Chaotic Lightning Cultivation: One hundred and sixty-six verses, nine deaths and one life

The couple of the academy looked down and saw that Tribulation Clouds had black, red, yellow, green, and gold in all colors. Obviously, all the Five Elements attributes had the thunder. The Five Elements complete disaster is more special, because after the Five Elements unity, it is said that it can finally release the mixed Divine Lightning, which is ten times the power of the ordinary Five Elements **** thunder.

So far, there have been few people who survived seeing this cultivator with Five Elements and Heavenly Tribulation. In other words, this time, the little fat man, I am afraid it is really fierce!

Just when the husband and wife were worried about the chubby, this kid was just as good as everyone else. Finally, after teaching the carved clock, the Tribulation Clouds of Heavenly Tribulation fully converged, and the colorless light flashed in the dark clouds.

Next, a bucket of crimson lightning, like a dragon, fell from the sky and saw the terrifying power, I was afraid that even a small hill could be broken.

However, in the face of this terrifying blow, the chubby has no fear, and can even sneer: “Crimson, it should be Third Step Fire Divine Lightning, watch me use Tenth Step Water spirit soul sword to break you!”

As a result, the chubby pretended to pose with a chic look. After the left hand was mourned, the right hand flicked the sword tactic gently upward. Really don’t say, with the thunder on the chubby head, there is such a spirit of enthusiasm, and it looks like the thunder is like nothing.

However, the shape of the chubby is good, but the same is not done, that is, the Tenth Step Water Excalibur has not come out!

That is to say, Xiao Chuan put on a very handsome shape, but no effect at all. When he discovered that the Tenth Step Water Excalibur did not fly out according to his orders, it was already too late.

The Third Step Fire Divine Lightning released by Heavenly Tribulation is extremely fast, and can be blocked by early warning, but after the accident, he has no chance to adjust again. The thick lightning struck straight on the fat head.

All the people in the distance saw a loud bang, and a violent explosion followed. Countless dust instantly covered the space of dozens of feet around the chubby. They could only see indistinctly, the chubby uttered a scream, and then threw it directly to the ground.

Seeing this, the couple in the college and Shuijing, Hong Ying and others were all taken aback. The college directly shouted anxiously: “Damn Fatty, what are you doing? Defending Heavenly Tribulation requires a magic weapon, not a brain!”

As an Nascent Soul cultivator, the college shouted in the past, and people in a radius of hundreds of miles heard it, even the chubby who was knocked to the ground.

However, at this time, he was dumb eating Coptis chinensis, unable to tell the bitterness. He is not an idiot. Of course he knows that he needs to use the magic weapon to resist Heavenly Tribulation, but the problem is that the Five Elements spirit sword does not know how to strike all the way. After the chubby was split, he tried several times, but he couldn’t get it out.

At this time, the second gleaming Gengjin Shenlei fell again, and in desperation, the chubby had to use his killer steel in advance and shouted: “Baby Copper Bell, come out to help!”

The chubby shouted quite simply, but unfortunately it didn’t work at all. Geng Jin Shen Lei directly split on the fat back, a sharp Geng Jin Qi just like a knife into his body, chasing around in his meridians, merged with the Third Step Fire true split in front Qi, one is burning like a fire, the other is cutting like a knife, so painful that he is cold and sweaty, and he almost didn’t cry.

However, what Chubby is most worried about at this time is not this, but why he ca n’t get the baby, Five Elements spirit sword ca n’t be made because of the Nine Beauties picture, but Big Copper Bell as his magic weapon, How can it not be used?

With this question, the chubby hurriedly urged other magic weapons in the natal space. As a result, he was shocked to discover that it was not just Five Elements spirit soul sword and Big Copper Bell, all other magic weapons and magic weapons, as long as they were in Those who are destined for nothing can’t be taken out. And the chubby just put almost all of his family into the life space.

So, this little chubby is bigger! After losing these babies, he became a bare-chested chicken with bare hands. In desperation, he had to search through his decorative dimensional storage item, which was more practical than practical, and finally found a black iron flying sword, or the broken sword he got from the school. This is already his only weapon.

Obviously, such a weapon is impossible to use against Heavenly Tribulation. The next earthy Fifth Step Earth Divine Lightning will break this extremely memorable black iron sword with great ease, and then bombard it with impoliteness On chubby.

In this way, most of the special qi contained in the three fatal thunders and the three gods thunder hit the fat body. Like the wild horses, they fluttered back and forth in the chubby meridian, but the chubby had no ability to get rid of it, so that he was paralyzed on the ground.

The paralysis of chubby, the Tribulation Clouds on his head is like finding a living sandbag, and all kinds of thunder are blasting down like no money. Fortunately, the chubby physique is amazing.

However, although the chubby body resisted Lightning Tribulation, the Five Elements aura contained in Lightning Tribulation brought a huge burden to the chubby body. Under the helplessness of the juniors, the chubby had to run Primal Chaos Formula to the fullest. The scattered qi of the whole body is transformed into his own chaotic qi.

This work is extremely difficult. Chubby not only has to endure the tremendous impact of Heavenly Tribulation‘s bombardment, but also tolerate the destruction of Five Elements true qi on his body, and he must be extra careful in the exercise of the method, and he must not be caught.

Such demanding spare parts used to make chubby miserable, but with his strong belief and the nerves he has worked hard for years, he finally persisted and did not die.

Just when the chubby was beaten up by Heavenly Tribulation and it was better to die, everyone in the distance was also worried one by one. Because the place where the chubby was robbing was no longer visible, only dust and hundreds of feet of dust and countless rubble and mud blasted by the Shenlei could be seen. As for chubby, there is no sound. “Oh, father, mother!” Hong Ying anxiously took the hands of the college couple: “What’s wrong with Elder Brother Fatty? What’s the matter? Why doesn’t he use the magic weapon?” “I don’t know?” Anxiously said, and at the same time looked at the water quietly, hoping that she could give a reasonable answer.

However, Shuijing shook his head helplessly: “Sorry, Heavenly Tribulation is a celestial cycle, the number of robbers born from time to time, this thing has already exceeded my calculation range, I can’t know what happened to Heavenly Tribulation!” “Then what do you think of Xiao Chuandun now?” The college said anxiously: “Is there a life worry?”

“The only thing that is fortunate now is that Heavenly Tribulation is still going on, which means Brother Song is not dead yet, because Heavenly Tribulation will not whip the corpse!” Shui Jing then frowned. “However, this Five Elements Lightning Tribulation is notorious Outside, if my brother ’s magic weapon is available, I do n’t worry about his scourge. But now he has no treasure and can only rely on his body to defend against Heavenly Tribulation. Obviously, he has something wrong, and this problem is obviously fatal. No matter to what extent Brother Song ’s physical strength is strong, it is unlikely to want to forcibly resist Heavenly Tribulation, especially Five Elements Lightning Tribulation, such as Heavenly Tribulation! In short, Brother Song is probably dangerous this time! “

After listening to the couple in the courtyard, their faces suddenly became gray. And Hong Ying said directly: “How could this happen? How could this happen? Sister, you clearly said that Elder Brother Fatty is not a short-lived person?”

“I know!” Shui Jing reluctantly smiled bitterly: “But the problem is that fate is not set in stone. When you meet something special, even the reincarnation of heaven and earth, and the cause and effect can be broken, let alone one’s fate! The Five Elements Lightning Tribulation that my brother met this time has the ability to change the life of the robbery! “But, I do n’t want to let Elder Brother Fatty die! Hong Ying cried bitterly. “Ah, I don’t want to, but it’s all life, it can be changed by non-manpower!” “Shui Jing said helplessly.

↓ Hey! “After listening to the academy, he stomped on the ground and stepped on the ground a large pit a few feet deep to show his dissatisfaction.

And at this time, Yi-wei’s strange voice suddenly came into everyone’s ears, “Whee, huh, huh!” Sounds like, how does it sound like a person’s grunt?

After the college heard this voice, he was annoyed and worried about the chubby thing, and he instantly angered and directly cursed: “Which **** is sleeping? My child is sleeping, you still have a whimper. ? Want to die? “

As he said, the college stared at him with two glare shots, and swept around, trying to find the person who was sleeping and screaming here, but he turned his head and did not find it. Come, even louder than just now.

This is obviously the authority that provoked the college? The college was furious on the spot and he was about to copy the guy and find someone to settle the bill.

But at this moment, the wife of the college suddenly pulled him, and then pointed in front of her face incredulously: “It seems that Hulu came from there?”

“Well?” The college immediately became stupid when he heard it. It turned out that the place where the wife of the college pointed was the place where the chubby was robbing. The loud snoring sound actually overwhelmed the thundering sky and came from the loudest place of thunder. And Hong Ying couldn’t help but exclaimed: “It’s Elder Brother Fatty, so he snored like this when he took a nap!” Upon hearing this, the college suddenly widened his eyes and said with shock in his face: “This kid actually went to bed while he was robbing?” This, this, this, what’s going on? “

Even the Huo Long Taoist on one side was stupid. He could n’t help scratching his head and said with surprise on his face: “This Damn Fatty is really kind. Since Pangu opened the earth, the three emperors and the five emperors have dared to sleep and fight now. The Lord who is calling, I am afraid there is only one? “

And the college lady turned to Shu Jingjing: “Boy, you, do you know what’s going on?” “Although I don’t understand the specific situation very well,” Shu Jing then smiled bitterly: “It looks like It seems that Brother Song ’s life is not difficult. It seems that he has a sense of confidence! “” Is it? “Madam Yuen said with a wry smile:” If you have confidence in the heart, you can’t sleep? “

“Forget it, let’s not guess it!” Shui Jing then said abruptly: “Senior brother is a small Heavenly Tribulation at the foundation period. The time will not exceed half an hour. Wait a little while, and everything will be revealed!” “Yep! “Everyone singed their heads, nodded one after another, and then stopped talking, just paying attention to the development of the situation.

At this time, some high-end cultivators of Xuantian Bieyuan also felt the movements here, and they came to check them one after another, but they were sent back by the couple of the college, and they even ordered the prohibition of disciple to mess up.

And they are so saka, in addition to not wanting to make chubby things known to everyone, but also to protect those sect’s disciples.

Because over time, the Heavenly Tribulation suffered by chubby became more and more fierce, all kinds of lightning reached the thickness of the water tank, and the frequency of attacks was getting faster and faster, and the explosion range caused by the bombardment also expanded to hundreds of feet. . The dust from the explosion turned gray within a few miles.

In the event that cultivator accidentally breaks in at this time, not only will he be bombarded by Heavenly Tribulation, but he will also be subjected to additional Heavenly Tribulation bombardment even if he is fat. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden for anyone in the college to approach this place.

Finally, half an hour has passed, and Tribulation Clouds in the sky has also consumed seven, seven, eight, eight. But the last group of Tribulation Clouds did not hit it blindly, but desperately aggregated and compressed together, and finally formed a shining colorless glory Lightning Ball, this is the famous Five Elements unity, mixed Lightning Tribulation!

After the formation of the super-large Lightning Ball, it was like a meteor outside the sky, and it fell down with the pressure of Taishan Mountain. With a trembling loud noise, a mushroom cloud within a few square meters rose into the sky, and the earth around for dozens of miles was shocked!

After the big bang, the sky was clear, and there was no Tribulation Clouds. Apparently, this little Heavenly Tribulation was gone!

Seeing that Tribulation Clouds is gone, the college couple hurriedly shot together and blew away the dust in a few circles, then took Hong Ying, and the water flew to the explosion center, and everyone saw the shock. Scene!

On the ground, there was an extra square hundreds of feet out of the sky, dozens of feet deep, a completely scorched pit. Many places were even bright red, with magma flowing faintly, and green smoke everywhere. Eggs can be cooked if the air temperature is high.

But in such a harsh environment, at the very center of the big pit, there is a humanoid creature, which is still a complete existence. I saw this man’s burly figure, lying on the ground in a scorched body. After walking in, he could smell the fragrance of barbecue. Obviously, no one can appear in this place, except chubby!

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