City of Sin: Decision of the ninety-four decisive battle

The Millennium Empire has always paid attention to the intelligence collection of the high elves of the Cang Qing Continent, and the four super-strong elves of the Elven Empire are even more important targets.

Sacred Elven King Casey ’s most powerful place is his speed and Combat Skill. Once the battle enters his rhythm, he will completely destroy his opponent with a storm-like offensive. Under the Saint Cassie pervasive offensive, as long as he commits One thing is wrong, it is equivalent to death.

Although Mina ’s strength level is not enough, her status is here, but her knowledge is not bad. Now she has a heart, and she does n’t understand it. Richard obviously has many powerful skills. Not Combatant, why put your advantage aside, even fighting sword with Saint Cassie.

Can Richard make mistakes?

This question will soon have an answer.

A scream was suddenly heard in the sky, and then a bright blood flower appeared, Saint Cassie appeared in the air, one left foot had nowhere to go, his figure flashed away, only the blood dripping away in the air Depicted the trajectory of his escape.

Richard took a step forward, shook his head, and retracted his footsteps, slowly falling.

Cangying looked at Richard with a strange eye, and asked, “How can it be so fast.”

The battle between the two super powers, especially the competition of Combat Skill, is normal for a few days or even a dozen days, but I did n’t expect Saint Cassie to flee for ten minutes without even ten minutes. To the understanding of both parties, there is no such big gap in their Combat Skill.

Richard smiled slightly and said, “I can’t make mistakes, but he can’t make mistakes. I always dance on the edge of the blade. It is inevitable that there will be pressure. Saint Cassie just didn’t withstand the pressure and gave me a chance.”

Cang Ying nodded and understood the meaning of Richard, but he always felt that Richard didn’t make it clear.

In fact, the two of Combat Skill have reached the peak of their own field, even if there is a gap, it is very small, but the oppression of Richard makes Saint Cassie have to maintain the peak offensive from beginning to end. This kind of full attack Extremely exhausted energy and physical strength, and later fully supported by willpower.

At that time, Indefiniteness only persisted for a few hours under the continuous pursuit of Richard. Now Richard has made great progress, and Saint Cassie, which is similar to the combat style of Indefiniteness, is not as powerful as Indefiniteness. The time of natural persistence will be greatly shortened.

However, Saint Cassie should support for more than an hour, but he collapsed much earlier than Richard expected. As can be seen from this, this Sacred Elven King‘s will is not a little bit worse than Indefiniteness.

However, few people can compete with the madman of Indefiniteness. Perhaps Richard is one, but the high elves who are accustomed to a comfortable life in Cang Qing mainland are not.

Richard looked at a hand-drawn map obtained from Siaud Sungod and said, “Let ’s go, today we can get out of the forest and reach the flower plain. There is a city here. We can spend the night there.”

Richard refers to the city of fleur-de-lis, this is a medium-sized city with a Tree of Life planted in the center of the city. The residence, even the palace Bard Faral also has a villa here.

As Richard moved towards the city of fleur-de-lis, the elven king ’s court once again boiled. Saint Cassie, who had never been defeated for hundreds of years, played Richard, and returned home in disastrous defeat. This shocked the high elves who could not see humans. Think about it.

The emperor blocked the news for the first time, and then summoned everyone to discuss it again.

The Great Elven King in charge of the military first said: “In the past few wars, a total of 80,000 troops have been defeated, of which nearly 20,000 were killed and seriously injured. At least half of the remaining Warrior need to go through The blessing of Moon Temple can restore the fighting power and re-enter the battlefield. “

Another Great Elven King released a magic image of the Richard army marching, saying: “We now know the strength of Richard. He also has two powerful Legendary Powerhouses under his command and has a terrifying High Level army protection. Opponents, we must fight hard to defeat them. “

Holy Druid said: “We ca n’t let Richard escape back to sea, do n’t forget that there is a terrible fleet there on Samui. The short contact battle defeated the third fleet. Once Richard returned to his fleet, Then we can be blocked, and none of our fleet can go to sea. “

Several Great Elven Kings looked at each other and said, “It doesn’t seem to be a big deal to be blocked. We don’t need any communication with Norland at all. The Cang Qing Continent and the ten Planes left by the Elven Empire, any We can find the resources we need. “

With this remark, most high elves have nodded slightly.

Due to low fertility, the number of high elves in the Elven Empire has grown slowly. After retreating to the Cang Qing Continent for nearly a thousand years, the number of high elves has only tripled, less than half the era of the Elven Empire. As far as the high elves are concerned, the Plane resources left over from the Cang Qing Continent and the Elven Empire period are too much to run out, and there is still a motivation to trade and develop.

In their eyes, trade and Plane development are the only things that humans, Orc, dwarves, and some cheap elves. Their greed and ugly nature are destined to embark on such a **** and predatory road.

“If Richard really blocks our outer seas, we only have to withdraw the elves along the coast to the inland, no. Then, even if Richard logs in, we can only get some empty cities and find nothing.” One Great Elven King suggested.

“How can this be.” Sheng Druid was displeased.

But the Elf Emperor thought, and nodded slowly, saying, “This is also a way. Anyway, apart from some symbolic dealings with the Millennium Empire, we have nothing to do with the dirty and ugly races on Norland. Exchange, empty the coastal zone, so that Richard can not get supplies, after a long time, he will naturally go back. “

“But we still have two royal fleets, so are we just watching those human fleets patrolling our gates.” Saint Druid was very angry.

“Many of our main battleships are the legacy of the Empire era. If they are like the third fleet, we can’t build as many main battleships.” Moon Temple Great Shaman‘s voice is very slow, but it is as fierce as a needle He stabbed hard in the hearts of the elves.

When the Elven Empire was overthrown, the high elves who fled to the Green Continent successfully escaped Norland after being chased and killed along the way. In the process, many treasures of the Elven Empire were lost, including A full set of manufacturing craftsmanship for magic warships.

For centuries thereafter, the high elves of the Cang Qing continent have been groping, but the key magical movements have always been difficult to pass, and it is because there is no magic **** in the age of the elf empire, and it is impossible to create several of the most critical magic. The guide drives the core, so the warships imitated can’t be compared with the warships of the Elven Empire.

In the past millennium, the elves of the Green Continent still made slow progress on the magic warships. Now they are just barely able to build warships of the same size as the magic warships of the Empire period, but their combat power is only equivalent to three points of the Empire version. of two.

The dozen or so battleships left during the Empire period can now be said to permanently lose one if they lose one.

Therefore, several senior elves discussed and discussed, and finally concluded that if Richard used his magical fleet to block the sea, then the first and second fleets of Wang Ting were transferred to the east coast. This decision Actually High Grade hides all battleships to avoid losses.

No matter how ridiculous this decision is, it finally passed.

But after the decision was made, they had to return to the inescapable problem, how to solve the Richard that was marching into the elven king’s court.

“There must be a fight.” Great Elven King, who was in charge of the war, shouted sharply.

St. Druid said: “First find a way to cut off the army of Richard, and then contain the two Legendary Powerhouse around him, and then my majesty and I shot together, it is possible to leave Richard.”

How to cut off the terrible army of up to five thousand in Richard.

The Great Elven King in charge of the war resolutely said: “All the Frost Frost Iron Rides will be dispatched, and my fierce blade will lead the team personally, and will definitely destroy the Richard army.”

The rest of the elves in Wang Ting’s complexion changed greatly. They meditated on the word Liushuang Tieqi several times, and then nodded slowly one by one.

Like the magical battleship, Liushuang Iron Rider is a precious legacy left by the age of the Elven Empire. It is said to be the strongest armament on land. Even the Orc Bimon Giants Corps is slightly inferior. This is a team that can face the Abyss Demon Corps. The powerful and powerful army is one of the guarantees of the undefeated Elven Empire.

However, as the high elves retreated to the Crimson Continent, a group of important Plane was lost, a few key resources were lost, and no more frost iron armor can be created. The number of iron riders gradually decreased, and now there are only 12,000 riders left.

This is the last pride of the elven king’s court. It is the psychological support of the higher elves to continue to defy Norland and Klandor, but now, is this army about to be dispatched?

In addition to Liushuang Iron Ride, a group of high elves found at this moment that they could use fewer cards.

Every high elf in the Cang Qing Continent is a soldier, but it can only get 300,000 troops out. As a result, Richard only half way to Wang Ting, and 80,000 were defeated. No matter how urgent Wang Ting is With the transfer of troops, it is impossible to let Warrior stationed in various parts of the mainland fly to the Wang Ting, not to mention that 80,000 are easily defeated, that is, if there are more than one hundred thousand, can they solve the war situation.

The Elf Emperor finally said with a nod: “Okay, I sent all the Frost Frost Iron Rides, led by Fierceblade Windwalker, and Richard to fight against each other.”

This time, the high elves finally have a solution that looks normal.

Richard stayed for one night in the city of Hawkweed and continued the journey the next day, but after only fifty kilometers, the whole team suddenly slowed down.

Richard said to Goshawk: “It seems that our elf friend is still unresigned.”

On the distant horizon, murderous aura suddenly rolled into the sky, and then a silver wave rolled in.

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