Chaotic Lightning Cultivation: Section 229 to persuade everyone

After discussing for a while, everyone felt that this matter was very promising. Finally, a prince at the peak level of Hunyuan stood up and said: “I want to know that if we overthrow the daddy, then we should recommend who will be the new one. King of Asura … “

As soon as his words fell, the people around him calmed down instantly, and everyone ’s eyes were instantly locked on Song Zhong ’s body, to see what he said. After all, this is related to the future king of countless Asura people “is also the question of the ownership of the entire Asura World ruler.

In this position, everyone present was qualified to take it, and they wanted it very much, so that the atmosphere of the whole hall became tense.

Song Zhong knows the person who spoke, this tall guy is the seventh feast. The status is also very high in Asura World, but his temperament is too straightforward. He is unwilling to get married with the person designated by Patriarch Blood River , But married her beloved woman. So she was rejected by Patriarch Blood River and has been banned from Blood Lotus Island.

Otherwise, with his strength and the power of the mother clan, it should be the general who leads the army.

Speaking of these, among the present princes and queens, the person who is most qualified to be the new king is really him.

Song Zhong knew what he meant at first glance “and wanted to take over the position himself. Unfortunately, Song Zhong had already given his wife Asura Xue, where would he be cheaper outsider?

So, Song Zhong smiled slightly, and said, “Mother Earth and I both agree that the Asura tribe princess Asura Xue has the first-class intellect and can do a great job!”, “Ah …” Song Zhong said this, The people around shouted instantly.

Asura Xue? Isn’t that Song Zhong’s wife?”, “She has the lowest ranking, the lowest strength, and the mother’s power is not high.” The prestige is almost no “why let her come …”

“That’s right, anybody here” should be more qualified than Asura Xue to be the king of Ashura? “” Moreover, the girl who is married is the splashed water “Asura Xue has been married to outsiders, where is there any qualification to come back to be the king of Asura …”

Faced with the comments of these people, Song Zhong just laughed and said nothing. The seven princes on the opposite side were so blue, they couldn’t help shouting, “Song Zhong, what are you kidding? Xiao Xue is so young, how can she qualify as king of Asura? Is it because she married you, you Can you make a joke about such a big thing? “,” This is not a joke … “Song Zhong said lightly,” But one thing is right, it is because she married me, so I will support her , There is no doubt about this! “

When I saw Song Zhong’s blatant use of power for personal gain, the people present were angry. “However, most of them feared Song Zhong’s strength, but most of them dared to be angry and dared not speak. Say ironically.

Song Zhong was just a whisperer, so he did n’t bother to bother. The Seventh Prince couldn’t help but anger: “Song Zhong” you can choose to support your wife, but don’t think of us to support her too! The matter of the Ashura tribe is “not an outsider can intervene!”, “Yes, we firmly oppose Asura Xue as the king of Asura …” The others immediately called out.

Song Zhong heard the words and immediately smiled coldly, “then threatened fiercely:” Then do you object or not, I will kill you all? ” “As soon as Song Zhong’s murderous words came out, everyone immediately calmed down, and then I remembered the situation in front of me.” It’s clearly a man-made knife. “I am a fish meat? I am just a prisoner. Where can I be clamored with Song Zhong? , I was dumbfounded for a moment, and no longer dared to say anything, but looked at Song Zhong in horror. “I was afraid that he would take him out of Primordial Chaos Bell and shoot myself to death.”

Song Zhong glanced at these guys with cold eyes, then sneered: “I tell you, this thing” also means Mother Earth Niang, in other words, “That ’s it, it ’s already settled, and you do n’t need you anymore.” What a nonsense! You have only two choices now ”One is to faithfully support the second-generation Queen of the Ashura Asura Xue. Another way, that is death … “

Song Zhong ’s last death word, using great mana, spouted out “The strong voice echoed in the hall for a long time”. Those who were shocked were all trembling and did not dare to move!

“Humph!” Song Zhong saw that no one had any objections, and then hummed coldly, slightly calming his face, and said, “Actually, you should be very happy with this result, because it is you. The best choice for the Shura … “

At this time, a yin and yang strange voice suddenly came. “” Let a young girl who is not stinky be the king of Asura, how can it be the best choice? You are clearly perfunctory us! “

Although other people did n’t speak, their faces clearly understood that.

Song Zhong is too lazy to find this person’s **** identity. He just sneered and said: … I am definitely not perfunctory. You can think about it for yourself, and if you change to be the king of Asura, will you be convinced? Without the Houtian maiden sitting with me, can they suppress the scene? At that time, Asura must be caught in a fierce civil war! Are you willing to marry each other? Thousands of brothers and sisters killed in turns, until there is only one left … “

Song Zhong’s words immediately caused everyone’s reflection. This is really the case. ”Except for Patriarch Blood River, there is really no second person in the Ashura who is enough to suppress other people to be kings.

This is also the result of Patriarch Blood River ’s years of hard work, because he is afraid that after a strong No. 2 character appears, he will calculate in secret and replace him.

As a result, the heirs of the Asura King are particularly difficult to choose. There are dozens of qualified Hunyuan pinnacles like the Seventh Prince. If there is no strong external force to suppress them, they will definitely fight for the throne. By then, Asura World will inevitably be a bloodshed. “The people who died tragically do n’t know how many.

None of the people present were fools, and naturally soon wanted to understand the key. They couldn’t help but shudder when they thought of the terrible scene of flames and corpses everywhere.

When they saw fear on their faces, Song Zhong nodded in satisfaction, and then said, “So, it is best to be Xueer as the king of Asura, and to ensure that there is no dispute in the world. Ask yourself, who dares to rebel? “People around you look at me, I look at you, and they all squander in an instant. The anti-Asura Xue is the anti-Song Zhong? That guy can even clean up the saint-level masters. “Whoever gets tired will rebel!

“Hey!” Song Zhong smiled with pride when he saw that they were not talking, “You see, how good it is, there is no artificial reaction, the world is peaceful. You prisoners can also be released, after all, Xue The child is not Patriarch Blood River, she is kind-hearted and will never bear to watch you die on Blood Lotus Island! Is n’t that enough to make you tempted … “

As soon as Song Zhong said this, the people around him suddenly showed a thoughtful look. Indeed, “Asura Xue became Queen of Ashura. With her peace-loving personality, it may have a huge impact on the national policy of the entire Ashura’s external expansion.

But, likewise, the princesses and princesses here are to be liberated for this reason. If they are replaced by a talented master, I am afraid his first thing is to cut off all those who threaten the throne. Those who are here will definitely Was properly cleaned.

So, from a personal perspective, it is not necessarily a bad thing for Asura Xue to be the king of Asura.

Just when everyone is meditating, “Song Zhong said again:” There is another benefit. “You may not realize it. That is, after Xueer became the king of Asura, it would lead to the Asuras and Imperial Court. The relationship has been completely eased, and when the time comes, “You do n’t have to be sneaky, you can play around Immortal World with a big swing …”

“In addition, there will be a lot of trade activities between us. Asura World‘s specialty products are very valuable in Imperial Court. You will become a rich man by then.” At that time, you don’t need to envy me, you can buy yourself at will Like various items! “, Song Zhongdao:” Safety, Freedom “and Wealth” This is what Xueer can do for you as queen of Ashura! If you think that someone can be more suitable than her, you can propose it now, let me know … “

Song Zhong’s words are reasonable, and they are like a sledgehammer. With this thought, it is really the most suitable for Asura Xue to be the king of Asura. At least best for their interests.

It is conceivable that once Asura Xue becomes king of Asura, they will be free. They do n’t have to worry about Asura Xue eradicating their competitors, and they do n’t have to stay in Blood Lotus Island all day, just like prisoners. You can also play in Immortal World freely. This was a good day before, even dreaming?

Thinking of this, the people present couldn’t help moving their minds, and even the Seventh Prince showed a thoughtful expression. Although he excels among these people, he is still incomparable with other competitors.

After all, people have been outside for many years and have accumulated a lot of connections and subordinates, which is simply not comparable to his prisoner. So if there is a civil war, “he will be the one who gets killed early!

Rather than being killed by someone else, it would be better to let Asura Xue become the queen. In this case, he can at least feel at ease to practice, maybe after he has advanced to the emperor level, “he has a chance to make another comeback.

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