Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 687: Sea Exploration (2)

Then how did Bibi Dong think of setting the first plan on Sea God Island?

What does she want to do?

Wuhun Temple will know about Seagod Island, Wang Feng can understand it very well, after all, such a powerful force.

Once again, I broke the halberd and sank into the sand on the Sea God Island, even if I didn’t pay attention.

But now you haven’t finished the mainland, why did you want to go to Sea God Island?

Thinking of this, Wang Feng suddenly moved in his heart and looked at Qian Daoliu.

At this moment, the grand worshiper of the Spirit Hall’s face is also a little unsightly, his eyes are a bit cold, and his peerless aura is exuding, which makes the air in the entire conference hall a bit solidified, and many Title Douluos are dead aware. The atmosphere was a little weird, and they watched in silence.

‘Bibi Dong can definitely guess that this place is related to the inheritance of the divine position…’

Wang Feng’s heart froze.

Whether it was the Slaughter City, the Rakshasa Secret Realm, or the Seagod Island, Bibi Dong had been to the first two. Naturally, she must have known the particularity of this Seagod Island, and it must be the place where the gods were inherited.

At this time, I heard Bibi Dong speak slowly

“Presumably, everyone knows this place. My Spirit Palace lost two Title Douluo and thousands of Spirit Masters in this place decades ago. But at that time, our Spirit Palace was not mature enough, right? Not much is known about this place.”

“As a result, Spirit Hall suffered a major defeat and paid a heavy price! But now, I, Bibi Dong, have set my goal on Seagod Island again. This time, we will not have any chance of failure! “

Bibi Dong’s voice is sonorous and powerful, full of confidence!

Qian Daoliu’s face suddenly changed from gloomy to calm, he looked at Bibi Dong.

I have to admit that this woman is much stronger than his incompetent son.

Because the last Pope was led by his son.

“The spirit masters of Seagod Island, on Seagod Island, can use the power of the sea to fight, even a Spirit Douluo can fight and even kill a Title Douluo. Their power is beyond doubt. .”

Bibi Dong continued, “Once, when I was young, I went to Seagod Island, and I knew how amazing this place is.”

Hearing this, Wang Feng was stunned. Has Bibi Dong ever been to Seagod Island?

This is strange. With Bibi Dong’s talent, he should have the qualification and ability to inherit the Sea God, right?

Wang Feng thought about it, maybe Bibi Dong belonged to the Wuhun Temple camp at that time, and Seagod Island was invaded by the Wuhun Temple, and naturally the people of the Wuhun Temple were blacklisted. It is estimated that people in the Spirit Hall are not allowed to enter.

“In Sea God Island, these sea spirit masters possessed great power in the past, and it is unrealistic to want to incorporate them.”

Bibi Dong said slowly, “But I know that there is a strange rule on this island, that is, as long as you can pass the test of Seagod Island, you can become one of them, and as long as you can become one of them, you will become one of them. If you become a sea soul master, if you can live on the island, you will be able to discover the true secrets of this sea.”

The real secret that Bibi Dong said should be referring to the inheritance of the divine position.

‘After passing the eighth test, Bibi Dong also seems to be thinking about the places where the gods are inherited all over the continent. ’

Wang Feng thought to himself.

It’s not good. In the original book, Wang Feng remembered that Wuhun Hall did not have such actions and thoughts.

“So, the first plan, I call it Ocean Exploration.”

Bibi Dong glanced around at everyone and said lightly, “I will send several young spirit masters from the Spirit Hall to Seagod Island, pass the test, and become a member of Seagod Island. Of course, they cannot use the name of our Spirit Palace, The Sea God Island rejects the Spirit Hall, and will not let people from the Spirit Hall come to the island.”

“These young soul masters, headed by the three golden generation, went to experience.”

Standing behind Bibi Dong, Hu Liena, Yan, and Xie Yue stood up one after another.

The strength of the three, Hu Liena is the strongest, with the highest level of soul power.

Having been practicing with Wang Feng for more than half a year, the strength of these three people has improved significantly, although they are much worse than the seven Shrek people.

Wang Feng glanced at the three of them and thought, if only the three of them went to Seagod Island, for Xiaosan and the others, they were obviously experience babies.

However, Bibi Dong will definitely not have such a simple plan.

She passed the eighth test at this time, and she absolutely knew that this Sea God Island was related to the inheritance of a god.

‘What exactly does Bibi Dong want to do? ’

Wang Feng felt that he could not see through.

“In addition to the Golden Generation, the Pope will be with him.”

Bibi Dong said slowly, “The Pope is very special. He doesn’t have the aura of our Spirit Hall Spirit Master. Seagod Island will not reject it. Compared with Nana and the others, it is easier to enter Seagod Island.”

Wang Feng agrees with this.

Could it be that Bibi Dong wants me to inherit the throne of the Sea God?

Wang Feng thought of this.

However, I have no interest in the Seagod.

Hearing this, Hu Liena’s eyes suddenly lit up. It would be great to be able to follow His Holiness the Pope.

“The second plan…”

After Bibi Dong said this, the conversation changed, with a bit of weirdness, “I call it an affiliate program.”

To be reasonable, Wang Feng was stunned when he heard this plan.


Are you still a tribe?

Isn’t the empire a whole? Wang Feng looked at Bibi Dong and felt extremely strange. But thinking that Bibi Dong has changed a bit, will it change her thoughts at this time?

No, Bibi Dong probably didn’t want to show her ambitions so directly.

“Our Spirit Hall will set up a Spirit Alliance to unify the development of spirit masters across the continent. At the same time, we will invite seven major sects and two empires to join the Spirit Alliance and unify jurisdiction and constraints.”

Bibi Dong said slowly, “The failure of the Soul Hunting operation does not mean anything. We still retain the strongest strength… At the same time, we need to change our strategy.”

“Destruction directly is not the only option. Nor is it the best Wang Feng looked at Bibi Dong in a little astonishment.

What is she trying to do?

Bibi Dong’s ambition doesn’t seem to be diminished, or rather, it has become purer.

Wang Feng had a vague feeling that the previous Bibi Dong used a series of methods to make the Hall of Souls a target of public criticism.

“First of all, we need to know… what does our Spirit Hall mean to spirit masters across the continent?”

Bibi Dong said calmly, “If, without our Spirit Hall, how would the spirit masters change?”

Hu Liena at the back said, “The order will be lost, because our Spirit Hall has formulated various rules and orders for spirit masters, including various benefits, soul hunting forest, etc., as well as the training system of spirit masters. The spirit masters who have entered the practice have provided training assistance. Helping the spirit masters to identify the level and determine the spirit ring, we are in control of the order of the spirit master world.”


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