Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1696: You’re calling the wrong person!

Ning Rongrong’s face turned red immediately, she stood up immediately, and said, “What are you doing, there is someone!”

Yo, do you know anyone else?

Wang Feng glared at her and said in a low voice, “Wait when there’s no one left, can we talk about it later?”

Ning Rongrong pouted, hummed, flew to Zhu Zhuqing who was rushing over, and said, “Zhuqing and I are waiting for you in the God Realm.”

Zhu Zhuqing thought to himself, I just came here, and I haven’t even said a word yet. You want to drag me to the God Realm, so I won’t do it.

Although he thought so, but after looking around, Zhu Zhuqing said, “Then… let’s go back to the realm of the gods? Forget it, Rongrong, do you want us to play in this world for a few days?”

Ning Rongrong’s eyes brightened, “Okay, okay.”

Wang Feng knew that Zhu Zhuqing wanted to create a separate space for the others.

She can probably guess what she’s thinking.

After speaking, Ning Rongrong took Shui Bing’er and Zhu Zhuqing and flew away first.

“Eh…” Shui Bing’er sighed, I haven’t said a word yet.

But looking at the situation, there was Bibi Dong on one side, Emperor Xue on the other, and Qian Renxue on the other side.

Never mind.

‘He has a clone, should I still have a chance? ’ Shui Bing’er glanced at Wang Feng and suddenly thought of this.

Fang disappeared without a trace.

“Sister, do you still want to stay here?” The Ice Emperor suddenly regained his senses. He first looked around, as if he was sure that he was not dreaming, and after a while he said.

The battle scene between Wang Feng and Mo Tiance was static for them.

Both are beyond the time of the Douluo God Realm.

Although it was only for a moment, they couldn’t see the details at all.

All I can see is the explosive energy that turned into gorgeous fireworks, and then the ghostly shadow disappeared.

Only Wang Feng remained in the sky, with a green lotus on his head, holding a spear, radiant and dazzling.

“I… want to have a few words with him.” Xue Di said, “Go back first.”

“No, I don’t want to leave my sister.” Ice Emperor snorted softly, “Look, the girls beside this man are all beautiful. There is no point for you to speak, sister.”

“The mouth is on me, I can say it if I want to.” Xue Di said, “It has nothing to do with how beautiful you are.”

“…” Ice Emperor.

That makes sense, Ice Emperor thought about it.

Yes, my sister has a close relationship with this stinky man.

Just these women, that Bibi Dong is a bit of a threat, the others are nothing!

When Emperor Xue walked to Wang Feng, he read it carefully before saying, “Wang Feng! I saw it all.”

“What did you see?” Wang Feng was stunned.

“See, the world has changed.” Xue Di had a beautiful smile on his face, “You did what you promised me back then. Although, I haven’t seen you during this time, But when my freeze ended, I was happy.”

Wang Feng coughed a few times. She felt that there was something wrong with Bibi Dong’s eyes.

“I know, you still have things to do. When you’re done, I’ll come back to you.” Xue Di said softly.

She knew that at this time, she, or not only her, but the others, couldn’t help Wang Feng too much.

So, that’s all.

“Okay.” Wang Feng nodded.

Soul beasts are not simple. Like a certain scorpion, Wang Feng felt that not only was he not pure, but he also knew very well about human affairs.

They are pure, just pure emotion.

Actually, Bibi Dong and Xue Di helped him drag the time, which is very important.

Of course, because they wanted to hurt Mo Tiance and didn’t succeed, they didn’t seem to be of any help.

Actually helps a lot.

Xue Di stood on the spot and looked at Wang Feng with a different kind of light in his eyes.

“Sister?” Ice Emperor looked aside, didn’t he say that he would wait for Wang Feng to finish his work?

Why don’t you go?

Wang Feng thought for a while, then walked over and took the Snow Emperor slightly in his arms.

“Wait for me,” he said.

“Yeah.” Xue Di turned around with a satisfied smile on his face.

The Ice Emperor next to him had an uncomfortable expression on his face, as if he was suddenly fed a mouthful of dog food.

The Ice Emperor didn’t even think about it, he just pulled the Snow Emperor and left.

The figure curled up, Wang Feng watched the figure disappear from sight, and thought, it seems that the biggest one is not Zhu Zhuqing, nor Bibi Dong.

Not scientific.

“It’s gone.” The faint voice recalled from the side.

“No, I’m thinking of something else.” Wang Feng said with a serious face.

Bibi Dong snorted and suddenly asked, “How big?”

Wang Feng replied without thinking: “It’s very big…Wait, Dong’er, that’s not what I meant.”

Wang Feng secretly scolded himself, these women are getting more and more understanding of their own nature.


“Humph.” Bibi Dong sneered, “I don’t know what that means, but if you don’t pay attention, someone should leave.”

Wang Feng was stunned for a moment, then looked aside.

I saw Qian Renxue in the distance, picking up a little angel from the sea, returning to the throne, and activating the special circuit on the throne with an expressionless face. A void wormhole is formed in mid-air, which seems to lead to another cosmic world.

“Wait!” Wang Feng was shocked, how could he forget the most important one.

After speaking, he appeared on the throne like a teleportation.

This throne looks like a cruciform peak, extremely tall. The throne is just above the center.

It even looks like a small city inside.

“What’s the matter with you?” King Tianxiu said indifferently as he looked at Wang Feng who had broken into the throne.

“Xiaoxue, do you want to go back?” Wang Feng’s face was a little embarrassed, “Isn’t it necessary?”

“I’m King Tianxiu. I’m from Angel Nebula.” She said, “It’s not Xiaoxue, you’re calling the wrong person.”

Wang Feng looked at her and blinked.

There is a big difference between Qian Renxue at this time and Qian Renxue more than ten thousand years ago.

The appearance is actually almost a glance, but the imposing manner is too different.

So much has changed.

“You have an injury on your body. Rongrong should not be able to cure the injury caused by Mo Tiance, but I can cure it.” Wang Feng said.

“Don’t bother you anymore.” King Tianxiu said lightly.

Tsk, listening to this tone, Wang Feng knew that she was angry.

Perhaps, it’s not just anger.

After thinking about it, Wang Feng walked over.

The two are getting closer and closer.

“Please stop.” King Tianxiu said solemnly.

Wang Feng didn’t answer, and walked directly onto the throne, holding Qian Renxue towards him with an indomitable attitude.

King Tianxiu suddenly looked a little flustered, and he stepped back several steps, his hands subconsciously pushing towards Wang Feng.

But obviously, she may not have realized that this level of resistance is useless at all.

It’s more like a kind of reluctance.

Until Wang Feng hugged her in her arms, she whispered in her ear with the chance of blond hair, “Xue’er, you will leave for thousands of years without saying a word. I don’t know in my heart. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time.”

Qian Renxue’s delicate body trembled, and she pushed Wang Feng’s shoulders with both hands, her voice finally lost her calmness, but with a bit of embarrassment: “You just believe, how long can you think? I’ve been away for so long. , I haven’t seen you looking for me!”

Hearing this voice, Wang Feng knew that this girl really liked this.

Can’t hold back? King Xiu couldn’t hold back his posture that day, right?

Just kidding, he could come back to Douluo World, how could Wang Feng still not know what Qian Renxue was thinking?

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