City of Sin: Forty-six from pet to lover

In the private area, Richard dragged his tired body and got up from the ground very hard, then his legs were soft and almost fell,

This exclusive area is where Richard used to live in Deep Blue. After Legendary Mage slept, Richard took over the task of maintaining the operation of Deep Blue, and then Blackgold merged the two residential area beside it, forming a area is close to 5,000 square meters, with all kinds of facilities and super residential area. Usually, the Richard of the dark blue rarely comes to use this as a storage place,

At this moment, a soft mage robe covered Richard, which surprised Richard. Who could approach him so quietly in the dark blue core area,

Looking around, she saw that she was dressed in water splashes. She was beside the girl with a full set of clothes. The girl was Assassin, usually accustomed to silent action, and at this time Richard was groggy, I did n’t even notice that there were people in the house,

This look was seen by Shuihua. Richard could n’t help but look red, but since the Shuanghua was all there, then Faceless, Richard was shocked, and when I looked up, I saw Faceless, which was almost the same Breathing, Faceless was standing a few steps behind Richard, staring at the position where Transfer Gate had just appeared, looking left and right, not caring about Richard ’s embarrassment,

Richard is somewhat curious, and asks: “Faceless, what are you looking at.”

“Verify a judgment just now.”

“What judgment.”

“Your Highness Woman, you just used an unstable Transfer Gate.”

Richard trembles: “Unstable Transfer Gate.”

In his heart immediately appeared the doom-like scene on Floating Ice Bay,

Faceless immediately verified the Richard ’s conjecture: “Yes, it ’s similar to the Transfer Gate during the war that day, as long as there is a little shock or out of control, it will explode. The power, um, it ’s not a problem to blow up the dark blue. . “

Although Richard has almost blind confidence in Legendary Mage, I do n’t feel a cold sweat at the moment. The original destruction was close at hand. When Richard was determined and dressed, Faceless asked: “We are going What are you doing, how long are you going to stay in Deep Blue. “

Richard hesitated a little and brushed his face, but still said: “Let me rest for one night and wait for the teleportation to be repaired tomorrow, we will immediately return to Faust.”

“After going back.”

Richard breathed out and took a long and fascinated way, saying: “Open up territory, expand Plane, develop Rune … I have more things to do.”

He has never seen a battle of the super-strong level outside of Extinction Area Battlefield. After witnessing it, he realized that if the super-strong fight in Main Plane is a disaster, the Plane of Extinction Area Battlefield is already dying. However, Main Plane is still vigorous, so when the power of the super powers climbs to the level that shakes the origin of Plane, it is like horrifying the flesh and blood from the living body of the world. It is no wonder that the main battlefield of the countries is placed in Extinction Area Battlefield. It ’s no wonder that the super powers never start the battle. Fortunately, the Norland is extremely powerful, and it is full of vitality, so as to tolerate the battle between Indefiniteness and Sharon,

And Richard clearly sees how far away he is from the goal ahead,

Faceless stared at Richard through a mask and said playfully: “I am ambitious again, why, I really want to let go of your highness woman.”

Richard looked up, as if across the countless floors, seeing the Legendary Mage on the dark blue upper floor, he smiled and said, “What can I do now if I do n’t put it down, I do n’t want to be regarded as just one of her pets forever.”

“Now it’s a little lover, not a pet.” Faceless corrected, she couldn’t see it, she was also very talented for gossip, so quickly she could grasp the core of the latest rumors of Deep Blue,

Richard had to smile bitterly: “Is there a difference.”

Faceless thought about it seriously and said, “Yes, in the current situation, as long as you serve her well, you can continue to live by eating soft rice.”

In an instant, Richard has the urge to throw Faceless out of the dark blue,

On Floating Ice Bay, a battle between the Legendary Mage and the alliance Queen shocked the entire Norland. The battle conditions of various versions spread throughout the continent like the wind. Finally, a very complete puzzle was spelled out, just like the end of the world. The traces of the impact of the remaining forces on the scene, such as the announcement to the entire continent that the Queen Indefiniteness and Legendary Mage have the power of super powers,

So the envoys of the two empires quietly received the order to withdraw. As for the matter of changing the dividing line, it was naturally stranded, and the death of the marquis of Sacred Tree Empire was also compensated accordingly: a square kilometer of deserted mountain, But at this time, no one mentioned the Marquis again,

However, the change of the dividing line is only stranded rather than abandoned. The battle of Floating Ice Bay not only confirmed the strength of Queen Indefiniteness and Her Royal Highness Sharon, but also proved the incompatible relationship between them. How to calculate, Sacred Alliance is still only a super strong queen Indefiniteness, and the difference between Alliance Emperor and the guardian means countless possibilities,

Now Sacred Tree Empire and the Millennium Empire are ready to wait and see to see how Sacred Alliance will defend Extinction Area Battlefield ’s legion strongholds. Although Indefiniteness has returned strongly, the other two empires do not think she has the strength of Phillip, so she is not optimistic about her on Extinction Area Battlefield The ruling power of that year, and the temperament of that stunning and talented fighting genius was obviously even weirder. Some people even secretly doubted whether she knew how to govern a country, even if she did nothing, it was better than playing with the guardian of her own country. Well done,

Another thing is the horror magic developed by His Royal Highness Sharon, which has shocked the entire continent, the space burst, and spread throughout the world of the mage. Countless mage rushed to the scene quietly to trace the remaining traces of magic,

From the traces of the scene and the dictation of witnesses, they are pleased to find that the principle of this magic is very simple. It is to compress Plane Transfer Gate and use Transfer Gate to penetrate the characteristics of two Planes. At that time, the terrible energy storm between Plane will flood into Norland, forming an unimaginable big explosion in an instant. From the principle to the casting step, the space burst is simple and clear. Even Grand Mages can easily master this magical theory.

Those with unique vision immediately saw that Space Burst is enough to change the world ’s understanding of the magic of magicians. It can be said that when Space Burst can become standard magic like Time Stop and Death Law, even if it eventually becomes The magic that only high-level Legendary Mage can master is enough to greatly enhance the status of Mages in the entire Plane,

Mages always have an exploratory spirit. There are only High Rank masters who are not good at fighting, and no High Rank masters who are not good at research. So now someone has begun to try to master the space burst. As a result, within a day, the entire Norland Continent has occurred Dozens of explosions, the power of the explosions varies, but they are far beyond the level of normal magic experiment failure. The strongest explosion directly wiped out half of the city. Each explosion was accompanied by the fall of the mage,

On this day, one hundred and ten mages of Norland died due to experimental errors, including one Legendary Mage and thirty-five Archmage. Their common characteristics are all proficient in space-type magic,

In the face of the painful lesson, the fearful Mages began to review the magic of space burst. With the study of the failed experiment, Mages found that all explosions occurred at the moment when the control of Transfer Gate was relaxed, and it was not to the point of folding and compression. , Let alone crumple the space door into a terrible energy ball of light like Sharon, and then smash it out,

In Space Magic, Plane transmission is undoubtedly the brightest pearl in the crown, and the control of Transfer Gate is the most important part. Any instability may lead to catastrophic consequences, so all space masters built Transfer Gate Be cautious and try to build both ends of Transfer Gate in a stable environment. It can be said that the space burst of Sharon has subverted the common sense of magic for thousands of years,

However, the **** lesson has also made Mages re-recognize that Transfer Gate is not a fun toy, but the temptation of space burst is unparalleled, so a group of Mages honestly started to study space burst from the theoretical level. Principle, on the other hand, he sent someone to Deep Blue to see if he could directly switch from Sharon to the secret of the space burst, but the latter ’s hopes are very slim, such magic of this special nature is the most precious wealth of a mage , How can it be made public at will,

If you want to exchange interests, the difficulty is the same. His Royal Highness Sharon is a well-known Dragon Slayer and Plane traveler. The Mid-Blue Midsummer Carnival Auction is a grand event for the entire continent. Mages is looking forward to Legendary Mage displaying new collections, but I ca n’t think of anything. Things are rare enough to impress her,

Another protagonist of the war, Queen Indefiniteness was carrying the turbid current, and after leisurely returning to Faust, she suddenly found that the people in the entire palace had respected her a lot, because she did n’t deliberately rush back when she returned. It was a trip to the polar continent by the way, and the road was delayed for a few days. As a result, the news of the war arrived Faust earlier than she herself,

As for the turbid current, he was always curled up along the way and entered a state similar to hibernation, which suppressed the injury. His injury was heavier than originally expected. Absolute Execution ’s viciousness has long been known, but The Absolute Execution effect of Richard is even more ruthless than the legendary one. Zhuoliu looked at the injury day by day and he had to go to sleep to maintain life, but Indefiniteness did n’t seem to worry about his state and had no plans to rescue him Queen Indefiniteness‘s life will only kill, not save,

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