Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1994: Reason

Darkness Dragon Emperor.

According to Jinling’s previous conversations with these dragon-devouring dragons.

If it is true, then the Annihilong Dragon Emperor is very likely to have a relatively pure candle dragon bloodline.

But whether it’s the Anxuan Dragon Emperor or the Emperor Xuanlong.

Their bloodlines seem to originate from the Dragon Ancestor of Wanlong Universe.

From the situation just now.

The dragon shadow of the Annihilation Dragon Emperor in the token is obviously not ordinary.

As for Jinling, she’s just a pawn.

However, what makes Wang Feng feel uncertain is that Princess Yinyue.

Is she the Silver Dragon King?

If so, how could it be involved here?

These kinds of questions made Wang Feng a lot of interest.

“How about you?”

Wang Feng looked at these devouring dragons.

A family, naturally more than that.

In this entire nebula, there may not be many Dragon Devourers.

But there are some, and only a small part of it.

Wang Feng can be sure that at most dozens of breaths, it is possible that a powerful dragon will come from his Xuanlong Emperor’s side.

The secret in that token is impossible for Emperor Xuanlong to discover.

Because he couldn’t activate the candle dragon breath in it.

However, Emperor Xuanlong obviously knew that the token was not simple.

I’ve been researching, but not thoroughly.

That’s why I took this opportunity to bring this token to Jinling.

Then take this opportunity to get rid of the Dragon Devourer.

When Emperor Anyu fought against Emperor Xuanlong back then, Wang Feng couldn’t believe that Emperor Xuanlong really wanted to keep these devoured dragons.

This devouring dragon family has the blood of the Annihilating Dragon Emperor, and it must be eliminated absolutely.

It’s just that at that time, it was probably because the Wanlong universe was very turbulent after the war.

Removing these dragons will make all dragons in the Wanlong universe think that the emperor’s methods are too cruel.

Close it up, you can also gain a good reputation and stabilize the Wanlong universe.

After all, this is the entire Dragon Universe.

“Emperor Annihilu’s attitude towards you is actually quite obvious.”

Wang Feng looked at these devouring dragons hesitating, and seemed to be considering whether the situation was what he said, and said casually: “He may not care about your life and death. Therefore, even the Emperor Xuanlong The Lord will get rid of you, and you have to face it yourself.”

After speaking, Wang Feng glanced at Jinling, “Let’s go.”

Jin Ling was still a little dazed, she nodded subconsciously, and followed Wang Feng towards the dragon.


At this time, the Dragon Devouring Dragon Clan headed suddenly shouted, “Do you have a way to take care of our clan?”

Wang Feng paused.

He smiled and said, “That’s too many ways. But why should I save you?”

A mere annihilation of the dragon clan, let alone the annihilation of the dragon clan, is the Annihilation Dragon Emperor in front of him, and it is not difficult for Wang Feng to save it.

Although he is afraid of Emperor Xuanlong, he is only afraid.

A supreme **** is something Wang Feng should be afraid of.

And hearing this, Jin Ling glanced at Wang Feng blankly, and suddenly a clever voice said: “As you said, if the emperor is taking this opportunity to get rid of these dragon-devouring dragons… how dare you save them ?”

Wang Feng did not answer, but looked at those who devoured the dragon clan and asked: “When the Anxuan Dragon Emperor was defeated by the Xuanlong Emperor, I was very curious, why did you submit to the Xuanlong Emperor. Judging from the situation just now, you still have loyalty to the Anyan Dragon Emperor.”

The dragon shadow of the Annihilu Dragon Emperor just now was actually very weak.

Although the momentum is still there, it does not constitute any oppression for these Dragon Devouring Clan.

But the moment the dragon shadow appeared just now, they knelt down.

This would not have been possible unless there was faithfulness in the heart.

So, it is normal for Emperor Xuanlong to want to destroy them.

Then, so loyal, why did you submit to Emperor Xuanlong in the first place?

Stealing for a living?

Impossible, it can be seen from the strong character of these devouring dragons.

“Because of…”

The head of the Destroying Dragon Clan had complex eyes, “After the defeat of the Dragon Emperor, Emperor Xuanlong came to us and said that he needed a strong family to help him suppress other dragon clans in the Wanlong universe. In short, we need us. As the evil side of Wanlong Universe, the Emperor Xuanlong can take this opportunity to gather all races in Wanlong Universe and stabilize the order of the universe.”

“Further back, we also need to use us to inspire other dragons in the Wanlong universe. Let us deter, suppress, the rest of the dragons.”

“At first, we naturally did not agree. After the defeat of the Dragon Emperor, we wanted to go with it. But the Emperor Xuanlong told us that if we died, then the only descendant of the Emperor Anyan would be the only descendant of the Dragon Emperor. He just killed it.”

“Dragon Emperor has a descendant, we all know that. So, we chose to survive at that time.”

“We have no choice but to bet that Emperor Xuanlong will keep his promise.”

Speaking of this, Devouring Dragon Clan’s tone was a little more struggling.

“Descendants?” Jin Ling was slightly startled, “There are countless descendants of Emperor Xuanlong in the Wanlong universe. If there are descendants of Emperor Xuanlong, they must be completely different from other dragon races… “

“That’s the only reason?” Wang Feng said lightly, “I don’t believe it.”

Destroying the Dragon Clan was silent for a long time.

“There are other reasons…” Devouring Dragon Race lowered his eyes.

“Let’s hear it?” Wang Feng smiled lightly, “If it makes me find it interesting, I will consider you.”

Hearing this, Jin Ling gave Wang Feng another sideways glance.

Destroying the Dragon Clan raised its head and glanced at Wang Feng.

He is unsure of the dragon’s identity and origin.

Not sure if he can save their family.

But today, there is no choice.

“In order to become stronger.” After a moment of silence, the Devouring Dragon Clan said slowly, “The Emperor Xuanlong promised us that he would give us Wanlongzhu every once in a while. But whether we can become stronger or not depends on ourselves. .”

“Didn’t the Dragon Emperor give you Wan Longzhu?” Jin Ling suddenly asked It is rumored that the Dragon Emperor of Anyu got immeasurable cosmic resources in another place, and the matter of the dragon possession , I’ve heard of it since I was a child… You guys still want to play Wanlongzhu? “

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, the devouring dragon clan sneered, “Long Zang? If Anxuan Dragon Emperor really has those dragon treasures that you rumored, then Emperor Xuanlong would not be able to beat him back then. .”

Jin Ling thought about it, but she did.

If the rumor of the dragon hide is true, the Anyan Dragon Emperor has such huge resources, he must cultivate to be invincible in the universe, and cultivate a powerful force that can crush the universe of Wanlong.

And will not be defeated by the Xuanlong Emperor.

Jin Ling blushed slightly, probably because she thought the rumor was so false, and she would believe it.

“Dragon Emperor Anyan was in another universe back then and didn’t get much resources.”

The devouring dragon clan said slowly, “On the contrary, he can get up, I don’t know how many difficulties he has gone through… Forget it, these are all things to come. With our strength at the time, we didn’t get many Dragon Balls. You know Dragon Ball too.”

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