Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 721: Spiritual test (1)

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Wang Feng was speechless when he thought of this.

Wang Feng walked to Hu Liena’s side and looked at Seahorse Douluo.

At this time, this Seahorse Douluo had a strange light in his eyes.

“Your age is not too young, right?”

Seahorse Douluo looked at Wang Feng with a slightly cold tone.

I was really shocked by the opponent’s strength and means just now, being able to break through the eight water pillars he condensed with one sword, this is not something that a single soul emperor can do.

“Is there any age requirement for the test of Sea God Island?”

Wang Feng asked calmly.

“Anyone, as long as they are recognized by the Sea God, are eligible to join Sea God Island.” Seahorse Douluo narrowed his eyes, “There is no requirement for age, but I suspect that your origins are unknown…”

The opponent’s strength made Seahorse Douluo a little puzzled. Forget the rest, they can be said to be geniuses at a young age.

But the person in front of him cannot be described as a genius. Seahorse Douluo believes that even on the outer continent, it is definitely not easy.

How could a powerhouse of this level want to come to Seagod Island?

“You suspect that we are from the Spirit Hall?”

Wang Feng glanced at Seahorse Douluo and said suddenly.

Seahorse Douluo’s expression did not change, but his aura became colder.

“I said we are, do you believe it?” Wang Feng looked at Tang San and the others, and then looked at Hu Liena.

Wang Feng slightly diffused his breath.

Seahorse Douluo was slightly stunned, frowning as he perceived these people.

The man in black in front of him exudes an aura that is as pure as the sea, closer to nature, not like those spirit masters who besieged them in the Spirit Hall more than 20 years ago .

“So… Seahorse Douluo’s suspicion is useless.” Wang Feng looked at the sacred pillar behind Seahorse Douluo, “Why don’t you leave it to Lord Seagod? If you agree, you should be able to clear your doubts, Seahorse Douluo, right?”

Wang Feng knew about these assessments, and they were naturally descended by gods. When he was in the secret realm of Rakshasa, Wang Feng knew it clearly.

Seahorse Douluo suddenly laughed and said, “Indeed. Since you guys think so much about participating in the Seagod Island’s assessment, prepare yourself.”

What the other party said makes sense. If these people are really evil people, it is impossible for them to be recognized by the Sea God.

Speaking, Seahorse Douluo was carried by a few people, walked to the holy pillar, and said indifferently: “According to the order of passing the test just now, come in order.”

Everyone stood up immediately after hearing the words.

Because it was Tang San and the others who passed first, they were naturally the first to go to the assessment.

The group was a little excited.

Whether it is Tang Sanjiu or Hu Liena.

Before coming, Bibi Dong told Hu Liena that this Sea God Island is a special place, and the assessment is very important!

The same Tang Sanjiu was a little excited.

Only Wang Feng did not have too many fluctuations. It is generally clear that the assessment of this Sea God Island should be divided into several types like the Rakshasa Secret Realm.

But the degree of danger is unknown.

At this moment, Seahorse Douluo walked to the edge of the Sacred Pillar and pressed his hands against the Sacred Pillar, he was still muttering something.

Then the surrounding lake water began to boil, and the energy of the holy pillar seemed to be activated, emitting a faint blue light.

Even the text above began to flicker, like stars in the sky.

Wang Feng vaguely felt a stalwart power from that pillar.

Somewhat similar to the statues in the Rakshasa Temple.

After activating the Sacred Pillar, Seahorse Douluo looked at everyone, pointed to the first person in the lead, and said, “Come forward and stare at the Sacred Pillar, if the Sacred Pillar can work with Lord Seagod, you will be given a corresponding assessment. .I will say it in advance. Although there are many kinds of tests for the drop of the holy pillar, they are all extremely dangerous. The more difficult the test is, the lower the chance of survival!”

“Most of the assessments have only success and failure, and there is no luck. And once you accept the assessment, you can’t escape! If you quit now, it’s too late!”

Seahorse Douluo glanced at everyone, his calm voice carried a faint coldness.

Although these terrestrial soul masters are geniuses, there are many geniuses who have fallen during the assessment.

But none of the crowd answered, just looking at the holy pillar.

“I’ll come first!”

The leader Dai Mubai laughed loudly, “If we were afraid of death, we wouldn’t be able to come to this Sea God Island!”

After speaking, Dai Mubai walked to the holy pillar.

Seahorse Douluo looked at Dai Mubai, then flicked his fingers, and a violent blue light fell on Dai Mubai’s body.

The next moment, the holy pillar radiated violent light from the bottom.

At the bottom is a blue glow, then white, and finally yellow. At the same time, the words on the holy pillar seemed to be activated, flowing with different colors of light.

After yellowing, when it reaches the middle of the holy pillar, it becomes purple. After entering purple, the rising speed of the light is much slower. Finally, it penetrates deep into the top of the holy pillar, and the light turns black!

In the end, the light stopped at the black level.

Immediately, that black light shot out and fell in front of Dai Mubai, forming a black curtain of light with dense golden letters jumping in it, and finally imprinting on Dai Mubai’s eyebrows, forming a black thumb-cap-sized black screen. six-pointed star.

Dai Mubai’s body shook, and Mingming seemed to know something.

Seahorse Douluo frowned slightly and looked at Dai Mubai, shaking his head:

“It’s the black level six test.”

His tone was strange, a little shocked, and a little regretful.

After speaking, Seahorse Douluo looked at the doubtful crowd and explained lightly:

“The assessment is divided into different types according to different colors. The black-level assessment is one of the most difficult and the assessment with the highest mortality rate. Over the years on our Sea God Island, only seven people have passed the black-level assessment. That’s it, that is our current Seven Sacred Pillars. And the Black Level Six Exams are even more difficult…”

The implication is that the chance of Dai Mubai passing the test is very low.

The possibility of death is extremely And just now Seahorse Douluo said that this kind of assessment is unavoidable.

Wang Feng knew that the black light curtain and the golden words should represent the power of the Sea God.

Thinking of this, Wang Feng’s heart moved… At the beginning, the power of the Rakshasa God was partially absorbed by the blood pattern of his dark angel Martial Soul, and there was only one test in the end.

Wait for the Sea God’s assessment, shouldn’t it be absorbed by the blood pattern too?

Wang Feng thought about it and felt that it was unlikely. Sea God seemed to be slightly stronger than Rakshasa. And the strengths are different. .

The power of the Rakshasa God belongs to evil, and is compatible with the power of the blood pattern.

But the power of the sea **** should be completely different.

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