Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1992: Not dead?

Jin Ling never thought that the token in her hand was actually related to the Anniying Dragon Emperor.

No way, it’s been too long since the Annihilation Dragon Emperor.

It is already a matter of the last era of Wanlong Universe.

And, those are rumors.

At least before she was born, it was a distant rumor.

Who knows, this rumored token will be this one.

At this moment, many things went through her mind.

Emperor Annihilation is not simple. He was the only one who competed with the Emperor Xuanlong for the supreme power of the Wanlong universe.

Jin Ling tried her best to recall all the rumors she knew in her mind.

Dragon Emperor Anyan returned to Wanlong Universe, and after being defeated by Emperor Xuanlong, he was exiled for the second time.

As for the final result, it’s very vague.

But according to the rumors of the Dragon Emperor, the resources of the other universe left behind are called the Dark Shadow Dragon Treasure.

To open the Annihilation Dragon Treasure, you need the token of the Annihilu Dragon Emperor.

Dragon Emperor Annihilation failed, so naturally, all his possessions belonged to Emperor Xuanlong.

So, those tokens will only be in the hands of the Xuanlong Emperor.

As for the Annihilu Longzang, there is a high probability that it was acquired by the Emperor Xuanlong long ago.

Of course, this is based on the analysis that those rumors are true.

Suddenly, Jin Ling’s brain twitched.

She remembered something very bad.

When the Anyan Dragon Emperor invaded the Wanlong universe…the dragon clan…

It seems that this is the one who devoured the dragon race!

Later, the Anxuan Dragon Emperor failed, and the devoured dragon clan should have been exterminated, but the Xuanlong Emperor did not exterminate his clan at that time, but incorporated it.

Therefore, this annihilation of the dragon clan has a great sense of alienation and strangeness to other dragon clans in the Wanlong universe.

Even after so many years, the entire ethnic group is very lonely.

Almost never interacted with other ethnic groups, and only obeyed the orders of Emperor Xuanlong.

‘Taboo! ’

This is the relic of Emperor Xuanlong, and it is indeed a taboo for these devouring dragons who have been collected by Emperor Xuanlong!

At this moment, Jin Ling’s unpleasant feeling intensified.

‘Why did the Silver Moon Co-Master give me this token? How could she have the token of the Annihilu Dragon Emperor? ’

Jin Ling didn’t have time to think about it.

At this time, the Dragon Devourer Clan on the opposite side let out a frantic roar: “You hold this token and want to use me to devour Nebula? It’s a big joke! My clan has already surrendered to the Emperor, you will This thing is brought here to trap our clan’s infidelity and injustice. If the emperor knew at this time, he would definitely think that my clan still has two hearts!”

“Hmph, you and other foreigners have ulterior motives, I devour a clan and do not want to provoke you, you go over and over again, trying to frame and destroy my clan again and again…”

“It’s unbearable!”

The roar was mixed with anger and coldness.

Jin Ling opened her mouth, and her mind went blank for a moment.

She had a vague sense of something, but couldn’t figure it out.

Especially at this time.

“Master Shaolong, get out of here first!”

The four crystal dragon guards at the back shouted loudly, “These devouring dragons are about to take action!”

Jin Ling took a few steps back, and the dragon horns on her forehead began to glow with a faint icy blue light.

Destroying the Dragons is very powerful, especially when the opponents outnumber them.

Once you get started…

It could only be a one-sided massacre.

“Wait! I don’t know about this matter…” Jin Ling was about to explain, but she was only halfway through.

All the devouring dragons on the opposite side suddenly opened their **** mouths, emitting a dark ball of light that was as deep as a black hole.

Like a lunar eclipse, with a terrifying aura that devours all living beings…

Jin Ling choked.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded:

“Dragon Emperor of Darkness is not dead.”

The moment the voice fell.

There was a moment of silence in the air.

The dozens of dragon-devouring dragons on the opposite side all solidified.

Even Jin Ling was slightly stunned.

Because of the source of the sound, in the back.

She turned around and looked at Longzhao behind her.

I saw a figure, suspended in the dark void, with a faint but charming golden light on its body.

The appearance is extraordinary, not like the incarnation of the dragon clan, but in terms of temperament, it gives Jinling a kind of oppression and illusion like facing the emperor.

‘Is that him? ’ Jinling didn’t recognize it for a while.

But judging from the fact that the other party came out of the dragon, it was only him.

Being able to transform into a human form means that his injury is healed.

“Why did you come out?” Jin Ling asked subconsciously in her somewhat blank mind.

“I heard it all in Longzhao,” Wang Feng replied.

“But what’s the use of hearing it…” Jin Ling asked inexplicably, but just after speaking, something seemed to sound, and she subconsciously said, “Wait, what did you just say?”

Wang Feng smiled slightly and looked at the many dragons who were slowly stopping on the opposite side, “I said, the Anyan Dragon Emperor is not dead. He is still alive.”

“?” Jin Ling.

You said you wouldn’t die if you didn’t say it?

That’s all a legend from a previous era!

Jin Ling knew that the other party came out now to save the field.

After all, he is also in the midst of the dragon attack, and if these devouring dragons start, he will not be able to escape.

It’s just that the beginning of this rescue is a little too outrageous!

“Don’t look at me like that.”

Wang Feng looked at those who devoured the dragon clan, and said indifferently, “Since I say so, naturally there is evidence.”

“Oh? Are you a dragon clan?” The devouring dragon clan, headed by the opposite, stared at Wang Feng, “Why can’t I feel it? Where are your dragon horns?”

“That thing is too troublesome. Since it is a humanoid, what do you need it for?” Wang Feng waved his hand, “As for whether I am a dragon or not, it doesn’t matter to you. But, I think, dark You should be very interested in the matter of Emperor Xuanlong.”

“Dragon Emperor Anyu is dead.” The latter said coldly, “It has been dead for many years. Emperor Xuanlong will not let his opponents go, and still survives in this universe. It was because of the exile of Darkness that year. Emperor Yanlong did not destroy it directly, so he had the opportunity to rise up and counterattack into the Wanlong universe.”

“The second time he was defeated by Emperor Xuanlong, it is impossible for him to survive.”

“If you want to use this kind of rhetoric, it is impossible for us to let you go!”

Wang Feng smiled but did not speak.

He thinks that the Wanlong Universe is getting more and more interesting.

He discovered the aura of the candle dragon bloodline in this annihilating dragon Through what he said just now, this annihilating dragon clan is closely related to the Anyan Dragon Emperor.

Even, they are the old part of the Anyan Dragon Emperor.

Then, what is the identity of this Anniying Dragon Emperor?

To be able to be the opponent of the Xuanlong Emperor must be extremely powerful.

Its origin is absolutely extraordinary.

“Give me the token in your hand.”

Wang Feng turned around and said to Jin Ling.

“What do you want to do?” Jin Ling asked.

She hasn’t recovered yet.

There is an illusion of a huge conspiracy in my head.

At this moment, this mysterious dragon clan, who had known each other for less than a day, actually gave her the illusion that she was dreaming.

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