Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 331: The next opponent from 91! (10)

Latest website: No ordinary person can sit in the VIP seats. Naturally, you can see at a glance the source of Zhu Zhuqing’s power just now!

It was this Wang Feng who was playing soy sauce from start to finish, and finally only cooperated with Zhu Zhuqing to perform a martial arts fusion skill!

What is the spirit fusion skill?

In essence, it is a stronger soul skill produced by the superposition of the fusion of two martial souls!

However, the fusion skills of the two people’s martial arts have turned one of them into a being like a **** of war!

And Zhu Zhuqing’s martial spirit and spirit power level are clearly stated, although she is also very strong, she is still a mutant spirit, but it is not enough to make her so powerful!

Obviously, it was because of Wang Feng’s red lotus spirit and that black spirit ring!

Ordinary audiences only think that Zhu Zhuqing is powerful and beautiful.

But in the VIP seats, they could see at a glance that it was all because of this auxiliary spirit master called Wang Feng!

“This kid, didn’t shoot? A martial soul fusion skill can be so powerful?” Ning Fengzhi was shocked.

He thought Wang Feng would take action.

Unexpectedly, this kid didn’t make a move at all. He just used a martial arts fusion skill with the girl named Zhu Zhuqing, and he really turned it over!

“Wannian spirit ring, red lotus spirit.” Gu Rong whispered, “It’s an incredible spirit fusion skill, this is the first time I’ve seen such a powerful spirit fusion skill!”

Title Douluo’s eyes are naturally sharper and more accurate.

Let’s not mention one Zhu Zhuqing in the situation just now, even three Zhu Zhuqings might not be able to defeat the remaining seven members of the Elephant Armor Sect.

And a martial arts fusion skill, almost in just 30 seconds, killed seven people, and the seven people were completely unable to fight back, so that the seven people could not stand up, and restrained the elephant in all directions. A Zong!

Especially using ice crystals to cover the entire field and create a special terrain, it is simply Tian Kexiangjiazong!

This kind of bulky martial spirit, unless it has special spirit skills, is most afraid of this kind of terrain.

And the power of the combination of ice and fire makes the masonry mammoth with outstanding defense torment extremely! If it’s a single item, it’s nothing.

But when combined, sometimes it freezes and sometimes it burns, and the iron man can’t stand it, even if it’s a diamond, it’s going to crack!

Huyan Zhen looked at him absently.

I didn’t expect that the Elephant Armored Sect was really defeated by these two people… The auxiliary spirit master named Wang Feng didn’t make a move.

Just a joke!

Salas, who was beside him, looked a little ugly. Naturally, he did not expect this scene.

Emperor Xue Ye’s face was even more ugly, and he glanced coldly at Prince Xue Xing behind him.

The Snow Star Prince is now as pale as a zombie.


Ning Fengzhi laughed loudly, “Sect Master Huyan, it seems that you guys from the Xiangjia Sect still need a lot of work. Look at this Shrek Academy, the soul master of the auxiliary department didn’t do anything?”

“Hey, Sect Master Ning, you don’t need to be around the corner and mock me with your words.”

Huyan Zhen snorted coldly, “He didn’t do anything, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that, without that Tang San, without his last martial arts fusion skill, Shrek Academy would definitely lose!”

Ning Fengzhi smiled and said nothing.

“I won’t have such a good chance next time!”

Huyan Zhen wanted to stand up and leave, his tone was very impatient, “The power of these two people’s martial arts fusion skills is so powerful, the rest of the team will naturally be fully prepared. If he dares to play again, he will definitely be ruthless. Target! Even if he has a ten thousand year spirit ring, he is only an auxiliary spirit master! If he is targeted, the end will be miserable.”

“Being targeted?” Ning Fengzhi laughed dumbly.

Gu Rong also smiled.

This kid can withstand ten layers of pressure from the Hercules Titan, how could he really be an auxiliary spirit master?

If he really did something, those over forty-level assault-type battle spirit masters would not be opponents!

But it’s true, this kid shouldn’t have many chances to play. Even if he does, the two’s martial arts fusion skills may not be able to play.

He’s more of a tool this time around.

But just as shocking!

Anyway, this battle.

Shrek Academy is famous.

Zhu Zhuqing is famous, and so is Wang Feng.

Of course, he is famous as a tool man…

A tool man with a ten thousand year spirit ring.

Actually, this battle cannot be won if the spirit fusion technique is used from the very beginning.

Because Wang Feng’s soul power can’t last that long.

Thirty seconds is the limit.

The seven members of the Elephant Sect, in full state, still have wings to resist, not to mention thirty seconds, even three hundred seconds is not a big problem.

Fortunately, Tang San used various offensives to consume a large amount of the seven members of the Elephant Sect, and even forced out the opponent’s mutant spirit. Only then can Zhu Zhuqing solve the battle within thirty seconds and defeat seven people in a reaping manner!

This victory is the result of the cooperation of seven people.

“Zhuqing, how clever you are using ice crystals to change the terrain!”

The seven people dragged their tired bodies and returned to the lounge.

As soon as they came back, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, and Ma Hongjun gathered around because they knew their fusion skills.

“Actually…it was Wang Feng who reminded me.”

Zhu Zhuqing laughed rarely, and while laughing, he glanced at Wang Feng from the corner of his eye.

“I’m just a reminder to think that you’re smart.”

Wang Feng waved his hand.

Because the red lotus contains two energies of ice and fire, after watching the battle of the Elephant Sect, he has this kind of thinking about the martial arts fusion technique, and reminded Zhu Zhuqing.

“Each of you played well in this fight.”

The master came over and said with a smile.

Just now, some of their teachers were very nervous, but fortunately, they still played their due role.

“My soul power is a little weak, I’ll go to rest first.”

Wang Feng coughed a few times and said, “Let’s discuss first.”

Seeing this, Zhu Zhuqing was about to speak when Ning Rongrong suddenly said:

“Wang Feng, let me accompany you.”

Just now watching the two use the martial arts fusion technique, she felt sour, but she was still happy.

At this time, I naturally want to stay with Wang Feng.

“Cough, no need, I want to be alone, my soul power will recover faster…”

Wang Feng was stunned, hurriedly waved his hand, and walked out alone.

“What’s the reason for this? Why does one person recover faster? Master, is there such a statement?”

Ning Rongrong was startled and asked curiously.

“Should have…”

A glimmer of light flashed in the master’s eyes, “Let Xiaofeng rest alone for a while, the spirit power consumption of martial arts fusion skills is huge, Zhuqing is the one who bears it, and doesn’t feel it. But Xiaofeng is the one who outputs, The consumption is far greater than you think!”

“Yes, the stronger the power, the more the consumption of soul power. This is a well-known truth.”

Tang San also said with a smile.

This battle can be won, and his credit is actually more.

Everyone nodded slightly, only Zhu Zhuqing looked at Wang Feng’s back, and a trace of melancholy flashed in his eyes.

“By the way, Master, there is a nine-one match today, right?” Tang San suddenly asked.

“Yes, in the next five games.” The master nodded.

Hearing this, everyone’s body was shaken, and they immediately walked towards the audience stage full of energy, not even wanting to rest.

“And the opponent of Purple Star Academy team in this game is not easy.”

The master said lightly.

“Master, which team is that?”

“The Blazing Academy, one of the five major element academies!”


After Wang Feng changed into Jiuyikai’s clothes, he came to the rest area of ​​Zixing Academy.

“Which team is the next game?”

Wang Feng looked at Faerun and said in a hoarse voice.

“This team is a bit strong…I wonder if you can handle it?”

Phelan said in a low voice.

“It’s Blazing Academy!”

When the words fell, Wang Feng was slightly stunned.

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