Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1210: Mutation! crisis! (3)

Wang Feng drives the soul power in his body. His soul power is formed by the seven purple origin patterns, which is very special.

Controlling the spirit and activating the soul force to erase this mark.

“Binglin, directly release the frozen state.”

Wang Feng said suddenly.

Bingmu Linjun waved his hand, and the ice sculptures were immediately released.

Several Evil Soul Beasts fell on the ground and woke up one after another.

But at the moment of waking up, he stared at Wang Feng.

It seems that he got some kind of breath induction, and then he crawls under Wang Feng’s feet!

“Their original consciousness was only partially wiped out, and more of them were assimilated by the dark demon energy and their souls were assimilated, so these soul beasts that have been infected with the dark demon energy for a long time cannot be awakened, because they have truly Become an evil soul beast. A creature of the dark world.”

Wang Feng pondered, “But the aura on me that is similar to, or even stronger than, a soul demon can affect them. They still have the imprint of those soul demons in their souls.”

“They should be able to be awakened. If my chaotic green lotus is still there, the purification ability of the white lotus can directly purify their souls.”

“But if I awaken the power of the second source, the power of redemption, I can also rescue and awaken them! Now, I can only subdue these deeply infected evil soul beasts.”

The second source power of the God King of Origin Tribulation is naturally not simple.

“It’s very difficult to be able to do this.” Bingmu Linjun looked at these evil soul beasts deeply.

It seems that this martial spirit of the boss is not a simple martial spirit!

“Okay, it looks like my experiment is working.”

Wang Feng smiled slightly, “Binglin, go and open the protection in the valley. According to the time, Xiyue should return within two hours at most. Bring her in at that time.”

Jun Bingmu Lin nodded.

The protection in the Valley of Four Wonders of Vientiane should be the special spirit skills that Qingqing and the others cast together.

Using the energy of four different attributes generated by the four different dangerous places in the Four Wonders of Vientiane Valley, it forms a defensive shield for the return of the four images.

And the way to activate it is to use the powerful power of extreme ice to activate the imprints of the soul skills hidden in the Hanjue Ice Cave, the Youjue Spirit Cave, the Leijue Purple Forest, and the Fengjueqingtai.

Similar to a Soul Guidance Device.

It’s still a custom soul tool!

After Wang Feng saw these four soul tool devices, he knew that Qingqing must have had an alliance with humans.

Because this is not an ordinary soul tool device, but a custom soul tool of at least level 8.

It’s also based on these four different terrains!

This not only contains the wisdom of the Sun and Moon Empire, but also adds other innovative changes to it, which is definitely not something that a normal soul teacher can make.

“That Xiyue knows so much about this place… Maybe she and Qingqing made these soul tool devices?”

Wang Feng thought so.

In any case, the Soul Guidance Device can also be used in the extreme north, which also shows that the development of the extreme north has become more and more close to human society in recent years.

Whoever made it.

Also, as expected by Xiyue, there are special traps left by those soul demons near these soul tool devices.

This kind of trap is a special soul skill. As long as it enters this range, it will trigger an explosion of dark magic energy.

The seemingly simple energy explosion, but the power is very terrifying. As long as it is not a creature from the dark demon world, it will receive a new blow of destruction at the first time.

Fortunately, these traps may not be of any use to Wang Feng, but can be greatly absorbed.

After dealing with all this, there is obviously a layer of protective shield outside the Four Wonders of Vientiane Valley.

Because the shield’s energy source is four different dangerous places, the color of the shield will change every time.

The protective ability of the shield is so powerful that even Title Douluo cannot temporarily break it.

This is due to the uniqueness of this place.

Four different energy backflows, forming a cycle, attacking this shield is equivalent to facing four different energy shocks.

It is simply impossible to succeed by one’s strength alone.

“Three hours have passed… She doesn’t seem to be back.”

Wang Feng glanced into the distance, “It may be something else. I’ll go out and have a look.”

Xiyue always predicts and calculates the time in advance, and it can be said that the planning ability is very strong.

According to her budgeted time, she will lure the three soul demons out for three hours, and then they will return to the Four Wonders of Vientiane Valley, and Bingmu Linjun and Wang Feng will pick her up.

But the world hasn’t arrived, it must have encountered other situations.


Xiyue did encounter other situations.

The original estimate was not wrong. She lured the three soul demons out of the Four Wonders of Vientiane Valley. It took two hours to bring the three soul demons out of the Four Wonders of Vientiane Valley.

Using her own powerful soul skills, she immediately pulled away. And avoid direct collision with the opponent. Because it’s more dangerous.

But never mind.

After an hour and a half, the three soul demons seemed to have noticed, and suddenly returned to the same path without adding her.

It is naturally impossible for Xiyue to return them at this time.

In desperation, he had to forcibly take action to hinder the three soul demons.

Even though she only recovered 20% to 30% now, she completely suppressed the three soul demons for nearly an hour.

But the characteristics of the soul demon are really troublesome, the body is extremely powerful, and it is difficult to destroy.

With her current strength, she is unable to destroy the opponent.

After suppressing and hindering the three soul demons for an hour, Xiyue planned to leave directly.

But at this time, the worst thing she expected happened, that is, because of the fight, other soul demons were attracted.

You must know that although there is a connection between these soul demons, it is by no means the kind of connection every moment. The reason why Xiyue chose three hours is because these soul demons regretted that they were roughly four hours old. A special kind of spiritual communication takes place at intervals.

This kind of communication is weird, being able to communicate across hundreds of thousands of miles.

So, Xiyue only needs to leave quickly within three hours.

Unfortunately, due to the obstruction of the shot, the battle turmoil spread, and other soul demons were attracted before the time for these soul demons to communicate.

This is also the reason why Xiyue is not like a shot.

Therefore, there is another soul demon.

Or a more powerful nine-ringed soul demon.

What’s even worse is that although her injuries are almost recovered, her consumption is not small because of the battle with the three soul demons.

In this Either, she fought desperately, but in the end, the four soul demons would die, but she also suffered more serious injuries, and even died directly!

Either forcefully use that special soul skill to leave here, but the current state is not good and may fail.

Once she fails, she will face the threat of four soul demons and also die.

In the sky.

Xiyue looked at the three soul demons who were full of scars not far away, and then looked at the nine-ringed soul demon who came quickly from behind…

‘A choice must be made. ‘ Xiyue already has a plan in her heart.

She chose the former.

Or rather, she’s never been one to fear.

While the latter has a chance to survive, the same goes for failure. On the contrary, it is of no use at all.

But when she just made her choice… in the distance, a dark figure suddenly appeared!

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