Capture the Jade:

Lin Chengyou stayed in the Treasure Pavilion for a full hour before coming out.

He wrote and threw that letter, threw it and wrote it, but he never sent it.

Once a seed of doubt is planted in my heart, it seems that no matter how hard I try, I can’t justify myself.

He’s confused now, a little confused even.

Every one of the questions Juesheng and Qizhi asked before made him speechless.

He not only remembered what clothes Teng Yuyi was wearing this morning, he could even tell what kind of dresses she wore a few days ago.

For example, that time in Yuzhennv Guanguan, the light in the underground palace was dark and he couldn’t see it clearly, but after he came out, he could see that she was wearing a moon-white round lotus monofilament flower cage skirt, and the flower buds on the cage skirt when she walked It is graceful and graceful, reminding him of the lotus in Biboli in summer.

And that night at Libaixuan, because she dreamed that he was assassinated and worried, she specially prepared a table of food and wine to entertain him. If I remember correctly, she was wearing a scarlet skirt that night.

Two nights ago, he went to find her in order to find out clues. That night, the skirt Teng Yuyi was wearing and the beads on her head were all smoked purple.

Even though several days have passed, Teng Yuyi’s outfits these few times are still clearly in his mind… He shook his head trying to calm himself down, but he remembered the night when he taught her Qinggong.

I don’t know what he was thinking at the time, but he wanted to teach Teng Yuyi lightness kung fu even though there were countless ways to repay favors.

Thinking about the past, he had never been so patient except in front of Ah Zhi, Ah Shuang and his two younger juniors.

No, it’s not just about teaching lightness kung fu recently, but thinking about it, he was quite patient with Teng Yuyi last time at Le Dao Villa.

Knowing that her sword was in urgent need of bath soup, he hurried back to the room to take a bath with his stomach full of anger.

Seeing that she likes the red flame horse, he tried to get the horse into her hands.

Clearly knowing that the so-called “Xiao Ya can predict” is a lie, he patiently listens to her lies…

He shuddered at the thought of this, wait, did he like Teng Yuyi earlier than Teng Yuyi fell in love with him?

He was dumb, as it seemed.

Like just now, Juesheng and Qizhi are hateful, but what they said is right. It is true that he stopped when he heard that Teng’s mansion gave him a gift. Happiness is also a fact.

If it was a gift from someone else, would he be so happy?

He was silent, no. Don’t say happy, maybe you don’t even bother to look at it.

It was not the two cans of wine that made him happy, but the gift giver——

The more I thought about it, the more confused I became, so I simply came out of the house and stood on the porch, and continued to trance in another place.

The spring rain was still falling, and there was a sense of coolness in the air. The slight rain fell silently on his face, calming down the hotness in his heart a little.

Until now, he has almost sorted out his chaotic thoughts. He is now very sure that the Gu poison is fake, and he might have fallen in love with Teng Yuyi long ago.

So when exactly did he fall in love with her?

Can’t remember, he thinks it’s a muddled account.

Then why does he like Teng Yuyi?

He is very clear about this, she seems to like everything about her.

For example, now, as long as he thinks of her smiling face, his heart feels as refreshed as a stream of sweet spring water. Her tenacity to protect her own people is simply indescribably cute, and her way of losing her temper and calculating people also makes him feel interesting.

As he grows up, he has never seen a more playful little lady than Teng Yuyi.

Okay, so what if he just likes Teng Yuyi, there’s nothing wrong with admitting it.

Besides, he and Teng Yuyi are now in love with each other. This morning, as soon as she returned home and settled down, she gave him a gift. Seeing him in danger last night, she didn’t hesitate to ask Duanfu to come over to help.

She likes him, that’s a sure thing.

Thinking of the two jars of rare fine wine in the brocade box, a smile spread across his face.

Suddenly thought again, does he have to give something more rare than this?

What do little ladies like… Treasure? jewelry?

Aunt should understand this very well, but he has to go back to Dali Temple first.

Having made up his mind, Lin Chengyou looked up at the sky, and realized that it was getting late, so he went down the steps and walked out. When I passed by a peach tree, I had already passed by, and suddenly I lifted my robe and flew up, found a branch full of peaches, broke it off, and jumped off. That light heat.

Walking all the way down, not only did he have a lot of messy branches in his hands, but also sweated all over his body. After venting like this, the indescribable excitement in his body was only a little bit lessened.

Going back to the sutra hall and asking, Juesheng and Qizhi thought that they had gone to the chef to make Sanqing cakes. Lin Chengyou ate something casually, and rode to Dali Temple.


The corpses of Song Jian and Mrs. Jingchen will be parked in the autopsy room of Dali Temple.

Wu Zuo has experienced corpses this morning.

The poisonous arrow that shot Song Jian did not come from the same kind of poisonous pill as the poisonous pill taken by Shitai Jingchen. Coincidentally, the two kinds of poisonous medicine need to be prepared in advance, and the raw materials need to be obtained from Brahmin Hu I bought it in my hand, which is exactly the same as Tianshui Shiluo.

Look at the corpses of the three members of Shu Wenliang’s family over there. The poison they took was the heartbroken grass that can be bought in the usual square market.

Yan Sizhi was amazed: “This Haoyue Sanren really put in all his efforts, in order to put the whole case on Shu Wenliang’s head, he never missed any part of it.”

Looking at Shu Wenliang’s corpse, Lin Chengyou had another thought in his mind. If this person is not Wenqing Sanren, but the real Shu Wenliang, Master Jingchen chose this person only because he is a relative of Shu Liniang what.

Master Jingchen first took aim at Shu Liniang, who had done evil things, and happened to find that Shu Wenliang was as short as her.

Yan Sizhi’s voice sounded again: “By the way, Zheng Pushe came here in the morning. It seems that he was shocked to hear that Shu Liniang had murdered my little girl in her hometown. Tell me, Master Jingchen alone Too one-sided words, how can we determine whether this incident is true or not. I have to say truthfully, we searched the Yuzhen Nuguan Temple last night, but failed to find the book that recorded the evil deeds of these victims. I want to come to Master Jingchen In order not to reveal his flaws, he has always been just eavesdropping. Therefore, whether Bai and Shu Liniang have committed these things has to be checked carefully. I am not ashamed to tell the old man that the fact that Shu Liniang and her husband’s family are at odds is a fact. It is also a fact that Master Jingchen was selected as the target of the murder. There are so many pregnant women in Chang’an and Tongzhou, and it took so long for Master Jingchen to choose three, which means that it is very safe to do it. From this point of view, Shu Liniang estimates—”

Speaking of this, Yan Sizhi smiled wryly: “Zheng Pushe has a lot of heart for this housewife.”

Lin Chengyou touched his chin, hey, why did he forget about Zheng Pushe? Shu Liniang came to join Shu Wenliang in July last year, and met Zheng Pushe on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival. In her arms, she was clearly prepared, but how could she, an ordinary citizen, know Zai’s whereabouts quite late.

The corner of his eye twitched. Could it be that Shu Wenliang arranged this for her?

It is possible that Shu Wenliang works in the Jingzhao Mansion, so it is not difficult for him to inquire about Zheng Pushe’s whereabouts.

Judging from Shu Wenliang’s early experience in Huazhou, he and his cousin and sister-in-law have clearly cut off contact, but when Shu Liniang ran to Chang’an because she couldn’t live in her husband’s house, Shu Wenliang took him in regardless of the past. her.

Thinking about it now, Shu Wenliang may have seen that this niece is not only outstanding in appearance, but also understands a few sour poems. Knowing that Zheng Pushe would like such a woman, he decided to take Shu Liniang in as a plan, and then create another encounter. Give it to Zheng Pushe.

I think that this “encounter under the moon” was arranged very successfully, so Shu Liniang has only been in Chang’an for a month, and she got a chance to catch up with Zheng Pushe…

Lin Chengyou’s expression slowly sank. A petty official from the Jingzhao Mansion hooked up with the Zaizhi through a woman, was it just for promotion, or did he have other purposes?

By the way, Shu Wenliang served as an aide under Peng Zhen in Huaixi Road in his early years, and later entered Jingzhao Mansion under Peng Zhen’s recommendation.

Looking at it this way, if Shu Wenliang borrowed his niece to hook up with Zheng Pushe, could it be Peng Zhen’s instigation?

Peng Zhen is a powerful vassal. If he sends a woman directly to Zheng Pushe, anyone can see that he has an evil intention. If he arranges a woman through his subordinates, it will be much more subtle and smart… …

After thinking back and forth, Lin Chengyou turned his head to look at the corpse of Mrs. Jingchen over there, so she and her people behind the scenes chose Shu Wenliang as the target of blame, not only because he had a pregnant niece who did evil things , nor because of his own short stature.

Perhaps the real reason is to deal with Peng Zhen behind Shu Wenliang.

But this point really confuses him, Master Jingchen is too focused on murdering the saint, so what good will it do him to deal with Peng Zhen?

You must know that Peng Zhen is the envoy of Huaixi Jiedu, with an army of 100,000 and strict military discipline. Big trouble coming.

But Mrs. Jingchen not only found out about Peng Zhen’s secret order to send a woman to Zai Zhi, but also pulled out this inconspicuous “little pawn” Shu Wenliang as a target for blame.

What is the point of doing this?

When Shu Wenliang died, it was impossible for Peng Zhen to be ignorant of it, and it was impossible for him to let others plot against him like this with his thunderous means.

However, Mrs. Jingchen still did this.

After thinking about it, Lin Chengyou’s heart skipped a beat. Could it be that they did this to let the court follow Shu Wenliang’s line of inquiry.

Only after the investigation, the imperial court will learn of Peng Zhen’s secret conspiracy to win over the courtiers.

Lin Chengyou’s complexion was ugly, so Mrs. Jingchen and her master behind the scenes did this…to force Peng Zhen to rebel?

Suddenly I heard Yan Sizhi and another yamen servant say: “The body of Song Shizi has been inspected, and it will be sent to Qingyun Temple later.”

Lin Chengyou came back to his senses, the affairs of Dali Temple have been sorted out, he needs to go to the palace immediately, in addition to reporting the case with his uncle, he also has to discuss with his uncle about helping Zhenniang call out her soul.

He walked up to Song Jian’s corpse and was stupefied for a long time.

Song Jian’s face was quiet, but his eyes were open. Lin Chengyou tried to help Song Jian close his eyes, but he couldn’t close them after several attempts. Thinking about waiting for Zhenniang’s soul, Song Jian still couldn’t let go of the obsession in his heart.

Yan Sizhi stood quietly by the side for a while, then sighed, “Oh, what a loving couple, they ended up like this.”


Teng Yuyi practiced swords in the courtyard for a while, Cheng Bo came over and said that Qingyun Temple heard that it was a gift from General Teng, so he accepted the snacks and wine.

Teng Yuyi is relieved.

The two cans of bone-changing mash are treasures that she has cherished for a long time. If she didn’t want to express her gratitude to Lin Chengyou, she would not be willing to take out these two cans of treasures.

If Lin Chengyou doesn’t even look down on this, she won’t be able to find a better treasure.

“How is Zi Yu’an doing? The seventh day of the lunar new year is the birthday of the son of Cheng Wang.” Teng Yuyi was busy learning swords from Duan Fu, but she never forgot to ask Cheng Bo.

Cheng Bo’s eyes flickered, the lady came back from Dayin Temple, and she was giving wine to Prince Cheng and urging the purple jade saddle, could it be——

Speaking of which, the lady is too late, and she has dealt with Prince Cheng a lot in order to avoid disasters, and the prince Cheng is so good-looking, it is not surprising that the lady will have thoughts.

Well, he must let the master know these things as soon as possible.

“Cheng Bo?” Teng Yuyi wondered, Cheng Bo would lose his mind.

Cheng Bo smiled wryly and said, “I’m urging it. It’s already finished, and today the artisans will send it to the mansion. At that time, the lady will have a look at it in person. If there is still need to make changes, I will order it immediately. Don’t worry, there will definitely be time in the beginning of the year.” Do it seven days ago.”

Teng Yuyi nodded in satisfaction: “It’s more or less the same.”

Cheng Bo told Teng Yuyi what he had heard: “I heard that the imperial court will reopen Xiangxiang Academy this month, and the list has almost been finalized, and the lady’s name is also on the list.”

Teng Yuyi paused, and hurriedly took back Xiao Yajian: “Does Grandpa know about this?”

Cheng Bodao: “Master knows.”

Teng Yuyi was annoyed and said, “My lord, are you planning to let the imperial court marry me?”

Cheng Bo blinked, maybe he was thinking too much, looking at this posture, it seems that the lady has never thought about marrying Prince Cheng.

“The master also wanted to refuse this matter at first, but the sage had summoned the master into the palace before, and after he came out of the palace, the master changed his mind. This kind of method, as a strong vassal, the master can’t help himself if he thinks about it.”

Teng Yuyi snorted: “You don’t have to say it, I will ask Grandpa personally later.”

Worried that the father and daughter would quarrel again, Cheng Bo hurriedly said: “Young lady, don’t worry too much. The saint and the empress are kind. Go and meet some young ladies who get along well, besides, the lady has already retired from the little general Duan… The children of these aristocratic families in the capital are not all dudes, such as the prince of Chun’an County and the princes of Wuzhong Cheng’s family… Oh yes, there are still There are princes and sons, all of them are Zhilan Yushu.”

When talking about Cheng Wang’s son, Cheng Bo deliberately emphasized the words, and at the same time secretly watched Teng Yuyi’s expression.

Teng Yuyi was still thinking about how to tell Grandpa about this matter, looking back inadvertently, she asked suspiciously: “Cheng Bo, why are you so strange today?”

Cheng Bo was so frightened that he looked away. Looking at it like this, the lady doesn’t seem to have thoughts about Cheng Wang’s son. It doesn’t seem like there is any admiration, but it seems to treat Prince Cheng as a great benefactor, but this is not surprising, if the lady treats someone well, she can’t wait to spend her heart and soul.

The doubts were dispelled, and worries came to mind again. The lady gave such a valuable thing to Prince Cheng. She was not afraid of anything else but that there would be some misunderstanding on the part of Prince Cheng. Neither the master nor the lady wanted to marry the royal family. Lin Chengyou is an authentic son of the royal family, he comes and goes…

No, he still has to tell the master about it.

Teng Yuyi glanced sideways at Cheng Bo: “Cheng Bo, you are a little absent-minded today, well, you go about your business, and if Grandpa comes back, no matter how late it is, tell me.”


Unexpectedly, Teng Shao didn’t return home for several days. Whenever he asked Cheng Bo, Cheng Bo only said that the master was busy with military affairs. No matter how reluctant Teng Yuyi was to announce the list of students officially, she could only wait and see.

Unknowingly, on the sixth day of the lunar new year, Cheng Bo held the repaired purple jade saddle and asked Teng Yuyi to have a look. Teng Yuyi walked around the purple jade saddle several times, expressing his satisfaction.

“Come on, I have to go to Chengwang Mansion to give gifts in person tomorrow.” Teng Yuyi said, “By the way, have you found out clearly, who are the people who will go to Chengwang Mansion tomorrow?”

“There are too many people, including scholars and concubines. You see, my lady, there are only a few thick volumes in the name book.”

So many people? Presumably there will be a lot of congratulatory gifts, and the purple jade saddle she gave will not be drowned in a lot of treasures by then.

She’ll have to figure it out.

Teng Yuyi paced slowly: “Alright, let’s pick up my aunt and cousin at the Du Mansion early tomorrow. By the way, Uncle Cheng, please help me deliver a letter to the Taoist leader of Qingyun Temple, and Li Guangyuan from General Li’s family Will the female relatives go too?”

Cheng Bo was taken aback, Li Guangyuan was the master’s lieutenant back then, he was promoted because of his great achievements, and now he is also a very popular vassal.

“Why did the lady remember to ask General Li?”

Teng Yuyi: “Don’t ask so many questions, you can find them on the roster first.”

Cheng Bo looked through the list for a long time: “Yes, General Li and the female family members will go.”

Teng Yuyi raised her eyebrows slightly: “Understood.”

When Cheng Bo retreated, she thought for a long time in doubt, then tapped on the hilt of her sword and said, “Xiaoya, come out, I want to ask you something.”

After a long time, Xiao Ya came out lazily: “What’s the matter?”

Teng Yu reluctantly sat down at the table: “I don’t remember some things, but there is one person who always makes me a little puzzled. Hey, little old man, besides me, is there anyone else in this world who will remember these things in the previous life?” ?”


Lin Chengyou was dragged by the crown prince to the Prince’s Mansion of Chun’an County early in the morning. Bamboo curtains were hung under the porch, and green tapes and purple tables were set up. The three uncles and nephews sat on the mat under the porch, talking and laughing while drinking tea.

Besides the curtain, there are twirling bamboos, the postures are picturesque, and the flowers in the courtyard are verdant and full of fragrance. Sitting upright in front of the beautiful scenery for a while, it seems that no matter how sad you are, you can wash away.

The crown prince scooped up the tea soup with a silver strainer, brought a cup of tea for Lin Chengyou himself, and said with a smile, “Come, drink the tea soup cooked by the emperor himself to refresh yourself. I haven’t seen you rest even after the case is solved.” Take a break. Tomorrow is your birthday, so stop talking about the case.”

Lin Chengyou: “Don’t worry, I won’t mention it today.”

The prince said: “Xiangxiang Academy will open soon. Yesterday, my mother told a joke that there are young ladies in Chang’an who don’t want to marry into the clan. They are busy negotiating relatives or sending tokens to Lang Jun recently. What about.”

Lin Chengyou caressed the teacup and said absently: “Is the best jewelry store in Chang’an the Zhaixing Building?”

The King of Chun’an raised his eyes slightly in surprise: “Why did you remember to ask this?”

Lin Chengyou snorted: “Just ask for someone else.”

Although he was used to seeing rare jewelry since he was a child, he had never bought jewelry himself. The jewelry of A Niang and Azhi were either custom-made by the palace or added by the mansion.

Speaking of this Zhaixing Building, he has been there a few times in the past, but they were all for investigating cases. Perhaps apart from this well-known one, there are better jewelry shops in Chang’an. So I want to ask people about it.

The prince smiled and said: “I have to ask the emperor, I have never bought jewelry in the market.”

It happened that the steward led the servants to pass by the courtyard with a bunch of things in their arms. The King of Chun’an beckoned, “Come here. How about the Zhaixing Building?”

The steward thought about it seriously, bent down and replied outside the railing: “It should be the best one in Chang’an, and the price is much more expensive than other places. Name it ‘Zhaixing’, and there will be all kinds of treasures in the world.” meaning.”

This name is not bad, Lin Chengyou thought about it, and said with a smile: “Got it.” Teng Yuyi probably doesn’t like other things, since this one is the best, it’s easy to say.

The prince looked at Lin Chengyou suspiciously: “Who did you ask for?”

“Colleague.” Lin Chengyou said vaguely.

The prince wanted to ask again, but a servant girl behind the incident suddenly dropped a box from her bosom.

Lin Chengyou glanced inadvertently, and the smile on his face froze. The brocade box was actually exactly the same as the brocade box sent to Qingyun Temple, and it seemed to be from the Teng Mansion.

Looking at the woman’s feet again, a little half of the contents of the box have been spilled out, it’s snacks.

The steward scolded the woman a few words, then turned around and apologized to them: “I have nothing to do with you, and disturbed your Highnesses.”

Lin Chengyou pretended to smile casually: “What are those?”

The steward smiled and said: “They are all gifts from the ladies who adore His Highness. There are snacks and sachets. Some things have no place to return because they can’t find out the origin.”

Lin Chengyou’s heart skipped a beat, he turned his head and smiled and said, “Uncle Huang, that box of dim sum has been spilled, it’s a pity to throw it away, why don’t you bring it over and give it to us to eat.”

The prince also waved at the steward: “Bring it, my grandfather hates us for wasting millet grain.”

The steward brought the brocade box over, and Lin Chengyou’s face changed when he saw it. There were more than 20 pastries neatly packed in the brocade box. As chic as it gets.

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