Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 822: The Spirit Hall is coming! (5)

And a fiasco! In this Sea God Island, no one can beat Bo Saixi, even the one who inherits the evil god, it may not be possible.

There are also seven sacred pillars, more than 3,000 sea spirit masters!

Under consideration, Tang San and the others also plan to return to the mainland to see how the situation goes.


Tang San took out a conch and blew it, Xiaobai gave it to him, saying that as long as he blew this, Xiaobai would come!

However, after blowing for a while, I didn’t see Xiao Bai.

Seeing this, the nine people looked at each other, and a bad premonition fainted in their hearts!

Same time.


Ning Rongrong suddenly pointed forward, “How come there are so many large merchant ships! I remember that the communication between Seagod Island and the outside world were all small ships for simple material exchanges…”

“Zhuqing, go to Sea God Mountain to report to Senior Bo Saixi!” Tang San shouted immediately, “Chenxiang, you go and tell the Seven Sacred Pillars… The people from the Spirit Hall are here!”

The voice just fell!

I saw the sea capsize ahead, and there was a loud bang!

Countless sea soul beasts were suddenly overturned!

With Tang San’s eyesight, he could even see several great white sharks with demon spirits inside!

Seeing this, Tang San’s heart trembled fiercely! Sure enough, Hu Liena must have gone back to report this!

I didn’t expect it to come so quickly!

Wuhun Hall, really dare to come!

The first time that Zhu Zhuqing and Bai Chenxiang opened their mouths, Tang San turned into a light and shadow and disappeared in place!

“We may not be able to go…”

Tang San’s expression was extremely heavy, “Looking at the posture, there should be quite a few people coming from the Spirit Hall!”

“I did the math. Each of these types of ships can carry more than 300 people.”

Ning Rongrong said, “It is conservatively estimated that there are at least 6,000 people, and they should all be Spirit Masters, but I don’t know what level Title Douluo will have! But even if that Qian Daoliu comes, he will fight. But Senior Bo Saixi. On Seagod Island, even a yellow-clothed sea spirit master should be able to compare with a soul emperor. Purple-clothed sea spirit masters, one against two is no problem.”

“Unless these 6,000 people are the elites of the Spirit Hall, and all of them are Spirit Masters above the 60th rank, there is no danger.”

The Spirit Hall has tens of thousands of spirit masters, but there should not be many real high-level spirit masters.

At this moment, a figure suddenly flew over from the distant sky.

It was a golden figure.

She has these six pairs of exquisite and majestic white wings behind her, exuding a dazzling light.

The whole person was burning with a scorching golden flame, like a goddess of war walking out of the sun, dazzling.

That beautiful face exudes a cold aura, a pair of golden pupils, a little anxious.

“It’s that Qian Renxue!”

Tang San’s pupils shrank, “This is the aura of a titled Douluo… Senior Bo Saixi said that the person who inherits the Angel God should be her!”

The breath of the other party is too obvious, but why did the other party come here in the first place?

At this time, Qian Renxue also seemed to see seven people.

The seven people felt tight and immediately prepared for battle!

However, Qian Renxue flew to a height of several meters and looked at the crowd for a long time, but she didn’t seem to see the target, and then the first sentence made them all stunned:

“Where is Wang Feng?”

Everyone: “???”

What did she do to Brother Feng?

The seven were a little stunned.

Only Ning Rongrong looked a little weird.

When did Qian Renxue meet Wang Feng?

Of course they didn’t know that Qian Renxue knew Wang Feng from a very early age.

It must be traced back to the age of six…

“I don’t know.”

Tang San said indifferently, “You Wuhun Temple, stay away from the mainland and come to Seagod Island, can’t you imagine that you were killed like the last time, and you left in ashes?”

Qian Renxue shook her head and looked at the seven people, “Tang San, I spared your life last time, but I didn’t expect your life to be really big. It wasn’t swallowed by the deep sea demon whale, but instead landed on Seagod Island, Become the heir of the Sea God. You also have the aura of an artifact?”

The artifact, of course, refers to the Trident of the Sea God.

Tang San’s heart sank.

“Unfortunately, your strength is too weak. You should only pass the seven exams, right?”

Qian Renxue is extremely smart, apparently through her own eight angel exams, and based on the information given by Hu Liena, she guessed Tang San’s progress at this time.

“I’m too lazy to take care of you right now.”

Qian Renxue’s expression turned cold, and her stunning face was full of sacredness and coldness, as if she had no emotion, “Tell me where Wang Feng is, and I will pretend I didn’t see you, otherwise don’t blame me for being polite!”

After speaking, the nine spirit rings on Qian Renxue’s body suddenly lit up!

The huge fluctuation of soul power formed a terrifying coercion of soul power, the air was frozen, and even the sea water from the port was frozen.


Tang San was stunned, the pressure brought about by such spirit power fluctuations made him a little unimaginable.

More than three years ago, when she was in the Tiandou Palace, Qian Renxue’s explosive strength seemed to be in her early eighties!

Three years, and already reached the ninety-ninth grade?

The Inheritance of the Deity Is this powerful? In just three years, has Qian Renxue improved by more than ten levels?

And, this is level ninety-nine!

What’s even more terrifying is the aura on Qian Renxue’s body at this time!

A purple light flashed from the Ziji Demon Eye, and Tang San vaguely saw the five hidden spirit bones in Qian Renxue’s body.

Each piece exudes a breath that fits perfectly with Seraph Wuhan!

What is the concept of level ninety-nine, the opponent must have passed the seventh test, or even the eighth test!

Only one final exam is needed, is it possible to become a god?

Tang San couldn’t imagine that they were already improving quickly, but Qian Renxue didn’t seem to be slow.

If you wait another year or two, what you may face is really a Qian Renxue who has become a god…

But now, even if the opponent may have just reached level ninety-nine, the possibility of seven people uniting to defeat her is very low!

“What are you doing with Wang Feng?”

Ning Rongrong stood up and snorted, “Wang Feng is not at Seagod Island at all. Didn’t that saint of yours make it clear to you? It’s really funny! It seems that your Spirit Hall is really afraid of Wang Feng!”

Qian Renxue frowned as she looked at Ning Rongrong.

These people are lying? Or is Wang Feng really not at Sea God Island?

Or is it that Wang Feng pretended not to tell them at all? But it shouldn’t!

Impossible, Wang Feng must be on Seagod Island!

Qian Renxue squinted her eyes, her icy eyeliner, like a sharp blade, exuded bursts of cold light.

This woman is a bit annoying.

Next moment!

Qian Renxue suddenly appeared a golden giant sword that was burning with flames. Nine spirit rings flickered on his body!

Seven black and two red!

Immediately after, Qian Renxue slashed at Ning Rongrong with a single sword!

The golden flame sword marks, which are more than ten meters long, seem to be burning the air, falling down with the momentum of splitting the air!

(End of this chapter)

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