Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 666: I will take you to see 1… (5)

The disguised spirit ability should come from her spirit bone, it should be a special spirit bone. “

Master’s voice was a little hoarse, “I used to stay in the Spirit Hall for a while. This kind of spirit bone is what I have said before, a whole set of spirit bones, called the angel **** outfit. There are six pieces in total. Each piece is the most suitable soul bone, if it can be absorbed completely, it will exert extremely powerful power. Little San, you have to be careful in the future, this Qian Renxue will become your great enemy!”

Angel costume!

Being dubbed the title of God, Tang San already knew how powerful this whole set of spirit bones was.

For a while, it was extremely dignified.

“However, you don’t need to be so nervous.” The master shook his head and said, “If you want to fully absorb this kind of angelic armor, you must reach 100-level soul power… That field is no longer within the reach of mortals. In addition to talent, luck and chance are also needed.”

Hearing this, Tang San was stunned again, and his heart eased a little.

At the level of Title Douluo, Tang San once heard Sword Douluo and Yu Yuanzhen talk about it.

Title Douluo of this level naturally knows the difference between each level of Title Douluo.

How difficult it is to reach that legendary level.

“Next, you have to practice hard, and the palace has changed drastically. But luckily, you rescued Emperor Xue Ye in time, and let him take a few breaths. When Emperor Xue Ye recovers a little every day, Tang San, are you here? Sect Master He Ning enters the palace.”

The master instructed, “When you come back, I will discuss with you how to improve your cultivation speed… Unfortunately, Xiao Feng is not here now. Otherwise, the situation will be different now.”

The situation of Emperor Xue Ye is actually far less serious than Tang San and Dugu Bo thought.

After Qian Renxue’s defeat, Tang San and Dugu Bo entered the palace and found that although Emperor Xue Ye was lethargic, he still had about half a month to live. It’s just that there is really no way to treat it. It can only be said that if Emperor Xue Ye’s body is restored a little, he can explain the future.

But for the royal family, it’s also a big deal.

But at this time, listening to the master talking about Wang Feng, everyone was a little speechless.

Every time this kid runs, he hasn’t been seen for months.

“I don’t know if Brother Feng has found his soul beasts in the north now?”

Tang San shook his head and sighed softly.


After Qian Renxue left the White Pope, she tightly held the token in her hand and walked into the Elder Hall without saying a word.

The Hall of Elders.

Only Titled Douluo with a spirit power level of 90 or higher is eligible to enter.

It is also the highest authority in the Spirit Hall.

The Hall of Elders was also very quiet. When Qian Renxue walked in, it was as if she had entered another space, and the countless voices had disappeared.

Until Qian Renxue saw an old man in gray in the center of the lobby.

The old man stood under a seraph statue and seemed to be praying silently.

He faced Qian Renxue and seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

It is Qiandaoliu, the Elder Hall is dedicated to it!


Qian Renxue’s icy face finally calmed down, a smile appeared on her face, and she was a little tired, “I’m back.”

The old man in gray opened his eyes, with a bit of kindness, “Just come back, why do you have a bitter face, did the Pope bully you just now?”

Hearing this, Qian Renxue was stunned.

“Grandpa, you know that just now…” Qian Renxue wondered.

“How can Grandpa not know?” Qian Daoliu snorted coldly, “I don’t know you yet? When I came back here, I felt that you didn’t want to pretend anymore. Your mother also saw it, so Only then did I remove the Title Douluo beside you, making it difficult for you to escape.”

Qian Renxue remained silent.

“Those plans, are they all arranged by yourself?”

Qian Daoliu has lived for a long time, how can he not know what his most beloved granddaughter is thinking?

“Your mother probably knew something, but she didn’t say it and didn’t expect you to do it.”

Qian Daoliu sighed, walked over to Qian Renxue, and patted her head, “That pope in white is not easy, the last time he came back, he brought back a hundred thousand year soul beast to give Your mother, it can be said that she has completely gained her trust, and then your mother sent him to Sky Dou City. I didn’t even tell you, but I can guess that she is actually trying to protect you.”

“You know what, kid?”

Hearing this, Qian Renxue was slightly stunned.

“I know everything about your return.”

Qian Daoliu said slowly, “The Pope in white is indeed very powerful and special, and he is also very loyal to the Spirit Hall. If you really have feelings for each other, Grandpa will support…”

Qian Renxue: “…”

Hearing this, Qian Renxue knew that grandpa only guessed that the plan was arranged by himself based on his understanding of himself.

It doesn’t seem to know that he asked Wang Feng to pretend to be the Pope in white.

These news are estimated to be said by the six Titled Douluos.

The only one who knew that he used Wang Feng to pretend to be the Pope in White was the real Pope in White.

“But if he dares to bully you, tell your grandfather!”

Qian Daoliu’s tone changed, and he said coldly, “Although he is extremely strong, I can still clean up my old bones!”

Qian Renxue shook her head and said, “No. I just treated my Pope…”

Speaking of this, Qian Renxue remembered the words of the Pope in white, and couldn’t help but I don’t want to compete with her anymore. Qian Renxue’s voice carried a bit of determination, “But I wouldn’t recognize her as my mother… Grandpa, I want to quickly absorb the second spirit bone, I want to become stronger!” I don’t want the people I care about to suffer any more harm and danger! “

Hearing this, Qian Daoliu was slightly startled and laughed a few times, “Of course. It seems that Xiaoxue has someone who cares about it now. However, don’t blame your mother, her pain… Maybe, more than you think. I won a lot more…”

Speaking of this, a hint of helplessness flashed in Qian Daoliu’s eyes.

Qian Renxue frowned slightly but did not answer.

“Your mother’s strength is now no less than mine. She has also gathered a peerless figure like the Pope in white. Grandpa has to admit that she is many times stronger than your father… Especially now she…”

Qian Daoliu looked at the location of the Pope’s Palace, with a strange light flashing in his eyes, “You inherited her talent, and part of her blood also flows in your body. You can’t escape this relationship. .”

“I only hope that you don’t wait until one day, when you truly accept her, she is no longer in this world. There will be no regrets then…”

A touch of vicissitudes appeared in Qian Daoliu’s eyes.

Hearing this, Qian Renxue’s body trembled, but she still stubbornly did not speak.

In the Elder Hall, it was extremely quiet for a while.

Papal Palace.

Bibi Dong changed into a rare casual dress instead of the most noble and gorgeous pope’s clothes she usually wears.

“Wang Wu, come with me.”

Bibi Dong looked at the man below the high platform, still dressed in white, and said slowly:

“I’ll take you to see another level of power…”


PS: Well, there are four more. Later, if you are not in a hurry, you can watch it tomorrow morning, but you can vote first…

(End of this chapter)

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