Cataclysmic Transformation Chapter 61: Holy Holy See, the fastest update of the latest chapters of natural disasters!

The Holy See, located in Mount Hyjal, is the holy place of the Holy See. It stretches for more than 100 miles. The bottom of Mount Hyjal is the seat of the Holy See.

An endless stream of believers come to worship every day, but their scope of activity is limited to the peaks of Mount Hyjal, kneeling far towards the peaks, chanting sacred prayers, this is the holy capital every morning A scene.

If it is not allowed, these believers are absolutely not allowed to go up the mountain, because the mountain is the residence of the great figures of the Holy See. Except for the families and guards of those great figures, no one can enter Mount Hyjal without permission.

The peaks of Mount Hyjal are not high, but they occupies a very wide area. The peaks are covered with snow all the year round. Even in the hottest summer, the peaks are cold.

The supreme ruler of the Holy See is the Pope. As the spokesperson of the God of Light in the world, he has the supreme power in name.

However, this is only nominal. In fact, his power is also restricted by the Presbyterian Church.

The Presbyterian Church is the core power of the Holy See. In addition to the Pope, there are eight elders. They have great powers within their scope of work, and sometimes even the Pope cannot interfere.

The Holy Code stipulates that the pope can even be removed if more than six elders jointly object.

The sacred nine halls, on the nine peaks of Mount Hyjal, each peak has a temple, and each temple has a master, and the temple is the place where the elders live and deal with their daily official duties. The names of and their supreme rulers are:

The Temple of God’s Metaphor-the spokesperson of the God of Light in the world, the place where the current sacred Pope Entes lives, is at the peak of God’s Metaphor.

The Hall of Adjudication, Lord Bright-Judge Nord, has the power to interpret the sacred code, and is also the most powerful elder at the peak of adjudication.

The Hall of Judgment, the lord of the light, Ivan, a member of the Presbyterian Church, has the power to judge heretics. Once a heresy is tried, it cannot be changed forever, and it is at the peak of judgment.

Hall of Honor, Lord Boulder of the Holy Knight Order, one of the members of the Presbyterian Church, is in charge of the core force of the Holy See—Holy Knights, in the Peak of Honor.

The Hall of Order, the Lord of the Light Archon Oliver, one of the members of the Presbyterian Church, captures and executes heretics convicted by the Hall of Trial, and leads law enforcement agencies around the country, the peak of order.

The Temple of Redemption, the priest of the Holy Word, Imina, one of the members of the Presbyterian Church, is in charge of all the priests of the Holy See, in the peak of redemption.

The Temple of Devotion, Lord Pious Army Commander Wharton, one of the members of the Presbyterian Church, is in charge of the Holy Crusade, on the Peak of Devotion.

Guardian Palace, Commander Herring of the Guardian Army of the Palace Lord, one of the members of the Presbyterian Church, is in charge of the holy guards of churches in various places, as well as all guards of the Holy Capital and Mount Hyjal, guarding the peak.

The Temple of Faith, Lord Archbishop Dorkit, one of the members of the Presbyterian Church, the priests and priests in charge of the Holy Church in various churches, has the most power, but the position is the lowest among the temples, the peak of faith.

The masters of the nine temples all have strength above the sanctuary, and the Holy Vatican has become one of the most powerful churches on the continent of Noah, with nine sanctuary powerhouses.

In addition, there are two sub-temples in the Temple of the Pope’s Divinity. They are the Temple of the Holy Child and the Temple of the Holy Woman.

The selection of the Son and the Saint is an important event for the Holy See every year, because the Son and the Saint are the successors of the Pope. The true pope is elected among the saints.

The Son and the Saint are selected from the boys and girls sent by the Holy Roman Empire and its vassal countries. They are required to have light talents and must remain virgins before succeeding to the Pope, regardless of whether they are boys or girls. Yes, in contrast to the Temple of Faith, the Temple of the Son and the Temple of the Holy Woman have the least power, almost no power, but their status is extremely high, second only to the Pope. Except for the members of the Presbyterian Church, anyone in the Holy See must salute them. , Those who speak bad words will be severely punished.

The Holy See, the Presbyterian Church.

In a magnificent hall, a corpse was placed abruptly. The corpse was covered with a white red cross and white flag that symbolized the sacred. More than a dozen people sat on their seats with solemn expressions.

On the ground is the corpse of Saint Guderian. A few days after his disappearance, Aryan thought about it and became worse. He personally led the team into the dark forest. Unexpectedly, he found Guderian. Waiting for the corpse.

It was a snowy day at that time, the body was well preserved, and Guderian the Son still maintained the posture when he died.

Guderian was once the Son of God, and his status and status deserve the honor of wearing the sacred banner.

Father Aryan stood next to him. It was he who sealed Guderian’s body in ice and snow and transported it to Mount Hyjal. According to his rank, he was not eligible to participate in such a meeting, but because he was everything at the time The Pope hereby makes an exception.

“Sure enough, he is a Necromancer!” An old man about forty to fifty years old carefully observed Guderian’s body for a long time before he sighed and said.

The speaker is Ivanov, the chief judge of the Palace of Judgment. His strength has reached the high level of the sanctuary powerhouse. He is only a line from the peak. As a sanctuary powerhouse, according to the holy The division of the knight’s strength has reached the level of the holy knight. Regardless of his appearance, he is only middle-aged, but in fact he is more than a hundred years old.

Becoming a strong man in the sanctuary will greatly extend their lifespan and maintain youth forever. Ivanov is no exception. Of course, staying young does not mean immortality, but their appearance and body can remain relatively young. State is nothing.

“President Ivan, why are you so sure?” a white-haired, invisible old man frowned and asked. He was sitting on the seat of God, his face without many wrinkles was full of treasures. With a solemn expression, he is wearing a white robe, a golden crown on his head, and a sacred rod symbolizing power in his hand. He is Ernst, Pope Ernst, a power greater than the emperor. the man.

For countries under the influence of the Holy See, as long as they are not allowed by him and are not blessed by the Holy Scepter, even the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire cannot ascend to the throne. This shows the great influence of the Holy See.

Ivanov nodded. Everyone knows that the presiding judge Ivanov likes to be called Ivan, so people who know him will automatically omit the last two words.

“Judging from Guderian’s trauma, it is very suspect that the necromancer killed him. The external wound on his shoulder, like the wound caused by a spear weapon, I clearly remember that in the Holy See The Necromancer described in that secret library has a similar weapon called “Bone Spear”…”

Ivanov talked about it, everyone listened carefully, no one questioned it. Everyone knew that the presiding judge Ivan, who was in charge of the Palace of Justice, was a well-read person.

“Your Majesty!” Ivanov bowed deeply, “Please forgive me, if I guessed well, this time I met an ordinary necromancer that we know well, it is very likely to be The legendary-ancient necromancer!”

“Ancient Necromancer?”

“No way? Ancient Necromancer? Isn’t this a legendary profession?”

“It is said that ancient necromancers have a strong combat power, is this true?”

“It should be, otherwise how could Guderian be killed?”

“It’s possible that someone else did it…”

As soon as Ivanov’s words fell, the lord of the palace began to whisper from below, and most of the people’s eyes had a look of suspicion.

“Quiet!” As the voice of the hall master was getting louder and louder, Pope Ernst’s voice rang in a timely manner. He waved his hand, and the voices of everyone in the hall soon quieted down. The Pope The authority is still very useful.

At this time, Ernst glanced at Aryan and said, “Aryan, please tell me what you have found and known, including hearings and rumors!”

“Yes, Your Majesty the Pope!” Aryan was excited, he cheered up and began his long narrative.

His voice reverberated in the hall, and everyone in the hall listened carefully. Even though Aryan spoke slowly, he didn’t seem impatient at all.

“Sure enough, heresy!”

Everyone listened to Aryan’s narration. At this time, an old man stood up and said, this old man has roe-headed and rat eyes, and the noble and sacred bishop’s robe is extremely unsuitable for him. He is the Lord of the Temple of Faith. Kit, he went on to say, “Your Majesty the Pope, please allow me to cast these blasphemous heretics to hell!”

A beautiful woman who looked like a young woman frowned, “Dokitt, I don’t think it should be so arbitrary. I have heard from the beginning and now, I have not heard of the necromancer that Aryan saw with his own eyes. , It is said and suspected that based on these things, a good person can be classified as a heresy. Will it be too hasty?”

The speaker is Imina, the priest of the Holy Word of the Temple of Redemption. She is a more genuine person.

“Uh!” Father Aryan was speechless when asked by Imina.

“From then on, Aryan never saw the boy named Ron using undead magic with his own eyes! From his account, he didn’t even see Ron with his own eyes. Your Majesty, I always think it’s so sloppy. It’s not right!” Imina said the first few sentences to Aryan, but the last sentence was to Your Majesty.

“Imina!” Dorkit’s voice rose up, “What happened to Guderian’s death?”

“There is no evidence that Guderian’s death is related to that Ron, or even to the Necromancer…” Imina did not show any weakness. She was a person who insisted on principles. In her opinion, no Evidence cannot be convicted.

“You…” Dorkit flushed with anger and couldn’t say a word. From his point of view, Imina’s principled behavior was like carrying him.

Both of them looked at His Majesty the Pope, waiting for his decision.

“This…” Pope Ernst was also embarrassed. Aryan said he trusted, but Imena was right. It is unfair to characterize a person as heresy without evidence. The sacred Holy See has no reason to do such things.

At this moment, a soldier of the Knights Templar hurried over and said a few words in Pope Ernst’s ear. After hearing this, the Pope’s face changed suddenly.

He waved his hand to make the soldier retreat, watching everyone in the main hall slowly saying, “Just now there was news from the Holy Roman Empire that the heir of the Salt family is dead and was killed by the necromancer, and, That necromancer came from Maple Leaf Town, and he was the same person who killed the Geralt family of Naka Manor that Aryan said…”

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