Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 139: Target: Tang 3 (1)

Zhu Zhuqing lost his combat effectiveness.

And the rest, there are six people! The remaining six people, in addition to the two auxiliary departments, the remaining three.

It’s not easy to deal with.

Dai Mubai had the highest soul power and the strongest defense, so he couldn’t use the method to deal with Zhu Zhuqing.

The same is true for Ma Hongjun.

As for Xiao San and Xiao Wu, the same is true.

On the basis of my physical fitness, within three minutes, if I don’t think of a special method, I will definitely be dragged over.

Oscar’s mushroom sausage, for example, can last a minute.

If Wang Feng didn’t use pebbles, he knocked all his mushroom sausages down, and everyone flew for one minute. After all, he couldn’t fly himself.

Anyone can drag on for three minutes.

And if you want to eat Oscar’s mushroom sausage, unless they are all close to Oscar, you won’t give Wang Feng a chance to hit the mushroom sausage with a stone, but this way Wang Feng can just clean it up.

So, Wang Feng’s next goal, logically speaking, should be Oscar. Because at least they were attacking Oscar, the rest of Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Tang San, and Xiao Wu would all go to the rescue.

However, Wang Feng was heading for Tang San!

This point, the master is somewhat puzzled.

He was always concerned about the battlefield, and he couldn’t understand why Wang Feng’s next target would be Tang San!

As a remote control system Tang San, on the battlefield, he is the most difficult to deal with!

On a team, he has teammates who take care of the screen and has strong control skills. It was very difficult to defeat Tang San immediately.

And if the two support types are now defeated, and Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun are defeated… then under the circumstance that Wang Feng has a strong speed and can dodge Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass at any time, Tang San is to Wang Feng. , will be self-defeating.

Just saying that this may not be enough time, but at least there is a chance.

But if he rushes directly to Tang San, he still has the restraint of his teammates… It can’t be over in a short time.

Master frowned slightly, feeling vaguely strange, could it be a feint? Sound east and west?

“Wang Feng, don’t you aim at Oscar…it’s me?” In the square, Tang San was slightly surprised, but he didn’t relax at all, “Boss Dai, Fatty, stop him! Xiao Wu! , Wang Feng may be pretending to attack me, you must not do it, you must be near Oscar!”

Tang San also guessed that Wang Feng might be feigning to attack him, but his target was Oscar.

‘Not a good deal. ‘ The master nodded slightly.

It seems that Tang San wanted to use Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun’s restraint to give him time to release the cobwebs.

Cobweb Binding takes a certain amount of time to cast to maximize its range and effect.

Just like Tang San used to wrap around Dai Mubai first, and then took the opportunity to use the cobweb restraint.

But here, Tang San obviously couldn’t entangle Wang Feng, because Wang Feng’s speed was too fast, even faster than Zhu Zhuqing.

Therefore, we could only rely on the strength of his companions to restrain him, giving Tang San time to cast his spider web restraint.

“To delay the time! Even if Brother Feng can break free from the cobwebs, come before me, and defeat me. But next, he will face Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, and Xiao Wu three attack-type spirit masters! At that time! , at most one minute left!”

Tang San’s mind was like calcium carbide and he thought about it, “Wang Feng can’t defeat the three in one minute!”

Power attack type spirit masters, especially those with beast spirits, their physical strength, stamina, and defense, especially Dai Mubai, could hardly make him lose the battle in a short period of time.

Dai Mubai rushed directly in front of Wang Feng. From the very beginning, when Wang Feng rushed to Ning Rongrong, he used the White Tiger King Kong Transformation, which doubled the attributes of his body.

Obviously, this time, Dai Mubai did not intend to use other spirit abilities, but planned to block Wang Feng with his fists.

Ma Hongjun, who was on the side, took cover.

“If you want to beat Tang San, beat me first!”

Dai Mubai punched Wang Feng.

Ma Hongjun next to him spewed circles of fire all around, blocking Wang Feng’s range of action. After he possessed the phoenix, he cast the phoenix line of fire. Although the power would be doubled, the casting time was not fast. Entwined, he had no chance to hit Wang Feng at all.

So the ground around Wang Feng can only be set on fire, which greatly reduces the space for Wang Feng to dodge, thus hindering Wang Feng.

Wang Feng watched this punch, and without thinking about it, he also punched!

Even if he didn’t use spirit power, his physical quality at this time was several times stronger than when he first met Dai Mubai.


A wave of air erupted directly in the air!

Dai Mubai was like a streamer, and was directly sent flying hundreds of meters away!

Wang Feng remained motionless, punching Dai Mubai and attacking Tang San again!

But it was still just a blow, Dai Mubai wouldn’t lose his combat effectiveness, his defensive power was very strong, and in addition to the head-to-head fight just now, in terms of fighting resistance, Dai Mubai was the strongest among the seven.

It’s just that it’s impossible to stop Wang Feng again in a short time.

Wang Feng, who rushed through the line of fire, quickly attacked Tang San!

Incredibly fast!

“Fat man out of the way!”

Ma Hongjun was still not far in front of Tang San, stunned for a while, he should be able to block Wang Feng for a while, why did you tell me to get out of the way?

“Hurry up! Brother Feng’s speed and strength are too strong, you can’t hold back for a few seconds, keep your fighting power and let him come over! I have a way!” Tang San said solemnly.

Wang Feng’s speed and strength greatly exceeded Tang San’s imagination.

With one punch, Dai Mubai, who turned into a King Kong White Tiger, was directly thrown hundreds of meters into the air, completely exceeding Tang San’s expectations.

Ma Hongjun dodged, although he didn’t know why Tang San did this, he must have had his reasons.

Tang San’s expression darkened as he looked at Wang Feng, who was still dozens of meters away from him. At this distance, in the next blink of an eye, Brother Feng would definitely come to him.

My own cobweb restraint may not be able to release Brother Feng completely.

Well, that’s all there is to it.

“Tang San, could it be… that you want to use yourself as the center to release the cobweb restraint?” Seeing this, Grandmaster secretly said, “Wise choice, Wang Feng’s speed is too fast, the time for the two of them to block is not enough for him to use the cobweb restraint. Come out to deal with Wang Feng. Being approached by Wang Feng, as a control soul master, Tang San’s movement skills are good, it is difficult to resist Wang Feng’s attack.”

“But if you release yourself as the center, there is a chance to be able to display it, because there is no distance limit time will be greatly reduced.”

Tang San’s ghostly fascination is superior in subtlety, using the purple devil pupil to quickly see the enemy’s movements and avoid attacks.

However, in terms of speed alone, even Zhu Zhuqing of the agility and attack department can’t match his speed.

Wang Feng’s speed was too fast, even if Tang San’s Ziji Demon Eye could detect it a little, he couldn’t react to the ghosts and shadows he casted on his body.

In other words, his brain might react, but his body wasn’t strong enough to support his reaction. Although Tang San’s physical fitness was strong, he was far inferior to Wang Feng.

Just like the battle between Zhu Zhuqing and him just now, Zhu Zhuqing’s short-range actual combat spirit ability Nether thrust, his speed increased sharply.

Tang San didn’t use Ghost Shadows, just because he knew his physical fitness, even if he used it at that time, he couldn’t completely avoid it. The best result is nothing more than to use the control crane to capture the dragon, and both sides will suffer. But he also lost.

(End of this chapter)

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