Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1811: Magic liquid

“It’s Tianyuan Patriarch, and that person is Tianyuan Patriarch

“What happened, why did Tianyuan Patriarch suddenly have such a strong sword qi, it is Tianyuan Patriarch that broke through”

“The strength of Tianyuan Patriarch was originally already, and I heard that Weina Clan‘s God Lord was not an opponent in front of Tianyuan Patriarch. It was beaten from beginning to end. Now Tianyuan Patriarch breaks through again, and the strength of Tianyuan Patriarch will be strong again. To the point of what kind? Is it God Lord middle-stage? Or God Lord late-stage

“I heard that God Lord Realm powerhouse, each breakthrough will take a long time to cultivate, but this Tianyuan Clan, just staying here for 20 years, broke through again, this natural talent is really terrible”

“This Tianyuan Patriarch, already has become top powerhouse in Peaceful Heaven Divine Country. Even in God Lord, not many people can be Tianyuan Patriarch opponents, because Tianyuan Patriarch is Way of Sword powerhouse

Many Martial Artist are standing far away, looking at Jian Chen and exclaiming.

The Chi Qian that has not left here, seeing the strength of Jian Chen break through again, I feel happy from the bottom of my heart. He is now a Tianyuan Clan already. The stronger the Tianyuan Patriarch is, the more difficult it is to shake the status of Tianyuan Clan, and the greater his chance of stepping into God Lord Realm.

The powerful sword qi emanating from Jian Chen lasted for a full day, and this finally dissipated slowly. Soon, the world was calm again.

With the dissipation of this powerful sword qi flooding the space, the Martial Artists gathered here have also put away the layer of powerful energy protection covering the own body, staring at each other with awe in their eyes. Jian Chen.

At this moment, Jian Chen, sitting cross-legged in the mountains, slowly opened his eyes. At the moment his eyes opened, there was a sword light like a substance, which suddenly shot out of his eyes. Directly hit a mountain wall several kilometers away, making a dull sound.

If it is not for the mountains and rocks here because of the existence of the sword marks left by Duan Mu God King during his lifetime, it has already become very hard, for fear of Jian Chen this one, you can directly penetrate the mountain in front.

“I finally broke through the realm of Sword Spirit middle accomplishment.” Jian Chen showed a faint smile on his mouth. After 20 years of retreat and 20 years of Wu Jian, his Way of Sword realm broke through again in Duan Mu God King Cave Mansion.

“When I first entered Sword Spirit small accomplishment, the Way of Sword rule was only equivalent to God Lord initial-stage. Then I felt something when I was on the second floor of Wujian Tower, which made my Way of Sword realm in the Sword Spirit small accomplishment realm a step again. After years of cultivation, my Way of Sword realm reached the peak of Sword Spirit small accomplishment. already is equivalent to the God Lord middle-stage realm in Saint Realm. “

“Now that my Way of Sword realm has entered Sword Spirit middle-stage, this is the equivalent of the rules of God Lord late-stage.” secretly thought in Jian Chen‘s mind immediately analyzed the current strength of own.

Single round of understanding of the rules, on his own realm, now he is already is God Lord late-stage.

The only thing missing is still its own cultivation level.

His Chaos Body is still 10-layer, which is equivalent to Heavenly God‘s cultivation level. Only when his Chaos Body breaks through to the eleventh level will his cultivation level reach God Lord Realm.

The realm is one’s own perception of the rules of heaven and earth. cultivation level is the energy in Dantian.

“My Chaos Dantian still has a third of its energy to break through to the eleventh floor. The remaining one-third of the cultivation resources, I will find it as soon as possible.” Jian Chen secretly beat Having made up his mind, he left here relentlessly.

After breaking through Sword Spirit middle-stage, this place is of little significance to Jian Chen for already.

Because this is only Duan Mu God King‘s sword training place, not Pass(ing) on the Principle place of Duan Mu God King, some Way of Sword which is helpful to Jian Chen, already was fully awakened and absorbed by Jian Chen, it is difficult to make progress.

It’s just Jian Chen but I don’t know. When he left, the place where he cultivated became the hot feng shui treasure lands. Everyone wanted to occupy this place. It seems to them that as long as they can realize the sword in this place, the chance of success will greatly increase.

However, because people from various Divine Countrys are gathered here, the Tianyuan Patriarch‘s breakthrough is also passed back to the family by the fastest speed.

Azure Sun Divine Country‘s Mo Family, in a high tower, Mo Family Old Ancestor is wearing a black robe, sitting cross-legged in a space at the top of the tower, and in his hands, holding a broken armor, looking over and over, The hesitant expression was revealed in his eyes.

“This Divine Armor is too broken. With my strength, even if the corresponding material is found, it can’t be repaired. But if it is not repaired, this Divine Armor will only become one in my hands. Very rare, but it has no useful collectibles. Although I can sell it to those denominations, big families, I will definitely get a lot of money. But this armor is a Divine Item after all, although already is broken , But sold it like this, but unwilling. “

“Because what the denominations and big families gave me, I am afraid that it will be difficult for me to improve my strength. Even if I have as many Divine Crystalss and as many heavenly material treasures as possible, if my rules cannot be broken, then my strength After all, if this armor can be repaired and used by me, it will directly strengthen my own strength. “Mo Family Old Ancestor secretly thought, complexion in the heart is uncertain.

Jian Chen killed my lover and made me a lot less fun. This hatred is not shared. Although my cultivation level already is at the peak of God Lord middle-stage, but I still do n’t have much confidence in facing the two sword qis of Jian Chen I can resist it. If I want to kill Jian Chen, I must find a way to block his two sword qi. But these two sword qi must be blocked unless I break through to God Lord late-stage, or join several God Lord. “

“My cultivation level is afraid that it will be difficult to break through in a short time, but it is very difficult to find God Lord Realm powerhouse with Rank against Jian Chen. After all, the tomb of Duan Mu God King and his party, almost everyone knows the strength and energy of Jian Chen. It ’s not easy to ask them to deal with Jian Chen. Even if I can really ask for it, I do n’t want to pay the price. “

Mo Family Old Ancestor once again looked at the broken Divine Armor in his hand and murmured: “It seems that for the time being, I only have to use this Divine Armor. This Divine Armor is a Divine Item after all, and does not need to be completely Repair, even if it is only one-tenth of the repair, blocking the two sword qi of Jian Chen is more than just rubbing. But the kind of spirit liquid is really too precious, do you really need to use it like this?

Mo Family Old Ancestor can’t help thinking of the drops of liquid that own obtained by chance. Those drops of liquid were found by him inadvertently in the empty space of beyond the heavens. At that time, those drops of liquid floated so quietly in the empty space, emitting a strange wave.

Mo Family Old Ancestor does not know what this liquid is, but knows the extraordinaryness of this liquid, so he puts it away with joy, and finally, in countless years of attempts, finally knew this liquid The unique ability is repair.

He doesn’t know how strong the liquid’s repairing power is and whether it can repair Divine Item. He only knew that the broken Saint Item of an best-quality in the collection of own that year was restored with just one drop of this liquid.

The only defect is that after repairing, the grade has dropped from best-quality to high-grade.

PS: I ’m going to have a chapter today. I made up three chapters because I remembered it, and I added it later. Mobile users please visit

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