Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1531: Who is she to you?

These three demon gods wanted to kill themselves at such a high cost, but the demonic energy was not in them.

Wang Feng said slowly, “After the Tianming River disappeared, only these three demon gods have searched the bottom of the Tianming River. Then, it is possible that the demonic energy could appear in the hands of one of them. Just, the demon god. They are all selfish. If this demonic energy can only make one demon **** transcend the realm, then the other two demon gods will definitely not be able to obtain demonic energy.”

“But if you want to swallow the demonic energy, it means you have to face the other two demon gods. But if you use this demonic energy to advance directly, you will definitely attract a vision. The Demon God teamed up to kill it.”

“So, if I were the demon **** who found the demon energy first, I would definitely pretend not to know, and then find an opportunity to kill these two demon gods, or distract their attention.”

Wang Feng looked at the only remaining ghost in the void, squinting.

“In the beginning, this demon **** should have wanted to use you and the Holy City of Soul Demon as pawns to distract the attention of the other two demon gods. Later, my appearance made him feel that he had a better goal. .And after the three armies were flooded, the demon **** may have thought that he would simply get rid of the other two demon gods. Because there is no legion, there are only two demon gods, which is easier to operate.”

“After the legion was evacuated, they could have left directly. They didn’t even show their faces, so they would not lose anything at all. But they took such a risk to kill me. Secretly bewitched the other two demon gods to take action. He even found a perfect excuse: I, the holy son of the first demon, possess that demonic energy, as long as I kill me, I can get that demonic energy.”

“If I were the other two demon gods, it would be impossible for me to refuse.”

After Wang Feng and Qingluo Demon God finished talking, he looked at the Wild Sea Demon God in front of him.

“Then, you just need to backstab directly at the critical moment of the battle. Even the devil will not be able to react, and he will definitely be hit.”

Wang Feng smiled slightly, “I’ve been guessing, when will this critical moment be. Later, after I merged the origin and blasted the chaotic space, I thought, that should be the critical moment. Later, the Primordial Demon God and The Qixiao Demon God once again joined forces and displayed two origins at the same time, so I knew who this Demon God with demonic energy was.”

“It was just now.” Wang Feng’s voice changed, “If I were him, I would definitely choose to shoot at this time. Even if the two demon gods didn’t fall, most of them would be ruined. And the two of us have already lost. Most of his combat power is no longer a threat to him.”

“Naturally, I didn’t panic just now.”

Qingluo Demon God’s expression fluctuates.

She didn’t expect this desolate sea devil to be so insidious.

Even unknowingly, such a game was set up.

“Nonsense.” The Wild Sea Demon God stood in the distance, looking at Wang Feng and Qingluo Demon God with a half-smile, “What are you talking about, the deity can’t hear a word, and I don’t have that demonic energy. .”

The Demon God Hunyuan and Demon God Qixiao on the side were in a half-shattered state. When they heard this, they were so angry that they smoked.

Among the three demon gods, each has his own responsibility.

The Demon God Hunyuan and the Demon God Qixiao are responsible for restraining and consuming the Demon Gods of the same level, while the Demon God of the Wild Sea is the main attack and is responsible for dealing with opponents.

Just didn’t expect this guy to be so sinister.

Under normal circumstances, even if the wild sea devil attacked, it would not be possible to cause serious damage to them.

But it was different just now…

“If I were you, since I had dealt with these two demon gods, I would leave immediately and find a place to absorb that demonic energy.”

Wang Feng looked at the chaotic space that began to disappear around him, and said with a smile.

The Primordial Demon God was hit hard. Naturally, it was impossible for him to maintain this chaotic space.

It will just take some time to dissipate.

“Oh?” Wild Sea Demon God raised his eyebrows and looked at Wang Feng, “It seems that you still have trump cards, tsk tsk, it’s really amazing. Then as you wish, see you by fate.”

As soon as the voice fell, the Wild Sea Demon God immediately disappeared in place.

“…” Wang Feng.

This desolate sea devil is a bit interesting.

Wang Feng originally thought that this desolate sea demon should follow the villain’s law. At this time, he should be triumphant. He looked at himself and the other two demons, plus the Qingluo demon, all the miserable appearances he had calculated, and then laughed at himself. .

I didn’t expect to leave so decisively?

Even, for a moment, Wang Feng thought that his judgment was wrong?

Or is there another reason?

“This desolate sea devil…” Wang Feng frowned slightly at Qingluo, “Very wise.”

“Nonsense… Of course it’s wise.” Qingluo Demon God pointed to the distance.

At this time.

I saw a black arc suddenly cut through the sky.

In an instant, the chaotic space that has slowly dissipated will be shattered.

A shadow appeared in sight.

“Tianmozun?” Wang Feng asked in surprise.

That’s right, it’s that Heavenly Demon Venerable.

“Wang Feng? Are you dead?” The Heavenly Demon Venerable searched this shattered chaotic space with his eyes, and his voice turned into countless spiritual transmissions in the void.

“…” Wang Feng.

“The Desolate Sea Demon God should have sensed the aura of this Demon Lord. He knew that staying at this time wouldn’t do him any good, so he would naturally leave.” Qingluo Demon God shook his head, “The strength of this Demon Lord is equal to that of a Demon God. He’s still the successor of Hell’s Lord…but, I didn’t expect him to take action at this time.”

“Based on your relationship with Hell Lord, is it normal for him to take action?” Seeing this, Wang Feng was relieved in advance.

“No no no, I have something to do with Hell Lord, but it has nothing to do with him. There is no need for him to step in, or he would have taken action long ago.”

Qingluo Demon God pondered.

As Chaos Space shatters.

The surrounding scene, once again returned to the sky above the Holy City of Soul Demon.

The Heavenly Demon Lord came over, looked at Wang Feng and Qingluo Demon God, and looked at Hunyuan and Qixiao on the other side, he probably understood something.

“Not dead yet?”

Tian Mozun looked at Wang Feng and glanced at random, “Oh, being besieged by three demon gods, he hasn’t died yet, it’s really amazing.”

Wang Feng felt that the tone of this Heavenly Demon Venerable was a bit aggressive.

“Not dead, thank you for your help.” Wang Feng still replied.

If the Desolate Sea Demon God didn’t stab the back of his hand just now, perhaps this Heavenly Demon Venerable could break the chaotic space from the outside, maybe.

“Who will help you?” Tian Mozun shook his head and glanced at the silver moon behind Wang Feng.

In the chaotic space Yinyue’s strength is not as strong as Wang Feng and Qingluo Demon God. He is unconscious, unconscious, and doesn’t know what happened.

She is just the soul formed by the desires and emotions of the Silver Dragon King, and her own cultivation is not strong.

The actual strength of the Silver Dragon King is comparable to that of the Demon God, while the Silver Moon has only partial strength.

However, as the chaotic space shattered, Yinyue soon woke up.

Just looking around in a daze.

She took Wang Feng’s arm and frowned, “Wang Feng, what happened just now?”

Before Wang Feng could speak, the Heavenly Demon Lord frowned, looked at Wang Feng, and asked:

“I didn’t die in that chaotic space. It seems that you protected well. Who is she?”


Wang Feng listened to the tone and felt that something was not right, especially when he said it, the Heavenly Demon Venerable exuded a faint murderous aura.

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