City of Sin: Eleven meanings

Along the way, many people were curious and surprised at Richard.

The people who come and go in the ever-rising city are the strong, and many of them are very young, but it is rare that they are so young. The powerful family may send young children to Extinction Area Battlefield to open their eyes, but in this sinister place, Level 13 Mage is as vulnerable as Magic Acolyte on the battlefield of Norland, even if equipped with guards, it may not be absolutely safe.

But since Richard is walking next to White Night, these people cleverly chose to turn a blind eye to Richard.

Finally, White Night took Richard to the top of Eternal Day City. From here, the thousand-meter giant tower looks very spectacular. The bottom of the giant tower has been occupied by Temple of the Eternal Dragon. The teleport array returning to Norland is also here.

“It ’s spectacular. This tower was one of the most famous seven Great Temple on this Plane. So far, there are few buildings comparable to it on Norland. But the race to build this tower was Norland is completely extinct. “White Night‘s voice adds a bit of indescribable flavor to this history.

White Night pointed to Richard behind him again and said, “You look back.”

Richard looks back, condescending, and Land of Dusk‘s eschatological scene again. This time, the foothold was higher than when he first came, and his vision was stronger and wider.

“Do you know why I brought you to Extinction Area Battlefield?” White Night asked.

Richard shook his head. He guessed a little, but he was not sure.

White Night said lightly: “Planar War is our destiny and the only way for all real powerhouses. Perhaps you will think that Planar War is too cruel, but there is no resource and wealth looted from the large number of secondary Plane, that is, There is no strong Norland today. If Norland is defeated in the war with Daxodas and other Main Plane, then what you see in your eyes now is Norland tomorrow. Land of Dusk will be completely destroyed, this Plane is destroyed, we And Daxodas will also open up a new Extinction Area Battlefield. This is the most cruel and real battlefield, killing is like breathing, it is the instinct of everyone here. When a person is just exposed to Planar War, he tends to go to two extremes, one is doubt The meaning of the killing, even began to pity the enemy. The other is to completely immerse in the killing, and seek pleasure in it, to numb yourself. “

Richard was shocked, and said with a bitter smile: “I seem to have both, what should I do?”

White Night said indifferently: “Remember! Killing is only your means, not your purpose. You only need to consider whether this means can achieve your purpose. Extra things, don’t have to think about it.”

Richard thought hard for a long time before saying: “I understand.”

Kill when you need to kill, and give up when you do n’t, everything turns out to be so simple.

Before stepping into the teleportation array, Richard is still meditating.

This trip to Extinction Area Battlefield is for him a cruel baptism. From the perspective of the entire Norland, Planar War has long been inevitable, either continue to improve or be destroyed like Land of Dusk. In this case, it is meaningless to discuss the meaning of Planar War. So for Richard, either face or avoid. And White Night used his own to show the attitude towards the killing for Richard.

When I returned to Norland again, Richard felt that his heart was covered with iron.

In the foreseeable future, Land of Dusk will surely be a stop in his life.

Richard still appears on the floating island of Iron Blood Grand Duke. Although staying in Land of Dusk for days, the time flow rate of Land of Dusk is eight times that of Norland, so in Norland only a little more than a day passed. Hearing the news that Richard was back, Agamennon rushed over as soon as possible and returned him the equipment kept for Richard.

When I saw Richard for the first time, Agamennon‘s eyes twitched. The dumb young man stared at Richard for a few minutes and looked at Richard a little bit creepy before he nodded and said, “You are finally fine.”

“You know I have something to do?” Richard asked strangely. Talking about the specific reasons why White Night suddenly took him to Extinction Area Battlefield, he is still not very clear. But recalling the expressions of Agamennon and Niris when eating that day, they obviously saw something.

Fortunately, this time Agamennon did not hesitate to saliva: “Everyone who stayed in Planar War for one or two years, especially during the initial development period, there will always be some psychological problems. It is not the best to go to Extinction Area Battlefield, but It is the most direct solution, either tough or crazy. “

Richard‘s expression immediately became somewhat bitter, and he stared at Agamennon and asked, “You did this too?”


“Is it your own idea?” Richard didn’t believe that Agamennon would have such determination and courage. Staying in places like Land of Dusk for a long time, except for the very few people who are naturally optimistic and strong-willed, everyone else will be crazy.

“No, it was forced by White Night.” Sure enough.

After a brief chat with Agamennon, we agreed to deliver the next batch of enchanted equipment. Richard left the floating island of Iron Blood Grand Duke and returned to the floating island of Archeron.

On the way to the castle, Richard meets Facia. She stopped Richard and looked at a long time/half of the day carefully before saying affirmatively: “Richard, you seem to have changed a little bit!”

Richard smile: “Are you handsome again?”

Facia retreated immediately, so Richard laughed heartily returned to the study. He had to take the time to explain something to the old housekeeper, and then he would return to Faro. Before entering Green Forest Plane, he must relocate in Faro to prevent accident/surprise.

After walking out of the study, through the long corridor, Richard suddenly saw Coco standing at the corner of the long window, and bowed his head to struggle with something.

Richard didn’t care, just glanced at her, without stopping at her feet, hurried to the stairs. Coco also saw Richard, but his expression changed obviously.

Some of her facial expression changes have been captured by Richard, so she stopped and asked, “Coco, is there anything wrong?”

no no, nothing …” Coco shook his head desperately.

Richard nodded his head without delving into it, and hurried down the stairs to the warehouse area.

It wasn’t until Richard went far that Coco stomped hard and hated itself. She clearly had something to ask for Richard, but she really saw Richard, but she couldn’t talk anyway. I missed this opportunity, and when I see Richard next time, I don’t know when it is. In a hurry, her tears fell again.

She sobbed for a while and walked to the old housekeeper’s office. But not far away, she remembered that Richard should start again, when the old housekeeper must be by his side. At least until the evening, when Richard leaves Norland, the old housekeeper will have time to see her.

Late night, Coco gently knocked on the door of the old housekeeper’s office. Although it was very late, the old housekeeper’s office was still lit. Generally, this time the old housekeeper has not fallen asleep, and the old housekeeper will fall asleep until about a little. And around six o’clock the next day, he would get up again. This work and rest for decades, almost never changed.

The old housekeeper ’s office is very narrow, and various documents pile up, occupying most of the office. Seeing Coco, the old housekeeper signaled that she would sit down at the table, and after reviewing several documents in her hand, she raised her head and looked at Coco, waiting for her to explain her intention.

“I want to … ask my father and brother …” Coco said uncomfortably.

The old housekeeper held his glasses and said slowly, “Did you not communicate with them?”

“There is communication, but the letter says that they are in a very bad condition.”

“Wait.” The old housekeeper pulled out a file from the filing cabinet, opened it, and nodded, “Well, that’s true. If your father can’t pay back the debt within three months, the territory will Temporarily hosted by the local noble council. “

“I hope … I can borrow some money from my family and help my father push this time through.”

The old housekeeper took a deep look at Coco and said, “In fact, this will not solve your father’s problem. In addition, what do you use to pay it back? Your credit line in the family has already been used up.”

Coco lowered his head deeply and whispered, “First … After this time, let’s talk. Pay back … I, I will think of a way.”

“You can’t do it.” The old butler is very direct.

Coco suddenly cried and whimpered, “I’ve tried my best! But … there is another Lucy now! I … I can’t beat her at all.”

The old housekeeper shook his head, sighed, took out a piece of paper, wrote a few lines on it, then signed his name, handed it to Coco, and said, “I think, this can Give you another half a year. “

Coco took a look. It was a cheque that agreed to withdraw 2 gold coins and was paid from the old butler ’s private account.

“Ah! This won’t work!” Coco stood up. She knows that the old housekeeper has never been greedy for corruption, and often sponsors some poor Archeron Warrior in their own name, as well as some promising young Infantry Knight with ordinary family background, such as the former Elvin. So the old housekeeper has little savings, and the money may be all the cash he has on hand.

“Okay, take it! This is the last thing I can do for you.” The old housekeeper sighed, put the check back in Coco, and said, “As for yourself, take care Lucy! “

Richard does not know what happened to Coco, nor does he need to know. Now he is back in Faro Plane, he is gathering all the followers in the camp together, and he is arranging the task against the big maps of Bloodstained Lands and Sequoia Kingdom.

The horse bandits of Bloodstained Lands have already been punished by the Qing. All kinds of fierce aliens were greatly injured in North-South Line War and moved to the depths of Bloodstained Lands, where the terrain is more complex and sinister, lurking down to recuperate. It takes more time and patience to completely clear them out of this land. M

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