Capture the Jade:

Before Lin Chengyou answered the call, another group of Jinwu Guards rushed up from the end of the alley, each of them armed with weapons, they had obviously been waiting for a long time.

The guard of the Rong’anbo Mansion swallowed his saliva, and put the knife across his chest in panic: “My son!”

The leader of the Jinwu Guard recognized Song Jian as the leader of the thief, and seemed to be greatly surprised, but he was only startled, and signaled his subordinates to step forward to catch the thief, but Lin Chengyou stopped him as soon as the blade flicked.

“No need. He won’t run.”

Just the act of leading people to rob the first moon mirror has already explained everything. Now that everyone has stolen goods, no matter if they flee or resist arrest, it will only bring disaster to Rong’anbo Mansion. Song Jian is a smart person, and he will not fail to understand this.

Song Jian looked miserable, and sighed: “That’s all.”

With a clang, he threw the weapon in his hand to his feet.

Seeing that the situation was over, the two guards had no choice but to arrest them.

The moon mirror hidden in Song Jian’s bosom was still spontaneously bleeding, and it stained his front in just a short moment, but he seemed to have ignored these things. : “I didn’t show my feet in logic, when did you start to doubt me?”

Lin Chengyou looked at the dome above his head. There is probably something going on at Dayin Temple. The real culprit is busy trying to win Lord Yueshuo Tongjun, so he definitely can’t take care of Song Jian. Take this opportunity to ask Song Jian quickly. A few key clues matter.

“Brother Song told me.”

Song Jian was puzzled.

Lin Chengyou: “That night when I went to Rong’anbo Mansion to inquire about Xiao Jiang’s abnormal behavior before the accident, Brother Song’s mournful look at that time was almost unreal, but when you mentioned your ex-wife Da Jiang, you The eyes still accidentally leaked the clue.”

Song Jian was stunned.

Lin Chengyou looked at Song Jian: “Brother Song has been missing his dead wife very much these years. You just mentioned the word ‘Zhenniang’ that night, and there would be such deep sorrow in your eyes. Jiang Shishi’s hypocrisy is completely different, and Brother Song may not realize this point.”

Song Jian was silent for a while, and reluctantly pulled the corner of his mouth: “But based on this alone, how dare you conclude that I have something to do with the murder of Jiang Yueniang?”

Lin Chengyou said with a light smile: “Yes, this alone really doesn’t explain much, but when I investigated Xiao Jiang’s life, I found too many contradictions.

“You pampered Xiao Jiang in every possible way in front of people, and allowed him to get whatever he wanted for treasures and jewelry. In just these two months, Xiao Jiang spent tens of thousands of dollars just to buy clothes and jewelry in various shops, which made everyone Everyone thinks that you dote on this newly married wife very much, but whether it is in the public or in your Rong’anbo Mansion, the gossip and rumors about Xiao Jiang have never stopped. You may not be able to control the discussions in the public, but these dirty things in the mansion The bad rumors have been circulating for so long, it is impossible for you to be completely ignorant. I heard that my uncle has been ill for more than a year, and Brother Song has been taking care of the affairs of the mansion. Even a servant who slandered the mistress has never been punished, which only shows that even if you pretend to be on the surface, deep down you never thought of defending Xiao Jiang.”

“I love Xiao Jiang in every possible way, but let the rumors hurt my wife. Isn’t this contradictory?” Lin Chengyou said, “I went to several shops in the eastern and western cities to inquire about it two days ago. When Da Jiang was still alive, you often accompanied her to go out. In addition to making clothes and choosing jewelry with her, you would even accompany your wife to the Hu restaurants that Da Jiang loved to eat. I remember you and Mrs. Jiang, it was said that you and Mrs. Jiang were in love with each other, and they were one of the most loving couples in Chang’an City, but it is a pity that the loving couple did not end, and Mrs. Jiang left after only four years of marriage.”

Song Jian’s expression remained unchanged, but his Adam’s apple rolled astringently.

“At the same time, I also inquired about the shops that Xiao Jiang’s love to go to, such as the spice shop in West Market, Nianzi Building in Fu’an Lane, and Jinyun Waterfall in East City. The strange thing is that the owners of these shops They say they have never seen you come with Xiao Jiang, not even once when they got married last year. They have such different attitudes towards the two wives before and after. Isn’t it clear at a glance which one is true and which is fake? You can give me money , but you need to make all kinds of loving gestures in front of others, so you know that doing so will not make people suspicious, and you refuse to do it once. Because you can’t do it, right? Brother Song.”

Song Jian didn’t answer, but hatred slowly appeared in his eyes.

“That night in Rong’anbo Mansion, I met Big Brother Song’s Dalang and his auntie. It was late at that time, but the two children were still waiting for Grandpa to take them to sleep. Yan Sizhi and I felt strange , Mrs. Jiang is the children’s biological aunt. She married into the mansion for more than a year, and the children were accompanied by her according to the custom. The wet nurses of Mrs. and Auntie, the nurses all said that since the death of Mrs. Jiang, the children have been brought to sleep by Mr. Song himself. Even if Mr. Jiang married Mrs. Jiang later, Mr. Song would still do the same, sometimes it was too late, Just take advantage of the opportunity to rest in the children’s room, and only occasionally when going to the imperial guards on duty, will the nurses be put to sleep. Grandpa, on the contrary, he is not close to this aunt.

“This incident reveals two more doubts: First, Brother Song seems to be less affectionate with Xiao Jiang, otherwise he would not forget to go back to the room just because he put the children to sleep; second, Brother Song You obviously like such a child, why don’t you spend more time with Xiao Jiang when she is pregnant?

“The more you look down, the more doubts you have.

“On that day, a servant of your mansion heard that the murderer hadn’t been caught. He was worried that he would be targeted by the murderer and sneaked out to deliver a letter to me, saying that after Xiao Jiang became pregnant, he suddenly became suspicious, even in the middle of the day. Xie also needs to call a group of people to accompany her. In order to let her feel at ease to raise the baby, you have to find someone to come to do it. When I heard this, I suddenly had a thought. She will be guilty and afraid, but now that she thinks about it, does she suspect that what she has done has been leaked, and she is worried that you will retaliate against her, so she will be restless day and night? After all, all kinds of things between husband and wife can be hidden from outsiders but cannot be hidden from yourself. Are you sincere? Like her, she knows better than anyone else.

“That’s why she was so happy when you said you went to the spice shop to pick her up that day. She thought that you finally fell in love with her and would no longer be so indifferent to her in the future, but she didn’t know that what awaited her was a dead end .”

Speaking of this, Lin Chengyou took a deep look at Song Jian: “To be honest, although I have been making arrangements for the past two days, I am not very sure whether I can lure you into the bait, because the real murderer behind the scenes kills every time. Even if the souls of these victims recover their memories, this person does not have to worry about revealing himself. Therefore, when planning to frame Shu Wenliang, in order to make the scene more realistic, the person even used the moonlight to make the scene more realistic. Shuo Jing was put in the clothes of Shu Wenliang’s corpse, but you are different.

“You have been with Xiao Jiang day and night, she was so scared after she became pregnant, which shows that she was already suspicious before the accident, and she waited so long at the spice shop because of you that day, no matter how confused she is, At the moment of death, I should have guessed a bit of the truth. Sure enough, you heard that when I come back from Tongzhou, I will cast a spell to help the remnant soul in the mirror return to its original place. To reveal the truth in front of me, I have already decided to take a risky move, especially because I heard that the prisoner escaped from prison and changed Yan Sizhi to Tongzhou, which is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you. The only thing I can’t understand One is, since you are so worried that you will be found out, why do you—”

Lin Chengyou was silent: “Brother Song, is it worth it?”

Song Jian’s face became paler and paler, but a happy smile slowly appeared on his mouth: “Even if I do it again ten thousand times, I will do it again. You only guessed half right just now. What this **** is afraid of is not Zhenniang’s.” Ghost, because Zhenniang had lost her soul four years ago. The reason why I took the mirror was not entirely because I was afraid that you would find me, but because I didn’t want Jiang Yueniang, a bitch, to find her soul and reincarnate again.”

Lin Chengyou was startled.

“When Zhenniang was pregnant for the last time, this **** said that she would personally take care of her sister and took the initiative to come to live in the mansion. It was probably because she saw that Zhenniang and I were in love with each other, and Zhenniang’s food and clothing were all expensive. Shangpin, this **** became jealous, and repeatedly sighed in front of her sister, saying that the Jiang family’s family background is humble, and that grandpa has not gained fame in the court so far, and that she will marry someone in the future, and she doesn’t know what kind of down-and-out scholar she will marry For this matter, she can’t wait to burn incense and worship Buddha every day.”

Song Jian smiled wryly: “My son must have heard that the Jiang family has a humble family background. Back then, my parents did not agree with me marrying Zhenniang, but I insisted on marrying her.”

That year, Song Jian and some friends went hunting in the western suburbs. When they rode their horses to the gate of a temple, they accidentally bumped into Jiang’s father and daughter who had just come out of the temple. The pears were smashed to pieces by the horseshoes on the spot.

Song Jian was young and arrogant at the time, how could he put a basket of pears in his eyes, and was about to leave with his horse, but Jiang Zhenniang stopped in front of the horse, forcing him to dismount and apologize.

At first, he thought that this little lady was sincerely taking Joe, so he deliberately teased her a few words immediately, but later he realized that this Jiang Zhenniang has always been like this, modest and upright, and has always been as knowledgeable as a scholar, and everyone in the neighborhood does not like her. Moreover, although the Jiang family is poor, Jiang Zhenniang’s grandpa is full of poetry and books and is proud. Jiang Zhenniang’s calligraphy and books were taught by her grandpa himself, and her temperament is exactly the same as her grandpa.

We went back and forth a few times, Song Jian originally intended to play games, but in the end, he fell into it by himself. He fell in love with this stubborn Jiang Zhenniang hopelessly, and tried every means to marry her in.

Recalling this, Song Jian’s Adam’s apple rolled, and he said in a hoarse voice: “It was then that I realized that Zhenniang’s younger sister named Yueniang was actually a child of her uncle’s family. The Jiang family adopted, perhaps because of this reason, the temperament of that **** is completely different from that of Zhenniang.

“This **** lived in the mansion for five or six months, and stayed with Zhenniang until the day Zhenniang gave birth. She is very honest on weekdays, and knows how to talk to her sister to relieve her boredom. I was also very patient. I also told Zhenniang that her competitive younger sister had been with her for a long time, but she had improved her temperament a lot. Once I came back from the palace guard in the middle of the night. When I was in the garden, I saw Zhenniang sitting under the tree. I thought Zhenniang was not feeling well, so I hurried forward, only to find out that it was Jiang Yueniang, that bitch, who was wearing her sister’s clothes and sitting under the tree. When she saw me, she said that she felt bored and came out to walk around in the garden. After saying this, she hurried away. I didn’t think much about it at the time, but I realized afterwards that this **** had already thought about it. She was greedy for wealth and honor. I have lived in the mansion for a long time and said that I envy my sister more than once. I know that I can’t marry into a noble family like my sister, but because I am competitive, I am not willing to marry a commoner, so I came up with that poisonous plan. Everyone said that she The longer she looks like Zhenniang, maybe she feels that as long as she can replace her sister, I can treat her like her sister. Even if I don’t marry her, she doesn’t have to be tormented by jealousy day and night just because she is jealous of her sister’s wealth.

“Before Zhenniang gave birth, the Wen women said that there would be no mistakes. Thinking that Zhenniang would have such a difficult life, she wailed in the room for two days, and I suffered for two days outside. Every time she yelled, I felt a sharp knife cut my heart. I said that Zhenniang’s contractions were a little weak, but it was not impossible to give birth. I told me to relax. Later, I realized something was wrong and hurried out to ask me to invite Feng Yu. I went to invite Feng Yu overnight, but because of too much delay After a long time, after Fengyu saw it, he only said that there was no way to return to heaven, I refused to believe it, so I broke into the room to see Zhenniang, I saw, saw Zhenniang, she—”

Song Jian’s voice stopped abruptly, because the heat and tears blocked his throat, and he suppressed all the words that followed.

He saw that his wife’s face was paler than a piece of paper, and the bed was covered with bright red blood. The women were busy stopping the bleeding, and the others simply took a basin to catch it, but the blood flow seemed to have no end , pattering, meandering like a bright red river, Zhenniang’s eyes were wide open, panting for breath, looking for something in a daze, hearing her husband’s voice, she lifted her chin weakly.

Song Jianxin seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer. He knelt down by the bed and hugged his wife into his arms. He tightly surrounded his wife and warmed her with his own body temperature. While looking around the room for Feng Yu’s figure, he asked loudly what he could do, but no matter how he asked, Feng Yu could only shake his head and sigh.

Song Jian’s heart and soul were scattered, and he saw his wife’s life was lost little by little. What was waiting for him was endless despair. … In the past four years of marrying Jianlang, Zhenniang is happy every day. She only hates the poor fortune in this life and doesn’t deserve it. I hope that in the next life, I will be with you again…”

Song Jian closed his eyes, and tears poured down his face. Only at this moment did he realize that when a person is extremely sad, his back will bend in pain. Broken liver and intestines.

Worried about being held accountable afterwards, Mrs. Wen said that they had repeatedly checked Zhenniang’s fetal position and birth canal beforehand. There must be no problem with the logic. They didn’t understand why they couldn’t survive. Because of this sentence, Song Jiancai became suspicious about the cause of Zhenniang’s death. But no matter how the two Feng Yu searched, they didn’t find any problem with Zhenniang’s diet. In addition, Zhenniang never had a bad relationship with others, so she really couldn’t think of anyone who would harm her. In the end, even Song Jian gave up. up.

In less than a month, Mrs. Rong Anbo also passed away because of her daughter-in-law’s death. One month after the funeral, Song Jian went crazy because he missed his wife, so he ran to a nearby Taoist temple and invited the Taoist priest to say that he wanted to see Zhenniang, and asked the Taoist priest to invite Zhenniang’s soul. How do you know that after working on the altar for a long time, you have not been able to summon Zhenniang’s soul, so the priest said that Zhenniang had nothing to worry about when she left, and she had already been reincarnated. The soul is not in the world, so naturally it cannot be summoned.

Song Jian refused to believe it, Zhenniang cared about him and the two children the most, even if people and ghosts went the other way, she would come back to take a look at them. Later, he successively invited Taoist priests from several Taoist temples to see him, and all he got was the same rhetoric. No matter how unwilling Song Jian was, he had no choice but to give up.

“During this period, that **** claimed to visit his nephew, and came to live in the mansion several times from Huazhou. Before that, he was quite restrained and polite, but later he dressed carefully, and repeatedly pretended that he had no intention of staying with me in the mansion. Met. Although I sensed her thoughts, I never thought that Zhenniang’s death would have something to do with her, because Zhenniang was her older sister after all, and she treated her so well during her lifetime.”

Song Jian shook his head and sneered a few times, the laughter was full of sarcasm and piercing hatred: “I learned later that the malice of people in this world is like an abyss, which is beyond your imagination. More than a year ago, a certain One day when I came back from outside, someone suddenly stopped me on the way, and told me that a few days ago, when a young lady went to a certain Taoist temple to draw lots to eliminate disasters, she said some terrible things in private, and this person happened to overheard her. , suspected that there was something wrong with my wife’s death, and came here to tell me.”

“Is this person…” Lin Chengyou said a name.

A trace of surprise flashed across Song Jian’s face, and he immediately said, “That’s right, you can find out about me, and you already knew about that person. That person has evil intentions, and I have something to ask for. When I heard this, I was struck by lightning. In order to prove it, I immediately rushed to Huazhou, and went to Huazhou’s father-in-law’s mansion. As a result, I found a whole set of equipment for witchcraft in Jiang Yueniang’s room. This **** I just want to find a good marriage. I used to go to various temples and Taoist temples to burn incense. I don’t know where I learned a set of witchcraft. From this, I have the idea of ​​harming others. In order to murder Zhenniang, the **** is in On the day when Zhenniang was about to give birth, some resentful little ghosts were brought in. The little ghosts sat on the bed and dragged Zhenniang until she was exhausted. The little ghosts absorbed the essence of Zhenniang’s mother and child, and ran away as they wished. I checked Zhenniang’s meals and medicines, but I didn’t think that it was this kind of vicious trick that killed Zhenniang.

“After I came back from Huazhou, the man found me again and asked me to take out the magic weapon that Jiang Yueniang hid in the room. The soul of Zhenniang is not coming because the little ghost who killed Zhenniang is called the ghost, and this ghost is the most capable of sucking souls. Since Zhenniang was killed by the ghost, it seems that the soul has not been pieced together. If you want to come, the **** is either afraid of Zhenniang. I did this on purpose when my mother’s soul was retrieved, or I didn’t know that this kind of ghost trick would also bring me disaster.”

“After the man said this, he knew that I didn’t believe it all, so he said to me, whether or not he just needs to see it with his own eyes. In a few days, I will see Jiang Yueniang offering incense and making a wish with my own eyes, and then kiss I heard her make a wish in a low voice. She came and went with only two wishes: to marry Song Jian as soon as possible, and for her sister to find her remnant soul and reincarnate as soon as possible. Use.”

This scene fell into Song Jian’s eyes, and his heart seemed to be crushed by a sharp knife on the spot. Because of what Zhenniang said before she died, he always had a glimmer of hope that Zhenniang would wait for him in the dark, The fate of the husband and wife in this life is over, at least they can hope for another life, but the irony is that Zhenniang not only ruined her life like this, but also fell into a distraught end after death.

After that day, Song Jian was thinking day and night, how to make this **** die ten thousand times more painful than Zhenniang, how to make her lose her soul, otherwise, how can the hatred in his heart be dispelled? . The man saw what Song Jian was thinking, and took the opportunity to say that he had a good idea, which would not only guarantee that Jiang Yueniang would pay a heavy price, but also ensure that the government would never find out about Song Jian.

Song Jian naturally knew that this person had ulterior motives, so he didn’t agree immediately, but when he returned to the mansion, as long as he closed his eyes, he could see the face of his wife before she died. , Why did he end up in such a situation? As long as he thinks of her being reincarnated, his heart will be twisted into a ball, and he will be tortured by the demons until the end. After all, he will go back to find that person and say that he agreed to make this deal. Guarantee that Jiang Yueniang died a terrible death, and her soul has nowhere to go.

The man said that Jiang Yueniang did such evil things because she wanted to marry you Song Jian, why not marry her into the mansion immediately, and make her think that she got her wish, but in fact she stepped into the gate of hell.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yueniang suddenly did not come to Chang’an at this time. Song Jian sent people to Huazhou to secretly follow Jiang Yueniang for ten days. Only then did he know that Jiang Yueniang had waited for three years and had not been able to wait for the opportunity to marry into the Rong’anbo Mansion. Thinking that she couldn’t just waste it any longer, she flirted with a nobleman from Huazhou. After a few months, the two of them had already had a secret relationship. They will come to get married, but how do you know that the noble gentry has been reluctant to marry Jiang Yueniang, Jiang Yueniang secretly bought several pairs of miscarriage pills in a hurry, as if preparing to miscarry.

After hearing this, Song Jian was afraid that something might happen, so he wrote a letter to Jiang Yueniang, saying that the two nephews missed their aunt and hoped that the aunt would come to Chang’an for a short stay.

“That **** really left the gentry and came to Chang’an instead, maybe because she knew she couldn’t wait any longer, and this time I took the initiative to write the letter, she didn’t wait for a few days like before, but instead She pretended to meet me in the corridor as soon as she came here. I thought of Zhenniang’s tragic situation before she died, and wished to cut this **** into pieces. I pretended to be drunk and went to her room that night. Jiang Yueniang did not fasten the door. I pretended to be drunk It was so bad that I fell to the ground as soon as I entered the door, and slept like this for a night. This **** also thought it was ridiculous, so he simply wrinkled the bed and got blood on the bed. When I woke up the next day, I shyly said What I did to her last night, she lost her innocence and asked me what to do.

“I took advantage of the opportunity to marry her, and said that I would come to ask for a marriage right away. How could this **** think that she was afraid that I would become suspicious before the marriage, and that before the marriage, she secretly took abortion pills and slipped her tires. A tire slipped, and the day of doing it had to be postponed again. According to the person, the pregnant woman he was looking for had to have committed evil deeds himself. It was hard to find a pregnant woman like Jiang Yueniang who had lost his conscience, and waiting for a few more months would not be enough. It’s worth it. But now there is a trouble. I have never touched this **** after we got married. How could this **** get pregnant again. What’s even more ridiculous is that this **** thought that I was indifferent to her because I couldn’t forget Zhenniang, so she tried every means to get Zhen All the people and things around my mother have been moved out of the upper room. I am full of hatred, but if I want to kill Jiang Yueniang according to the plan, the premise is to make Jiang Yueniang pregnant.

“The man said that if I feel disgusted facing Jiang Yueniang, I can leave it to them. Because I refused to touch her, Jiang Yueniang was always worried that I had another woman outside, so she repeated the same trick and ran away. Asking for a lottery and divination, every time I hang around outside for an afternoon, and then I go back home and put a pack of medicine into my teacup. I know it well, and when she is not paying attention, I pour the medicine into her own teacup, and wait for her to sleep. Now, I went to the room of Da Lang and Auntie, and it didn’t take long for this **** to be pregnant. Maybe this **** felt that her position was stable, and she swaggered through the market every day. Seeing the time was right, that **** officially planned to kill me with me. It’s a matter, the day when it happens—”

Song Jian suddenly burst out laughing, with tears in his eyes: “I went to the spice shop to confirm Jiang Yueniang’s body with my own eyes. That was the happiest day of my life in the past four years. Knowing that Zhenniang has long since lost her soul, Still ran to Zhenniang’s row and offered three sticks of incense.

As he talked, his laughter became more and more uncontrollable. At the end of the laugh, even his shoulders shook, but when he smiled, the laughter became bitter again: “Sometimes Da Lang and Da Niang treat me Said that I miss A Niang, said that I want to talk to A Niang. I told them, if you have anything to say in front of A Niang’s memorial tablet, it’s fine, and Auntie will hear it. Da Lang and Da Niang believed it and ran to Zhenniang’s tablet Before, I chattered for half an hour, and every time this time came, I was heartbroken, and Zhenniang would not hear these words a long time ago.”

He looked up at the dark night sky, with a dazed face: “I finally got my wish, but so what, I don’t even know how to tell Zhenniang about these things, I’m sad that she doesn’t know, I’m happy She doesn’t know either, she doesn’t know when the children grow taller, and she doesn’t know when the children fall down, and I will never have the chance to meet her again in eternity, you say—”

He turned his gaze to Lin Chengyou again, and said bitterly: “How can I let you release the remnant soul of Jiang Yueniang in the mirror on the first day of the new moon? Even this **** can find the remnant soul and reincarnate, then my What about Zhenniang? Who will return Zhenniang’s remnant soul to her?!”

His voice was shrill, shaking everyone’s hearts and souls, Lin Chengyou’s tongue was astringent, and he didn’t know how to answer the words.

Song Jian was dazed for a while, then came back to his senses, took out the Moon Mirror from his bosom, sneered a few times and said: “I’ve finished what I want to say, you don’t regret it after asking me just now, I Now I can answer you, even if I do it all over again ten thousand times, I will do it again.”

As he spoke, his eyes sharpened, and his hands seemed to be filled with internal energy instantly, and with a stretch of his hands, he wanted to break the mirror in two.

But before he could exert his strength, an arrow suddenly shot from the sky in the night sky, and the tip of the arrow pointed directly at Song Jian. The stick pierced through Song Jian’s chest.

“Save people!” Lin Chengyou’s heart beat violently, and he chased out in the direction of the arrow coming from behind. The real murderer shot it out, so it can be seen that there are people behind the real murderer who are plotting against Song Jian. Could it be that he is afraid that Song Jian will reveal something.

After chasing for a long time, the opponent really disappeared. He was worried that the arrow was poisoned, so he hurriedly turned back. The Jinwu guards had already cut the arrow short, and they carried Song Jian on their backs and ran away. , glanced in a panic, and saw that Song Jian’s face was like gold paper, he was in a bad mood, so he hurriedly moved Song Jian behind him, and started to run wildly.

“I’ll take you into the palace immediately to find Yu Fengyu, he is the best at handling poison, and he will definitely find a solution.”

Song Jian smiled reluctantly: “No, I guess it was the person behind the scenes who did it. Once shot, it is impossible to survive. Besides, even if I can live, I cannot escape the heavy responsibility of the court. , I just… just can’t let Da Lang and Da Niang go, without A Niang, now Grandpa is also haunted by demons, giving up **** for no reason—”

Lin Chengyou’s Adam’s apple rolled, and he shouted: “Although you have committed a serious crime, the sage has always been kind. If you find out what happened, you may be able to reduce the punishment as appropriate. As long as you are alive, these things can be reversed. Brother Song, look at you On the faces of Lang and Madam, please support me.”

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