Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 713: Soul bone fusion (2)

When the words fell, he turned into a blue light and merged into the vast ocean hood.

Hanhai Qiankun Cover quickly turned into a large triangle, wrapped seven people, pulled out a long blue flame tail, and floated into the distance…

Wang Feng didn’t know that this scene appeared after he led away the deep sea devil whale.

He is currently on the run in a frenzy.

The speed of the deep-sea demon whale in the sea is too fast, and its coercion is extremely strong, and the role of the domain makes it difficult for Wang Feng to escape.

Whenever Wang Feng wanted to use teleport to escape, a violent blue light would emit from the eyes of the demon whale, interrupting Wang Feng.

The blue light of the devil whale is a kind of mental skill of forced locking, which is extremely rare.

So the ability to interrupt Wang Feng’s teleportation, the most important thing is that with the blessing of the opponent’s domain, this ability will be enhanced.

However, Wang Feng did not intend to teleport away, and waited until he was drawn away to a certain distance.

Wang Feng directly cast the Qinglian Treasure Flag, breaking the domain of the Demon Whale, but this Demon Whale was too powerful.

The light of the blue lotus flag can only be maintained within a range of more than ten meters around Wang Feng, and it is impossible to completely remove the domain of the devil whale.

Then quickly switch Soul Eater Blood Wings, cast teleportation, and leave suddenly before the opponent’s domain covers you again!

Without the effect of the domain, the blue light from the demon whale’s eyes only made Wang Feng’s spirit sway, but did not interrupt Wang Feng’s teleportation soul ability.

With a swipe, Wang Feng disappeared in place and appeared in the sky tens of thousands of meters away.

The soul skill of Soul Eater and Blood Wing has been strengthened. At the beginning, the reward soul ring given by the fourth soul ring in the system became 100,000 years. The distance of teleportation can be said to be very far. Impossible to catch up with yourself.


Wang Feng coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, and hurriedly swallowed the blood back, it was a treasure, and blood can’t be vomited indiscriminately.

“This deep sea devil whale is the strongest existence I have ever seen…”

Wang Feng’s face flashed with excitement, “Bibi Dong has never fought, but she is unlikely to fight this beast at sea… It seems that there are still many powerful beings in this world. When I reach eighty I should be able to beat it, and it’s not bad to be able to escape now.”

I had been a spy before. After coming out of the extreme north, Wang Feng had never tested his true strength. Now that he had fought against this devil whale, Wang Feng had a better understanding of himself.

Although it is very strong, there is still a considerable distance from these levels.

The Pangu Axe is the only guarantee that Wang Feng can surpass so many levels, relying on the purest power.

The six forms of Chaos Qinglian are very powerful without a doubt, but because of the huge gap in their own soul power, the effect is difficult to be effective for a long time on a soul beast of the level of a demon whale, and it will also consume a huge amount of itself. soul power.

At this time, Wang Feng suddenly felt a sense of exhaustion, and the empty soul power in his body made Wang Feng feel a huge sense of fatigue.

“Go to the island where Purple Pearl is first, and meet Hu Liena and the others. I don’t know how far I ran…”

With a move in Wang Feng’s heart, Xuan Ming Thorn formed a new flying sword and drove Wang Feng quickly into the distance.

At this time, the spirit power in his body was exhausted, and the spirit power stored in the black lotus was almost used up, but there was still a lot of spirit power.

However, to Wang Feng’s delight, because of the battle just now, he faintly felt that the power of Meteor Tears was pouring out again.

And I feel that the energy from the meteor tears, in addition to the whole body, also poured into the spirit bones all over the body, making the spirit bones more subtle connections. It seems to be changing and blending.

“Is it possible that my spirit bones will also start to form a special fusion? A spirit bone fusion technique or something?”

Wang Feng’s heart moved.

Little San’s spirit bone was slowly driven by the attached spirit bone and 100,000 years, forming a trend of fusion, and when Wang Feng rescued Tang San just now, he sensed it a little and found that Tang San’s body The soul bones actually have a tendency to merge into one.

It seems that it has been transformed and fused by a special force.

But the soul bones on his body are all 100,000 years old, so it is difficult to blend. Unexpectedly, under the power of Meteor Tears, there is a meaning of fusion.

Based on Wang Feng’s guess, the six spirit bones in the body should eventually fuse into a real **** outfit, right?

I felt a faint connection between the four spirit bones on my body.

It is also much smoother to use, and even the flying sword formed by Xuanming Thorn has become much stronger.

“It is the biggest gain of this battle…”

Wang Feng nodded slightly. In addition, Wang Feng felt a little more special about the power of the Pangu Axe.

Pangu Axe Martial Spirit, Wang Feng hasn’t given the spirit ring yet. After Seagod Island and his team, his strength should increase to more than 70 levels, and then he will obtain the seventh spirit ring. You can try adding a soul ring to the Pangu Axe.

The cultivation of the dark angel martial arts is quite Wang Feng has not thought about adding a spirit ring to the dark angel martial arts.

The bloodline power and the realm of original sin alone are enough.

At level 70, it stands to reason that the Chaos Qinglian Martial Spirit will awaken the true body of the Martial Spirit…

I don’t know the effect of Chaos Qinglian’s spirit avatar, not to mention the use of dual spirits. Dual-mode use, should be enough, right?

As long as the dual forms of Chaos Qinglian can be used, it will naturally be of great help to Wang Feng’s own battle.

Don’t say anything else.

Wang Feng wraps himself in black lotus, and uses other martial spirits in the other hand to remain invincible.

If he could use the dual form just now, Wang Feng would not be injured even if he used the mask of the black lotus, and he would still be able to break through the attack of the devil whale.

It won’t be so embarrassing to run away.

You can also use the cloud flag to break through the Demon Whale’s realm without taking any damage.

Although Yunqi can attack and remove the Demon Whale’s defense, as long as it is changed to another form, it will disappear, and the opponent’s domain will be re-attached.

After thinking this way, Wang Feng became a little clearer about his future path.

At the moment when Wang Feng returned to Purple Pearl Island.

He didn’t know how much his battle had changed the sea…


“What’s that?”

Hu Liena and the others, who were already able to see Purple Pearl Island, suddenly looked at the beam of light in the distance and were extremely surprised.

The beam of light penetrated the sky and brought up pieces of clouds, which looked like the end of the world.

“What a strong soul power fluctuation…”

Old Shan’s eyes flickered, “That place is the direction of the Demon Whale Sea. It is hundreds of miles away, and the fluctuation of soul power can travel so far. It’s incredible… There should be a peerless powerhouse dispatched there, and The overlord of the sea is fighting…”

The three of Hu Liena were stunned for a while.

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