Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 598: Acquaintance (6)

Whether it was Tang San and the others, or Flender and the others, they all stared at the six-ringed soul emperor.

This is an unfamiliar face that is extremely handsome!

Even now, Tang San felt that he couldn’t compare to the other party’s natural appearance!


Ning Rongrong shook his head and muttered, “It’s really not Wang Feng… I don’t believe it, how could there be such a big difference…”

Really too big.

It would be an understatement to say it was a complete makeover.

On that face, I can’t see any trace of Wang Feng!

How could he be Wang Feng?

This is just another person!

At this moment, almost no one still believes that the other party is Wang Feng.

“Now, do you always believe it?”

Six Rings Soul Emperor said calmly, “Anything can be disguised, but this appearance can’t always be faked, right? So, you are really mistaken.”

His calm words are like a windless sea.

But it hit everyone’s heart.

This is something that no one thought of!

But at this moment, a voice slowly sounded:

“Appearance doesn’t mean anything, Tang San’s appearance has changed so much, but he is still Tang San!”

It was Zhu Zhuqing who spoke.

She looked at Tang San and asked, “Isn’t it?”

Everyone was startled, yes!

Tang San’s appearance has also changed a lot! But he is still Tang San!

“That’s right!”

Tang San said solemnly, “Appearance is not impossible to change! Martial spirit mutates, swallowing heaven and earth treasures, it may change! Appearance can’t explain anything!”

His appearance is due to the mutation of his martial soul, and swallowing certain treasures of heaven and earth will also change his appearance greatly. This is not impossible.

“But Tang San’s appearance is only a part…”

Dai Mubai smiled wryly, “Little San has eight spider spears and dual martial spirits, all of which can be identified. But we can’t find any other conditions for identifying him as Wang Feng… This kind of fighting style means that No.”

“He may not really be Wang Feng.”

Although Tang San’s appearance has changed, there are still other conditions that can be fully proved.

“Who said he didn’t?” However, Zhu Zhuqing continued, she looked at the Six Rings Soul Emperor, and said softly, “Wang Feng, I know the reason why you don’t want to meet us… But, neither of us will Don’t mind that. Now, I have something that can fully prove that you are Wang Feng! Don’t try to deceive us!”

Hearing this, everyone was stunned again, what way does Zhu Zhuqing have to prove it?

Six Rings Soul Emperor looked at Zhu Zhuqing calmly, but did not speak, as if he didn’t believe it at all.

I saw Zhu Zhuqing’s right hand slowly taking out a broken mask, “This is when I tore your robe when I took my attack just now. I got it secretly.”

“This mask is the mask that Jiuyikai opened in the Pope’s Palace, I remember it clearly! And you, it was impossible for you to be there at the time! Except for Jiuyikai, there was no one who would Own this mask!”

“You can’t have it at all! But now, it’s on you, it can only show that you are Wang Feng!”

Everyone took a sharp breath and was stunned when they saw the mask.

Eyes lit up.

“Hahaha, Brother Feng, do you have nothing to say now?”

Ma Hongjun couldn’t help laughing, “You will be recognized by us after all!!!”

Wang Feng: “…”

Yeah, I was recognized by you after all. Wang Feng thought.

How to pretend to be the Pope in white?

Although Bibi Dong asked herself to pretend to be Jiuyikai, she was very thoughtful, but in fact, she still needs to play it herself.

Just come back like this, saying that I am Wang Feng, saying that because of so-and-so, my martial spirit is gone, saying that because of swallowing so-and-so treasures, my appearance has changed greatly.

Obviously, it’s easy to be suspicious.

Too much.

Wang Feng couldn’t use all kinds of martial arts to prove himself. If he did, the Hall of Spirits would soon know that he was the real Wang Feng.

So, Wang Feng thought of using his status as a six-ringed spirit emperor to guide Tang San and the others to think in that direction!

I won’t tell you, I’ll let you guess.

You can’t have any doubts about what you’ve guessed, right?

And then play hard to catch, madly denying that he is not Wang Feng…

In this way, they naturally think they are Wang Feng.


Proving that you are who you are is a real challenge.

As expected, as soon as this mask came out, it was almost a conclusion, and then he was silent for a while, as silence.

‘I disguised myself…’

“Hey, why bother…”

Wang Feng sighed and shook his head.

As soon as the words came out, it seemed to be the default.

Then Ning Rongrong snorted and rushed towards Wang Feng.

Zhu Zhuqing stretched out his hand, as if trying to stop it, but he finally let it go.

Like a bird in her arms, Ning Rongrong finally hugged Wang Feng.

“Wang Feng, I miss you so much… I will never be separated from you again!”

Ning Rongrong cried and said, “For the past five years, I have been thinking of you every day. In order to miss you, I practiced hard every day, or did various exercises and exhausted myself every day, but I was still a human being. I can’t help but miss you…”

“If you didn’t show up today…I don’t know what I’m going to do next?”

Whispering softly in just a few seems to be able to exhaust the suffering of the five years of lovesickness.

“Cold.” Wang Feng said.

“…” Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong was so angry that he slapped Wang Feng, laughed and cried, “I hate it! Wang Feng, I had something very important to tell you five years ago. I wanted to tell you after the game. , but didn’t expect…”

Speaking of this, Ning Rongrong suddenly raised his head and looked at Wang Feng with moist eyes like stars.

The delicate snow-white cheeks were stained with a little blush:

“Now, I don’t want to wait any longer! Wang Feng, you have to listen! I, Miss Ben, Ning Rongrong, have fallen in love with you!”

Wang Feng: “…”

It seems to be a confession five years late.

Ning Rongrong finally couldn’t help but say it.

“From now on, no matter what, I’m relying on you!”

Ning Rongrong put both hands around Wang Feng’s neck, looking at Wang Feng, who had changed drastically, the familiar tone and tone, at this moment, made Ning Rongrong convinced that he would not be the second person.

If I had to say it, it would be: Feel!

Ning Rongrong has always believed in her own feelings!

“Silly girl…”

Wang Feng looked at Ning Rongrong with complicated eyes.

She has changed, more beautiful, bigger, better temperament, and more sensible.

Everything is getting better.

Wang Feng felt Ning Rongrong’s feelings for a long time, but he had been making jokes all the time. Even now, he wanted to get in the way.

At this time, looking at Ning Rongrong’s blushing and charming face, Wang Feng said softly…

However, Ning Rongrong suddenly covered Wang Feng’s mouth with his hand and whispered:

“Don’t say it! I know!”

Wang Feng: “…”

(End of this chapter)

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