Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 697: Stand up! (7)

Thomas, you go to the nearby city and get ready. I’ll come after this is over. “

Wang Feng ordered.


Thomas nodded, without any hesitation, directly possessed his spirit and flew into the distance.

His strength is Contra, or Contra of flight type, and his martial soul is a bat…

After Thomas left, a smile appeared on Wang Feng’s face, “Fatty, brother is here to give you some fire…”


Hu Liena was sweating profusely, but fortunately, the clothes on her body were made of special materials, which could absorb sweat, which did not embarrass her image at this time, and did not appear that kind of glamorous scene.

So did the other two.

The strength of these wolf thieves is not weak.

Although they are not soul masters, they have the abilities of soul beasts, and they have extremely high intelligence and are cruel and belligerent by nature. Each of them can compete with 30th-level soul masters, and many of them can compete with each other. Forty or fifty level spirit masters.

Fortunately, they don’t have martial souls, so they can’t use any soul skills, just some special skills of soul beasts.

Otherwise, it would be too difficult for them to kill.

“Sister, how are you?”

Xie Yue frowned and said, “You rest for a while, Yan and I will stand up and use our spirit skills in a wide range, which will consume too much of your mental power. Fight with your body.”

The two of them killed very easily, mainly relying on Hu Liena to be able to charm these wolf thieves in a large area, and then the two of them used the spirit ability of group attack.

A large field is being harvested.


Hu Liena gritted her teeth, nodded, and then took out a sharp blade from the weight under her feet, placed it lightly in her hand, and rushed out first with her eyes wide open.

Xie Yue and Yan followed closely, and the three of them remained in formation.

Although the speed of killing enemies in this way is reduced, it can save more soul power.

At this moment, three sharp knives suddenly flew out of the three of them, and the three of them paused.

The sharp knives on their bodies are all placed on them by the Pope as a burden, and even in this kind of battle, there is no lightening. They did not refuse or complain, although they were very tired, sometimes the weight was still increasing from time to time.

However, three sharp knives suddenly flew out at this time. Could it be that the Pope wanted to lighten the burden for them?

But then, the three of them knew that it was impossible.

Because the three sharp blades, after flying out of them, did not kill those wolf thieves, but attacked the sky in the distance!

Seeing this, the eyes of the three were directly attracted to the past.

“It seems that someone is rushing towards this…”

Yan suddenly looked up to the sky, “Look over there…”

The moment they were attracted, the three of them saw it. Just now because I was too focused on the battle, I didn’t notice someone coming.

At this moment, there are many more figures in the air.

There are two figures among them, still struggling to attack the wolf thieves below.

“Chenxiang, on the right, pay attention to the three wolf thieves who are going to attack Mubai from behind!”

Ma Hongjun shouted, “You cover, I attack!”

Bai Chenxiang was silent, and flew towards him abruptly. The wings on his back suddenly swayed at a high speed, and three wind blades were shot out, attacking the three wolf thieves.

Her attack is not strong, and these few attacking spirit skills can only hinder the three wolf thieves’ charge and cause a certain amount of damage, so they cannot be killed directly.

But Bai Chenxiang discovered that just when she and herself had just released their soul skills, several rays of light instantly fell on her body, which instantly increased her soul power by several grades, so that the three wind blades that flew out , directly beheaded three wolf thieves.

Seeing this, Bai Chenxiang was startled…

But compared to Dai Mubai and Tang San below, they are simply wolves entering the flock, slaughtering one-sidedly!

The melee combat strength of these two people is too strong, especially Tang San’s ability to fight in groups is extremely sturdy.

In order to save soul power, Tang San didn’t use the Blue Silver Domain, but directly used Blue Silver Grass, plus the hidden weapon and the Eight Spider Lances. The Eight Spider Lances could also absorb the soul power of these wolf thieves. powerful.

In contrast, what surprised Bai Chenxiang even more was Zhu Zhuqing, who belonged to the same agility class as herself!

In the crowd below, Zhu Zhuqing was like a purple electric light, shuttling through the crowd, his sharp long claws, lightly swiping, a burst of blood bloomed like fireworks, like an artistic slaughter!

Attack power, not even the slightest speed Tang San and Dai Mubai. And in comparison, Zhu Zhuqing’s every attack is extremely simplified, consumes very little soul power, but can cause fatal damage to the enemy!

And, too fast!

Compared to her pure-sensitivity soul master, she is no worse than her!

Attack height, agility height, is simply the powerful attribute that agility attack type soul masters dream of!

The only weak point in defense, doesn’t seem to be bad.

Bai Chenxiang even thought that… with this kind of speed and graceful posture, it doesn’t matter if you want to defend or not.

Bai Chenxiang looked to the other side, the celestial daughter of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Ning Rongrong, was exuding a brilliance like a goddess of the Nine Heavens at this moment.

The mysterious and vast Nine Treasures Pagoda represents the most extreme auxiliary boost.

After the mysterious evolution of the Nine Treasures Tile Pagoda, every ray of light that falls can give teammates a great boost.

Just now, Ning Rongrong gave him a boost at a critical, instantly making his soul power stronger, so that the three Lingfeng feather blades directly killed three powerful wolf thieves .

“So strong…too strong…”

Bai Chenxiang murmured, “These Shrek Seven Monsters are actually so powerful… This kind of tacit cooperation, a complete one-sided slaughter… It’s hard to imagine how powerful their monster captain Wang Feng is. Horror…”

Right now.

Suddenly, a cold light suddenly hit from a distance.

She was extremely fast, and she noticed it immediately!

“Agarwood, be careful!”

Ma Hongjun let out a roar.

This roar made Bai Chenxiang feel as if his hair was fried.

Almost for a while, Ning Rongrong didn’t hesitate, and the rays of light that directly cast a defensive boost fell on Bai Chenxiang.

But at the moment when the defense boost falls!

Too fast!

A cold light flashed.

Bai Chenxiang has a scar on her arm!

Fortunately, Bai Chenxiang is a pure-sensitivity soul master. She reacts very quickly, barely avoiding a few points, but her defense is too poor.


Two cold rays of light left two scars on Bai Chenxiang’s body, but they were not serious.

Ma Hongjun finally saw what the attack was. It wasn’t a soul master, but three sharp blades no longer than the length of an arm. They were suspended in mid-air, exuding a cold light.


The sound of breaking the air sounded again. The moment Ma Hongjun saw it, he was startled and rushed towards Bai Chenxiang.

“Be careful!”

But still slow.

This blade is too fast. Although it is very short, it is faster than Ma Hongjun thought!

And this time, the sharp blade attacked Bai Chenxiang’s wings. The speed is even faster than before!

As soon as Bai Chenxiang didn’t even have time to react, the wings on her back shook slightly and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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