Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 77: Cool~!

Wang Feng was only twenty or thirty meters away from Zao Wou-Ki.

“Although Mr. Zhao is a battle spirit master with both offense and defense, his spirit skills are very restrained from long-range attacks or control spirit masters.”

Dai Mubai explained in a low voice, “Vajra Roar is a special soul skill that hides the soul power in the sound and releases it through the roar! There is no way to avoid it! I rarely see Teacher Zhao use this. Soul skill! Besides Teacher Zhao’s seventh soul skill Martial Soul Avatar, this soul skill is Teacher Zhao’s strongest move!”

“In the roar, there is a terrifying power that is enough to shatter the soul master’s heart and brain. Even if he is of the same level, he will at least be dizzy and hard to resist! For a soul master whose soul power is far lower than Teacher Zhao, it is even more difficult to resist. It can achieve the effect of instant kill! Just blocking your ears can’t completely avoid it! That’s why I asked you to possess the spirit to resist…”

Tang San’s face turned pale when he heard this. If Teacher Zhao used this spirit ability just now, even if he had spare strength, he would be knocked unconscious on the spot!

One move is enough to completely incapacitate yourself!

Even if many hidden weapons have not been released, I am afraid there will be no chance at all!

“What about him?” Zhu Zhuqing, who had been silent for a while, suddenly asked.

He, of course, refers to Wang Feng.

Everyone was startled.

“This battle should be over.” Dai Mubai shook his head and sighed softly.

“Mr. Zhao has too much experience.” Tang San whispered, “He can clearly see that Brother Feng’s turnaround requires him to take the initiative to attack! In other words, as long as you don’t get along When Brother Feng contacts, Teacher Zhao has the absolute initiative! He will never suffer the same counterattack again!”

Zao Wou-Ki’s powerful King Kong roar reminded Tang San of a unique Buddhist technique in his previous life, the Buddhist lion’s roar.

Very similar!

“But Mr. Zhao himself is a battle spirit master with both offense and defense! It’s hard to imagine that he would have such a terrifying spirit ability with long-range and large-scale lethality without melee combat! If this is on the battlefield, it will definitely be countless assistants. The nemesis of soul masters!”

Tang San’s analysis made Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing stunned. Ning Rongrong, who was on the side, was half-fainted, she was just an auxiliary soul master.

It turns out that there is such a saying!

The reason why Zao Wou-Ki is strong is that his soul skills are very comprehensive.

It has an offensive soul skill, Vigorous Vajra Palm, a defensive soul skill that does not move Ming Wang’s body, and a soul skill that restrains agility and attack type war soul masters to increase gravity and track location.

He also has the gravitational squeeze of group attack and gathering monsters, and even has a long-range and large-area offensive soul skill, Strong King’s Roar.

He’s not afraid of singles and gang fights!

Whether it was with Tang San Xiaowu Zhu Zhuqing, or with Tang San alone, Zao Wou-Ki’s strength was at most 20% or 30%.

Play something real, like now.

It really is whoever **** is **** up.

“I don’t know if Brother Feng can withstand it…”

Several people moved towards the center of the square and looked slowly.

“Amazing, awesome, awesome! As expected of Zao Wou-Ki, the very popular Fudo Mingwang in the original book!”

Wang Feng stood on the spot, his feet seemed to be embedded in the mud, the power contained in the roar was somewhat beyond Wang Feng’s expectations.

Although I knew that Zao Wou-Ki’s sixth spirit ability was a roar, I didn’t expect it to be so terrifying!

Moreover, I was very close to Zao Wou-Ki, the closer the distance, the more powerful the roar!

If Tang San and the others were here, they would bleed from the seven orifices in an instant, fall into a coma, or risk their lives.

In addition, it is a long-range and large-scale coverage type, and its own reversal of the world and the sky cannot be avoided.

Zao Wou-Ki clearly saw his own shortcomings. In the case that the speed is far inferior to himself, and he is restrained by the reversal of the universe, he decisively chooses not to fight with himself, and directly activates this sixth spirit ability!

I plan to make myself incapacitated by a move.

“But…isn’t this my chance too?”

Wang Feng’s mouth curled into a smile. Use your whole body’s soul power to frantically resist this terrifying sound wave!

What followed was a rapid decline in soul power!

The roar continued, and after tens of seconds, Dai Mubai, who was hundreds of meters away, had completely collapsed to the ground.

They really couldn’t get up, but fortunately, they weren’t in the center of the square, and they didn’t suffer too much damage. They just exhausted their soul power and lost their strength.

At this time, the roar slowly stopped.

Wang Feng’s face was pale, but there was a look of excitement in his eyes, and his whole body was trembling slightly!

But, it didn’t fall!

“You haven’t fallen yet?”

Zao Wou-Ki in the distance looked at this scene with an incredible look in his eyes.

How could this kid, who is so close to him, hadn’t fallen yet?

Even a Soul King of over fifty levels would not be able to hold on for so long!

Zao Wou-Ki still has confidence in his control. Considering that this kid is only level 30, he has not fully used all his soul power.

But in the tens of seconds just now, even a Soul King of over fifty levels would not be able to persevere!

This boy, is it so durable?

Is he really a level 30 Spirit Master?

“Mr. Zhao, do you have any more?”

At this time, Wang Feng stood there, showing a smile, his face was pale, but his tone was still calm, “I don’t know, how many times have you released this soul skill?”

Hearing this, Zao Wou-Ki snorted coldly, stared at Wang Feng a few times, and said slowly:

“Little devil, although you can persevere now, but you don’t have much soul power, right? Although my soul skill costs a lot, it’s not a problem to do it twice.”

Strong King Kong Roar, a large-area destructive spirit ability, can’t be used several times.

“Then don’t talk nonsense. Hurry up! Teacher Zhao, it’s best to release it with all your strength, and don’t keep it.” Wang Feng laughed.

Zao Wou-Ki was stunned for a moment, and then he was laughing angrily. This kid, what a nonsense, I want to release it with all my strength. You can still stand up now, so I think Zao Wou-Ki loses, okay?

What a stubborn boy!

Although he was annoyed with laughter, Zao Wou-Ki didn’t plan to release the Vajra Roar with all his strength.

This little monster, he loves it so much, how could it be really messed up?

However, at this time, Wang Feng said with a smile:

“Mr. Zhao, there is a way to unleash this powerful vajra roar with all your strength. You are afraid of hands and feet, what kind of man are you!”

Hear this.

The people in the distance were petrified! Looking at Wang Feng, a thought popped into his mind: Is Wang Feng dying?

Zao Wou-Ki: “…”

“Boy, you brought it on yourself! Even if you get beaten up by the dean, I will recognize it! Today I won’t let you lie in bed for a few days, so I won’t be called Zao Wou-Ki!”

Zao Wou-Ki’s face changed drastically.

No one can bear this, let alone Zao Wou-Ki’s temper!

Zao Wou-Ki was like a bull stepping on the ground. He stepped on the ground with his feet, and the six spirit rings on his body slowly lit up. This was a sign that his spirit power was running at full speed, except for the last one.

“Hercules Roar!”

Zao Wou-Ki roared in a low voice!


A more violent sound wave than before was released from Zao Wou-Ki’s mouth!

Seeing this, Tang San’s complexion changed drastically, dragging his weak body, he stepped back again!

As for Wang Feng, the moment he faced this sound wave, his expression changed!

The bones in the whole body made a crisp sound, and the internal organs in the body seemed to be twisted by a strong force!

Too strong!

Wang Feng snorted, this Vigorous King Kong roar was at least twice as strong as before! Even if Zao Wou-Ki didn’t use all his strength, he still used at least 80-90% of his strength!

Not to mention a Soul King over fifty levels, even a Soul Emperor over sixty levels, I’m afraid they’d have to finish the game on the spot.

Although his physical fitness is strong, he is at most about the same level as a Spirit Master of the fifty-something level, so he will never be able to withstand it!

However, knowing that he couldn’t resist, how could Wang Feng be so stupid and forceful?

Did you even bother to provoke Zao Wou-Ki?

It’s very simple, Wang Feng needs to use this powerful vajra roar and meteor tears to temper his body!

A crazy idea!

Wang Feng has not reached that state for a long time, his body is beyond the limit, and Meteor Tears are used to compress and purify soul power. He has not felt the kind of tightrope walking between life and death for a long time. He felt that even if he fought with many powerful soul beasts with all his strength, he would not be able to make Meteor Tears pour out that special energy to repair and strengthen his body.

No way, my physical fitness is too strong…

But now, it’s a wonderful opportunity!

Zao Wou-Ki’s Vajra Roar is a special kind of sonic attack that covers all directions!

The lethality is amazing!

But for Wang Feng, it is a super perfect way to temper his body!

He needs to use Zao Wou-Ki’s powerful King Kong roar to put his body at the limit of life and death, and feel the warmth of meteor tears again.

Of course, this is actually very dangerous. If you are not careful, the game will be over!

But often the real powerhouse is the one who can make breakthroughs and become stronger in extremely dangerous situations, and be reborn from the ashes!

The terrifying power brought by the sound waves was raging on Wang Feng’s body, as if his whole body was torn apart. Every inch of the muscles in the body was broken, and the internal organs and limbs were all shaken by this sound wave power. Fear of cracking!

Wang Feng closed his eyes. If he was an ordinary person, he would have been screaming and screaming in pain, and even passed out of a coma.

But for him, there is no feeling, even… a little nostalgia.

This is a bit worse than the first body recast.

“Come out quickly!”

Because the spiritual will is extremely powerful, the consequence of this power is that Wang Feng can clearly feel the pain that his body is suffering from every moment!

But Wang Feng still insisted, this is a rare opportunity to greatly improve his physical fitness in an all-round way!

After this time, even if Zao Wou-Ki used the Great King Kong Roar again in the future, it would not have such a good effect.

After dozens of seconds, finally, in the expectation of Wang Feng, a long-lost special energy poured out of his heart, slowly nourishing Wang Feng’s whole body!

The kind of smooth and comfortable, completely indescribable in words!

Every inch of skin on the body seems to be nourished. The energy of the meteor tears flows through the whole body, repairing every inch of skin and bones, making it stronger and stronger!

This is not comparable to the pure healing ability of Jinlian! It is more like a pulp washing valve body!

At this time, Zao Wou-Ki on the other side suddenly woke up abruptly and regretted it not long after he uttered this Vigorous King Kong roar that contained almost 80-90% of his strength.

‘Oops! That kid, I’m afraid my whole body will be shattered? ’

The anger in Zao Wou-Ki’s heart seemed to be quenched by a splash of water.

That kid’s physique is strangely strong, enough to be comparable to a spirit master of more than fifty levels, but his Mighty King’s Roar this time is twice as strong as the last time! That kid just looked like he still had some energy left, how could he be able to withstand his roar intact?

Thinking like this, Zao Wou-Ki stared at him, only to see Wang Feng closing his eyes, bleeding from his facial features, and trembling uncontrollably all over his body… Obviously it was the end of the battle.

Seeing this, Zao Wou-Ki’s heart suddenly sank, and it was icy cold!

At this time, Tang San and the others in the distance, watching this scene, were also terrified!

The secret path is not good!

Brother Feng is so big!

At the same time.

Oops! I’m so confused!

Zao Wou-Ki felt remorse in his heart. He was about to gather his soul power, closed his mouth, and retracted the Great King Kong Roar.

However, at this moment.

Wang Feng, who was in the distance, suddenly opened his eyes, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and shouted loudly:


The voice fell!

In an instant, everyone on the spot, including Zao Wou-Ki, was stunned!

All of them are like stone sculptures, looking at Wang Feng in the distance…

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