Chaotic Lightning Cultivation: The 912th Genesis God Lotus

. 912th Genesis God Lotus

Seeing this seemingly harmless monk of Xiǎo, Song Zhong was so scared that his face was green. He could n’t help but tremble: “Destroy Great Brahma? You, why are you here!”

It turns out that this monk is the body of the Great Brahma, and the guy just now is just an incarnation of the body he borrowed from Hundred Heads Divine Dragon Ni Tianxing.

“Haha!” The monk monk of the extinct Great Brahma body smiled slightly, and said: “Of course I will come. If I don’t come, how can I take your evil hand!”

“Hum!” Song Zhong heard the words and immediately snorted: “Even if you come, I am afraid I don’t have the ability to accept me?”

Speaking, Song Zhong gently waved his hand. At the next moment, a big guy with a length of tens of feet appeared at his feet. It was Song Zhong ’s mount Primordial Chaos Beast!

Primordial Chaos Beast, as the head of the four evils, is also a super saint in itself, and its strength is quite strong. In terms of mana alone, it is no worse than Hundred Heads Divine Dragon Ni Tianxing. There is an incarnation of the Great Brahma that controls the demise of the world. Song Zhong only needs to deal with the body of the Great Brahma of the world.

And Song Zhong, who has Supreme Divine Tool in hand, is really not afraid of the extinct Great Brahma with bare hands. Although he is not sure of winning, he still has no problem with self-protection. So Song Zhong is so arrogant.

However, the eclipse Great Brahma on the opposite side completely ignored Primordial Chaos Beast at the foot of Song Zhong and said disdainfully: “Xiǎozi, do you think this sick guy can fight me? Haha, you really are Too naive! “

“You can try it!” Song Zhong said coldly.

“Hehe!” Shishi Great Brahma is not angry, just smiled slightly, and said: “Xiǎo son, you are too young after all, you may not know it. I have annihilated Great Brahma, there are countless annihilations, not just one Invincible supernatural power, more importantly, wisdom! According to my Buddha mén, wisdom is the invincible Guardian Deity! Do you think that I will speak vernacular here out of thin air? “

“En ~” Song Zhong immediately panicked when he heard this. At this time, he finally realized that he seemed to have fallen into the demise of Great Brahma, but he couldn’t remember where he was wrong. So Song Zhong frowned and said: “So, the invincible wise Great Brahma, what are you selling this time in Hulu?”

“Hey!” Extinct Great Brahma smiled proudly and said, “Actually, my purpose this time is very simple, that is, to lead you out and then exterminate!”

“Humph, do you think you can succeed?” Song Zhong sneered.

“Oh, under normal circumstances, I really can’t break Primordial Chaos Bell by myself, and wipe you out, but ~” The world Great Brahma paused afterwards, and then said, “With it, it ’s big It’s different! “

During speaking, Great Brahma gently raised a hand, and slowly a beautiful lotus appeared on the palm. It has countless complicated laces, and each piece shows a delicate pink color, making it look Especially beautiful, gorgeous!

However, this is not the case when it falls in the eyes of the surrounding masters. Everyone feels that every petal of this lotus exudes a strong world power, and there is a thousand worlds hidden in it. shadow. And the entire lotus flower is enveloped in a layer of rich ancient Qi of Primal Chaos, as if it came from a world very far away.

Seeing such an obvious scene, Song Zhong could not help but exclaimed: “One petal, one world, one flower, one amount of calamity! Is this the self-esteem artifact creation world lotus!”

~~~~~ I ~~~~~ is ~~~~~ and ~~~~~ harmonic ~~~~~~~~~~~~ minute ~~~~~ cut ~~~~~ Line ~~~~~

It turns out that in the Pure Land of Western Buddha World, there is such a legend that the Pure Land world was originally created on top of a lotus flower, and this lotus flower is the creation lotus!

Every petal on the lotus flower will evolve into a world, and these petals will have the process of birth, growth, and old death. In the same way, the world they contain will continue to undergo such reincarnation. The entire creation of the lotus can survive a quantity of robbery, which is 6.48 billion years.

Therefore, the creation of the lotus is called “one petal, one world, one flower, one amount of calamity”!

With regard to the origin of the Western Pure Land, Song Zhong is not very clear and can only get a general understanding from these legends.

However, this creation **** lotus is a Supreme Divine Tool that really exists. It is the treasure of the town of Buddha mén, which has helped Buddha mén to survive countless crises. It can be said that without this creation **** lotus, Buddha mén would not be able to dominate the world in the western pure land where the strong are like clouds.

So this creation lotus is extremely important for Buddha mén, and it will not be taken out until the time of Buddha mén’s life or death.

However, Song Zhong never imagined that this World Extinguishing Great Brahma even took out this thing in order to deal with him.

As the world Great Brahma said, with this thing, then everything will be different. Its power is said to be still above the Mother Earth word of the Mother Earth mother, second only to Primordial Chaos Bell‘s Supreme Divine Tool.

Now, although Primordial Chaos Bell has been reorganized and has absorbed the colorful stones in the corner of the avenue, it still cannot regain its original power. At most, it fights with Genesis Divine Lotus.

But Song Zhong, the imperial middle order guy, is in no way comparable to the perverted Great Brahma. So if there is a fight, Song Zhong will definitely die!

People around, such as the elders, etc., also know that the situation is not good, and all of them are scared and sweating, not knowing how to do it.

But the extinct Great Brahma said with a smug face: “Xiǎozi, now you know how powerful I am?”

“Humph!” Song Zhong couldn’t help but sneered coldly: “You shouldn’t be too happy, this is the buffer area of ​​Imperial Court and Buddha mén, you suddenly bring Supreme Divine Tool to kill me Celestial Emperor, just don’t give My saint’s face of Imperial Court, I tell you, they will get the news soon, when the time comes, you will be too late to cry! “

“Hahaha!” After World Extermination Great Brahma, not only was n’t afraid, but instead he laughed loudly, and waited until he laughed enough, then he said proudly: “Xiǎozi, you are still too tender. This is even you This idiot wants to get it. How can I have invincible wisdom? “

Ecstasy Great Brahma said with a grin, “I tell you, do n’t dream, they will come, because I have already urged the creation of the lotus, and completely blocked the induction of the entire heaven. No one of them will It is calculated that your accident, even your younger sister Dao Comprehending Tea, was also kept in the dark. Otherwise, he would have warned you in advance? “

~~~~~ I ~~~~~ is ~~~~~ and ~~~~~ harmonic ~~~~~~~~~~~~ minute ~~~~~ cut ~~~~~ Line ~~~~~

When I heard this, Song Zhong and others suddenly became ashamed, and they immediately realized that this time it was probably very bad.

Sure enough, the opposite World Extermination Great Brahma seems to be enough, just put away the smiley face and said to Song Zhong in a bitter way: “You **** thing, several times bad things about me, this time I will not spare you, Watch me capture you, and then clean it up! “

Speaking of this, World Extinction Great Brahma will lift the Genesis God Lotus, and will launch an attack.

When Song Zhong looked at this posture, where did he dare to play against others? So he immediately said, “Today’s stomach hurts, fight tomorrow, I will say goodbye!”

After finishing speaking, Song Zhong didn’t care about the people around him. He flung his sleeve casually, urging Primordial Chaos Bell to cross dozens of plane and escaped far away.

Song Zhongxin said, “I ca n’t afford it or ca n’t hide it? I do n’t believe it. I am aimlessly flying in the luàn stream of time and space. You can still catch me!”

When Song Zhong ran away, the extinct Great Brahma was stunned for a while, and then he laughed with disdain, “Haha, this is the famous East Emperor Song Zhong? Is n’t that the case? Is it true that he left others to escape? Shameless! “

After listening to it, the elder sneered: “Of course you can’t beat it, but you have to run, is it right to die in vain!”

The Golden Phoenix Queen also sighed and said, “Alas, His Majesty the East Emperor can come, we are already very grateful, as for the others, but we can not blame him, he is really weak!”

Obviously, Jin Feng Tianhou is a reasonable person, knowing Song Zhong is also compelling, after all, people are not familiar with you, there is no need to take his own life for the sake of the demon race.

After listening to Great Brahma, he sneered: “You do n’t blame him, but I ca n’t spare this xiǎozi, he thought he could escape from my palm, it was simply a dream!”

As he said, Great Brahma, the World Extinction, raised his hand and waved the Chuangshilian lotus, then with his own incarnation, he disappeared directly in place and chased Song Zhong.

The elders and others suddenly froze, and he could n’t help saying: “Song Zhong used Primordial Chaos Bell to instantaneously move through, and it must have turned a few more times in the luàn stream of time and space. In that case, the traces of his passing It will be obliterated by time and space, and no one can pursue it. Why did the World Extinction Great Brahma wait so long, and still seem to be sure to catch him? “

Jin Feng Tianhou also frowned, shook her head helplessly: “I don’t know! Forget it, now let’s think about ourselves, should we take this rare opportunity to withdraw?”

“This ~” The Great Elder looked helplessly at the surrounding Buddha mén disciples, including strong men such as Vairocana, and then said helplessly: “It seems that the surrounding is very strict, can’t you rush out?”

Jin Fengtian said depressed: “Try it, is it better than waiting for death?”

“Good!” The elder bite his teeth and said: “Anyway, waiting is also dead, Suoxing fights with these bastards, even if you can’t rush out, you should pull some people back!” said the elder. When Zi Zi stared, he would kill him.

However, at this time, xiǎo tea suddenly and strangely appeared beside him, grabbing him and said, “Uncle, don’t be impulsive, my brother is fine, you can do it despite defense!”

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