Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 458: You can’t kill him! 0 Renxue! (7)

Fuck, this old man is not so good at fooling around.

Wang Feng shrugged. He really didn’t think he could fool the other party with just a few words.

All he did was stall for time.

“Looks like it’s fate?”

Qian Daoliu’s pupils flashed golden light, his aura skyrocketed, and it seemed that Wang Feng was about to be wiped out in the next moment.

But now!

Another golden light falls from a distance!

Just fall in front of Wang Feng not far away!

The visitor was dressed in a snow-white robe, and his golden hair fluttered in the wind. Although he couldn’t see the front of the certificate, Wang Feng knew who he was just by looking at the beautiful back.

Qian Renxue!

Wang Feng knew that Qian Renxue would definitely appear when he used the Dark Angel Martial Spirit.

Because, there is induction.

But in the Pope’s Palace, Qian Renxue was by Ning Fengzhi’s side as Xue Qinghe and did not show up.

“Grandpa, you can’t kill him!”

Qian Renxue said softly, facing Qian Daoliu.

On the other side, Qian Daoliu was stunned for a long time before he regained his senses and said solemnly:

“Xiaoxue…how are you?”

He never imagined that the person who appeared at this moment was actually Qian Renxue! The granddaughter who has been hiding in the Heaven Dou Empire.

Why is she here?

In the game just now, Qian Renxue was present, but after Bibi Dong’s attack, after Tang Hao appeared, Wang Feng exploded, especially after Ning Fengzhi left, she also left, and then with the help of the dark angel Wu The sense of the soul knew that Wang Feng was not dead, so he followed him all the way.

Because she knew that grandpa would definitely take action!

“Get out of the way, this kid can’t stay.”

Qian Daoliu said solemnly, “If this person is from my angel clan, not only will I not kill him, but I may protect him. But he is not from the angel clan, and his angelic spirit is too strong. Darkness and evil, the **** of angels will not accommodate the existence of this martial spirit!”

The last sentence is actually the reason why Qian Daoliu really wanted to kill Wang Feng, and the rest doesn’t matter.

As the guardian of the Angelic God, this is what he will do!


Qian Renxue firmly said, “He saved me twice, I can’t let you kill him!”

Behind him, Wang Feng was slightly silent.

This scene was expected by Wang Feng.

Accurately, he said a bunch of words just now, all to delay Qian Daoliu, to be able to fool the best, and to wait for Qian Renxue to come forward.

“Saved you twice?”

Qian Daoliu sneered, “That’s why you gave him my token? Xiaoxue, have you ever thought about it, maybe he saved you on purpose? He knows that he has this dark angel spirit. , sooner or later, it will be exposed, and will be hunted down by our angel clan, deliberately saving you in exchange for a lifeline!”

“He’s just using you!”

Hearing this, Wang Feng was shocked.

Damn it, those old monsters are so sophisticated, aren’t they?

To be fair, there was indeed a reason why Wang Feng wanted to save Qian Renxue!

However, Wang Feng was hiding very deeply. Back then, in the Star Dou Great Forest, Wang Feng rescued Qian Renxue from the pursuit of the blood-winged dragon beetle.

There are several purposes. The first is to prevent Qian Renxue from dying suddenly. The Qian Daoliu was provoked before the riot in the Wuhun Temple. At that time, the mainland does not know what will happen.

The second is because Qian Renxue is beautiful and big. Of course, Wang Feng couldn’t see it at the time, but he could guess it. See clearly now.

The third is the most important point, that is, Wang Feng thought that if one day his dark angel Martial Soul would be exposed and provoke people from Martial Soul Hall to hunt down, then he would save thousands of people by himself. Ren Xue twice, will it be a turning point?

The last point is just Wang Feng’s speculation on the plot of the original book, and it was only later associated with it.

This is another reason why Wang Feng dares to come to the Pope’s Palace.

I didn’t expect that Qian Daoliu, also an old fox, could see this!

But at this moment.

Qian Renxue shook her head and said, “Impossible Grandpa, I was wearing men’s clothing, not women’s clothing at the time. I used Xue Renqian’s pseudonym. It is impossible for him to know me. Even if he knew my angel spirit, I will know who I am, let alone your existence. How could he, a boy from a small village, know so much?”

“On the contrary, he rescued me at the time because I was also of the angel family. Grandpa, he should also be of our angel family…because, I have had feelings with him since eight years ago.”

Qian Renxue is right.

From her point of view, it is impossible for Wang Feng to know who she is…and it is impossible to know Qian Daoliu.

But Qian Renxue would never have imagined that Wang Feng was a traveler and had read the original book, so she recognized her identity long ago.

Hearing this, Qian Daoliu fell silent.

“If Grandpa insists on killing, then kill me first.”

Qian Renxue’s tone was somewhat firm, “I can’t give him back my life, so I can only pass it.”

Wang Feng: “…”

Wang Feng was also silent.

He didn’t expect Qian Renxue to do this.

Looking at the firmness in Qian Renxue’s eyes, Qian Daoliu knew that this child must be serious.

He couldn’t have killed Qian Renxue. Qian Renxue, who possesses the spirit of a six-winged angel, is the hope of the angel family, and may inherit the throne in the future.

How could it possibly kill Qian Renxue?

And… Qian Renxue is his only relative.

“Grandpa, I know you’re strong, you can avoid me completely and kill him. But if that’s the case, I’ll kill myself.”

Qian Renxue said Qian Daoliu took a deep look at Wang Feng behind him, and then closed his eyes.

Seeing this, Qian Renxue didn’t turn around, she just whispered, “I don’t know if I should call you Feng Yuxiu, or Wang Feng? Or Jiuyikai?”

Obviously, Wang Feng’s identity was exposed, and she was fully aware of it.

“You can also call me Thanos.” Wang Feng said.

“…” Qian Renxue.

“Let’s go. Get out of here before my grandpa changes his mind!”

Qian Renxue said softly.

“Thank you. The life-saving grace is worth it, and you and I have nothing to do with each other.”

Wang Feng clasped his fists.

After speaking, Wang Feng had wings on his back, turned into a streamer and disappeared in place.

In the period of bb just now, Wang Feng had accumulated a little soul power in his body. Although he couldn’t use teleportation, it was no problem if he wanted to fly.

He just wanted to get out of here quickly.

Qian Renxue stared blankly at the distant figure of the other party, and did not return to her senses for a long time.

“Child, what happened to you and him?”

Qian Daoliu walked over to Qian Renxue and said solemnly, “Do you know what kind of character you let go?”

“I know.”

Qian Renxue murmured.

When Wang Feng’s identity in the Spirit Hall was exposed, Qian Renxue was the most shocked.

It’s just that she didn’t show the face of Xue Qinghe.

But there is no doubt that Qian Renxue was really shocked at that time, one was shocked by the identity of the other party, and the other was shocked by the talent and strength of the other party.

It’s terrifying! !

Wang Feng, Jiuyikai, Feng Yuxiu, these three people who have almost no contact, turned out to be the same person!

It was more than two years ago, Wang Feng, who was frivolous and underestimated himself in the Soto City Soul Arena, and Feng Yuxiu, who was full of evil spirits in the Star Dou Great Forest and was extremely powerful but saved him. Break through the entire game to create a legendary Jiuyikai!

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