Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 999: Your promise to me (5)

Wang Feng thought for a few seconds and nodded.

As a result, Wang Feng temporarily stayed at the top of the Jade Spirit Tree Emperor.

Ice Emperor: “…”

Not only did my elder sister keep this human, listening to this, she also wanted to provide this human with the ice bed that she usually rests and trains?

‘Could my sister be…’

Bingdi thought of a terrible possibility

“Impossible… Absolutely impossible.”

Ice Emperor glanced at Xue Emperor and said angrily, “Sister…you…I will never agree!”

After speaking, the Ice Emperor quickly ran down the Jade Spirit Tree Emperor.

Snow Emperor: “…”

Wang Feng: “…”

A scorpion is missing.

Wang Feng suddenly felt that he had returned to the awkward and weird atmosphere when he had just rescued Xue Di.

“Human, I don’t know yet… what is your exact name?”

Xue Di turned his head slightly and asked in a low voice.

“My name is… Wang Feng.” Wang Feng.

“But isn’t your name Dr. Soul Beast?” Xue Di asked curiously.

Wang Feng coughed a few times.

It turns out that Snow Emperor has also heard of this name.

It is estimated that Qingqing has told Xuedi everything except her own situation.

“This is just a nickname.” Wang Feng explained.

“What does this nickname mean?” Xue Di asked again.

Like a curious baby.

Wang Feng was a little surprised.

He has so many nicknames and identities, but no one knows what these nicknames mean for him.

“Well…” Wang Feng stepped aside and was about to sit down and talk.

The Snow Emperor pointed to the ice bed in the distance, “Sit on this.”

Wang Feng was stunned for a while, but he still sat down.

This ice bed is quite large, with a length and width of four or five meters.

Thousands of Ice Essence’s ice bed is truly extraordinary. Before Wang Feng stood beside him, he felt an abundance of ice energy.

After sitting up, the soul power in the body quickly turned around.

However, the cold is overwhelming, and ordinary soul masters, let alone sitting on it, can’t stand it.

Xue Di also stepped onto the ice bed, rolled up his legs sideways, elegantly and beautifully, and placed his hands lightly on the side of his thighs. Ice crystal-like eyes, looking at Wang Feng, seems to want to listen to Wang Feng.

“What’s the meaning…” Wang Feng thought for a while, “I have heard a story about a human who lost his hands. After untold hard work, he gained extraordinary power, defeated the forces of evil, and determined to protect world peace. This human being is called Doctor Strange, and Strange represents extraordinary power. I just use it casually, so I call it Doctor Soul Beast.”

“Oh…” Xue Di was startled.

Although I haven’t heard of this story in detail, I will briefly describe this passage from Wang Feng…

“Use whatever you want…” Xue Di gently turned his hand into a circle on the ice bed, “Why do I feel like it fits your story? You have extraordinary power, defeated the evil forces, and guarded the extreme north. For peace with mankind, fundamentally, the soul beasts in the extreme north should thank you.”

Wang Feng was stunned when he heard the words, and thought for a while: “Hey, don’t say it, it seems to be true.”

Snow Emperor: “…”

Xue Di looked at Wang Feng’s stunned look, and suddenly smiled.

She smiled softly, but she was so beautiful that it seemed that she could melt the ice bed made of thousands of years of ice essence.

Wang Feng took a few glances.

This woman is as good-looking as me. Wang Feng thought.

The power of this smile is no less than mine.

“It’s a pity…human beings and soul beasts cannot live in peace.”

Looking at Wang Feng and looking at himself, the Snow Emperor withdrew his smile and suddenly sighed, “Even without those evil spirit masters, our spirit beasts cannot go to a higher level, or we can only transform into Humans, have been rebuilt. Or, they can only become human spirit rings.”

Wang Feng nodded.

At this time, the only way to increase the strength of Douluo World naturally determines that the soul beast will always be hunted.

Slightly deformed.

And as time passes, the conflict between humans and soul beasts will inevitably become more and more intense.

The spirit beasts will eventually diminish.

Thinking of this, Wang Feng thought of the soul again.

But even souls need to consume soul beasts.

“Doctor Strange can be determined to protect world peace, but no one can protect the peace of this world.”

Xue Di shook his head slightly.

Wang Feng was silent.

He suddenly thought.

Since I came to this world… shouldn’t I leave something that truly belongs to me?

People are weak and weak.

Weak and weak, naturally do not need to consider these.

But Wang Feng feels that he is strong enough now. Maybe he should leave some things of his own and real traces in the world of Douluo?

Wang Feng’s mind suddenly changed.

The soul crystal core in the sea of ​​consciousness uttered a soft cry.

A mysterious power seems to wake up from this crystal nucleus, throbbing.

He was startled, he just had this idea, how could he feel as if something was touched?

Thinking about this, Wang Feng suddenly recalled the journey. Although it wasn’t all smooth sailing, even with all kinds of golden fingers, he was able to walk over, and there were many dangers.

After pretending to be a lot, I also unknowingly flirted with a lot of big and beautiful girls.

People become more handsome and stronger.

But…is that enough?

‘Of course that’s enough, as long as I go on like this and keep getting stronger. ‘ Wang Feng’s heart jumped, ‘Don’t have any strange thoughts, that’s all unrealistic. It’s enough to become stronger, maybe I will go to other worlds? Even if you don’t go, you will be fine when you slowly cultivate into a god. Although next, each level takes a long time…’

But Wang Feng looked at the helplessness and faintness in Xue Di’s eyes at this moment.

Thinking back to all this, Qingqing and the seven guys.

‘I should do something. ’

Wang Feng woke up suddenly.

“No, not necessarily.”

After thinking for a while, Wang Feng said in a firm tone, “Although the world will not always be peaceful, there is no possibility of peace between humans and soul beasts.”

Hearing this, Emperor Xue was silent for a moment, then said in a cold tone:

“Impossible. Humans need a spirit ring to increase their strength, so they will definitely hunt down spirit beasts. But our spirit beasts can only improve their strength through our own cultivation, but it’s all for the dowry of humans. Humans and spirit beasts. , will not be peaceful. Our soul beasts will only become rarer and rarer until they are on the verge of extinction…”


Emperor Xue also stood up, and there was a bit of unwillingness in his tone of helplessness, “Until one day, I cultivated to the limit, I couldn’t bear the catastrophe, and finally became someone else’s spirit ring. , lost all memory, started from scratch, and then was discovered by humans, hunted and became a spirit ring…”

While speaking, Emperor Xue looked straight at Wang Feng.

Xue Di’s own prediction is quite accurate…

It would be better to say that many intelligent soul beasts may have had such helpless thoughts in their hearts, right?

“I won’t let this Wang Feng took a few steps forward and made his debut subconsciously.

Xue Di was startled and looked at Wang Feng with a little shyness.

Something strange…comfortable.

Finally, Emperor Xue said softly:

“I trust you, Dr. Soulbeast.”

After saying that, Emperor Xue hesitated for a while, walked over, gently held Wang Feng’s hand, and stared at Wang Feng with her beautiful eyes, with a hint of special emotion.

“I will remember this moment, your promise to me.”

Wang Feng looked at the Snow Emperor, who was only a few centimeters away at this moment, and felt the slightly cold, jade-like hand…

I have a vague feeling in my head that is not very good…


Ps: There are a few more updates in the evening… Brother Meng, vote more~!

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