Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1867: Han Li’s plan

Wang Feng immediately conducted a deduction and analysis, and found that the corpse of the dragon of the Dragon Emperor family contained a bit of Yinglong’s genes.

At this point, Wang Feng has a general understanding of the situation in the Dragon God Realm and the situation in the Wanlong Universe.

I don’t say I know all about it, but I also guessed it.

Know everything.

Wang Feng will not directly interfere with their progress in the Dragon God Realm for the time being.

His big reward of points, coupled with his experience in the Dragon God Realm, is enough to increase the strength of these Sons of Destiny a lot.

One by one must at least start contacting the Yuanyuan Avenue.

The most adventurous of them all is the weakest of them all.

Also known as Han Li.

In the chat group.

Li Feiyu: “Everyone, I’m getting closer and closer to the Ten Thousand Dragon Balls! Next, I just need to steal it and give it to the ancestors. I believe that this wave is worth it!”

Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade: “Wow, Feiyu brother, you have finally appeared again. It has been a long time since you disappeared last time. How is the situation now?”

Appears with Han Liyi.

Everyone in the group sent greetings and a lot of curiosity.

Fan Ye: “What is Wanlongzhu? It sounds like a very powerful name. Is it the treasure in the Dragon Palace?”

Yongan Dang’s young man: “With my many years of pawning experience, this is definitely the most treasured treasure!”

The world can’t blame me: “@Li Feiyu, I have already captured a few cities, if you fail, just run straight from Longcheng to the south and come to a place called Yunlongchi to find me. No worries!”

Gui Li: “Still be careful! The closer you get, the more dangerous it is!”

Borrow another 10,000 years from Xiangtian: “That’s right! I have completely taken over the valley here. The entire army has accelerated its cultivation, and its strength has improved very quickly. At that time, I plan to directly attack the Dragon Palace with Brother Tianxia!”

Li Feiyu: “Thank you all, now I’m only one step away from the Wanlongzhu, and I feel a little uneasy.”

Fan Ye: “If that’s the case, then tell us, what have you done these days? And what is the Wanlongzhu?”

Han Li, after pondering for a few seconds, began to recover.

Li Feiyu: “Didn’t you kill a lot of giant dragons before? And as far as I know, those giant dragons were not that powerful at first. According to the information I have gathered from the conversations of these dragons in the Dragon Palace these days , I analyzed it, and at least it looks like it is dozens of times weaker.”

“At the same time, this Dragon God Realm was originally not like this. It is much smaller than it is now. And all of this is because the current Dragon Emperor has brought this million dragon balls.”

Heard here.

Ye Fan suddenly realized.

Li Feiyu: “This Ten Thousand Dragon Ball has changed the Dragon God Realm, and at the same time, it has also changed a lot of dragon races. I don’t know how powerful and unpredictable this Ten Thousand Dragon Ball is, and it has transformed all these dragon races into what they are now. The ones you killed before were all ordinary dragons, and those dragons were transformed from thousand dragon balls. Only dragons recognized by the Dragon Emperor will be given the right to transform with ten thousand dragon balls.”

“This Wanlongzhu is extremely powerful. It is located in the Dragon Palace in the Dragon Palace, and all the dragon guards of the Dragon Emperor family who have been transformed by Wanlongzhu are surrounded by the Dragon Palace. It can be said that it is extremely difficult to enter it. No. , is impossible!”

He said this, Han Li’s tone was very positive.

“If you want to enter it, you can only carry it with the Dragon Emperor himself. Even if you have the Dragon Emperor’s decree, it is impossible.”

The young boy of Yongan: “Then how do you get in?”

Everyone was equally curious.

This Ten Thousand Dragon Ball is so powerful, it can be said to be a root-like existence to this Dragon God Realm.

How can Li Feiyu get this?

Li Feiyu: “These days, I’ve been thinking hard and finally came up with a solution! The solution is very simple. First of all, although I currently use Zhou Tianxingyin, this thing can only isolate my breath. It doesn’t make me disappear in this world. The Soaring Dragon Hall is so tight that I can’t get in at all.”

“And I have very few points left at this time, and it is very difficult to exchange for other things to help me. In the Dragon Palace, these giant dragons are obviously impossible for me to kill, and the rest of the treasures are also guarded by powerful dragons. It’s not something I can steal at all.”

Hearing this, everyone thought for a while, how can this enter the Dragon Hall?

Stealing the Dragon Ball?

“Later, when I was chanting scriptures for the ancestors, I thought of a way.”

“That is, I wrote a letter in the language of the dragon race and handed it over to the Dragon Emperor’s bedroom. I told him that I was going to steal the Wanlongzhu tonight.”

“Because Zhou Tianxingyin completely isolated my breath, even the Dragon Emperor couldn’t find it. Therefore, in the entire Dragon Palace, no dragon clan could detect me. And the Dragon Emperor was not surprised.”

“After he received the letter, he was disdainful at first. But then, he began to gather all the guards of the Dragon Palace. The inner three floors and the outer three floors surrounded the Dragon Palace.”

Heard here.

Yongan’s young man: “Then the Dragon Emperor was sent a letter to the wind? Shouldn’t it, the Dragon Emperor has no wisdom at all?”

Fan Ye: “No no no, buddy, think about it, if you were the Dragon Emperor. Suddenly there was a letter in my bedroom, but I didn’t notice it, not only I didn’t notice it, but the entire Dragon Palace didn’t. When you notice it, what do you think? He will definitely think of himself, the big dragon palace, the person who delivers the letter, can come and go freely? How terrifying is this?”

“If you are the Dragon Emperor, such a mysterious visitor who can come and go freely in the Dragon Palace, says he wants to steal the Dragon Ball, do you panic?”

Yong’an’s young man: “Fuck, it seems like hey! Brother Feiyu, it’s yours! But your letter has directly strengthened the defense force of the Dragon Palace by several levels! You Can you still go in? Even if you go in, you won’t be able to touch the Wanlongzhu at all, right?”

Li Feiyu: “That’s The defense power of the Ascension Dragon Hall has been strengthened. It is known that the dragon family of the Dragon Palace is certain, and the defense strength of the Ascension Dragon Hall has been strengthened… Then it is inevitable, the defense strength of the rest of the place. It will be weakened, and there will be no dragons to guard it. Because, for the Dragon Emperor or the Dragon God Realm, the Wanlongzhu is countless times more important than any treasure.”

“So, taking advantage of this gap, I first looted the Dragon Emperor’s bedroom, and got a few treasures. And I didn’t even think about it, I just exchanged points.”

“The treasure in the Dragon Emperor’s palace is actually not very valuable. However, it can also be exchanged for many points.”

“Then I went to the other palaces of the Dragon Palace and looted some treasures until I got 200,000 points in exchange.”

“I exchanged it without hesitation. Zhou Tianxing’s superior talisman, Zhou Tianshenyin, is worth 200,000 points! It’s extremely expensive!”

“This talisman is so powerful that it can hide everything, come and go without a trace, and can travel through space and time! Niubi defies the sky! But the time is extreme, only about 100 breaths. It is also limited to purchase.”

“After redemption, I use it immediately.”

“You may not know that during the time when I sent a message to you, I have quietly come to the Dragon Hall.”

“Now, I have this Wanlong Ball in my hands!”


“Ding, Li Feiyu uploaded a picture of a chapter.”

Everyone: “…beep!”

Yong’an’s young boy: “Good guy, Feiyu brother, you are a bit strong! You can get everything done with one letter, how did you think of it?”

Li Feiyu: “Hey, when I was trying to figure out a way before, didn’t I pray to the ancestral **** by chanting the scriptures? In a vague way, the ancestral **** seemed to give me a hint… When I came back to my senses, I had no impression. But I figured out this way!”

Everyone: “…”

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