Chaotic Lightning Cultivation: Find the real murderer in section 774

And after Song Zhong left Yu Xuantian. With full of anger, he controlled the remaining 1,000 or so Divine Lightning Flying Boats that were still intact and directly rushed to Feixiantai.

There was the first stop of the Flying Ascension. Song Zhong had also been there, and he bribed the guards to use the most beautiful high level in the Xianxianchi.

Song Zhong is now revisiting the place, Song Zhong has no trace of joy, only full of sadness and indignation! To think of him Song Zhong, in order to defend Imperial Court, the Northern War Demon Clan, the Southern Expedition, the army under the command of the army has countless deaths and injuries, and he has died nine times in his life.

As a result, just as he fought bloody, the guys behind him who were protected by him secretly kidnapped his three ladies. Who would n’t be so angry? Song Zhong is about to be mad directly!

After Song Zhong ’s large force came to Feixiantai in a mighty manner, he immediately discovered that it was already heavily guarded, and at least 300,000 celestial troops and generals surrounded this place.

Seeing Song Zhong ’s iconic Shenzhou fleet approaching, the guarding celestial soldier(s) did not dare to be indifferent and gave way to the tight, while notifying the person in charge.

Soon, an old man with a white beard and a red face appeared in front of Song Zhong. It was the most powerful minister under the Emperor Jade “Taibai Jinxing.

Since the end of Taibai Jinxing, there is a little more embarrassment at this time. After seeing Song Zhong, his face was flushed for a while, and the shameless ones did n’t know what to say.

Know that this Feixiantai is the site of the Jade Emperor, it is entirely the Jade Emperor’s family that is responsible for safety. Now it’s okay, when Song Zhong was fighting **** on the front line, the people in the rear lost his wife. How can this be explained?

Anyway, when the Emperor Yu heard the news, he was angry on the spot, and he ordered all the people on Feixiantai to be arrested and entered Heavenly Prison. Then he ordered Taibai Jinxing to take charge of the matter himself.

Jade Emperor has a purpose. If Song Zhong ’s three wives have a length of two, and everyone on Feixiantai, they will all go to Immortal Execution Platform! For the funeral of Song Zhong’s husband, there are thousands of people!

This shows how angry the Jade Emperor is. In fact, it is no wonder that he would be so, because this fact is so shameful that even the wife of Song Zhong ca n’t help but lose it on his site. Is n’t it obvious that he is incompetent?

Furthermore, Song Zhong was fighting for Imperial Court, with heavy casualties and a great record! He has become the strongest warrior of Imperial Court. This kind of person “Jade Emperor is too late to get together, but he has lost his wife, so that Jade Emperor has no face to see Song Zhong. He is not in a hurry to blame it!

So, Taibai Jinxing took the Jade Emperor ’s anger ”to investigate here. Li Wandajun completely blocked Feixiantai, and even a fly could n’t fly out. All the garrisons stationed here must be strictly punished. Inquiries.

It’s a pity that the investigation of Taibai Jinxing didn’t take long, Song Zhong had already brought over with the army.

When Taibai Jinxing looked at Song Zhong’s murderous look, he knew that the big things were not good. I’m afraid Song Zhong was so determined this time that he was going to kill. The former Song Zhong’s forces were not so inflated. They had to think before and after making faces, and they had many worries.

But now “Song Zhong is no longer afraid of anyone. The number of killing low level immortals is certainly no one dare to say anything, and even a few Celestial Emperor will also express their support. In this case, it is strange that he kills less.

Originally, Taibai Jinxing was reluctant to see Song Zhong ’s family so quickly. He wanted to find out people with super tightness. However, with his old face, he persuaded Song Zhong to let him make less crimes, so as not to make Imperial Court turbulent. .

But looking at Song Zhong’s current appearance, Taibai Jinxing knows that he can’t persuade him. In desperation, he had no choice but to count one step at a time.

After seeing Taibai Jinxing personally welcoming “Song Zhong is also embarrassed to be too faceless” after all, this is an old predecessor, and getting along was quite harmonious before.

So Song Zhongqiang endured the angry family to welcome him personally. After the two met, they arched each other’s hands “and said hello.

Taibai Jinxing did not wait for Song Zhong to interrogate, and took the initiative to smile bitterly: “I did n’t expect my brother to come so fast, I only questioned half of the people here, and have n’t figured out the clue!”

“I lost my wife, can I be upset?” Song Zhong asked muffledly: “I don’t know my brother, what are you asking here? Which strongman is he who dares to rob my Song Zhong’s house?” Little? “

When it comes to this, Song Zhong is almost gritting his teeth, a look of hate. Seeing that Taibai Jinxing was a little shocked.

He hurriedly smiled bitterly, “Whoever has no clue, just know that there are some women in the people involved, it seems that the ladies are not very familiar with them, formally, they picked up the three ladies, and the whereabouts are unknown since then! “

“Women? Who is it?” Song Zhong said immediately: “Is the Mori here seeing their identity?”

“These people are very careful and deliberately concealed their origins. The guys here have no idea that someone will hit your wife, so they didn’t care much. As a result, they took advantage of them.

“Humph!” Song Zhong snorted coldly: “My vacancies are not so easy to drill! Brother must have calculated with XianTian Yishu? But I do n’t know if there is any eyebrow?”

XianTian is easy to count, so-called all-embracing. The big guys of Immortal World are proficient in this, so there is little hope of success in doing bad things in front of them. No matter how clean it is, as long as a bunch of calculations, it will all come out.

And Taibai Jinxing is the leader in mastering the XianTian count, so Song Zhong has this question.

But what disappointed Song Zhong was that Taibai Jinxing shook his head directly with a wry smile: “Sorry” I didn’t push anything, and the kidnapping of your wife is obviously extremely clever, and even capable of shielding Heavenly Fate! “

“Humph!” Song Zhong sneered immediately: “But it’s just that I think I’m smart.” I want them to be smart this time, but they are mistaken! “

After finishing, Song Zhong turned back and said: “Xiaocha, find out those **** for me!”

Song Zhong’s voice fell, “Xiaocha came out from behind. She did n’t have water and waited for the relationship between the three girls. She was very angry and annoyed about the abduction of the queen girl. There is no longer the usual laughter.

When I saw Xiaocha appearing the most, I said directly to Taibai Jinxing, “I’m going to see where those women have appeared!”

Taibai Jinxing has long known that Xiaocha is perfect, and also knows that the closer it is to the scene, the easier it is to deduce the truth of the time. So, without talking too much nonsense, immediately took Song Zhong and Xiao Cha to fly out of Gong Yu.

Song Zhong had the army stationed on the spot, and he only took Xiaocha with Taibai Jinxing.

On the way, Taibai Jinxing said: “The dogmen here are actually pretty good to your three wives. After knowing that it is your wives, they didn’t ask for anything at all, and they specially arranged the best Xianxianchi, this time They didn’t think about it! “

Although Taibai Jinxing did not say so, Song Zhong still heard him pleading for the fairy who was stationed here. If Song Zhong, the bitter leader, did not speak, the Emperor Jade must punish them in order to give Song Zhong an explanation.

Song Zhong also knows that the people here are a bit wrong, after all, they are not willing to have trouble on their own territory. Moreover, Taibai Jinxing personally came forward to plead, and he had to give face, so he said lightly: “Brother said very much, if my wife finds it back, then let them all go!”

As soon as Taibai Jinxing heard this, he suddenly felt stunned. Then there was only a wry smile. Although Song Zhong seemed to be tolerant on the surface, it was actually limited. If you let it go, then you can’t find it back. These guys still have to get Immortal Execution Platform and bury his wife!

Obviously, Song Zhong takes these ladies very seriously. If he ca n’t find them, he will definitely make a storm in Immortal World!

Since knowing Song Zhong ’s determination, Taibai Jinxing dared not say anything more, lest he even get in.

Not much time, everyone came to a magnificent palace, this palace is specially prepared for the female fairy of high level. The noodle decoration is extremely luxurious, and the Immortal Qi in the pool has already condensed into a liquid. Xianti takes a bath here and will definitely get huge benefits.

However, Song Zhong is too lazy to take a look at these. He just stares at Xiaocha, hoping she can create a miracle.

Xiaocha came to the palace soon, and then she protected her eyebrows with both hands and closed her eyes. ”She began to arouse the eye of the Taiji-shaped Tiandao.

As the tai chi mark of Xiaocha’s eyebrows slowly rotates, the surrounding space also begins to rippling, as if there is a avenue of charm flowing slowly and extremely mysteriously.

Taibai Jinxing did not know what happened without Song Zhong. “The information obtained by the Tai Chi Seal can only be seen by Xiaocha, but this does not prevent them from being shocked by Xiaocha ’s power.

What kind of perverted power can communicate with the avenue and directly restore the shielded Heavenly Fate? I am afraid that this ability is not even the strongest Saint, but it appears in a little girl who barely reaches Heavenly Immortal. “This is really incredible.

Soon, the rhythm of the surrounding avenue will slowly stop, and the sense of fluctuation in space will gradually disappear.

At this time, Xiaocha was already sweating and trembling, obviously consuming drastically.

Song Zhong did not dare to be indifferent, hurriedly supported Xiaocha, and then took out the best elixir to feed her.

After Xiaocha ate the best elixir, she finally had a touch of strength, and then she glared at Song Zhong, gritting her teeth and saying: “It ’s the Desire Sect that did not crack the five eggs of the king!”

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