Cataclysmic Transformation Chapter 863: The door of space, the fastest update of the latest chapters of natural disasters!

“Gravestone” tavern, in a dark corner. —].

“What? Are you going to attack the Forgotten City?”

The wise man who was drinking most of the rum from the oak barrel shook his hand, the cup was almost unsteady, his eyes widened, revealing an expression of disbelief.

“Yes! Mr. Zlio…” Cronia glanced at the Oak Barrel Wise, lowered her voice, “Our Shadow Thieves do have such a plan!”

“It’s crazy!”

The oak barrel wise man smiled bitterly and took a sip of the wine. The oak barrel wise man is just his nickname. His name is Zlio. “I didn’t expect you to have such a crazy plan…”

“No!” Zlio paused, as if thinking of something, staring at Cronia with slightly drunken eyes, “So, Osama’s five thousand orcs are missing in the Sunset Mountains. , You did a good job too!”

Cronia, Ron, and Xia looked at each other, and they could see the horror in each other’s eyes. He was worthy of being a wise man. He could actually infer so many things from the little clues. Although he is not strong, but Croonia said that he has a little predictive ability. Could this be true?

When Croonia was hesitating whether to answer this question, Zlio turned to Ron, “Your Excellency is… a hero?”

“Hero” only refers to a title, Zlio means Ron’s strength, he is a god.

“Not bad!”

After the initial horror, Ron quickly calmed down. Rather than being so concealed, he might as well admit that he defeated five thousand orcs with the 20,000 undead group of Shadow Thieves, if nothing else happened. It’s a ghost.

Ron simply told Zlio of his identity.

“Necromancer…God…” Zlio’s expression became excited, and his lips trembled. At this time, an inspiration flashed in his mind, “The undead is back, the lich is reborn, is this… Is it… …A sign of a cataclysm?”


Zlio’s voice was too low, Ron, Xia, and Cronia didn’t hear clearly, and they all froze for a while.


Zlio felt that he had missed his mouth, so he stopped immediately and turned the subject off.

“Despite the help of the power of the gods, the strength of the Shadow Thieves is still too weak to compete with the Frostwolf Legion!” Zlior paused and drank the inferior rum in the glass. Miss Ronia, although I really want to help you, I have to persuade you to dispel this idea. The Frostwolf Legion attaches great importance to the stronghold of the Forgotten City. According to my guess, the strength of the Frostwolf Legion is not less than 300,000… “

“Three hundred thousand?” Even though he was mentally prepared, Cronia couldn’t help but exclaimed. If so, you don’t need to think about capturing the Forgotten City. Those 100,000 dead spirits are not enough for the orc army. Stuffed between teeth.

“There is no way!” Cronia said with a sad expression.

“But it’s weird to say!” Zlio said to himself, “There seems to be more orc soldiers on the street these days. They are patrolling around, looking like an enemy. This is Osa. What happened after Ma’s death… logically speaking, for you 100,000 undead… this shouldn’t be… the orcs are simply going to fight the rhythm of the war…”

Ron took a deep breath. It doesn’t matter whether the orcs are fighting or who they fight with. What he cares about is how to get the Forgotten City and seize the Sombra Mine.

“Mr. Zlio, is there really no way at all?” Ron continued to ask without giving up, he saw Zlio a little bit hesitant.

Zlior sighed, “Since Master Lich King asked, I have to say…”

“To capture the Forgotten City, we must use a stronger force!” Zlio said, rolling his eyes.

“A stronger power?” Ron, Xia and Cronia looked at each other, with questions in their eyes.

“The Queen Rose of the Spider Kingdom in the southern mountains of Salito District, she is a powerful crypt lord with the power of a god. If she can get her help, it won’t be a problem to seize the Forgotten City!”

“Spider Queen Rose? Crypt Lord?” Ron frowned and said, “Are you sure she will help us?”

“There should be no problem… if you really are the heir to the Lich King!” Zlio waved his hand and asked the maid to have another glass of wine. “A hundred thousand years ago, she was the most loyal follower of the Lich King. After the failure of the Scourge Church, in order to avoid being liquidated by the Justice League, and unable to understand the actions of the Scourge God Fismak and the Dreadlord Saruman, he returned to his hometown, the Underground Spider Kingdom, and lived in seclusion. After the war, the Justice League and the Evil Alliance became a mess, and no one cares about her…”

“If you are really the heir appointed by the Lich King Herimes, and holding the Scourge Scepter, I believe she will help you. Rose is the queen of the underground spider kingdom and controls tens of millions of crypt spiders. , These powerful undead creatures will be your greatest help…but…”

“But what?”

Ron has already moved after hearing this. He has the godhead of the Lich King and the Scourge Scepter, the symbol of the Scourge. If Zlio is true, Queen Rose will naturally recite some old feelings, but When Zlio said “but”, Ron was a little anxious.

“The door of space!” Zlio said, his face showing a rare serious expression.


Night has fallen, and the entire Forgotten City has cast a shadow. On the dimly lit street, Ron, Char, and Cronia ran across the street like civets, and soon disappeared on the corner of the street. in.

The gate of space was prompted by Zlio. Ron and the three quickly understood the key. In order to capture the Forgotten City, in addition to having a strong force, the gate of space must be destroyed to block the orcs. The Frostwolf Legion continued to provide follow-up support. In this way, the orcs in the Forgotten City would become a lone army, and with the help of the undead in Rose, the Spider Queen, they would seize the Forgotten City.

Although this plan is not perfect, it is already the best plan. Otherwise, the power of one hundred thousand undead in the City of Sunset would not be expected.

“The Sombra Mine…We have reached the Sombra Mine in the Forgotten City…”

Three black figures appeared by a city wall, lying on their stomachs cautiously, and Croonia whispered to Ron and Char.

The layout of the Forgotten City that Zlior drew simply for Cronia shows the location of the gate of space. It is not far from the Sombra Mine. To go to the gate of space, you must go through Sombra mine.

Whether it is the Sombra Mine or the Gate of Space, it is the heavy ground of the Forgotten City. Here is heavily guarded by orcs. Although the sky is completely dark, a group of orc soldiers are still patrolling. They watched vigilantly. Sweeping around, even a fly could not fly over.

Black Crystal Mine…

Ron raised his head slightly and looked at the environment below quietly, only to see a huge deep pit about two to three kilometers in diameter surrounded by the solid city wall.

This is the large-scale Somite Mine, with over several billion equivalents of Somite Mine, erupting the power of the origin, and tens of thousands of Somite coins are mined every day.

There is no more profitable industry than mining Sombra coins.

At this time Ron saw many orcs coming and going in and out of the huge Sombra pit. These orcs looked a little thinner than ordinary orcs, but were much stronger than humans. Cronia told Ron that these were The lowest level of orcs are hard laborers, specializing in coolies. Orcs’ buildings are not directly summoned from the ground like the undead, but they are used to build. The undead’s buildings are not suitable for orcs. The Frostwolf Legion recruited a large number of them here. The orc hard work, in addition to mining the Sombra mine, is to repair the city walls and start the construction of defensive towers.

All Ron has done is for the Sombra mine in front of him. With it, the Forgotten City can expand the population a hundred times. With the population, there will be a stronger army. Ron excitedly grasped With a clenched fist, grand plans are brewing in my heart…

“Let’s go!”

At this time, Cronia’s low voice awakened Ron from his thoughts, and he realized that the orc soldiers on patrol had gone far.


Ron took a deep breath, unfolded, and soon disappeared into the night…

The door of space.

Ron, Char, and Cronia soon came to the space gate of the Forgotten City. This is the place that connects the main plane of power and the Forgotten City. To be precise, this is not the same The gate is two huge stone pillars. The two stone pillars are about eighty meters apart. The stone pillars are full of orc totem-style patterns. When the space gate is activated, the magic array of the two stone pillars will light up, forming a huge The space vortex, once the door of space is opened, a continuous army of orcs will come from the other end of the main plane.

Because of this, the guards of the Space Gate are stricter than the Sombra Mine. There are three steps and one post, five steps and one sentry. They are all heavily armed orc soldiers, and dozens of Frostwolf knights. These smells Sensitive beasts are not easy to deal with, maybe it is not strong, but it is not difficult to find yourself.

Fortunately, Cronia is a very professional thief. Before she came, she applied powder to the three of them to mask the smell of the three of them, so that these giant wolves could not smell it.

The place where the three of them hid was behind a watchtower. At this moment, Cronia’s voice came from Ron’s ear.

“Be careful! Someone is coming…”

When Ron and Xia heard this, they immediately hid their figures. As expected, a group of heavily armed orc soldiers approached here at irregular steps.

“Hey… I’m exhausted after standing for a day!” said the leading orc.

“Yeah…it’s been a long time since I was so nervous, is this going to be a big battle?” another orc asked.

“It looks like it must be… now in this atmosphere, I can smell the smoke on the battlefield…” the orc said before.

“Hehe, war, who are you fighting with? Undead? Lord Long didn’t really think that Osama and the five thousand soldiers who disappeared the other day were the things of the undead?” Another orc smiled, “We It is ridiculous to mobilize so many legions to deal with the weak undead!”

“It’s not!” The leading orc murmured, “Have you forgotten? According to the investigation report some time ago, angels appeared around the Forgotten City.”


“Yes, the angels of the main plane of Order, I heard that they belong to the Light Legion…”

“So, our enemy this time is the Light Legion?” Hearing this news, an orc’s tone trembled, and he could hear his fear, “Is the news really?”

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he is a military secret …Master Long has already arrived, just arrived, you **** keep your eyes open one by one, don’t do anything bad about Lao Tzu…”

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