Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1251: Contest, accident.

The process of registering for the Peak Group competition is not complicated.

But it’s by no means easy.

Holding the invitation letter and token given by Xiyue, Wang Feng saved a lot of trouble.

For example, in the registration process, the most basic item is the soul power test.

If the normal spirit power level does not reach level 70, it will naturally not pass.

Not even eligible to register.

But the federation has developed for so long, and the competition has not been held for many times.

Naturally, there is a way to deal with those who have a low level of spirit power, but are able to challenge more than ten levels of spirit power.

As for why the threshold for the peak group competition is set at level 70.

The reason is very simple. Level 70 is a watershed for spirit masters. There are four words: the spirit avatar.

A soul master with a martial soul avatar will be far more powerful than other soul masters.

Many spirit masters, such as level 30, can leapfrog a level 40 or even a level 50 spirit master due to various factors such as spirits, spirit rings, and spirit bones. In the past ten thousand years, it is not a very rare thing.

But if you are level 60 and want to single out a spirit master who is over level 70, that’s very rare.

The threshold is high, but there are also many soul masters who have not reached the threshold, but also possess strength beyond the seventieth level.

This situation still existed when the peak group was first held.

In order to deal with this situation, the Federation will also give these special powerhouses a second test.

Basic Strength Test.

The test method is also very simple. The three Titled Douluos sent by the Federal Inspection Department personally took action to conduct a simple strength test on them.

Any two of the three can pass.

It can be said that it has always been a thankless task for spirit masters below level 70 to join the peak group.

It’s the pinnacle contest after all.

The word peak is not for nothing.

Generally, after these two tests, there is no more.

Looks very loose.

Wang Feng has a special token and invitation letter, and like Feng Qin Fengming, he belongs to a special person.

Never need to pass either test.

Once you’ve signed up, you just have to wait for the contest to start.

The opening of the peak group competition and the final round of the youth group opened at the same time.

The competition system of the youth group is more complicated, and it is divided into competition areas. Generally, it will start several months in advance, until the three political districts and more than ten small competition areas have all been played, and nearly twenty teams will enter Wuhun City. In the central city, the Hongyu Soul Fighting Arena will hold the finals.

The Hongyu Battle Arena is the venue for this competition.

It’s said to be a ring, but it’s more like an oversized square.

The floor area alone is more than 200,000 square meters, enough to accommodate more than 100,000 people.

In the central city, it is a very large building.

It is also the largest battle arena in Wuhun City.

Wang Feng sounds interesting. Over the past ten thousand years, the world has changed, but the battlefield has never disappeared.

This represents the place where soul masters fight at their limit, as if they will never disappear.

Actually, this field seems to be very large, but for high-level soul masters, the fighting area is still not enough.

Especially in Title Douluo-level battles.

Because of this level of combat, any ring is unbearable.

At the beginning of the peak group, this was a problem for the boss.

And when the Titled Douluo fought, not only was the momentum too big, but the destructive power was too strong.

It was difficult to solve this problem, which caused headaches for many people when the peak group competition was held at that time.

There was even a session, in order to solve this problem, the Douluo Heavenly King in Wuhun Palace proposed to hold it directly on the sea.

Because no matter how much damage is done on the sea surface, it is difficult to cause any harm on land.

After communicating with Poseidon Island, it really held several sessions on an isolated island on the sea.

At that time, the peak group competition had just been born, but as time passed, many spirit masters found that holding them on the sea was not good for many spirit masters.

After many twists and turns, it returned to land.

The venue of the competition also changes again and again.

Some are among the cliffs, some are in the valleys, some are on the Nulong River, some are in the sky, and so on.

But everywhere, there are all kinds of problems.

Until the soul technology came from the Sun and Moon Empire.

Xi Douluo was born again, becoming the first ninth-level soul guide in the Federation, capable of creating ninth-level soul guide devices!

And this Hongyu Soul Fighting Platform is a super-large ninth-level soul guidance device, built by Xi Douluo himself.

Able to fully withstand the battle turmoil of the Titled Douluo class.

Unless the strength surpassed Xi Douluo himself, it would be difficult to cause damage to the Hongyu Douhuntai.

When Wang Feng saw the Hongyu Dou Soul Stage, he couldn’t help laughing.

The appearance of this Wuhuntai is very similar to Xi Douluo’s own yin and yang source Wuhun.

It is the prototype, half black and white, each holding a bit of yin and yang fish eyes.

Eight meters high, with a total area of ​​one million square meters, the diameter alone is more than one thousand meters, hollowed out, and there are tens of thousands of stands around.

Different from the subtlety of the Ten Thousand Years Competition, there were few spectators in the finals. The changes of ten thousand years made the soul master realize that strength and reputation are linked. The more people see it, the more help and improvement it has to the soul master.

Especially after the establishment of the Federation, this kind of competition has never been taboo.

No matter what the competition is, it will be presented to many spectators.

This is also one of the reasons why there are more and more federal soul masters.

After all, what’s the use of no one who sees the most eloquent characters?

Without reputation and unlimited strength, what exactly is a powerful soul master? If you show the power of the Federation to the Sun and Moon Empire?

If you are afraid of the Federation to those beings hidden in the darkness?

It can be said that the establishment of the peak group competition has many symbolic meanings.

Not just a game.

“I saw a lot of people who signed up just now, but when I took a closer look, I found that there were not as many people as I imagined. Is it because we came late? Most of them have already signed up?” Feng Qin smiled said.

Out of the Hongyu Soul Arena, Situ Han arranged for the three of them to be in the Hongyu Pavilion, the largest hotel in the central city.

“That’s not it.”

Situ Han’s face was a little dignified, “Senior does not know, although there are many high-level spirit masters in our federation, only one-seventh of those who really have the guts to participate in the competition may only be one-seventh. Most of the spirit masters above level 70 come to participate in the peak group competition to gain experience and gain knowledge. Because everyone knows that in the peak group competition, the title Douluo will definitely win the first place in the end.”

“So in fact, high-level soul masters are more spectators than contestants. In addition, the peak group competitions are often bloody, and the relatively subtle youth group competitions are considered cruel. Many high-level soul masters are not here for this purpose. To compete, but to watch.”

“Blood?” Feng Ming was stunned, “High-level soul masters have cultivated for decades to achieve this kind of achievement, apart from human life, shouldn’t it be bad? Could it be that your human federation is so powerful that it is even high-level? Do you care about the life of the soul master?”

Each high-level soul master takes a long time to cultivate, at least ten years at the earliest.

If you die in a competition, I don’t know how much you will be thankful.

Feng Ming felt a little confused.

As a person from Fengyinya, every death is a great loss to their own clansmen.

Even if there are occasional clan fights inside Fengyin Cliff, death will not be allowed.

Wang Feng understands a little.

The battle of high-level soul masters is different from that of middle and low-level soul masters.

The battle between middle and low-level soul masters is the best way to fight, plus it’s a team battle, as long as there are no soul tools that are more sinister and difficult to defend like Tangmen’s hidden weapons. At most it is a crippled.

But the battles of high-level soul masters are often shocking and thorough. How is it possible that there will be no human life?

Unless both sides retain most of their strength.

But if you retain most of your strength, why join the peak group? Isn’t that the same as the youth group?

In the peak group competition, even if you show 100%, you must show at least 99% of your strength.

It is quite normal for one accident to kill someone.

“It’s not that I don’t care, it’s that I can’t care about it.” Situ Han shook his head and said, “Sometimes the two sides are red-eyed, and there is a battle for life. In the light of calcium carbide, it is impossible to stop easily. Furthermore, the peak group is different from the youth. The reason why the youth group cannot die is because the spirit masters in the youth group are the hope of the future of the Federation and mainly focus on the exchange and battle of the spirit masters. In the face of even more formidable challenges in the future, how can we take on important responsibilities?”

Situ Han paused, “Especially in the current situation.”

Feng Ming was speechless.

“Because of this, although there are many people participating in the peak group competition each year, compared to the high-level soul masters of the entire Federation, there are still very few. After all, for many people, life is the most important thing.”

Situ Han sighed lightly, “This year, it is already the most, and it is estimated that at least tens of thousands of high-level spirit masters will participate. The rewards are very generous, but also cruel.”

“Do you know why the finals of the youth group will be held together with the peak group competition?”

“The Federation wanted to let these young people know that in the world of high-level spirit masters, fighting itself is a very cruel thing. It was also to let these young people prepare for the future. Let them know that this world , in addition to the evil spirit beasts, there is also ourselves at risk.”

Situ Han’s words made Feng Qin Fengming feel a lot in their hearts.

Seeing the two seniors sighed with emotion, Situ Han said with a smile, “Actually, it’s okay, most of the spirit masters won’t really kill. The death rate in the competition has been kept at about 2%. .Not very high.”

Five percent.

That is, 10,000 people participated in the competition, and at least 200 people died.

Not much.

Only when Wang Feng heard these words and understood, a slight change appeared in his heart.

“And the overall schedule is also very short, even if there are ten thousand people, the game will only be completed in one month at most. A winner or loser will be eliminated directly. Generally, the competition will be staggered. Except for the rest time, the opponents will be randomly assigned, and there is no such thing as a bye. .”

Situ Han can be said to have introduced the aspects of the competition clearly.

“A match is often very short. Because most of them will be eliminated in the first few days, and the difference in strength will cause many soul masters who want to take advantage of the loopholes to be swept away. But it’s also wonderful…”

Situ Han had a bit of excitement in his eyes, “When you see thousands of spirit masters fighting at the same time, or flying in the sky, or sitting on the stage, the scene can be said to be extremely shocking. I’ve been fortunate enough to watch it for 20 years. In the previous session, the awesomeness was truly wonderful, the sky was filled with bright clouds, and countless soul skills were cast, giving people a shock that cannot be described in words.”

Wang Feng smiled in his heart. The competition of this peak group, intentionally or unintentionally, was conveying this kind of battle scene of soul masters. Obviously, it was also to remind the majority of soul masters to expand and expand their knowledge.

In case of war or crisis, we can quickly gather the soul masters of the Federation to form an effective organizational battle.

Instead of being ignorant.

Under the seemingly simple competition system, there are many deep meanings hidden.

After some understanding, Wang Feng can’t say that this kind of battle system is not bad.

Simple, direct and effective. It is also full of blood, cruelty, and implied war.

In the era of peace in the past, there were actually some more detailed divisions of the competition system, but after the emergence of the Sun Moon Empire, especially after the emergence of the evil soul beast.

The competition system has been changed over and over again, and now there is the current peak group competition.

After chatting and chatting, Wang Feng, led by Situ Han, successfully checked into a room in Hongyu Pavilion.

The interior is not luxurious, but not bad.

Seven or eighty square meters of room, let alone one person, even three people are enough.

You can also see some small and delicate soul tools in the room.

The simplest chandelier, such as a rose-like chandelier, is the soul guide.

And to start the room, just enter the soul power in the room card, which is convenient and concise.

Looking at this city from the window, this city represents the forefront of the Federation, although it is only less than half a day, it also makes Wang Feng feel a lot.

There are still two or three days until the opening ceremony.

When the teams from the major divisions of the youth group came to Wuhun City, the competition officially began.

At that time, Huo Yuhao and the others will naturally come too.

As a team sent by Shrek Academy, led by Ma Xiaotao, it will definitely stand out in the divisional competition.

Review what happened along the way after leaving the Far North.

Wang Feng looked at the darkening night sky, only to feel that there was an undercurrent surging, and the starry night was like a curtain dotted with diamonds.

Under the splendid and bright exterior, I don’t know what kind of terrifying monsters will be encountered once opened…

Hidden deep within it is the monstrous giant mouth, which seems to have all kinds of sinister…devours everything.

Wang Feng did not rest just sat and watched.

Have a chat with the mako shark from time to time.

It’s halfway through the night.

There is a sudden knock on the door.

In a hurry.

“Wang Feng… what you are worried about seems to have happened…”

Zhang Lexuan’s slightly hurried voice came from outside the door.

Wang Feng opened the door and saw Zhang Lexuan’s beautiful face, with a little anxiety and shock.

Without waiting for Zhang Lexuan to answer, Wang Feng moved in his heart and said slowly:

“What happened to the father and daughter?”

Zhang Lexuan nodded and took a deep breath:


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