Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1055: No dead soul beast (4)

Just now, he injected Long Xie’s soul into it.

The soul of Long Xie, in that battle with the God of Destruction.

Broken because of the spirit ring.

When I realized it later in Wang Feng’s Five Colors Mountain, I slowly recovered.

After all, it can be recovered in ten thousand years.

But only the soul.

Wang Feng didn’t want Long Xie to be just a soul, and Bingmu Linjun.

You must know that even if Wang Feng becomes a god, Long Xie is just a soul in the spirit ring, even if he becomes stronger.

Not God either. Just say eternal life.

He wants to make Long Xie and Bingmu Linjun both gods.

Then stripped their souls from their two million-year-old soul rings.

Give them the opportunity to follow their own rebuilding.

Let them truly cultivate into gods!

So, let’s inject Long Xie’s soul into this ordinary soul beast. If you want to find Long Xie’s body, it is impossible to find it. Long Xie’s body is unique, and if it is gone, it will be gone.

Wang Feng can inject Long Xie’s soul into different soul beasts without dying.

This is part of the law of life that Wang Feng understands.

How powerful are the laws in the source of life, this is just the most basic and simple application of the laws of life. It is already equivalent to the means of those gods.

Complex, hard to use in this world.

Long Xie is a soul beast after all, and it also adapts to the body of a soul beast. Wang Feng can actually let Long Xie’s soul enter the human body.

But Long Xie was unwilling, he thought he was a soul beast.

Even if it is rebuilt, it will be rebuilt with the body of a soul beast!

“Then this is your first spirit ring, so your spirit power level is ten?” Keke was suddenly speechless, “Then why did you kill that three-eyed evil snake? Our spirit power levels are comparable. You are much taller… it is impossible to defeat the three-eyed evil snake. Also, you absorb the spirit ring of this rock beast, and your upper limit will be destined to be too low. The combat effectiveness is very poor, what about your martial spirit? “

Speaking, Keke looked at Wang Feng suspiciously, “Although this rock beast is very cute, it is really weak.”

Orange also looked suspiciously.

“Hahaha… I said, I’m half a soul master.” Wang Feng laughed a few times.

“Then what are you half left?” Orange asked.

Wang Feng did not answer this time.

At this time, the rock beast roared at Keke twice.

Ke was taken aback, only to feel that there was a powerful momentum in the roar of this rocky dragon.

At this time, Wang Feng looked at the ‘Yanyan Dragon’.

Long Xie’s soul entered it, and it was still merging at this time, and he was not able to speak for the first time.

“Are you ready?”

Wang Feng looked at Long Xie.

The Rocky Dragon nodded.

Juzi and Keke looked at each other, wondering what the **** this mysterious man was doing?

The next moment, their eyes slowly widened.

Wang Feng’s fingertips overflowed with rays of light, and ancient patterns began to appear under Wang Feng’s fingertips.

The pattern constructed by soul power appeared at the feet of Wang Feng, and also included Long Xiexin’s body.

Looking at this ancient energy pattern, the two of them seemed to have seen a new continent, and their eyes were extremely surprised.

“What is this?” Keke couldn’t help asking.

“I don’t know… It’s like some kind of ancient ritual. Could it be that he wants to use this method to deprive the soul beast of its life? Absorb the other party’s spirit ring?” Ju Zi’s eyes were filled with astonishment. The reason is that since ancient times, they have paid attention to the cultivation of soul masters. They have rarely developed soul tools. However, because of the energy tide at the beginning, before the fifth soul beast war, the soul masters of the Wuhun Federation were indeed extremely powerful, otherwise they would not have been crushed. The soul master of the Sun and Moon Empire…”

“However, I have never seen this way of absorbing spirit rings… such a powerful breath of life.”

In this ancient pattern.

When the two of them saw each other, the spirit ring on the spirit beast appeared directly!

The pure white soul ring symbolizes the age of the soul beast possessed by Long Xie, which is very low.

At the same time, a bright drop of blood appeared in Wang Feng’s hand.

This drop of blood makes the two feel more dazzling than the sun.

“Life Soul Contract!”

Wang Feng gave a low voice and dripped the life in his palm into Long Xie’s body.

In an instant, the white spirit ring shines!

In this ancient pattern full of life breath, this drop of blood is integrated into Long Xie’s body, making Long Xie’s new body undergo a huge change!

His body is getting taller, a full twenty centimeters taller, the teeth at the corners of his mouth are longer, and the patterns on his belly become brighter and more complicated.

The breath has been greatly enhanced!

The pure white spirit ring has also become a little softer, with a little bit of white and yellow.

At the same time, this circle of spirit rings also flew from Long Xie’s body and fell into Wang Feng’s body.

In an instant, Wang Feng’s martial spirit emerged.

Keke and Juzi’s eyes widened, as if they were looking at something incredible. It’s like witnessing an epic!

That is the mysterious spirit of the angel.

There are fourteen pairs of light and shadow wings, half black and generally golden.

The expressionless face seems to symbolize the end of life in this world, the catastrophe, and the beginning.

A magnificent and ancient aura rises from this spirit.

It was an air that couldn’t be expressed in words.

At this moment, the two knew.

This mysterious man is definitely not a soul beast!

Because of the spirit beast, it is impossible to possess this kind of spirit.

Angel Martial Spirit has always been one of the most mysterious Martial Spirits on the mainland!

This fourteen-winged angel…is simply incredible!

The two were shocked to the point of subverting the history they remembered.

It is undeniable that the angelic spirit of this mysterious man is too shocking.

It’s just an item level, it’s impossible to describe this kind of angelic spirit.

Speaking of which, this is Wang Feng’s first official use since the Dark Angel Martial Spirit fully evolved into the Light and Dark Angel Martial Spirit.

Before Wang Feng only used the power of the blood-gold pattern.

The spirit of the light and dark angel was not revealed.

Now that the first spirit ring is attached, naturally it still needs to be displayed.

However, the shock of the two did not stop there.

After the white spirit ring gathered around Wang Feng’s Angel of Light and Darkness, powerful energy fluctuations emanated from the spirit.

But what shocked them the most was…

That rock rock dragon didn’t die! Instead, he walked to Wang Feng’s side and roared a few times.

“The soul beast didn’t die?” Keke said in shock, “How is this possible? After absorbing the spirit ring… How could the soul beast not die? This is absolutely impossible… Even if those 100,000-year-old soul beasts sacrificed, they would definitely die…”

Because there have been five battles between spirit beasts, according to the historical records of the Spirit Federation, the sacrifice of one hundred thousand year spirit beasts is no longer a rumor in these five battles, but happened. . Just not a lot.

“This has nothing to do with sacrifice…” Orange’s eyes Her eyes were no longer as lazy as before, but the depths of her eyes were filled with wise light.

“This is most likely a brand-new cultivation system… something that the Sun Moon Empire doesn’t know about, and that the Spirit Federation has never had before!!!”

Orange murmured.

The scene in front of them made the world view of the two of them seem to have undergone great changes.

In this era when soul tools are rampant, the cultivation system of soul masters has actually gradually fallen behind. But it can never disappear.

Because no matter how powerful the Soul Guidance Tool is, it needs powerful Soul Power as support.

So the spiritual master’s cultivation system will never be cut off.

The reason for the backwardness is that the conflict with the spirit beasts is becoming more and more intense, and the difficulty of obtaining spirit rings is increasing.

The reason for the increased difficulty is not only that there are fewer soul beasts, but also that the soul beasts have become stronger.

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