Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 429: Golden Generation 1! (8)

Wang Feng shook his head slightly, turned to leave, and returned to the rest area of ​​Purple Star Academy.

At this time, Shui Bing’er still opened her mouth slightly, looking at Jiu Yi Kai.

She watched the whole process in shock, starting with the release of Fire Dance and Yaoyang…

Actually, most of the academies that can kill the current academy have a few brushes. It is obviously impossible to win by means of various special tactics.

Either the opponent is careless, or he has a hole card, or the opponent uses his real strength to crush it!

If it is said that in the previous qualifiers and promotions, Jiuyikai used all kinds of imaginative imaginations to defeat countless teams.

So now, Jiuyikai is using a truly tough and invincible strength to crush and defeat the opponent!

Of course, there are also calculations of hidden strength, which are all included in Jiuyikai’s calculations.

There is today’s game.

Team Kamikaze has done well enough, but it still fell into the trap of Jiuyikai.

Not only the Kamikaze team, but all the teams in the Heaven Dou Empire were calculated by Jiuyi, making everyone think that he was incapable of flying.

As long as there is a team in the finals and use this as a breakthrough to deal with Jiuyikai, then they will definitely be hit!

Shui Bing’er felt incomparable admiration for her ability and scheming to hide her strength, and she was a little scared at the same time.

When this game was over, there was hardly a team that wanted to meet Jiuyikai.

Even if another seed team, the Royal Fight Team, doesn’t want to meet.

“Little San, is there any way you can defeat Jiuyikai?”

On Shrek Academy’s side, Dai Mubai asked in a low voice.

As the leader of the team, if Tang San wants to use his tactics to defeat Jiuyikai, he can only see if he can think of a good way.

But this time Tang San was silent.

If Jiuyikai is not given a chance, the seven of them have no chance of victory.

He could see clearly with the Ziji Demon Eye just now that the spear had undergone tremendous changes after using its spirit ability. So simple.

There must be more powerful abilities!

In other words, the opponent still hides his strength… Tang San couldn’t help but burst out.

How do you fight this?

Air and land battles, they are not opponents.

“Unless we use our seven-person fusion skills…”

Tang San said slowly, “Maybe some opportunities.”

Seven people fusion skills, of course not martial arts fusion skills.

This technique, the master has said it, and Brother Feng has also said it.

The power is good, but it’s just some chance.

The others were also a little speechless when they heard Tang San say this.

This is the first one, and they haven’t played yet, so I’m putting so much pressure on them. Compared to the Golden Generation of Spirit Hall, it was even more troublesome.

“Okay, let’s watch the next one first.”

Master’s eyes flickered slightly, and he said lightly, “The next match is between the Imperial Fighting Team and the Wuhundian Academy team. No accident, the three golden generation should be on the stage. The strength of the Imperial Fighting team is still the same. Strong.”

Everyone hurriedly recovered their minds and watched the next game.

Wang Feng also watched.

Wang Feng is also familiar with the Royal Fight Team.

The cautious Yu Tianheng made a great impression on him at the time.

It is also the first special character Wang Feng met, who changed the plot of the original because of his own influence.

On the ring, Wang Feng saw the long-lost Royal Fighting Team. Yu Tianheng is still tall and handsome, and Dugu Yan’s hair has also turned green because of the detoxification, which has raised her beauty to a new level.

The rest of the team members didn’t change much, but they all seemed to be more mature and calm, and their spirit skill levels had improved a lot.

All of them are level 41 or above, and more than two years have passed. Their improvement is not an exaggeration, but it is also very good.

Yu Tianheng has the highest level, close to level forty-eight, which is enough to demonstrate the talent of the first young generation of his Blue Sky Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

“More cautious.”

Wang Feng secretly thought.

Yu Tianheng’s eyes were calm and restrained. When he stepped into the ring, he also looked towards Shrek Academy,

Even against the Wuhundian Academy team, Yu Tianheng didn’t have any discouragement in his eyes at this time!

The same goes for the team members behind him.

Meeting the Huangdou team again, Tang San at this time also sighed again and again. I didn’t expect this captain Yu Tianheng and his team members not only to become stronger, but also to have a stronger mentality. A lot of hard work.

Facing the Wuhundian Academy team, he was also so calm, his eyes full of determination.

And soon, the academy team of Spirit Hall finally boarded!

Seven people, three of whom are fresh faces, the three golden generation!

At almost the moment of playing!

Wang Feng’s pupils shrank slightly.

A familiar aura slowly came from one of the women.


At this moment, Shui Binger’s body trembled slightly.

“What’s wrong?”

Wang Feng asked in a deep voice.

“It’s Yaya’s consciousness… I’m a little dizzy.”

Shui Bing’er shook her walked to the side of the seat and pressed her head, “But it’s okay. It’s just a momentary shock of consciousness.”

Speaking, Shui Bing’er couldn’t help but look at the golden generation of the Spirit Hall on the stage. Just now, she looked at one of the girls, and then the spirit bone of her head trembled, and Yaya’s consciousness couldn’t be The arrival of containment.

It seems that at this moment, the girl also glanced at Shui Bing’er and seemed a little curious.

This is a very beautiful girl, but she is not as good-looking as Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong, but her facial features are very beautiful, and they give people a sense of beauty when you look at them. It’s good-looking, especially the pair of Danfeng eyes, which can easily move people’s hearts with a slight blink of the eyeliner.

Wang Feng looked at the girl with gloomy eyes.

It is the breath of the stars, the breath of the star and moon fox.

Fortunately, Wang Feng did not feel the breath of the little blue bird.

This may be the only thing Wang Feng can be happy about now!

But this also means that this girl must have absorbed Xingyuehu’s spirit ring!

‘But the consciousness of the stars has not gone away…’

Wang Feng’s eyes under the white mask flashed a few evil spirits.

He can sense the breath of the stars, which means that the consciousness of the stars still exists in this girl, which may be similar to Shui Binger’s situation.

There is also a soul bone, but the soul has not dissipated, and I don’t know how.

Wang Feng closed his eyes slightly.

With the power of the Spirit Hall, it is really easy to hunt down those three little guys. After all, they are not the soul beasts of 100,000 years.

Although he has grown a lot stronger under the cultivation of his golden lotus, the soul beasts who have been cultivated for tens of thousands of years after a few years are already amazing.

If it is similar to Shui Binger.


‘Why would Xingxing be willing to be her soul ring? ’

(End of this chapter)

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