Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1779: Blood

“According to the ancestral system, the sacrifices are mainly food.”

Li Si pondered, “Three livestock and six animals, supplemented by jade and silk… But these things are too common for a god… Even if they are talking about their feelings, it is too much…”

Li Si didn’t know how to describe it.

Because he couldn’t imagine using these ordinary items to worship a god…

“However, the ancestral **** bestows such kindness. For us, he should also despise us as sacrifices.”

Li Si shook his head and said, “It’s enough to talk about our hearts. I believe that the ancestors can also feel our sincerity.”

Ying Zheng was silent.

Li Si waited quietly, knowing that the Emperor might already have an idea in mind.

“What do you think, if people are sacrificed?”

Ying Zheng asked suddenly.


Li Si was stunned, surprised but understood.

In the ancestral system, there is such a situation, and there are still many. When the countries were in turmoil, there were many examples of this kind of sacrifice to the gods in many regions.

And virgins and girls, etc.

But this kind of thing has been abandoned in the Great Qin Empire.

And human sacrifice is too cruel and violates human ethics.

However, the reason why human sacrifice was criticized at that time was because there was no real god.

“This…if it’s a sacrifice in the name of service, it’s still a ritual.”

Through the windowsill of the palace, Li Si looked outside at the Milky Way waterfall hanging in the sky.

The name of the ancestral **** has now spread throughout the empire.

The mysterious galaxy has brought about too much change and too mysterious.

And the stalwart giant shadow that the entire Xianyang City could see that day was engraved in the minds of everyone at that time.

“Your Majesty, I think that if you want to sacrifice to the ancestors, the sacrifice is better…how about choosing blood sacrifice?”

At this moment, a steady voice sounded.

Wang Jian strode forward, but the calm voice echoed in the ears of Ying Zheng and Li Si like an ancient bell.

“Blood sacrifice?”

A glint of divine light flashed in Ying Zheng’s eyes, “You mean, use those demons to sacrifice to the ancestors?”


Wang Jian said slowly, “The Ancestral God sent such a great power to give us a ray of life in Daqin. The Ancestral God said that he knows the world and knows what is going on in this world. But demons are the enemies of our Daqin and need We Daqin personally defeated and killed.”

“Your Majesty, Meng Tian’s meaning is that he wants to lead a group of soldiers out of the Great Wall first. Capture the demons and sacrifice the blood of the demons to the ancestors. In order to show the power of the Qin Dynasty, I will live up to the blessings of the ancestors. The power of this life is a lifeline.”

After hearing this, Ying Zheng nodded slightly and said, “But it’s only been a few days, can you fight against demons?”

Wang Jian smiled, “Your Majesty, those demonic beasts have eroded the northern Xiongnu, and all of them have inhuman powers. I, the Qin generals, are flesh and blood, and naturally invincible. But now, although we haven’t studied the sky’s The power of the stars, but the strength has indeed greatly increased… As far as I am the elite warriors of Daqin, all of them have transcended the flesh and blood, and can definitely resist those demons!”

“Your Majesty, your current strength has been greatly improved. You must know this better than us.”

Ying Zheng closed his eyes and thought for a moment.

Then he waved his sleeves and said, “Just do as you say!”

As Ying Zheng’s voice fell.

The Daqin soldiers who gained the power of the stars, under the leadership of the empire’s brave and skilled general Meng Tian, ​​shot out of Xianyang City like an arrow of hope and flew to the already relatively broken passes of the Great Wall.

In fact, outside Xianyang City, there are already many scattered monsters that have broken through the Great Wall’s defense line.

These monsters are huge and of different shapes, all of them are stained with wisps of black air, and their eyes are red.

There is no killing in his eyes, only indifference and silence, like a machine, meticulously performing tasks.

No mortal body can be compared at all.

Even if there are Qi practitioners and warriors in the Great Qin Empire, they are still flesh and blood.

There is no way that these special demons would be an opponent.

Ying Zheng stood at a corner of the Great Wall, staring coldly at the demons that were rushing in from below the Great Wall.

The pieces of monsters look like ants, very infiltrating.

Most of the passes of the Great Wall have been lost. The pass where Ying Zheng is located is the closest pass to Xianyang City.

If this pass is lost, it means that the demon can directly invade Xianyang City, and then annex the entire Daqin territory.

There is also a strong smell of blood and the smell of carrion all around.

“Can General Meng Tian and the others defeat these demons?”

Li Si follows Ying Zheng. As a civil servant, he could not have come.

But after gaining the power of the stars, Daqin soldiers and soldiers fought against the demons for the first time. Winning or losing is very important.

The power of the stars scattered by the Milky Way in the sky is indeed very powerful, but Li Si is not sure what kind of combat power it can bring.

After all, those monsters are too strong.

Ying Zheng’s eyes were flat, and there was no concern like Li Si’s.

“If you say it’s just defeating…”

Ying Zheng said lightly, “That’s not what Ancestral God wants to see…”

The voice falls.

I saw several bright figures flying out from within the Great Wall!

One after another figure, like the unparalleled **** of war, rode batches of blood-red war horses from the sky, as if they were proud of the entire Great Wall with a single leap.

From a height of tens of meters, gliding and falling down.

He was led by a man with big arms and a burly face, holding a long spear, exuding a strong aura that was condensed as a substance.

On the spear, there are several meters of Astral Qi surrounding it.

With a slight leap is a height of hundreds of meters, the spear swept across, and the qi was like a precise cutting knife, cutting those steel-like monsters into two sections.

Li Si, who was above the Great Wall, gasped.

“So strong?”

Li Si hesitated.

“The power of the stars naturally has the most obvious effect on the generals like Meng Tian.”

Ying Zheng’s eyes shone brightly, “You are a civil official, so you may not feel the change is obvious, but in fact, Li Si, your power is probably a bit stronger than Wang Jian before.”

“This…I haven’t tried it yet…” Li Si’s mouth twitched.

“With the recovery of spiritual energy, the strong will naturally break through the upper limit and reach another higher level. In fact, more than that, the changes brought by the power of the stars to our Great Qin Empire are in all aspects… We will soon feel it. here.”

Lis nodded. Although I don’t know what His Majesty’s word for aura recovery means, it should have something to do with the power of the stars.

What follows is a massacre.

Li Si looked very excited.

Since those demons appeared, the Qin Empire has never won a battle.

It’s hard to even kill those monsters.

And now, like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves, they are wantonly massacred by the soldiers of the empire.

Even if it’s just a civil servant, Li Si is so excited that he can’t wait to try it out in person.

Twilight falls.

The setting sun is like blood.

The demons faded away, leaving only countless blood pools under the Great Wall like a river.

“It’s time to sacrifice.”

Ying Zheng has a smile on his face…

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