Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 424: Night Talk (3)

Not only that, if we meet Jiuyikai, we will definitely eliminate him. “

Huo Wu said decisively, “This time, he won’t have the same chance as last time!”

After letting go of harsh words.

Huo Wu left immediately, while Feng Xiaotian returned a friendly smile to Tang San and the others. But he didn’t say much and left immediately.

Wang Feng looked at the group thoughtfully. The idea of ​​the team merging obviously came from Huo Wu, and Feng Xiaotian, who is a dog licker, naturally would not have any objection, and was eager to do it.

This girl, Huo Wu, is too competitive and doesn’t want to lose anything to others.

The qualifiers and qualifiers were really hard hit.

Especially in the promotion round, how unwilling is it to be defeated in that way by using your hole cards and 91 open?

But the combination of wind and fire, Wang Feng has some guesses, but what kind of changes will be specific, only if there is a chance to meet.

Today, Wang Feng didn’t see the face of the golden generation either, because the Wuhundian Academy’s team did not send three people to participate, but sent three other substitutes, plus the remaining four.

Obviously, Spirit Hall is also hiding its strength for these three golden generations.


This night seems to be extraordinarily uneasy, Wang Feng is talking about tomorrow’s game in Tang San.

“Brother Feng, what do you think about the Kamikaze team…”

Tang San thought for a while, “After the combination of the two, it gives me a faint special feeling, I’m afraid it will be very difficult to overcome.”

Wang Feng smiled and nodded.

If Huo Wu dared to say such words, she obviously had some preparations.

“Actually, Kamikaze… But it’s just for worry.” Wang Feng said slowly, “Maybe they will meet Jiuyi tomorrow? Will they meet tomorrow without the fourth round?”

Tomorrow is the third round.

As soon as the third round passes, the top six will be decided, and after the fourth round, the top three will be decided.

It’s time for the championship game.

“It makes sense.” Tang San also smiled, “Alchemists and the others may not meet.”

“Don’t worry, I will definitely meet you.” There was a glint in Wang Feng’s eyes.

Judging from these two games, Spirit Hall obviously wants them to compete with each other and eliminate these strong teams as soon as possible.

If Wang Feng’s expectations are good, even if he doesn’t meet tomorrow, then in the fourth round, he will fight against Shrek Academy, and another seed from the Heaven Dou Empire, and the Huang Dou team will definitely meet!

It’s a must!

The Spirit Hall will definitely be arranged, the lottery is just a formality.

“By the way, Brother Feng, the identity of Boss Dai… You should also guess it?”

Tang San asked, “His family with Zhuqing is not an ordinary family. Based on my guess, Boss Dai should have something to do with the royal family of the Star Luo Empire… It should be a prince or something, otherwise, This kind of cruel family struggle is not something ordinary families will have.”

Wang Feng laughed a few times.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Wang Feng sat down and opened the door, but it was Zhu Qing and Dai Mubai.

“Little San, you guessed right…”

Dai Mubai smiled, walked in and said with a smile, “I heard it outside the door, I am indeed the prince of the Star Luo Empire, there is nothing to hide. Winning this game today means that I I have a chance to compete with my elder brother for the throne. I am here to thank you.”

Zhu Zhuqing walked in. Although he didn’t speak, his eyes fell on Wang Feng.

Victory in this match means too much to the two of them.

Tang San nodded slightly.

“The royal battle in our Star Luo Empire may be much more cruel than you think.”

Dai Mubai sighed softly, “Once we fail, it will be difficult to save one’s life. But it is precisely because of this that our Star Luo Empire is actually far stronger than the Heaven Dou Empire, but the Spirit Hall is always there. Circling and stalking from it, there is now a situation where the two great empires and the Spirit Hall are three-pointed side by side.”

Wang Feng laughed inwardly when he heard this. Mubai wanted to recruit them at this time?

Are you going to come out to Longzhong?

“In addition to thanking you for coming tonight, I actually have something else I want to say…” As expected, as Wang Feng expected, Dai Mubai whispered, “Your current strength has already aroused the spirit of martial arts. Please pay attention, after the game, they will definitely not let the captain and Xiao San you two easily, so I want to invite you to join the Star Luo Empire at that time, but if I can ascend the throne, I can naturally protect you. There will be no shortage of resources for you.”

Actually, what Dai Mubai said was really sincere.

But in fact, Wang Feng thought it was a bit simple. Even if Dai Mubai ascended the throne, the various forces in the empire would be swaying, and it would not be a simple matter to want the Star Luo Empire to listen to him.

And Tang San and Wang Feng looked at each other and smiled.

With Tang San’s character, it is obviously impossible to enclose it in an empire, it can only be said to be good friends.

Because he has his own ideals.

Wang Feng is impossible.

“Both Brother Feng and I may not be able to promise you.” Tang San would shake his head, “Our character is not suitable to be attached to a certain But you are the boss of our Seven Devils, if we want to be in the future If you encounter any problems, Brother Feng and I will help you.”

Tang San was thinking of forming the Tang Sect. How could he be attached to one side and subordinate to others.

Hearing this, Dai Mubai didn’t seem to be surprised. Instead, he smiled and said, “That’s fine, I won’t force it. By the way, Zhuqing still wants to talk to Wang Feng…”

Actually, Dai Mubai didn’t even think about letting the two of them join the Star Luo Empire. After being together for so long, he wasn’t a wooden man, so how could he not understand their personalities.

Tang San’s promise was what he really wanted.


Tang San was stunned for a while, then glanced at Zhu Zhuqing, then stood up and walked out of the room with Dai Mubai.

In the room, only Wang Feng and Zhu Zhuqing were left.

For a while, there was silence in the room.

Suddenly, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly ran towards Wang Feng, until he came to Wang Feng, about a few centimeters away, Zhu Zhuqing blushed before he stopped and said softly:

“Wang Feng, thank you.”

Wang Feng almost subconsciously took two steps back. After hearing this, he was relieved. He was a little afraid that the other party would rush over directly.

Fortunately, with Zhu Zhuqing’s shy and passive nature, he is unlikely to do such a thing.

“No thanks.”

Wang Feng smiled and said, “In fact, these are all obtained through your own efforts. Otherwise, no matter how much others help you, you will not have today’s victory.”

“Well.” Zhu Zhuqing lowered his head and continued to whisper, “Remember what I said, after the game, do I have something to tell you?”

Wang Feng nodded.

“After the competition, I’m going back to my family…Actually, I don’t want to go back.” Zhu Zhuqing muttered, “That place is cold, ruthless, there is no smell of strangers, it’s like an ice cave, and even the air you breathe is cold. .”

(End of this chapter)

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