Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 390: It’s a secret! (9)

The first person to play was Jingling. As a spirit master of the aggression department, he met a level 37 violent ape from the violent blood team.

As soon as the game started, the violent ape possessed his martial soul and activated the blood rage soul skill, and then rushed over.

On the other hand, Jingling is only doing evasion, just like the battle with the Six Rings Soul Emperor that day.

At that time, Jingling was able to last five seconds in the hands of the Six Rings Soul Emperor, which was already very good.

After fighting for five minutes in a row, although Jingling was slightly injured, the violent ape consumed a lot, and finally had to admit defeat with a gloomy face. With soul power, it is naturally impossible for him to continue fighting.

Soon, Jingling met the second soul master, Storm Bear.

This time it’s easier. The speed of a martial spirit like Violent Ape can surpass Jingling, so it can cause damage to Jingling.

But the spirit of the violent bear is unlikely. Jingling was almost uninjured, so the spirit master of the violent bear admitted defeat, but Jingling also exhausted his soul power.

But Jingling is excited to beat two members of the Violent Team in a row.

Next is Huang Yuan.

As a strong attack type, Huang Yuan only dragged one soul master, and the second soul master dragged half his soul power, and his soul power was not enough. After all, his speed was very different from that of Jingling.

“Isn’t that too easy?”

Ma Hongjun couldn’t help but said, “Is it so easy to play when the shortcomings are exposed? The previous Kamikaze team has never been so easy.”

When the kamikaze fights Violent Blood, it is often one who can fight two, but it is very difficult, and it is a Violent Blood team member with a high soul power level who fights a low soul power level.

Now they are the exact opposite. Use low-level soul power substitutes to fight high-level violent blood players.

“Can you think about how easy it was when you played the Botanical College?” Wang Feng said.

Ma Hongjun nodded, really cool.

“However, if I expect…”

At this time, Wang Feng continued, “The members of the Violent Team should have discovered our tactics, and they may change their countermeasures.”

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

“Their next meeting should go straight up and they won’t give us any chance to delay.”

Wang Feng said.

The members of the Violent Team are not fools. They have been dragged down by two Spirit Masters of more than 30 levels in a row, and three have been defeated.

It is clear that their hard power surpasses them. If they drag on like this, they will be the last one left.

As expected, the one who came to power this time was really violent.

“Plans never keep up with change.”

Wang Feng shrugged and said, “It’s not night yet, if Zhu Qing goes up, you won’t necessarily be able to beat this flying storm. Xiao Wu doesn’t have a fourth spirit ring, so there is absolutely no possibility of victory.”

Everyone’s faces were slightly condensed.

Apparently, the opponents have indeed seen their tactics.

So let Violent Yi play directly, under such a huge gap in spirit power, it is very difficult to drag.

“Let me go.”

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing walked out and said softly, “I can do it.”

Wang Feng was taken aback for a moment, glanced at her, coughed, “The gap between the two of you is a bit big…”

Main Violent also increases his strength after using Blood Rage. Adding the two together, Zhu Zhuqing’s strength will increase by a dozen unless the moonlight falls.

The crowd was also somewhat silent.

Zhu Zhuqing did not speak, and looked straight at Wang Feng.

There are regulations in the competition. Before the competition, you cannot use auxiliary spirit masters to give boosts with spirit skills in advance.

Therefore, Ning Rongrong couldn’t help her, nor could Wang Feng.

However, Zhu Zhuqing’s eyes looked at Wang Feng a little bit hard to refuse.

That look seems to be saying directly: I want to fight!

“Okay, come with me.”

Wang Feng thought for a while, and took Zhu Zhuqing to the side. There was no one around, and he whispered, “My golden lotus can give you an additional four-level soul power, but don’t tell anyone about this for the time being. .”

Wang Feng has never told anyone about this ability of Jinlian, which is regarded as a trump card.

It seems that this fourth-level soul power is poor, and it doesn’t seem to be very powerful… But if you imagine it, it can make Title Douluo also improve by four levels.

What is that concept?

This is one of the most perverted abilities of Jinlian in Wang Feng’s opinion. It is much stronger than healing wounds and restoring soul power.

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing’s eyes widened and he winked at Wang Feng, as if to say: I see.

Still curious.

Because she has never heard of Wang Feng’s Jinlian, she has this ability.

“Yes.” Zhu Zhuqing replied in a low voice, “I will keep this secret for you.”

It’s already the second secret.

“Actually, it’s not a secret. Sooner or later, you will all know it.” Wang Feng shook his head.

“It’s a secret!”

“…” Wang Feng.

All right, you say yes.

Wang Feng did not refute either, refuting girls is a stupid act.

Quietly used the golden lotus to temporarily boost Zhu Zhuqing’s spirit power to level 4.

Yes, it’s only temporary. How long it lasts has something to do with Wang Feng’s strength.

Wang Feng walked back with Zhu Zhuqing, and everyone’s eyes were a little weird.

“Wang Feng, what are you doing?” Ning Rongrong couldn’t help asking.

“Telled her some skills to defeat the enemy.” Wang Feng explained.

“Can’t we know?” Ning Rongrong pouted.

Wang Feng gave Ning Rongrong a soft smile. If he continued to answer this question, it would be endless.

Looking at Wang Feng’s smile, Ning Rongrong blushed, snorted, and stopped asking.

The master guessed something, looked at Zhu Zhuqing and nodded slightly.

Soon, Zhu Zhuqing walked up.

The unexpected change of the Violent Team made Wang Feng only help Zhu Zhuqing to hang up.

Whether she can win depends on her own performance.

After all, what he used was not a soul skill, but the ability of Jinlian itself.

As Zhu Zhuqing came to power soon, the opposite Bao Yi was stunned.

Bao Yi is a relatively strong young man, but he has a baby face, which is easy to remember.

At this time, I was stunned for a long time when I saw a beautiful girl walking up.

Because Zhu Zhuqing barely played in the qualifying round. He was naturally surprised, but also frowned.

It’s not easy for the other party to be a

However, when the two fought, Bao Yi couldn’t frown without frowning.

Because… too strong!

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing has increased his spirit power by four levels, which is equivalent to the forty-fifth level, which is still the increase in spirit power given by Jinlian!

The poor level of spirit power is too exaggerated! Completely equal to violence!

Zhu Zhuqing, who is very strong in his own right, has no reservations after possessing his martial spirit, and directly splits up a clone.

Zhu Zhuqing has been able to fully grasp the method that Wang Feng taught last time as a six-ringed soul emperor, but this is not enough.

“Zhuqing controls a clone, not only has 100% of the main body’s strength, but also consumes very low soul power, and the damage suffered is much lower.”

Tang San looked at the ring, “Hey, it seems that Zhuqing’s spirit power fluctuations have become much stronger? What’s going on?”

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