Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 117: Shaking Star Dou Great Forest (9)

In the sky!

From Wang Feng’s body, a bright column of air emanates, rushing straight into the sky!


At the same time, the moment Wang Feng held the Pangu axe, his sea of ​​consciousness was directly filled with an icy cold aura of loneliness.

It seems like the sky is going to burst!

Almost instantly!

In the entire Star Dou Great Forest, countless sleeping soul beasts suddenly woke up, opened their eyes, and looked towards Wang Feng’s location.

Star Dou Great Forest, on the edge of a huge lake in the center of the core!

Xiao Wu’s body slowly lit up with a third purple spirit ring, and after a while, she opened her eyes slightly.

At this moment, the giant giant ape, who was taking a nap with her eyes closed, suddenly opened her eyes, and her huge body stood up!

At the same time, in the lake, a huge figure suddenly emerged from it, and the water burst!

The body of this monster, the bull-headed snake, is at least four meters above the head alone. It is incomparably huge. Its big eyes are like two lanterns, and it is connected to the whole body of black cyan, which is several times thicker than the water tank. Huge snake body.

This soul beast is the Sky Blue Bull Python!

Xiao Wu also opened her eyes and looked at the violent beam of light in the distance.

“Da Ming, Er Ming, what’s wrong?” Xiao Wu asked in confusion.

“Very terrifying aura.” Daming whispered to Dancing.


Xiao Wu was startled.

These words came from Daming’s mouth?

“How do you feel?” Tomorrow’s Blue Bull Python asked the Titan Giant Ape.

“Me too,” said the Titan Ape.

“…” Xiao Wu looked at the beam of light, “Has the Great Star Dou Forest never appeared before?”

The two overlords of the Star Dou Great Forest looked at each other and shook their heads.

“I’ve never seen this kind of aura… as if… even the heavens and the earth can be split open… This force is not strong right now… But this aura made him and I both have an instinctive fear.”

Da Ming whispered, “It’s not like the power of a soul beast, nor is it like the power of a human…don’t go out for now.”

Xiao Wu nodded, thinking in her heart, what kind of power is this?

Will both Da Ming and Er Ming have an instinctive fear?

Same time.

Sword Douluo’s group, who were moving quickly in the forest, suddenly stopped!


Sword Douluo suddenly let out a loud roar, stopping everyone who was following him.

He looked at the beam of light in the distance, the spirit ring on his body, swallowing terrifying power, his face was a little gloomy.

“Your Majesty, did you feel it too?”

At this moment, Zao Wou-Ki walked over, his voice extremely low.

“Grandpa, what’s wrong? Did something happen in the distance? Don’t waste time!”

Ning Rongrong said anxiously.

Sword Douluo remained silent.

It was at this time that a terrifying energy burst out from the position of the beam of light that was very far away.

Everyone’s body trembled in unison!

“Then, what is it?” Dai Mubai raised his head and looked at the beam of light in the distance through the dense foliage.

“Stop first, then go later!”

Sword Douluo took a deep breath, “There is a strange force in front of you, don’t move!”

Hearing this, everyone was obedient.

“What a strange power! It’s not like a soul beast, nor a human…”

Zao Wou-Ki looked into the distance with some horror, “Star Dou Great Forest, when did such a strange power appear? It seems like it is about to destroy the world… I don’t know what it is…”

Sword Douluo frowned and looked into the distance. His experience is far richer than that of Zao Wou-Ki, and he has a better understanding of the Star Dou Great Forest.

But I have never seen such a terrifying power!

“What the **** is that? Human? Soul beast? Or something else?”

The fear in his heart and the long-lost fear made Sword Douluo dare not lead the crowd forward.

Over the years, he has rarely had this fear.

But at the moment, this is an instinctive fear, which even makes him not want to go to that position…

Star Dou Great Forest, another location!

Tang San is fighting with a human-faced spider!

It’s a critical moment!

Suddenly, the human-faced demon spider let out a shrill roar, and the whole body suddenly froze!

“Great opportunity!”

Tang San was startled, for some reason this human-faced demon spider didn’t move!

He walked over, and the Lucky Clear Sky Hammer added various hidden weapons, and instantly killed this human-faced demon spider!


Wang Feng didn’t know, the moment he held the Pangu Axe, the Star Dou Great Forest seemed to be shaken!

Countless soul beasts are looking at the distance, the position of the beam of light, in the eyes of different sizes, instinctive fear emerges!

Whether it is a human being or a soul beast, this is the case…

At this time, the clothes on Wang Feng’s body were torn inch by inch. The sturdy body and countless blood vessels were bright and bright, as if it would explode at any time.

His muscles, too, thumped wildly, as if they were about to explode in the next moment.

From a distance, it seems that there are countless bloodshots flowing on a person’s body, which is extremely terrifying!

“It seems… overplayed… Even if the energy absorbed by the black lotus is just enough to support the formation of this Pangu axe, but the physical fitness is not enough!”

The consciousness in Wang Feng’s brain is barely still there.

He really didn’t expect that to use this Pangu axe, it would require a stronger physical quality.

I didn’t expect that this Spirit Pangu Axe would put so much pressure on the body! He’s not a god, didn’t expect this!

But think about it, after all, this is the thing that Pangu created the world, how terrifying is Pangu’s body?

The body is too weak, how can it withstand the power of this Pangu axe?

The whole body seemed to explode with strength, causing Wang Feng to take a step!

Ka Ka Ka Ka!

A terrifying crack appeared in the ground!

“Before I get exploded by the power of Pangu’s axe, I’ll kill your Xuanming turtle first! Eat my axe!”

Wang Feng’s eyes were red, and there were countless blood vessels flowing on his face, spreading from his neck to his whole body.

Every time he exhaled, he was hot.

Stepping on the ground, Wang Feng jumped high, his air column was like a god, and the sky was faintly flickering with thunder. This axe seemed to trigger the vision of heaven and earth!

“Old turtle, with this axe, it’s not you who will die, but me! Come on, let’s meet our fate!”

Wang Feng jumped down from the sky, his body bent into a terrifying arc, his muscles contracted frantically, and he almost made a crackling sound!

With the gesture of splitting Huashan with force, Wang Feng directly slashed at the Xuanming Turtle, who roared furiously, but was extremely frightened in his eyes!

This axe directly caused the extremely hard bones in his whole body to break inch by inch! The stainless steel protective gear attached to the body was directly shaken into pieces!

Blood is pouring out of my body!

It’s **** bloody!

A terrifying light slashes with this axe!

Boom! ! !

The Xuanming Turtle slammed into the Earth Turtle’s shell! The heart is terrified to the extreme!

In addition to being afraid of, I am more afraid of the power that the axe exudes!

This is Pangu’s axe!

Who is not afraid of all beings and beings? Even if it’s just martial arts…

The shell covered with thorns and extremely tough, almost cracked instantly under this axe!

Xuanming Turtle suddenly stuck out its head and let out a roar of incomparable pain, and countless blood came out of his turtle shell!

However, the force of the anti-shock also instantly sent Wang Feng flying dozens of meters away!

The Pangu axe condensed in his hand also disappeared instantly!

All the sights have also turned into clouds!

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