Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1671: Soul Touch

“Yin-yang cross-sign is one of the main sources of the yin and yang will of the universe. Any cosmic will contains at least dozens of origins. It is divided into the main origin and the branch origin. The branch origin is the origin of the universe will. There are only two or three. Among them, as long as you understand the main source, you can basically touch this cosmic will. Basically, you have some of the power of the cosmic will.”

“And the lack of the root of the branch will not affect the power of this cosmic will. However, it will have many side effects. If the root of the branch can be fully understood, you can have a complete cosmic will. That’s not ordinary power.”

“In fact, until now, basically no one of the cosmic-level life I have seen and known has a complete cosmic will. That is too rare.”

“Everything of the Devil’s Tactics has to count on me, even if it is because he wants to become a cosmos-level life, he will also get a few remaining chaotic devils in this shackle, which contains a very important source of branches.”

“Speaking of which, the origin of yin and yang, also known as the origin of feeding the soul, is itself a powerful origin for cultivating the soul. It requires two common life forms, the fusion of yin and yang of the soul, and the will of yin and yang in the universe, which will produce more powerful The energy of the soul feeds back both parties.”

“I will teach you this origin, and see how much you can comprehend. Then I will guide you to blend with my soul and cultivate this origin. Then, through the generated soul energy, I will repair the residual damage of the Pangu axe. soul.”

Yan Qingjue pointed at Wang Feng’s eyebrows.

The huge original meaning has turned into countless ancient veins, like a surging river, flowing through the depths of Wang Feng’s soul.

To understand the origin, it is natural to use the origin of Hongmeng at this time.

Relying on oneself and the origin of Hongmeng, the speed of comprehension will reach an unimaginable level.

With the operation of the origin of Hongmeng, in an instant, this origin was quickly comprehended.

In fact, it is not the same as what Wang Feng thought.

The fusion of spirits and souls is the fusion of souls with special laws. It requires both parties to immerse themselves in, comprehend and cultivate together, and feel the will of the yin and yang of the universe.

Because it is the intersection of souls, it is necessary for both parties to open their minds and leave no gaps.

And the physical mating. The gap is very big.

Simply put, it’s not a godfather, it’s better than a godfather.

Does not contain any passion.

It is not necessary for both parties to have any emotions, just the pursuit of agreement and mutual trust.

But having said that, most of the people who can cultivate this kind of origin together are the closest ones.

Wang Feng felt that for himself.

From the point of view of the identity of the system, Yan Qingjue is a very intimate existence.

If it is from the identity of the Hell Lord, it is another matter.

‘I didn’t expect the system, she’s really a girl. Although, races are different. ‘ Wang Feng suddenly sighed in his heart.

After a while, Wang Feng opened his eyes and said, “Let’s start.”

Yan Qingjue nodded slightly.

Both flew into the air.

Eye to eye.

Yan Qingjue’s white eyes suddenly produced a clockwise vortex.

In Wang Feng’s soul eyes, a counterclockwise vortex appeared.

The vortex prints.

In an instant, the hearts of the two were trembling, and a mysterious and mysterious spiritual thought was generated in the depths of their souls.

However, after a long time, the vortex in the eyes of the two did not begin to merge.

It means that the cultivation has not yet begun.

“It doesn’t seem to work.” Wang Feng’s soul pronounced, “After all, the soul is separated by a layer between you and me. I can’t really relax my heart.”

To put it simply, it is the souls of the two parties that cannot fit together.

As the main source of yin and yang will, it is obvious that this source of yin and yang is not so easy to cultivate and understand.

It’s hard to even get into a state.

“You can give it a try, the souls will contact each other.” Yan Qingjue suggested, “This will make the hearts of the two sides more compatible.”

“This… Soul contact, isn’t it equivalent to that?” Wang Feng thought for a while.

Under normal circumstances, cultivating the origin of Yin-Yang interaction does not require soul contact.

As long as the hearts and minds of the two sides are connected, they can practice in the distance.

But now both sides can’t completely let go of each other…

Soul contact is also a way.

However, once the soul comes into contact, it is somewhat similar to the physical relationship, and then… it is the real ‘God’s relationship’.

“It’s okay.” Yan Qingjue was silent for a moment, then replied.

“Speaking of which, it is said that the Tao of Heaven is ruthless, and your incarnation of the Tao of Heaven is supposed to have no emotions, right?” Wang Feng asked.

“Nonsense.” Yan Qingjue said, “The way of heaven is also an ideology, it is life. Life has emotions, and many people don’t understand the source of the way of heaven. I am the way of heaven in the dark demon world, and ideology has long been formed. Nature also has emotions. It’s just that these emotions are different from your human emotions.”

“Besides, all of your experiences I’ve been paying attention to, naturally have feelings for you.”

“Oh?” Wang Feng was shocked.

“Probably, it’s like watching the soul beasts you cultivate, or the offspring you nurture, grow up slowly among you humans.”

“…” Wang Feng.

Heh, dare you treat me like a soul beast? Wang Feng thought.

Of course, he knew it was an analogy.

After all, my weak self was just a pawn.

I almost watched my chess pieces with my own eyes, and it became stronger step by step, and it was normal to have some emotions.

“Well, let’s try soul contact.” Wang Feng said.

He also has feelings for the system.

More gratitude.

At this time, Wang Feng thought that as long as he regarded her as a system, it would be fine.

Otherwise, let Wang Feng touch a strange soul. Wang Feng was very resistant in his heart.

Yan Qingjue nodded slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the two looked at each other, and their soul-shaped palms gradually touched each other.

A strange feeling emerged in Wang Feng’s heart.

How do I put it…a little cool, a little enlightened, and a little longing.

Wang Feng looked at the latter, only to see the vortex in the opponent’s eyes, the faster the rotation speed.

Even the cheeks have a softer arc.

I think the other person feels the same way.

As the palms touch, the vortex in the eyes of both parties rotates faster.

The wonderful feeling, accompanied by the contact of the souls, made the souls of the two begin to flock to the soul energy, turning into invisible breezes, flowing around the two.

“It seems, yes.” Wang Feng nodded slightly.

But, it always feels like something is missing.

“Your soul seems to be a little closed.”

Yan Qingjue also noticed it, and she couldn’t help but say, “Would you like to get closer?”

Wang Feng pondered for a moment, and finally thought of something, he looked at Yan Qingjue with a strange expression, and suddenly said: “No, no, there is no need for closer soul contact, I think, even if our souls are truly intertwined. , I may not be able to let go of all my mind.”

“…” Yan Qingjue.

She said seriously: “The soul is not an entity, it cannot be **** like the body, it can only be touched. It is just the deep contact of the soul, which is equivalent to the **** of the body. If you can’t let go of your mind like this, then This yin and yang combination cannot be cultivated, and you cannot absorb the soul energy to repair the Pangu axe.”

“I have a way.” Wang Feng said, “I don’t need soul contact.”

“What can I do?” Yan Qingjue said in surprise.

Wang Feng whispered a few words in her ear.

After hearing this, Yan Qingjue looked at Wang Feng with a strange expression, and then nodded.

“Okay, I’ll try.”

After Yan Qingjue finished speaking, he coughed a few times, and then spoke slowly in an ancient and mechanical voice in Wang Feng’s ear…

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