City of Sin: Eighty-seven accident/surprise decision

Absolute Execution originally had souls, but that ’s an exaggeration of its characteristics. How can a Rune actually produce its own soul? Some of the Rune in Rank 5 do claim to have souls, but those might be powerful The soul is sealed in Rune, or enough divinity is added to Rune, so that it produces a soul-like effect, which is completely different from Absolute Execution.

You know, the real soul is the realm of Gods.

But the Absolute Execution in front of him is absolutely cruel and bloody, as if roaring continuously, as if dragging the soul of Richard to take off, as if there is a feeling of resonance.

Richard is staring closely at the floating blood, trying to reach for the Rune, but finds himself hesitant at this moment, and even a little afraid. The blood is surging, thick and solid, and the depth is like The door leading to another world is concealed, and there is a constant sound or strong sound from the darkness, or the snarling trombone growls.

Thin sweat beads began to ooze from Richard ’s forehead. His determined will and Wisdom Blessing told him that this was not an illusion after murderous aura was too rich. He did n’t understand how this Absolute Execution would look like this. This is no longer explained by any magic theory he has learned.

Richard forced himself to calm down and replay the whole process of making this Absolute Execution in his mind.

The blood on Absolute Execution is getting richer and thicker, and the roaring sound has gradually become clearer. This obvious change makes Richard have to speed up the process of recall and analysis.

As Richard recalled nervously, Devilman lying in the corner suddenly snorted, woke up, struggling to get up. At this moment in Richard ’s instinct, it is not a threat, but it is definitely trouble. It would interfere with the process of recall analysis, so Richard kicked a magic seal box, which happened to hit Devilman‘s head and smashed it past.

Scenes of the scenes were replayed in Richard ’s consciousness in a flash, which suddenly freezes on a frame. This is the return of Richard ’s desperate fight, and the last stroke of the pen is drawn. When he raised the magic pen, A few drops of blood splashed on the nib and mixed with the magic dye. At that time, the Richard chest was boiling killing intention, did not notice this small flaw, so there was this imposing killing perfection, but the material was brought in Sealed off impurities.

Absolute Execution is transformed by this.

The trajectory of the few drops of blood was also clearly traced back, it was Richard‘s own blood.

Richard ’s hand slowly stretched toward Absolute Execution, but his heart was repeatedly fighting. The effect of this Absolute Execution was amazingly powerful, so powerful that he could not give up at all, but Rune obviously changed, and he discovered it again under his analysis. A few new abilities that have no way of knowing the real effect, such as the distinct aura of breath in the depths of blood, are so powerful that Richard is frightened.

Devilman climbed up again at this time, it would never choose an appropriate time to wake up. Richard was not in a mood at this time and wasted time with it, just stomped his feet and made the room tremble slightly.

With a cry, a metal can on the top of the wall storage rack shook and fell off. dang dang was just hitting the top of Devilman ’s head and smashed it again.

The hands of Richard are finally put on Absolute Execution. Only in this way, his analytical ability can better analyze this Rune architecture, what kind of variation has been generated in the calculation.

However, all four Absolute Executions on Richard‘s arms suddenly lighted up, and each of them overflowed a line of blood, which was connected with the Absolute Execution. The mutated Absolute Execution immediately burned violently, and instantly turned into two groups of blood gas, and entered Go into the arms of Richard.

Richard was taken aback. He did n’t expect a simple contact action to excite the Rune. He actually loaded it on himself. He continuously checked his body and found that there were no abnormalities. This only relieved him a little.

It ’s strange that Richard did n’t find where the new Absolute Execution is. There are still four superimposed Absolute Executions on the forearm, and there is no trace of the fifth one, except that the four Absolute Executions have changed a little bit and are no longer like before It’s so sharp, but it’s a bit darker and deeper.

If you compare the original Absolute Execution to a sharp dagger, then the new Absolute Execution is a heavy machete, but the blade edge has more rust spots under the blood, and although the sharpness is not as good as it used to be, It makes people feel even more chilled, and the power of the machete is more than the dagger.

Richard moved his heart slowly, slowly driving Absolute Execution, his physical strength was absorbed into Absolute Execution at a faster rate than before, and then Richard saw his ten fingertips turned into bright red. With the driving of Absolute Execution, The bright red on the fingertips quickly spread to the entire palm. At this moment, the Richard‘s hand is just like being removed from the blood, and the red continues to spread. When the wrist comes out, it begins to divide countless detailed and complicated patterns, all the way up. It didn’t stop until it reached the upper arm of Richard.

Richard put his hands in front of his eyes. For a moment, I could n’t believe it was his own. These hands are long and stable. Now they are more flamboyant and magnificent. His fingertips have a faint red light. The urge to tear something.

Richard suddenly reached into the workbench, and the workbench made of hard oak was easily penetrated like cheese, and then the places where it was penetrated began to shatter and decay, turning into gray-black wood chips, sprinkling on the ground A bunch of holes are still expanding, and in an instant, the entire workbench disappeared in front of Richard, turning into a pile of burning ember-like things.

What is this effect.

Richard looked at his hand in horror. I could n’t believe it would cause such a terrible damage when I inserted it, but that was the case. The pile of embers on the ground and the scattered materials reminded Richard What happened just now is not an illusion.

At this time, there was a rush of footsteps outside the courtyard. Several people came straight to the Richard courtyard. They stopped at the entrance of the courtyard. Although the courtyard wall had collapsed everywhere, the so-called courtyard only had half of the frame. It’s nothing but these people refuse to go further, showing great respect for Richard.

“Master Richard, do you have any corpses to deal with today?” the head of the people shouted outside the courtyard.

Almost every day, they will take away the bodies of one or two Daxodas strongmen from Richard, because Richard lives too close to the city gate, over the city wall, across a block is the small courtyard of Richard, And now there are almost no people in the city defense area, only White Night, Richard and two other lunatics. The Richard courtyard is also close to White Night and Lawrence. The goal is very obvious, so there are often Daxodas people who rush into the city. Of course, to So far, the patronage has turned into corpses.

Richard is busy with Rune. Naturally, there is no need to do small things like collecting materials, so the Daxodas strongmen killed will be handed over to the marshals. The materials collected will be clearly counted and the deductions should be deducted. The remaining part will be converted into gold coins, magic materials or sacrifices, and will be credited to Richard.

Richard withdrew his hands, calmed down, answered aloud, and walked around the house. There were so many Daxodass who came to visit today. He found four bodies and one by one was thrown out of the courtyard.

There was a buzzing discussion from outside. Unexpectedly, one day’s Kung Fu Richard could kill four Daxodas people. It must have reached the peak, but the other person immediately refuted it with a louder voice. Seeing the feat of Richard and White Night walking out of the fortress and snatching the body of the comrade-in-arms from the teeth of the Daxodas.

“That’s all.” The strong man headed by asked as usual, this was a kind of polite words, but Richard suddenly stunned, turned his head to look at the corner, where there was still a living creature, that name Devilman did not know when he had woken up, curled up in the corner, and looked at Richard with desperate eyes.

More than a year after Extinction Area Battlefield, Devilman, who died in Richard, also had at least two digits. He saw that this may be a Devilman that may not be fully grown, with a pair of red, but quite clear eyes. Ferocious, but the depth of the pupil is full of fear and despair. It is not like the other Daxodas people. The more injured, the more fierce very ruthless.

An idea suddenly popped up in Richard‘s heart, could the Daxodas people no longer be able to support it, and even the tribe who had not yet grown up would be sent out.

“Master Richard, is that all.” The people outside repeated it again.

Somehow, Richard replied: “No, let’s go.”

“Okay, we will come back at this time tomorrow. Just tell me if you have any need.” The strong man said respectfully and greeted his men to go to the next block.

‘Eternal Everlasting Glory’ is always running. The burning fireball sprays light to every corner where it can be irradiated, and makes the Eternal Day City truly a true name, even the original day and night changes that are not obvious disappear Too.

The light with Sacred Aura shines into the room from outside the window, leaving mottled bright blocks on the ground.

Richard looked out of the window and did n’t know what to watch. He remained silent for a while before turning his head to look at Devilman curled up in the corner.

The Devilman did n’t know what the reason was. He seemed to be particularly afraid of Richard. He touched Richard ’s gaze, and even subconsciously wanted to avoid it. As a result, this movement happened to be exposed to a large spot of light. The photographed skin immediately burst into blue smoke like burning.

Devilman groaned in pain, and a large amount of black gas rushed out from his side unconsciously, trying to protect himself.

Richard said lightly: “If you do n’t want to recruit those people back just now, it ’s better not to use power, hiding in the shadow is a better choice.”

Devilman and Richard stared at each other for a full second before retracting into the corner.

PS: What about PS, it will be normal tomorrow,

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