Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 28: Powerful Meteor Tears

Just when Tang San was absorbing the mandala snake’s spirit ring.

Wang Feng is absorbing, this 6000-year-old soul beast, the soul ring of the golden thunder leopard!

Sitting cross-legged, Wang Feng took a deep breath and concentrated completely on the Qinglian Martial Spirit in the sea of ​​consciousness.

At the same time, the fingers drove the soul power, slowly guiding the shining purple soul ring to fall on the top of his head.

As the spirit ring approached, a pressure like the top of Mount Tai shrouded Wang Feng!

The pressure brought by the 6,000-year spirit ring almost instantly seemed to set off a tsunami. Before it was absorbed, it hit Wang Feng’s mind and body. You must know that this golden thunder leopard was not killed by Wang Feng, and he even used a more cunning method to kill the leopard with a knife! Give yourself the final blow!

This golden thunder leopard is a six-thousand-year-old soul beast.

In the spirit ring, there is a deep sense of resentment!

Wang Feng groaned, his face flushed red, and a little blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

Too strong.

The six thousand year spirit ring is too strong!

A normal spirit master can only absorb five thousand years of spirit rings even if it is the fourth spirit ring!

“It’s really scary.”

Wang Feng muttered in his heart.

This hasn’t been absorbed yet. It’s just the pressure brought by the six thousand year spirit ring and the resentment of the Golden Light Leopard.

If I absorb it, I’m afraid I won’t explode and die?

That’s true.

Wang Feng can guarantee that with his current physical fitness, he can absorb six thousand years of spirit rings. Under normal circumstances, there is only a dead end.

Even if the physical quality is doubled, it is impossible to absorb these 6,000-year spirit rings.

Ordinary soul masters may not be able to absorb them even if they die more than ten times!


“I have meteor tears!”

Wang Feng’s mouth curled into a smile.

This thing, but in the change of the stars, the tears of the King of Life have melted into one with his heart.

Has an extremely powerful self-healing ability, and in the back, it can also improve the speed of absorbing the energy of heaven and earth and many other effects. To put it simply, it is difficult for Wang Feng to die. Unless his soul consciousness is wiped out.

Otherwise, it’s just a physical injury, and it’s extremely difficult to die.

“Come on!”

Wang Feng forcibly restrained the boiling blood in his heart, unfolded the Qinglian Martial Spirit in his hand, and pulled the spirit power, so that the six thousand-year-old spirit ring slowly descended from the top of his head, wrapping his body!

In just a moment, like a flood of energy, like an endless stream of ignorance, poured into my body!


Wang Feng’s mind exploded in an instant!

At this moment, his body seems to be like a small county town by the sea. The energy pouring into his body is like a monstrous flood, falling from the sky, like the wind and the clouds, washing this small town.

All vehicles, streets, pedestrians, shops, etc. in the city were swept and submerged in this instant!

First, Wang Feng’s skin, with countless bloodshots, cracked slightly, opening countless gaps, and then the internal muscle fibers, cellular tissues, etc., were quickly destroyed by this violent energy! Even the bones can’t fully withstand the winner, and there is a crisp cracking sound, which has been washed away, corroded and broken!

Wang Feng’s whole body, limbs and bones, facial features and internal organs, as small as cell nerves, quickly burst!

From a distance, Wang Feng looks like a **** man!

The pain caused by this extreme destruction instantly drowned most of Wang Feng’s consciousness. There was only one soul obsession, in the sea of ​​consciousness, surrounding the Qinglian martial spirit.

Xingyuehu, who squatted beside him, looked at Wang Feng with an extremely human-like expression of pity in his eyes.

This human being, although he saved him, is incredible.

However, he is too weak, it is completely impossible to absorb the 6,000-year soul ring of the Golden Leopard! If it is about ten times stronger, maybe it is somewhat possible, right?

Right now.

In the sea of ​​Wang Feng’s consciousness, a green lotus radiated a faint shimmer, gently fluttering and spinning.

In an instant, like a monstrous flood, it found a pouring outlet, washed over Wang Feng’s body, and all poured into the green lotus.

On the lotus platform, the smallest lotus seed bloomed slowly, giving birth to a golden lotus.

The violent energy directly formed a vortex like a purple ocean, pouring into the golden lotus!

Immediately, the golden lotus shines brightly. The flower buds that were originally only slightly opened, quietly blooming, and it seems that they have grown a lot again. The golden lotus leaves become fuller and thicker!


A streak of golden lightning circled around the golden lotus, sending out thunderbolts, looking extremely cool!

Finally, it is printed on the lotus leaf of the golden lotus, adding a bit of divine power to the golden lotus!


The golden lotus moved quietly, very fast, almost like a phantom, rushing in Wang Feng’s sea of ​​consciousness, seemingly wandering briskly…


Wang Feng himself was almost completely shattered and disintegrated.

Only the position of the heart shines brightly.

The meteor tears in the shape of tears poured out a stream of mellow energy, pouring into Wang Feng’s body from the heart of the center of the human body, like a thousand seas.

This energy drives the energy stored in Wang Feng’s body and travels throughout Wang Feng’s body.

Every time you pass through a place that has been destroyed, it is like covering the time cloth in Doraemon’s pocket.

But the difference is that the restored body, each part, has become stronger!

Although the violent energy contained in the 6,000-year spirit ring completely destroyed Wang Feng’s body, it also gave him a chance to be reborn!

In the recovery of the energy from the meteor tears, slowly, Wang Feng’s body quickly recovered and became stronger!

Every inch of muscle is dense and seamless, full of explosive power, the broken bones are like steel that has been reforged by thousands of tempers, and the skin becomes whiter and smoother!

Even the entire body is being recast and has become a few centimeters taller.

Looking at six years old, he is almost as tall and strong as a child around ten years old.

The Xingyue Fox outside stared at the fox eyes.

It lingers on Wang Feng’s body.

Looking forward at this moment, Wang Feng’s whole body seems to be wrapped with a layer of transparent energy, as if he is about to be reborn from a cocoon.

It also feels that a force full of life seems to be repairing this human child.

That energy full of life, there is an illusion that makes Xingyue Fox pay homage.


Wang Feng’s consciousness gradually recovered, but the resentment of the golden thunder beast, in the sea of ​​consciousness, seemed to have transformed into a black golden thunder leopard, roaring frantically towards Wang Feng’s consciousness.

It seems to devour the last trace of his soul consciousness.

However, Wang Feng’s consciousness was suddenly startled!

Right now! Seven kinds of mysterious energies of different colors poured out from this consciousness! The consciousness surrounding Wang Feng turned into six pairs of illusory black energy wings.

Wang Feng’s last consciousness, in the package of seven different energies, gradually turned into a villain exactly like Wang Feng.

But the whole body is surrounded by endless black mist, evil and ghostly energy, making this little man exude a cold and evil temperament like an evil god!

All of a sudden!

The golden thunder leopard had a resentful soul consciousness, as if a mouse saw a cat, and suddenly became silent!


The villain, surrounded by black mist, bent his palm to the golden light thunder leopard.

In an instant, the Golden Light Leopard’s consciousness was directly taken into his hand, and with a light grip, it was crushed into pieces…

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