Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1846: Blocking

Sedum strongly suppressed the excitement in his heart and began to calculate.

For the first time in my life, I experienced instant wealth, and sedum felt amazing.

He feels that now he seems to be able to experience the feelings of the two group friends when they got points.

“There is also the source… The powerful power of the source, the starting point in the activity pool is about a million points… This is a simple conversion, the Ancestral God is equivalent to rewarding me with millions of points!”

Sedum exclaimed.

Ancestor God This is too generous.

However, when I feel the source within my body, it seems to be in a semi-sealed state.

It may take some time for its power to unfold.

But it doesn’t matter.

“By the way, what about Xie Jianxian?”

Sedum look around

The Evil Sword Immortal just now was wiped out by the mysterious god.

But Sedum knows that the special existence of the evil sword fairy is generally difficult to eliminate.

That **** just beat the Evil Sword Immortal back to its original form and turned it into the original evil spirit.

It stands to reason that it still exists.

“The evil spirit, the god, has been taken away. This thing is not a miserable supernatural power, and Feier can destroy it.”

At this time, a divine voice came from the ancestral god, and it fell into Sedum’s mind.

Sedum suddenly realized that it was so.

“That’s right!”

Sedum heaved a sigh of relief, thought for a while and then said: “The ancestors are above, what is the catastrophe of my world? Is there any other catastrophe?”

“Yes, and no.” Wang Feng replied simply.

Just kidding, in the battle just now, that Yuan used the Yuan sword to directly slash the long river of time in this universe.

Disturbing the original trajectory of the universe, making the world where Sedum is out of its original direction.

How could there be any further catastrophe.

If you want to talk about a big catastrophe, for this universe, those gods are the biggest catastrophe.

In addition, according to Yuan, there may be gods sent to the Temple of Shadows in the future.

Wang Feng gave Sedum so many good things, in addition to the fact that Na Yuan is very important, he naturally hopes that Sedum, the son of destiny, can grow up quickly.

I don’t really want Sedum to resist the gods.

It’s what I want, not to be killed by those gods at the first time, I can delay it for a while.

After all, even if it is the son of destiny, the huge gap in life level makes it difficult for Sedum to become a cosmic life in a short period of time.

“Cultivation well, remember, don’t be alone. In your own world, there are many capable people. Grow together, if you encounter this situation again in the future, you will not be helpless. “

Wang Feng gave a casual command and disappeared into the world of fairy swords.

Leaving Sedum alone in contemplation.


Sedum nodded heavily.


The divine universe.

An unknown nebula.

“Hoo, from today onwards, the young master will be free!”

In the vast starry sky, a simple-looking divine ship pulled out a gauze-like starry sky orbit in the starry sky.

Not fast.

There is only one person on board.

At the bow of the ship, Yuan Youzai was half lying on a throne.

“Speaking of which, that aboriginal **** is really strong… Even the Emperor Hongyuan Sword was directly smashed to pieces. That axe is by no means an ordinary cosmic artifact, I am afraid it is some kind of holy weapon of the Beginning Wheel… However, Hajime How could the holy weapon of the wheel recognize the gods as masters? It’s weird!”

Yuan lay on his back and looked at the magnificent scenery of the universe.

“It is also unlikely that the gods can exert the power of the Holy Artifact of the Beginning Wheel…and the will of the universe that burst out at that moment is really terrifying…It contains the ultimate power of destruction, and I don’t know what the will of the universe is…”

Yuan muttered to himself as he spoke.

After muttering a few words, his face changed, and he put on a smile: “No matter what, I finally got rid of the Necropolis Theological Palace… Sir, I was trapped in the Necropolis by this Emperor Hongyuan sword back then. For thousands of years, the palace has worked hard and never complained…Fuck, now that this Emperor Hongyuan sword has been cut off, it is impossible for those old guys to track them down.”


Yuan sat up, pinched his chin, and said, “The indigenous gods are very involved, and those old guys couldn’t have expected that even the Emperor Hongyuan sword would be cut off. It’s still a good game for the young master…whether he wins or not. If I win, I don’t lose anything, sir. Next, it’s time to leave this divine universe and go to other universes outside to see.”

“This poor place, the young master is really tired of staying there.”

“Well… I also wish that the native **** can be safe and sound in the future. It has nothing to do with me.”

Yuan gave a treacherous smile.

But right now.

In the void, a divine voice suddenly appeared in his mind:

“Ling Yuan, the most powerful **** of the Neiying Theological Palace, inherited the divine relic left by a supreme **** before ten thousand years, the Emperor Hongyuan Sword. He was born with dual gods and inherited the meaning of the supreme god. In this generation, among the 100,000-year-old gods in the entire god-system universe, they are the top gods that can be ranked.”

“However, you, who shined brilliantly in the Palace of Shadows theology ten thousand years ago, have disappeared for ten thousand years and have been silent in the Palace of Shadows of the Dead.”

“Now, after ten thousand years, I have been given a heavy but I want to escape halfway…Interesting…It seems that the quality of teaching in the Temple of Shadows has declined a lot over the years.”

The low, hoarse voice made Yuan instantly refreshed.

He looked straight ahead with dignified eyes.

A shadow appeared at an unknown time.

“Who are you?” Yuan asked in a deep voice.

But just after asking, he seemed to have thought of something, and subconsciously took two steps back: “Did you secretly let those old guys take action? Otherwise, according to the rules of the Shadow Theological Palace, the origin of the gods who have been apprentices has been taken away, and it is completely impossible to do so. I won’t take action. The Necropolis has hardly interfered in any battles of other factions, let alone anything else.”

Yuan knew that those old guys in the Shadow Theological Palace were willing to let him do it himself.

It is certainly not something that an ordinary **** can do.

Even the supreme gods of those factions may not be able to move those old guys.

The source of the Earth Spirit God was taken away is just a simple excuse.

The other party must be the gods of the universe, backed by the upper-level gods of the universe gods faction at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and has a lot of power.

Only possible.

Yuan Zi was born in the divine universe, and it has been more than 20,000 years so far.

But the factions of the divine universe are so complicated that it is difficult for him to distinguish them now.

Because the power involved in the gods is too strong.

Once you reach this existence and realize some powerful forces, you will be able to create your own faction, unique in the divine universe.

Of course, it must be possible for some arrogant gods to do it.

But the number of gods in the divine universe is quite large.

There are too many, and there are many gods and gods.

With a perfect system and a fixed framework, batches of powerful gods can always be cultivated.

This has resulted in the fact that there are so many factions in the gods universe today.

There are more factions available.

There are only a few factions that can really have the universe gods in the early Yuan Dynasty.

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