Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1262: Countermeasures

Hundreds of Saint Sovereign powerhouse are standing in the air above Mercenary City. Each one has a tightly frowning brow, and complexion is extremely dignified. After believing that there is really a passage that seals into the depths of Mercenary City underground, they will The Saint Sovereign powerhouse summon that own knew one after another, let more Saint Sovereign pass by, eventually leading to an increasing number of Saint Sovereign powerhouse gathered in Mercenary City.

Because all of them realize that this is a major event related to the security of Tian Yuan Continent. It is far more serious than the Beast God Continent invasion of that year. They guard the security of Tian Yuan Continent. They all have a responsibility, even if there are many of them. It is loose cultivator which does not belong to any force.

Tian Jian (Heavenly Sword) Supreme Elder, what should we do now, and whether the seal deep in the ground can block the powerhouse attack of Abandoned Saint World.” A Guardian Clan Supreme Elder asked anxiously, now so many of them can only Empty gathering here, let alone say that it is impossible to know the status of the seal, and even the remedial measures cannot be done, they simply do not have this strength.

“I do n’t know the situation deep in the ground. Even if this land already has lost the guardianship of the power of barrier, it is not something I can sneak in. Now if you want to know the specific situation, you just have to ask The spirit of barrier. “Tian Jian (Heavenly Sword) said in a deep voice.

“The barrier already of Mercenary City disappears, is the spirit of barrier still existence alive.” A powerhouse of Saint Sovereign 9-layer said, surprised, he is also an Supreme Elder of Guardian Clan.

As for the true identity of the spirit of barrier, on today’s Tian Yuan Continent, I am afraid that no one can know except Jian Chen and Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress. Even Tian Jian (Heavenly Sword) is the same. In their cognition, they all think Mercenary City The spirit of barrier is a soul derived from the guardian barrier, co-existing with barrier.

“For many years, the ground seal of our Mercenary City has been guarded by the spirit of barrier. Although the barrier already of Mercenary City is now gone, I am sure that the spirit of barrier is still existence, but I do n’t know how to contact To it. “Tian Jian (Heavenly Sword) said.

However, as soon as his voice fell, a cry of a little girl suddenly came, crying very sad, but when this cry fell into the ears of the Saint Sovereign powerhouse in the field, it made everyone complexion change, because They could clearly hear the cry of this one, but they couldn’t find the source of the sound at all. The seemingly sound came out of thin air.

“Did powerhouse of Abandoned Saint World come over?” said Shen Sheng of Great Imperial Ancestor of Felicity Empire, complexion became extremely ugly, and only by crying this one, he realized that the other party was terrible.

“No, this is the voice of the spirit of barrier.” Tian Jian (Heavenly Sword) exclaimed, showing joy.

Sure enough, Tian Jian (Heavenly Sword)‘s voice has just fallen, a little girl who does not seem to be twelve or three years old is slowly appearing in the air. At first, her body was just a faint illusory shadow, but it was quickly visible to the naked eye. speed Condensing, just a few breaths in the past, her imaginary body already completely became a solid body, looking flesh and flesh, more real than any other Jian Chen ever seen.

This time Little Spirit did not hide own‘s existence. Her weak figure was completely exposed to the sun, so that everyone could see clearly, and a pair of little hands kept wiping tears.

Everyone’s eyes stared at Little Spirit, full of curiosity and surprise. All of them, including Mercenary City‘s Tian Jian (Heavenly Sword), saw the appearance of Little Spirit for the first time, but it surprised many people. Yes, the spirit of barrier of Mercenary City turned out to be such a cute little girl.

“Spirit of barrier, what’s the situation below, is the seal intact?” Tian Jian (Heavenly Sword) asked nervously.

“Broken, broken, the seal already was broken by the villain on the opposite side, oh oh, the seals laid out by the host were broken, finished, finished, what can I do.” Little Spirit said crying, full Helpless face.

After hearing this, everyone’s complexion has become extremely to make things difficult for, and even some people’s faces already are a little pale.

“The spirit of barrier, what is the strength of Abandoned Saint World.” A Guardian Clan Supreme Elder asked Shen Shen.

“I don’t know, I don’t know, but the person who broke the seal is great. He has at least already with Highest Origin strength, and Little Spirit can’t beat him.” When talking about Holy Spirit King, Little Spirit‘s face showed fear. .

Highest Origin, is this beyond the realm of Saint Emperor.” A loose cultivator Saint Sovereign murmured, on Tian Yuan Continent, even the long-established Ten Great Guardian Clans does not understand the realm above Saint Emperor.

“The owner said that Saint Realm is Origin Realm, Origin Realm has three small realms, Origin Receiving, Origin Returning and Highest Origin. The person who broke the seal at least already has reached the strength of Highest Origin, and Little Spirit has only the strength of Origin Returning. Ah, don’t underestimate the strength of Origin Returning and Highest Origin. My master said that the difference between Origin Returning and Highest Origin is equivalent to the difference between Saint Sovereign and Saint Emperor on Tian Yuan Continent. “Little Spirit explained.

Everyone in the field took a breath of breath. How big is the gap between Saint Sovereign and Saint Emperor? But this group of people has deep within the body, it is definitely a heaven and a ground, it can not be compared at all.

“How is it possible, how could this Abandoned Saint World be so powerful. If someone who has just surpassed the Saint Emperor realm is compared to turn into saint King, then Saint Emperor powerhouse is not like an Heaven Saint Master. As for us, Saint Empire Capital is only equivalent to one Earth Saint Master It ’s a joke to use hundreds of Earth Saint Masters to deal with Saint Emperor powerhouse. ”A loose cultivator Saint Sovereign powerhouse said with an incredible face, the gap was too big, and it was so large that no one could imagine it.

Little Spirit said anxiously: “space passage already got through, or it will take a long time for them to come over. The owner once said that he had entered the world alone and killed many Expert. I do n’t know if those people would They do n’t hate their masters. If they hate their masters, they will surely kill you when they come over. You must think of a way.

Everyone is speechless, secretly crying, Abandoned Saint World even has powerhouse at the top of Origin Realm. No one can say that there are people without Origin Receiving and Origin Returning Realm, even if their Tian Yuan Continent is the most prosperous In the ancient times, it was definitely not an opponent, let alone now.

“At that time, the adult City Lord left a solid Supreme Temple in our Mercenary City, and did not know it would not work.” Tian Jian (Heavenly Sword) said in a low tone. The power of Supreme Temple is unquestionable. Even Saint Emperor powerhouse can be killed, but In the face of Origin Realm that surpasses Saint Emperor, Tian Jian (Heavenly Sword) is not very sure, because Supreme Temple has never been used against Origin Realm powerhouse, and naturally it is impossible to know whether it can withstand Origin Realm powerhouse attacks.

Little Spirit‘s eyes suddenly flashed, and he was excited and said, “Yeah, we still have the temple left by the owner. That temple is very solid, and Little Spirit is probably not bad, but I don’t know if I can block Highest Origin powerhouse. Attack, but now there is no other way, you quickly move the owner’s temple to suppress the entrance of the seal.

“Okay, I’m going to refining Supreme Temple immediately.” Tian Jian (Heavenly Sword) left after saying this. He also knows that the time is urgent and it is necessary to refining Supreme Temple in the shortest possible time.

“There are also Bright Moon Temple and Bright Moon Temple of Bright Moon Fairy, which are also extremely solid. Even Saint Emperor powerhouse cannot destroy in the slightest. We can also borrow Bright Moon Temple to suppress the seal. Although we don’t know if it can be blocked, it is better than nothing.” Guardian Clan Supreme Elder said.

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