Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 29: What about my soul power?


In the Hunting Forest!

Wang Feng suddenly opened his eyes, and the pupils in his eyes instantly turned pitch black!

A terrifying aura burst forth from him!

Six pairs of evil black energy wings rose from him!

Because of the reorganization of the body, the whole body of the originally strong Chiguo was dyed with seven different lines, derived from the limbs to the heart, forming a circular pattern like a black sun.

Wang Feng let out a low roar unconsciously, as if to vent…

The next moment!

The terrifying momentum, as if condensed into a substance, dispersed to the surrounding!

The Xingyue fox squatted on the ground and shivered in an instant, completely unaware that the child who was clearly exuding the breath of life just now suddenly seemed to become extremely evil, and his body was filled with an aura that made it extremely frightening. …

Even, the entire Soul Hunting Forest, in this moment.

All the soul beasts, whether they were awake or sleeping, suddenly woke up and crawled down one after another, all shivering!

However, there are only soul beasts.

Many soul masters in the Soul Hunting Forest felt a sense of coldness in their hearts, as if there was a cold ice entering their hearts, trembling unconsciously, but they didn’t know what happened.

Tang San, who had just broken through by taking the spirit ring, also felt inexplicably hairy, and unconsciously looked somewhere.

“Teacher, do you feel it?”

Tang San looked at the master and asked in a low voice.

“It’s strange, there seems to be a very cold and powerful aura… Could it be a soul beast?”

The master nodded, but frowned, he didn’t know what was going on.

The two do not know exactly what the situation is.

But, at the same time.

In the distant Tiandou Empire royal family!

A boy about fifteen years old, dressed in gorgeous robes, seems to be meditating.

She has a seraph branded between her eyebrows!

Although the boy is very small, he is extremely handsome. He has a face that makes countless women crazy, and his skin is better than snow. The face that can be dumped for a lifetime has already taken shape, and I don’t know what it will look like…


She opened her eyes suddenly, and a divine golden light flashed in her eyes!


A seraph appeared behind her!

The unparalleled divine light fills the entire hall!

“It’s the breath of an angel…but why is it so evil and frightening?”

She instantly put away the spirit of the seraph, and an unbelievable gaze appeared in her eyes.

The Seraphim, symbolizing the divine light, is the spokesperson of God in the world, and only she has awakened such super martial souls.

But now, she actually sensed the breath of her family.

However, it gave her an aura of incomparable evil that made her tremble!

Perhaps only she can sense the aura of the same clan so clearly…

“This aura…no…maybe, it’s a super spirit stronger than my seraph…how is that possible?”

She murmured, and the shock in her eyes became more intense.

“Who will…”

In the palace, there was a murmur like the sound of nature.


In the Hunting Forest.

After Wang Feng roared.

The darkness in his eyes quickly retreated. The seven traces of Wen Luo, which exuded a very evil and extremely vile source aura, quickly retreated, and finally sank into the original strong body.

The six pairs of twelve-winged energy wings on the back also disappeared in an instant.

Wang Feng fell to the ground and fell asleep.

The awakened consciousness, with the tired drowsiness, finally left only one doubt:

“Just now, could it be my mysterious humanoid martial spirit? But what kind of martial spirit is it…”

The next day.

The next day.

In the Hunting Forest.

Wang Feng was awakened by a moist feeling.

When he opened his eyes suddenly, Wang Feng saw a snow-white fox. At this time, he was sticking out the tip of his tender white tongue and licking his face.

“…” Wang Feng.

Suddenly awake, Wang Feng suddenly sat up from the ground.

Then look around!

In the line of sight, there is only this star-moon fox, and the dead golden thunder leopard, only a corpse remains.

Seeing Wang Feng wake up, Xingyuehu blinked at him.

“You are here all night?”

Wang Feng looked at it.

Xingyuehu nodded.

“Thank you.” Wang Feng took a deep breath.

Last night, when my last path was about to be swallowed up by the resentment of the Golden Light Thunder Beast. It seems that the mysterious humanoid martial spirit given by the system has been awakened?

In other words, in the Spirit Hall of the Holy Spirit Village, he punched in the card with the innate full spirit power, and the humanoid spirit with rewards.

“What is it?”

Wang Feng was surprised.

He touched his chest.

He doesn’t know how to trigger this martial spirit, it seems to be hidden in his body. Does it only show up at critical moments? Or should I use special means?

However, Wang Wangfeng felt the extremely evil aura very clearly.

It seems that after being possessed by that martial spirit, the whole person will become extremely indifferent and ruthless, like a **** who controls all things in time.

Wang Feng got goosebumps.

No, that’s not me!

“By the way, my strength…”

Wang Feng took a deep breath and checked himself.

Wang Feng was startled by this inspection.

“What about my soul power?”

Wang Feng only felt that his body was empty.

A lot of things pop up in my head? ?

There is no trace of energy left.

Where did the soul power come from?

My body is beyond the limit. With Meteor Tears, I have accumulated a lot of soul power.

Why is there nothing in my body now?

Moreover, I have completely absorbed the six thousand-year-old spirit ring, and the spirit power should increase even more!

“Could it be that… after the body exploded yesterday, was recast by meteor tears and was completely consumed?”

Wang Feng said in a daze.

Last night, the feeling of being crushed by the power of the 6,000-year spirit ring was really sour and refreshing. Wang Feng will probably never forget that kind of pain for the rest of his life.

Then, as he expected, Meteor Tears burst out the life force, which made his body reorganize!


But, this is Nima’s pit!

“No, my body…”

Wang Feng frowned, feeling his body.


Incredibly powerful!

Leap lightly!


Wang Feng jumped up several meters directly!


Because he was completely unsuited to power, Wang Feng directly hit a big tree!

“I’m a superman?”

Wang Feng looked at the towering tree beside him.


One leg slash!

Kaka Kaka!

This tree, which was enough for the two of them to hug, was cut in two by his foot in an instant!

“I’m afraid I’ll have a strength of at least 6,000 catties, right?”

Wang Feng muttered.

In the previous life on Earth, it was rumored that Master Bruce Lee could have nearly half a ton, or a thousand pounds, with one kick.

And Bruce Lee’s physical fitness, at that time, was also considered one of the best of human beings.

If you take a single kick, at least 6,000 catties?

What is this concept? Six thousand pounds is equivalent to three tons.

A car from a previous life, he can just kick it out!

“If Brother Tao is here, will I kill him with one kick?”

Wang Feng thought hesitantly.

Yes, yes?

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