Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1180: 0 Ancient Problems (6)

The concept of an average soul ring is very special.

Because he symbolizes the overall strength of mainland soul masters.

Ten thousand years ago, there was no such concept.

This concept was proposed by a leader of the Federation five thousand years ago.

This leader wants to count the average spirit rings of the spirit masters in the whole continent, and use this index as a marker for judging the strength of a local spirit master world.

“It’s about 7.6 rings.” Another student raised his hand and answered, “5,000 years ago, I just had this concept, and it was in the fourth energy tide at that time.”

As an index, the average spirit ring in the spirit master world is not rounded.

Rather, it is very precise.

“After that, the average spirit ring has been declining.”

The student thought for a while, “Last year, the average soul ring of the Federation’s soul master world was only 3.9. This is the first time in nearly a hundred years that it has dropped below 4.”

This index is actually very meaningful.

The 3.9 ring represents the Soul Venerable. In other words, the average strength of the Federation’s soul master world is the Soul Venerable.

This is actually quite an exaggeration.

You must know that the number of soul masters is very large.

And this number represents the average strength of the federal soul master world, which is a low-level soul master.

If the average spirit ring is 4, it means that the average strength is the spirit sect, belonging to the middle-level spirit master.

A 0.1 index difference is a world of difference.

Of course, this is only the average soul ring of the entire Federation. How did Shrek Academy become the No. 1 in the mainland?

It is because the average spirit ring index is the highest.

“3.9 rings…” Wang Feng said with emotion, “Why does the average spirit ring index drop? Human beings are progressing and developing, so is our spirit master community. It stands to reason that our average strength will only It’s an upward trend, why is it going down?”

This is the same as GDP. Under normal circumstances, it will increase year by year.

Occasionally down, but overall up.

This represents social progress and development.

The crowd fell silent.

“Because the number of spirit beasts is rapidly decreasing.” Wang Feng said slowly, “As the number of spirit beasts decreases, the number of spirit rings obtained by spirit masters will definitely decrease. Therefore, no matter how the spirit master world progresses and develops, the average spirit ring remains the same. It’s decreasing. Because the speed of soul beast cultivation is far less than the speed of our soul master’s consumption.”

“Therefore, it is impossible for the average soul ring to rise. In the past 10,000 years, if there has been no energy tide, the reproduction rate of soul beasts has increased. Today’s average soul ring in the Federation should be around 2. It will be lower.”

No one refuted Wang Feng’s words.

“I often think about it.” Wang Feng looked at the crowd, “One day, what if there are no soul beasts? We soul masters, where should we go?”

This is probably the problem that has plagued the soul master world for countless years.

No one can solve it.

Can’t solve it either.

In mid-air.

Whether it is the elder of the Sea God Pavilion headed by Mu En, or the inner courtyard, or the outer courtyard.

In fact, I know it well.

What should I do?

Wang Feng smiled slightly:

“The spiritual master’s cultivation system is the wisdom of our ancestors. It cannot be denied, but it is no longer suitable for this era.”

Hearing this, a student stood up and asked:

“Teacher, is this the original intention of your creation of the Soul Master?”

The crowd fell silent.

This ancient problem has been solved by many soul masters throughout the ages.

But not at all.

There is no way.

Wang Feng knew that this was because of the rules of the world.

People are impossible to change. God may be able to change, but it is difficult to change.

Today, this teacher can be said to have lofty aspirations and great intentions. The purpose of creating this soul master is to solve this ancient problem!

“Sure enough.”

Mu En sighed, “There have been many people with such aspirations in the past ten thousand years. But there is nothing that can really be done… This person will become a pioneer.”

Grand ambition, in fact, over the years, there are still some amazing people who have this idea.

To solve this problem, it is not that no one sees it, but that many people see it. But it’s really hard to solve it.

Over time, no one wants to solve this impossible problem anymore.

However, at this time, Wang Feng smiled and said:

“That’s not true. My original purpose was because I promised a girl. I told her that after she woke up, I would show him that humans and spirit beasts will no longer fight and will coexist peacefully. I’m ashamed to say it, I was just bragging at the time, but I couldn’t help it later. The cow that I bragged about had to be done with tears in my eyes.”

Hearing this, everyone was stunned, and then they couldn’t help laughing.

“Who is this girl?” Xiao Xiao said enviously, “Is it the teacher’s lover? She must be beautiful, right? Otherwise, how could the teacher make such an incredible promise with a girl.” /

“This girl…isn’t she human?” Wang Dong was extremely sensitive, “Could it be a soul beast? Teacher made such a promise because of this reason? My God, if it is true In this way, isn’t that teacher with the soul beast… how is this possible?”


The others fell silent.

“Actually… soul beasts are also life.”

He Caitou hesitated for a while, “The more I get along with the Amethyst Rhino, the more I can feel the greatness of this kind of life. Soul beasts are like me, they are life, even if they fall in love… it’s not impossible. Accept it. Besides, the teacher has really created other than the soul master. He is truly fulfilling this promise.”

“I think so too.” Xiao Xiao nodded, “I heard that those 100,000-year-old spirit beasts can incarnate into humans. They are no different from us humans… Besides, isn’t Tang San’s ancestor’s wife a spirit beast?”

“Oh, that’s all right.” Wang Dong was stunned, then nodded.

“…” Everyone.

At this time, on stage.

The laughter fades away.

Wang Feng was also a little emotional, because what he said was the truth.

It was not mixed with any water. It was indeed because of his commitment to Snow that he came up with the perfect solution to the Soul Dedicator after 10,000 years of comprehension.

And the source of inspiration is naturally a certain anime from the past life, Pokémon.

Therefore, Wang Feng is also a little curious now, whether Xue Di is awake.

Wang Feng hopes not to wake up. If he wakes up and finds out: Hey, the world hasn’t changed? He must be lying to me, right?

Wang Feng felt too embarrassed.

If you can’t even keep a woman’s promise, it’s too low.

Thinking of this, Wang Feng looked at everyone again and continued:

“Although it is not my original intention to solve this eternal problem, it is the ultimate goal of my creation of soul masters. As I said, soul masters are the crystallization of the wisdom of human ancestors, but they cannot keep up with the times. The things of the previous era need to be changed and improved instead of standing still. Otherwise, sooner or later, our soul masters will truly disappear from the stage of history.”

Wang Feng smiled slightly, paused for a few seconds, and his voice resounded throughout the audience:

“So next, I will tell you in detail, what is a soul master!”

The whole city suddenly froze. Following Wang Feng’s words, the emotions and curiosity in his heart were slowly raised…

This is a lesson that is enough to go down in history, and it also entered a climax…

Ps: Cough, because there are limited exemptions, so there are six updates for the time being, and the 25th will be released together with ten updates.

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