Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 48: You’re a **** talent!

The two fell quickly!

Li Ying was panicked.

Having fallen like this, he is not a copper-headed and iron-armed warrior, nor is he a defensive type battle spirit master… How can he not be smashed?

“Little devil, let go!” Li Ying said angrily.

“Not loose.”

“Let go, I can let you land safely.” Li Ying panicked even more.

“Don’t le, the earth is our mother, let’s put it into the arms of our mother together.”

“Uncle, I beg you… Let go.” Li Ying trembled.

The whistling wind blew past his ears, and this kid didn’t know where the strength came from, binding his hands and feet tightly.

“It’s useless to call you dad.”



In the sight of the three of them, for a few seconds, the two of them hit the ground almost at the same time!

There’s a gust of air!

“Hey, is this throwing into the sky, is it a soul skill that perishes together?”

Ling Ren was stunned, “Why did they fall together…”

The two did not see the picture.

“Quick, go and see!”

Si Rong hurriedly shouted, “Xiao Mo is probably injured!”

The three of them quickly walked towards the place where the two of them landed.

I saw the child in the black robe, shaking the dust from his body at this time, and when he saw three people coming, he grinned and showed a smile:

“Are you here?”

The three of them looked at Wang Feng and looked at it a lot.

Si Rong swallowed and asked, “You, are you all right?”

Falling from such a high place, even the old black would have to fall dizzy and vomit blood.

This…how does he act like a normal person?

“There’s something wrong, my whole body is in great pain…” Wang Feng smiled.

Seeing this, the three of them looked at each other, and for a while they were speechless.

Just thinking, do you look like you are in great pain?

“That guy, what about others?”

asked the old black.

Wang Feng seemed to remember something, and jumped up from the small pothole that fell, pointing to Li Ying in the pothole:

“No, isn’t this right here?”

The three of them looked at it, and suddenly gasped.

Compared to the intact Wang Feng, this Li Ying is extremely miserable.

At this time, his eyes were full of white benevolence, and his mouth was overflowing with blood, and the whole person was lying in it like a dead fish.

“When I fell down just now, I used him as a cushion.”

Wang Feng said with a smile.

In fact, the two fell together.

However, his physical fitness is extremely strong, even if he falls from a height of nearly 20 meters, it will be fine.

However, this Li Ying is miserable.

At this time, it is estimated that the body is seriously injured, and several ribs are broken.

The three of them suddenly realized that this was the case.

“Why didn’t he let you go just now?” Ling Ren wondered, “Is this really a soul skill that perishes together?”

When Li Ying jumped up holding Wang Feng, and when he fell, he was spinning at a high speed, and the three of them couldn’t see clearly.

I didn’t even hear the conversation between the two.

“Who knows?” Wang Feng shrugged, “He doesn’t say, is this his new soul skill? It is estimated that he is not proficient in controlling it, otherwise I will not be used as a cushion.”

“It seems to be the same. New soul skills generally take time to get familiar with. This type of attack is very dangerous.”

Lao Hei couldn’t help but sneered at Li Ying and kicked him casually, “Are you stupid? You are not skilled in soul skills, so you dare to use them? You are being used as a cushion? After the enemy reported that they were in the air, it was time to withdraw, but you actually fell directly with you? That’s stupid!”

Li Ying spat out another mouthful of blood, pointed at Wang Feng, but didn’t say a word.

Where is he unskilled, he is bound by this kid! There is absolutely no way to withdraw!

The two of them fell together just now, but how do you know this kid is unscathed!

“Hurry up and see if he has any gold soul coins on him.”

Wang Feng hurriedly urged the three of them to say, “Otherwise, this trip would really be a waste…”

It’s a fine tradition to touch the corpse after killing monsters.

“Okay, I’ll come first!”

Lao Hei seemed to be very experienced, and his two large rough hands groped for a while on Li Ying.

After a while, he took out a small bag.

“There should be dozens of gold soul coins, so it’s still a bit of a gain.” Lao Hei opened the bag and looked at it, his face suddenly darkened, “Why are all silver soul coins? Only a few gold soul coins?”

“Too poor!”

Lao Hei was speechless, “No wonder you have to rob someone else’s spirit ring! Bad luck!”

The old black poohed several times.

The corner of Li Ying’s mouth twitched again.

Wang Feng secretly said in his heart that hunting soul beasts alone is either because of his own strength, or because he lacks popularity and money, and cannot find anyone to help him. So they will do some shit.

That’s pretty normal.

“Old Hei, let me do a search.”

Wang Feng glanced at Li Ying, walked over, stretched out his hand and rubbed it for a while.

After a while, a white circle was drawn, which looked a bit like a ring.

“Hey, what is this?”

Wang Feng said dumbly, “This guy, is it possible that he is married? Just like him, someone would marry him?”

“…” Li Ying.

Seeing this ring, Li Ying struggled for a while, but his body was only twitching, and it was useless no matter how much he struggled.

“So excited, could it be a token of love?”

Wang Feng wondered.

At this time, Si Rong suddenly said in a deep voice:

“Xiao Mie, this is not a ring… This should be a soul tool! I didn’t expect this guy to have such a precious soul tool!”

I heard the word Soul Guidance Device.

Wang Feng was stunned for a Of course he knew about this. Xiaosan had a famous soul tool, Twenty-Four Bridges and Bright Moonlight Night.

There are a total of twenty-four cubes, which are artifacts of spatial storage! Still have to take it, take it with you, it looks good.

It was given by the master.

“Soul tool? Damn it, isn’t this guy hiding all the good things in it?” Ling Ren said excitedly.

The three of them have no soul power.

So Wang Feng directly motivated his soul power to enter the ring, but…

As soon as Wang Feng checked, and then moved his hand, several books woven with thread suddenly appeared in his hand.

“It’s useless, there are only these books…” Wang Feng regretted, “What a poor guy, I’m afraid this guy is lucky and bought this soul tool. If he wants to buy it, it is estimated that Can’t afford something so precious.”

This ring is not big, only two or three cubes.

Compared with the third one, it is much worse.

But Wang Feng finds it novel and quite useful to him. Usually, he can put some sundries in, and there are many ways to travel.

“Books? What books?” Si Rong glanced curiously.

Seeing this, his face was flushed red, and he scolded Li Ying: “Wretched villain!”

Wang Feng, Ling Ren, and Lao Hei were stunned for a while. When they looked at the book, their expressions suddenly changed.

Lao Hei looked red.

Wang Feng and Ling Ren watched with great interest.

Because, these books… are the H books that are banned in the 18th century.

“6666, what the hell, soul tool, such a precious thing, why are you actually using it to hold this kind of thing?” Wang Feng looked at Li Ying, whose secret was discovered at this time, and laughed:

“You’re a **** genius!”

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