elaborate beast armor. The materials used to make the beast armor are completely standard materials that can only be used by Rune Knight. Since Snow Rabbit does not have the strength of physical strength and physical strength, it is still inferior to the knight. Therefore, the thickness of the armor and craftsmanship have been reduced accordingly. It is far superior to the defensive strength of many beasts born fur/superficial knowledge and scale armor. With the terrorist attack of Winter Wolf, it takes a few bites to bite through.

The power of the mutant Snow Rabbit is already close to the High Grade hound, which is another strong among hundreds of mutant Snow Rabbit groups, so it is barely able to carry two Magic Rune. After getting the double Rune bonus, Snow Rabbit‘s own melee combat ability even slightly exceeds Winter Wolf. The scaly scales on its body not only have a strong defense, but also provide a lot of cold resistance, plus the resistance of the Snow Rabbit race itself, the cold breath power of Winter Wolf is greatly weakened. For a time, the unusually large Snow Rabbit actually competed with the larger Winter Wolf, Dang!

The people of Solam Family were so nervous that they held their breath. Stevenson clung to the railing in front of him, bursts of cold sweat poured out, and the palms were so slippery that the next moment could not grasp it. Every time Snow Rabbit was bitten by Winter Wolf, he would tremble involuntarily, as if the sharp teeth were biting on himself.

Winter Wolf Already covered with scars, many places even have belts Snow Rabbit Ripped off. But its fierceness has been completely inspired, the attack is getting more and more berserk fatal. At this time, the difference between the rabbit and the wolf is reflected. Snow Rabbit After all, it is not a carnivore, and there is no hunting nature at all. It is just biting by virtue of its fierce survival instincts, and no matter what bit it is, there is no concept of attacking at all. This is also impossible, only two generations Snow Rabbit It is impossible to have an essential improvement in intelligence. And can add intelligence to the target creature Magic Rune Not without, but only a few Runemaster To be able to make it, and at least it will always be Level 4 of Rune , Don’t say Snow Rabbit , That is Winter Wolf Royal Capital Can’t bear it.

The cruel and cunning of Winter Wolf began to show.

It continues to circle around Snow Rabbit, trying to attack the Snow Rabbit neck, anus, abdomen, hind leg joints and other key points. And after fierce fighting, after biting the armor many times, it even began to tear the beast armor of Snow Rabbit, and then attacked the weak parts covered by the beast armor. The innate scales of Snow Rabbit were also pulled out a lot by Winter Wolf. Although Winter Wolf was covered with bruises all over the body, it was all skin and flesh wounds, and the combat effectiveness did not weaken much. However, one of the hind legs of the mutant Snow Rabbit has been bitten off, and the movement is much slower. The beast armor on the body, especially the buttocks, has been torn off, and the vitality has been exposed.

At this point, many people have seen that the battle is set.

Sure enough, Winter Wolf made a sudden slam, and overturned Snow Rabbit with the advantage of body weight, and then bit the soft belly of the mutant Snow Rabbit.

“Oh!” Stevenson exhaled with great disappointment, and did not expect that the armed to the teeth mutation Snow Rabbit is still not a rival of Winter Wolf. But then he relaxed a lot, and the Winter Wolf in the field was badly injured. If neither side’s Snow Rabbit can beat Winter Wolf, then it is necessary to decide the outcome according to the degree of Winter Wolf injury.

The Richard does not have the Solam Family variant Snow Rabbit bred from the blood, which means that his Snow Rabbit cannot carry two Magic Rune. Even Snow Rabbit with double bonuses can’t beat Winter Wolf, and it is even more hopeless to only load one Magic Rune Snow Rabbit. When discussing the plan, Saint Klaus clearly pointed out that the existing standard Low Rank Rune, it is impossible for Snow Rabbit to defeat Winter Wolf.

The injured Winter Wolf was captured back into the iron cage, and the mutated Snow Rabbit ’s body was taken away and inspected by the dark blue mage to ensure that the Magic Rune above were all from Stevenson. After the test site was cleaned, a new adult Winter Wolf was put into the field. Now it’s Richard‘s round.

After seeing this Winter Wolf, Stevenson was relieved and slightly lost. The size and strength of this Winter Wolf is almost the same as that of the previous one, indicating that Deep Blue is absolutely fair in treating this game. The disappointment is that the teacher ’s preference is still limited and it is so elusive, giving him a glimmer of light when he does not hold hope, but no trace when he is full of hope.

Since the mutation Snow Rabbit is counted as Snow Rabbit, why can’t you send Richard a Winter Wolf king?

ps: the second one is here …

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